Armed Patriots In Idaho Protect Library From Fascist Books

This is a very sad thread..I do not think that the crazies have thought this through.
It is statistically probable that a lot of these kids they are protecting will be Gay. Perhaps reading these books may help them understand their sexuality better.
It may also help their classmates understand them better.
That empathy thing.
And lead to a happier and more contented society.Which is what normal folk want.
These protectors seem to be the worst kind of fascists. Dictating to everyone.
Their starting point is that Gays are bad. That is not acceptable in a modern caring society.
Then you can check out all sorts of that kind of material for your kids if you want, but the line is when you start to tell me what I can approve as a parent/grandparent.
"Brandishing" is a specific term....In Idaho, is an open carry state, and to be brandishing, they have a law on that....

"18-3303. EXHIBITION OR USE OF DEADLY WEAPON. Every person who, not in necessary self-defense, in the presence of two (2) or more persons, draws or exhibits any deadly weapon in a rude, angry and threatening manner, or who, in any manner, unlawfully uses the same, in any fight or quarrel, is guilty of a misdemeanor."

So, no one that I heard in the report, was accused of "Brandishing" or "threatening"....

Why would you try to conflate it in that way?

With that said, it is not right to attempt to "Ban" books of any sort in my opinion...And the report doesn't cover it, but, I think it would be reasonable, that if that library were to stock books that some members of the community objected to content in the book, that a parental consent section apply, where the parent of the 7 year old had to have a parent approve of them checking it out. fact, they had pistols on their hips..and were brandishing BIBLES. thanks for the correction~

I agree with the rest of your post..and over 18 or parental consent section would make you can bet the fools up in Boundary County wouldn't go for that. I'm pretty sur that this is just a political stunt anyway.

Is a bit moot..since none of the books on the list are carried in the library's collection~
Lol. America cant go to war without british support. And I think your ancestors were kicked out. We dumped all the criminals and whores in the US.
Well...certainly the Puritan bunch were no loss to England--and we got our fair share of criminals..although in England at the time..being broke was as good as a crime..and many were shuffled off by the Enclosure Acts. But let's not get historical or anything.

Britain insists on being our it suits their interests to have us do the heavy lifting.

I'm amused that the only insult that stung had to be where he called a Welshman 'British'.
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Well...certainly the Puritan bunch were no loss to England--and we got our fair share of criminals..although in England at the time..being broke was as good as a crime..and many were shuffled off by the Enclosure Acts. But let's not get historical or anything.

Britain insists on being our it suits their interests to have us do the heavy lifting.

I'm amused that the only insult that stung had to be where he called a Welshman 'British'.
Yup. Its an old irritant. . When Welsh folk do well they are British but hen they do badly they are Welsh. thats xolony life fpr you.

That idiot just irritated me. Most ofthe english astablishment should be shipped off somewhere. Or shot.


  • 1662302727010.png
    5.7 KB · Views: 16 fact, they had pistols on their hips..and were brandishing BIBLES. thanks for the correction~

I think you knew that already when you made your incorrect statement. The question was/is why you felt the need to inflate that? Is brandishing Bibles illegal in Idaho? Does it threaten you to see a gun on the hip, holstered, by someone?

I agree with the rest of your post..and over 18 or parental consent section would make you can bet the fools up in Boundary County wouldn't go for that. I'm pretty sur that this is just a political stunt anyway.

Well, I think it is concerned community members that may not have been aware that these books that they objected to were not carried...But, like I said, we need to learn how to compromise again in this country, so I am glad that you agree with my proposal of a parental consent section for controversial material...

Is a bit moot..since none of the books on the list are carried in the library's collection~

Idaho has a unique situation where lots of those fleeing places like CA, OR, and WA are relocating to their communities, and bringing their values to these communities...That's what liberals do...Destroy freedom where they're from, then flee their own bad policies, and bring the same to the places they run to and start destroying those places.
Yup. Its an old irritant. . When Welsh folk do well they are British but hen they do badly they are Welsh. thats xolony life fpr you.

That idiot just irritated me. Most ofthe english astablishment should be shipped off somewhere. Or shot.

Is your avatar a photo of yourself? If so, you look quite slappable.....
Yup. Its an old irritant. . When Welsh folk do well they are British but hen they do badly they are Welsh. thats xolony life fpr you
You’re a foreigner… English, Welsh, Somali, Chinese, etc… ITS IRRELEVANT. You’re all worthless wastes of flesh and oxygen who should not be allowed any contact with or influence on the United States or it’s citizens.

"CNN’s Nick Watt is in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, where locals are pushing back against activists trying to get more than 400 books banned from the library — books that the library doesn’t even have."

