Armed Patriots In Idaho Protect Library From Fascist Books

You know how rare the Drag Queen thing actually is?

So, here it is..the schools are not obligated to teach it. But the libraries are obligated to have it in their collection.

Freedom right? Synonymous with choice.

What is ironic is that the books that the RWNJ's want banned..are not even in the library's collection!
When you marginalize the event of Drag Queen story telling, that just proves that Marxists dont give a damn about children. Either you are for indoctrinating young children to be sexually abused for you are not. An insane person should not be around children..
Me….no, leftists pushing those books for kids…..several threads on these books and the school boards allowing them in schools and leftists running local libraries who also stock those books
But this about a public library that does not stock these books....under fire because they won't pledge to ban them....I think it;s a ploy on the part of some RWNJ's who want some attention. Nothing in this issue about schools. Nothing about 'pushing' anyone into anything. Well, not on the part of the library anyway.

Perhaps if you bothered to read the OP and the links provided you might actually know what we are talking about? I thought you were confessing some kind of sexual abuse you endured from the evil librarian~
This is a very sad thread..I do not think that the crazies have thought this through.
It is statistically probable that a lot of these kids they are protecting will be Gay. Perhaps reading these books may help them understand their sexuality better.
It may also help their classmates understand them better.
That empathy thing.
And lead to a happier and more contented society.Which is what normal folk want.
These protectors seem to be the worst kind of fascists. Dictating to everyone.
Their starting point is that Gays are bad. That is not acceptable in a modern caring society.
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Their starting point is that Gays are bad. That is not acceptable in a modern caring society
Have you ever considered that maybe we are not interested in being part of a “modern, caring Society”? That maybe we have an actual ideology which we live by and expect the members of our family (especially children) to learn and live by as well?
Have you ever considered that maybe we are not interested in being part of a “modern, caring Society”? That maybe we have an actual ideology which we live by and expect the members of our family (especially children) to learn and live by as well?
Well...YOU might not be interested...but we do not create public policy on what YOU or a bunch of fringies want..obviously

We have always fought censorship in this country..and we will continue to do so~
Well...YOU might not be interested...but we do not create public policy on what YOU or a bunch of fringies want..obviously

We have always fought censorship in this country..and we will continue to do so~
Elvis was religious at one point and in 1957 or so made remarks about Christain religious people complaining about rock and roll and warnings. Many laughed. And laughed as the infection to us all kept going in a slow way in every way. 20 years later the King died a fat drug addicted and alcohol drunk in an embarrassing way.
Well...YOU might not be interested...but we do not create public policy on what YOU or a bunch of fringies want
We’re not the fringes. We are the quiet, ideological majority. You just think you’re the majority because you scream and shout so loudly.
e have always fought censorship in this country..and we will continue to do so
… and you will continue to lose the battles. Especially the more you push to normalize abhorrent, immoral, and valueless ideas and policies. Good, moral folks will always fight against your indecency.
There are no banned books in this country.

Why do you people think that the government is the only source of reading material?
Have you ever considered that maybe we are not interested in being part of a “modern, caring Society”? That maybe we have an actual ideology which we live by and expect the members of our family (especially children) to learn and live by as well?
What you want is your own business. You have no right to inflict it on me or my kids.
Elvis was religious at one point and in 1957 or so made remarks about Christain religious people complaining about rock and roll and warnings. Many laughed. And laughed as the infection to us all kept going in a slow way in every way. 20 years later the King died a fat drug addicted and alcohol drunk in an embarrassing way.
Elvis will never die.
hat you want is your own business. You have no right to inflict it on me or my kids
Excuse me? My ancestors left your godforsaken shithole of a nation, then proceeded to kick your ass twice to gain independence from your nation, then twice saved your worthless nation from subjugation twice in the last century militarily. So far as I’m concerned the entire British nation is America’s bitch and always will be.

Now go have tea and biscuits with your blokes while the adults continue the conversation.
...And that was also stupid. Don't remember anyone showing up at board meetings brandishing pistols and threatening violence though
"Brandishing" is a specific term....In Idaho, is an open carry state, and to be brandishing, they have a law on that....

"18-3303. EXHIBITION OR USE OF DEADLY WEAPON. Every person who, not in necessary self-defense, in the presence of two (2) or more persons, draws or exhibits any deadly weapon in a rude, angry and threatening manner, or who, in any manner, unlawfully uses the same, in any fight or quarrel, is guilty of a misdemeanor."

So, no one that I heard in the report, was accused of "Brandishing" or "threatening"....

Why would you try to conflate it in that way?

With that said, it is not right to attempt to "Ban" books of any sort in my opinion...And the report doesn't cover it, but, I think it would be reasonable, that if that library were to stock books that some members of the community objected to content in the book, that a parental consent section apply, where the parent of the 7 year old had to have a parent approve of them checking it out.
Excuse me? My ancestors left your godforsaken shithole of a nation, then proceeded to kick your ass twice to gain independence from your nation, then twice saved your worthless nation from subjugation twice in the last century militarily. So far as I’m concerned the entire British nation is America’s bitch and always will be.

Now go have tea and biscuits with your blokes while the adults continue the conversation.
Lol. America cant go to war without british support. And I think your ancestors were kicked out. We dumped all the criminals and whores in the US.

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