Armed BLM "Protester" Shot Dead in Austin, TX

Read article...amused at how few facts are known...and how that does not stop anyone from just making shit up.

Here's a little "fact" for you. See the guy behind the girl in this picture? The one aiming an AK at the window of a car?

He be dead now.

View attachment 367413

they keep escalating, and then whining when people don't just roll over and let them win.

if i read a story, which such... people in it, i would not find the characters believable. I would consider the writer a bad writer. i've read comic book villains with more thought in their actions and maturity in facing the consequences.

and that is not hyperbole. i am being literal. i could name comic book villains more reasonable than these people.
Read article...amused at how few facts are known...and how that does not stop anyone from just making shit up.

Here's a little "fact" for you. See the guy behind the girl in this picture? The one aiming an AK at the window of a car?

He be dead now.

View attachment 367413
They should ALL be fuckin' shot. You block a highway, which should be a felony offense itself, and then when someone tries to use said road, which could be a life or death situation for someone, and a mob of violent killers attacks the vehicle, they should ALL be shot down like DOGS. Do that a couple times and magically these SHIT STAINS would QUIT blocking roads and highways.
A car drove through a crowd of protesters that were walking on I-225 in Aurora, Colorado, and a protester shot other protesters while trying to shoot the driver.
At least two protesters were hit or grazed by bullets as a fellow “protester” tried to shoot the driver. There were multiple gunshots on the car, but the people inside did not appear to be injured.

TRENDING: Car Drives Through Mob of Protesters on Colorado Highway, Protester Shoots Fellow Protesters While Trying to Shoot Driver (VIDEO)

“While the protestors were walking on I-225, a vehicle decided to drive through the crowd. A protestor decided to fire off a weapon, striking at least 1 other protestor. They were transported to the hospital in stable condition,” the Aurora Police Department tweeted.

In a follow up, the department wrote that “Someone else showed up to the hospital with a graze wound. The vehicle was towed and we are investigating that incident.”

Videos of the car following the incident show at least one tire was popped, possibly by the mob. It is unclear if they hit anyone.

But wait thiers more

This was the second time “protesters” have shot fellow “protesters” on Saturday.

A member of a black militia that marched in Louisville earlier in the day also shot himself and one of his peers by accident.

Muffughin bix nood!

Read it all and watch the vids at banned by the ministry of truth gateway pundit
View attachment 367398

two points.

1. idiot reporters, a "protester decided to fire a weapon"?

first of all, if you are firing a weapon, you are not a "protesters", hell, you are not even a "rioter" at that point. at that point, you are at best an "Armed radical" if not a "armed partisan".

secondly, "a weapon"? makes it sound like the guy was standing there, and just noticed a weapon was next to him and he decided to press the red button, out of curiosity. IT WAS HIS FUCKING GUN! He decided to bring a gun to the "protest" so that he could use lethal force to block the road. and then he did.

finally, he did not just "fire" the fucking gun. he SHOT at someone. At best he was aiming to disable the car, at worst he was trying to kill someone.

point two. WTF?! no mention of an arrest or even an investigation?! is this really acceptable behavior now?
I’m sure there is an investigation going find the driver who is guilty of not letting a mob execute him or her and their family.
A car drove through a crowd of protesters that were walking on I-225 in Aurora, Colorado, and a protester shot other protesters while trying to shoot the driver.
At least two protesters were hit or grazed by bullets as a fellow “protester” tried to shoot the driver. There were multiple gunshots on the car, but the people inside did not appear to be injured.

TRENDING: Car Drives Through Mob of Protesters on Colorado Highway, Protester Shoots Fellow Protesters While Trying to Shoot Driver (VIDEO)

“While the protestors were walking on I-225, a vehicle decided to drive through the crowd. A protestor decided to fire off a weapon, striking at least 1 other protestor. They were transported to the hospital in stable condition,” the Aurora Police Department tweeted.

In a follow up, the department wrote that “Someone else showed up to the hospital with a graze wound. The vehicle was towed and we are investigating that incident.”

Videos of the car following the incident show at least one tire was popped, possibly by the mob. It is unclear if they hit anyone.

But wait thiers more

This was the second time “protesters” have shot fellow “protesters” on Saturday.

A member of a black militia that marched in Louisville earlier in the day also shot himself and one of his peers by accident.

Muffughin bix nood!

Read it all and watch the vids at banned by the ministry of truth gateway pundit
View attachment 367398

two points.

1. idiot reporters, a "protester decided to fire a weapon"?

first of all, if you are firing a weapon, you are not a "protesters", hell, you are not even a "rioter" at that point. at that point, you are at best an "Armed radical" if not a "armed partisan".

secondly, "a weapon"? makes it sound like the guy was standing there, and just noticed a weapon was next to him and he decided to press the red button, out of curiosity. IT WAS HIS FUCKING GUN! He decided to bring a gun to the "protest" so that he could use lethal force to block the road. and then he did.

finally, he did not just "fire" the fucking gun. he SHOT at someone. At best he was aiming to disable the car, at worst he was trying to kill someone.

point two. WTF?! no mention of an arrest or even an investigation?! is this really acceptable behavior now?
I’m sure there is an investigation going find the driver who is guilty of not letting a mob execute him or her and their family.

i wish i could hit the funny button for your post. but we've seen that behavior from real actual lefties.
If the anarchist shot first then I’m glad he’s dead

But this will not be the last escalation of violence to come out of the radical lefts attempts to tear down this country

I wish someone in the news would dissect this guys personal life and background to see what was troubling him so deeply

For instance was he the product of a broken home who grew up without a steady male influence in his life?

