Armed citizen saves life of Police officer

First off, I question if this event happened because it has not been on any main stream news sources that I am aware of: perhaps you could cite one, maybe it was on Fox News? Because, whenever presenting facts, 'consider the source' is always important, and the source in this link is pro-gun, thus biased. Second, how do we know the officer was being 'beaten to death,' or that he was 'screaming for help' as is described in the link? The citizen with a gun killed this man, shot him several times, according to your link. How do we know that was warranted? Why not just call 911 have the police come and take care of it? If this was a funeral procession, there would be a lot of people around, people to break up the fight if possible. The act of the citizen who simply pulled out his gun and shot a half dozen holes into the man seems very extreme, excessive. Does a person actually deserve to die because they are in a fist fight, even if it is a cop they have attacked? I have put forth what I think are some reasonable questions. I would appreciate not being called a lot of names for doing so. Free speech, open dialogue, all that.

Perhaps you could do a simple Google search. How about you do just a smidge of due dilligence before going off on your self righteous diatribe. Also, even if this were purely hypothetical; it would still make for an important debate.
You're not making sense.....the NRA represents weapons manufacturers, which are CORPORATIONS. Why would the "corporate" media advocate against one of it's most ardent sponsors? Therefore, the lie of the "liberal media" falls apart.

Again, what's the source of this story?

Straw man the NRA fights for the rights of the gun owner.

Really? Because it seems that the NRA leadership is IGNORING the will of the majority of it's members!

Does the NRA agree with Wayne LaPierre?

The only straw man here is LaPierre...a jackass who eats the money shelled to him by weapons and ammunition manufacturers and shits out the baloney we've all read in recent news. :razz:

That is total bullshit AND IRRELEVANT
1. Because the new york post says so makes it true?
2 What does the link have to do with showing that the NRA isn't there to fight for gun owners rights?
so if the liberals response to personal safety is that's what the police are there for to protect you, why do we have so many murders? shouldn't they be stopping them?

SCOTUS has already ruled the police have no obligation to protect anyone, if they did they could be sued for not doing so.

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