"Armed" Rally planned for July 4, 2013!

The Government tried this ploy a couple years ago. By the way it is not Washington State it is Washington DC. It is illegal in DC to open carry. Anyone stupid enough to go there with a weapon deserves the results.
muskets dont compare to assault rifles, but assault rifles dont compare to drones and lasers.
I was born into a gun/hunting culture and have lived my life that way - but these NRA/Ted Nugent type extremist assholes disgust me.
The group, "Take American Back," is planning an armed and peaceful rally on July 4, 2013
in Washington, D.C. The state of Washington has some the strictest gun laws in America.
Will this be the first battle of the 2nd Civil War?

The Resistance Report: "Armed" Rally planned for July 4, 2013

Yeah.................sure..........................and just like the last time, they're going to be in a park across the river from D.C.

Got news for you LoudMcIdiot...................the rally ain't gonna happen on the streets of DC, no matter how much you gun nuts wish it would.
Hey, I am just reporting it. You don't know whats gonna happen.

My bad, your right, the world revolves around your normalcy bias.
[ame=http://youtu.be/UkhctGdadVo]2nd Civil War may start July 4th, 2013? Armed gun rally! - YouTube[/ame]

This is the video I got this from
Not really in the mood for these nuts that want more Americans killed. If they try this shit, won't be a civil war, just a civil disturbance, with them ending up in jail.
Civil wars demand prewar organizing to get going.

I doubt there are any significant anti-government groups that are not riddled with government agents and/or turned participants feeding information to HSA.

So if there's an anti-government civil disturbance over gun controls, it's not going to rise to the level of a civil war.

An local armed uprising, maybe, but a national disturbance?

Highly unlikely.

Now think about this...who will be the first people in harms way if the gun queers decide to revolt?

Cops, right?

Note that there are now 9,000 cops chasing down three bombers?

Now imagine how many cops are going to show up when the gun queers start shooting the brotherhood of cops, as they MUST if they're trying to revolt.

Do you get it yet?

Civil war? Unlikely

Armed revolt? Suicide by cop.

The only potentially successful takeover of the government I think is possible today would be a coup d' etat.

And if that happened, we might not even know it happened!
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The group, "Take American Back," is planning an armed and peaceful rally on July 4, 2013
in Washington, D.C. Washington DC has some the strictest gun laws in America.
Will this be the first battle of the 2nd Civil War?

The Resistance Report: "Armed" Rally planned for July 4, 2013

And thanks to Obama, they can actually be "armed" with bullets and everything.

Obama's Gun Record Basically Consists Of Expanding Gun Owners' Rights- Business Insider

The more you look at right wingers, the more stupid they become. Afraid the guy who expanded their gun rights will take their guns. Fucking fools. No wonder they fail at everything they touch. They are like "Tards on a mission". Only they don't know what the mission is.

I do not see how it starts, Loud. Revolutions take planning. Revolutions take money and supplies.

Doing any of those things on a scale that might lead to a successful revolution seems terrible difficult given the police state we currently have.

A local revolt?

That's doable but mostly pointless

A national revolution?

Seems impossible today.
An armed revolt? Against what? Tyranny? Where's the tyranny?

These gun idiots know NOTHING of tyranny. Are any of them suffering from repression of their voting rights? Are any of them told not to sit at lunch counters or forced to drink from separate drinking fountains? Have they applied as tax payers to a state supported school only to be told they are not welcome? Have any of them been lynched?

Tyranny happened here in America and within my own lifetime. But that tyranny was suppressed by peaceful unarmed protest and civil disobedience.

When the radical right thinks it perceives tyranny, we get Oklahoma City and Timothy McVeigh. When the truly oppressed were faced with genuine tyranny, we got Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Take your pick.
I own a shotgun, but I've never been a member of the NRA. Once the NRA went from being the predominant organization promoting hunting safety and conservation to an organization strictly maintained to rebuff any and all common sense gun legislation, I decided that they will never get a dime from me.

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