Good thing they were able to put a stop to this fascist librarian and her evil plot to turn kids in Idaho into radical leftist fascists.......thanks to the hardwork of Conservative patriots, those books were banned...even if those books were not books the library actually, had -- it's good to make sure just in case....also, that librarian has resigned and that library will most likely close because insurance companies consider it too high risk to cover....there are more victories like this happening across the how in the liberal bastion of Louisiana, liberals tried to have a library teach kids about voting rights -- and thankfully that was shut down by freedom loving have no business learning about voting rights at such a young age....

We have long warned about the dangers that libraries pose -- the minute libraries were desegregated, that was the beginning of the end -- because of that, public libraries are perhaps one of the most dangerous, Satanic, Anti-American institutions in America today..

Talking about banning books, you fuckers a while ago were trying to ban books like "Tom Sawyer", or "To Kill a Mockingbird", because they have references of black people in a bad light. Go fuck off and die, you "high and righteous" mother fuckers, i am so tired of your double standards...

Talking about banning books, you fuckers a while ago were trying to ban books like "Tom Sawyer", or "To Kill a Mockingbird", because they have references of black people in a bad light. Go fuck off and die, you "high and righteous" mother fuckers, i am so tired of your double standards...

Jim is the hero of Huck Finn. Its moral compass. It doesnt show him in a bad light and Twain was on his side.
I think you knew that already when you made your incorrect statement. The question was/is why you felt the need to inflate that? Is brandishing Bibles illegal in Idaho? Does it threaten you to see a gun on the hip, holstered, by someone?

Well, I think it is concerned community members that may not have been aware that these books that they objected to were not carried...But, like I said, we need to learn how to compromise again in this country, so I am glad that you agree with my proposal of a parental consent section for controversial material...

Idaho has a unique situation where lots of those fleeing places like CA, OR, and WA are relocating to their communities, and bringing their values to these communities...That's what liberals do...Destroy freedom where they're from, then flee their own bad policies, and bring the same to the places they run to and start destroying those places. about 10 to one...people coming to Idaho..especially in the North..claim to be conservative. They don't realize that California conservative and Idaho conservative are two very different things...Most .Idaho Conservatives have a strong Libertarian, 'Live and let live' philosophy.

As an example..the Bonner's Ferry library has won awards and been noticed nationally for the quality of their library and its services. This was a local effort. Built up over time and with widespread community support.

It's the newcomers and their political hangers-on that have manufactured this and many other issues. just made an happens~
I wear a gun about 40% of the time..although I think open carry is a tactical mistake. I would never even think to imagine myself carrying a gun into a city counsel or library board meeting.
Jim is the hero of Huck Finn. Its moral compass. It doesnt show him in a bad light and Twain was on his side.
and most of those who wished to see Mockingbird banned were southern trash who didn't like the subtext..which is anti-racist.

From the link:

Initially, the book was seen as a good way to teach children about race, since after all, that's the focus of the story. However, it's not been without controversy. In fact, challenges to the book go as far back as 1966, when Hanover County in Virginia removed the book from schools for its "immoral" nature. With its liberal use of the n-word, open depiction of racism, and 'White savior' complex, both the left and the right have found the book troublesome, but it's clearly conservatives who have been more triggered.
Talking about banning books, you fuckers a while ago were trying to ban books like "Tom Sawyer", or "To Kill a Mockingbird", because they have references of black people in a bad light. Go fuck off and die, you "high and righteous" mother fuckers, i am so tired of your double standards...

LOL..your Twain link is a student you even read your shit before you post it?
If you are so concerned that bad books are at your library, then go to the library with your children and both of you decide which books are acceptable for them and what is not. A book sitting on a shelf not ever being read is not going to hurt anyone.

A library is not a babysitter, be a responsible parent. about 10 to one...people coming to Idaho..especially in the North..claim to be conservative. They don't realize that California conservative and Idaho conservative are two very different things...Most .Idaho Conservatives have a strong Libertarian, 'Live and let live' philosophy.

As an example..the Bonner's Ferry library has won awards and been noticed nationally for the quality of their library and its services. This was a local effort. Built up over time and with widespread community support.

It's the newcomers and their political hangers-on that have manufactured this and many other issues. just made an happens~
I wear a gun about 40% of the time..although I think open carry is a tactical mistake. I would never even think to imagine myself carrying a gun into a city counsel or library board meeting.
Ok, that makes sense I guess…These days I wear mine about 90% of the time. And if there are no prohibitions to the place I’m going into, it’s with me there too…I’ve also been known to have a wrench or socket in my pocket from earlier too…no difference.

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