Was he a bad student who may have graduated high school but was barely literate?

was he a failure with women and frustrated sexually?
they are the products of our SJW education/indoctrination system
If the anarchist shot first then I’m glad he’s dead

But this will not be the last escalation of violence to come out of the radical lefts attempts to tear down this country

I wish someone in the news would dissect this guys personal life and background to see what was troubling him so deeply

For instance was he the product of a broken home who grew up without a steady male influence in his life?

Was he a bad student who may have graduated high school but was barely literate?

was he a failure with women and frustrated sexually?
Oh no. This is the first return fire of many. And if the "peaceful protester" has a gun, they are WAY beyond peaceful.
Read article...amused at how few facts are known...and how that does not stop anyone from just making shit up.

it is reported that the man fired at the car, before the guy in the car returned fire.
It is also reported that the car drove into the crowd....trying to hit people. i don't know, obviously, but people who rush to to judgement based on their political beliefs are pretty stupid.
So you shoot him when YOU ARE, THE FUCK HEAD IN THE STREET?
Read article...amused at how few facts are known...and how that does not stop anyone from just making shit up.

it is reported that the man fired at the car, before the guy in the car returned fire.
It is also reported that the car drove into the crowd....trying to hit people. i don't know, obviously, but people who rush to to judgement based on their political beliefs are pretty stupid.

jeeze, violent mobs killing people in the streets, yeah, let's carefully think about this, before we take sides.
When has the left thought about anything? They "feelz" n shit.

Time to fire back was coming. Far too many people simply driving through "protesters" blocking traffic have been shot and killed. Forcing your views on others seldom ends well.
That is guaranteed to happen very soon in my opinion!:mad: Pissed off American People:Boom2:George Soros paid domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM
Of course Austin is the Texas Capitol for bed wetting leftist scum!
Yes it is

they even wear tee shirts saying “Keep Austin Weird”

which they successfully manage to do

yeah, that was how it started. they pretended that they just wanted to be themselves, and not bother anyone.

then, where there was enough of them, they wanted their little areas of their own, to have their own little sub cultures flourish.

then then came and wanted us to all play along with what they wanted, and they took us to courts and won elections and passed laws.

now that they don't get they way, they are trying to kill us in the streets.
It wont be long until they're crushed and their danger to society will be over for a while and they can cry about it in Canada,Cuba or Venezuela.
I think there are too many warped minds on the left for America to get back to normal
Of course Austin is the Texas Capitol for bed wetting leftist scum!
Yes it is

they even wear tee shirts saying “Keep Austin Weird”

which they successfully manage to do

yeah, that was how it started. they pretended that they just wanted to be themselves, and not bother anyone.

then, where there was enough of them, they wanted their little areas of their own, to have their own little sub cultures flourish.

then then came and wanted us to all play along with what they wanted, and they took us to courts and won elections and passed laws.

now that they don't get they way, they are trying to kill us in the streets.
It wont be long until they're crushed and their danger to society will be over for a while and they can cry about it in Canada,Cuba or Venezuela.
I think there are too many warped minds on the left for America to get back to normal
You could very well be right Antifa and BLM need to be crushed but in doing so the violent shooting Civil War would start even sooner probably.

Time to fire back was coming. Far too many people simply driving through "protesters" blocking traffic have been shot and killed. Forcing your views on others seldom ends well.
That is guaranteed to happen very soon in my opinion!:mad: Pissed off American People:Boom2:George Soros paid domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM
Yep. now that it has happened likely to get a lot more common.
Of course Austin is the Texas Capitol for bed wetting leftist scum!
Yes it is

they even wear tee shirts saying “Keep Austin Weird”

which they successfully manage to do

yeah, that was how it started. they pretended that they just wanted to be themselves, and not bother anyone.

then, where there was enough of them, they wanted their little areas of their own, to have their own little sub cultures flourish.

then then came and wanted us to all play along with what they wanted, and they took us to courts and won elections and passed laws.

now that they don't get they way, they are trying to kill us in the streets.
It wont be long until they're crushed and their danger to society will be over for a while and they can cry about it in Canada,Cuba or Venezuela.
I think there are too many warped minds on the left for America to get back to normal
You could very well be right Antifa and BLM need to be crushed but in doing so the violent shooting Civil War would start even sooner probably.
um... this is it. we are in it now.
Of course Austin is the Texas Capitol for bed wetting leftist scum!
Yes it is

they even wear tee shirts saying “Keep Austin Weird”

which they successfully manage to do

yeah, that was how it started. they pretended that they just wanted to be themselves, and not bother anyone.

then, where there was enough of them, they wanted their little areas of their own, to have their own little sub cultures flourish.

then then came and wanted us to all play along with what they wanted, and they took us to courts and won elections and passed laws.

now that they don't get they way, they are trying to kill us in the streets.
It wont be long until they're crushed and their danger to society will be over for a while and they can cry about it in Canada,Cuba or Venezuela.
I think there are too many warped minds on the left for America to get back to normal
You could very well be right Antifa and BLM need to be crushed but in doing so the violent shooting Civil War would start even sooner probably.
um... this is it. we are in it now.
We're not in the type of Civil War like was in Yugoslavia in the 1990s which is how i think it will be. America could wind up pretty Balkanized with 4-5 new independent nations when it does start.
You could very well be right Antifa and BLM need to be crushed but in doing so the violent shooting Civil War would start even sooner probably.
It depends

if the extreme far left can take over the democrat party, and through it the US government the left will not resort to violence

But if that does not happen I think they are prepared to use force

probably terrorism at first

Look for bombings and random mass shootings

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