"Armed" Rally planned for July 4, 2013!

The President's power isn't absolute either. I wonder why he thinks there should be no limits on his executive actions.
This President, who couldn't get his first choice pushed thru as Secretary of State, has had many parts of his healthcare plan neutered, was thwarted on his attempts to stack the Labor Relations Board with prounion people, and just failed with the gun control measure for background checks (and could go on and on) .... has absolute power with no limits?
Will they be carrying muskets - like when the 2nd Amendment was ratified?

Well, one thing for sure is that YOUR people would not have been carrying muskets when the BoRs was ratified, having failed to evolve out of the fucking stone age and all.

7000 years behind the rest of human race...so it's not surprising not much has changed in the last 200 years, as you demonstrate for us just about every day.

Go crawl back into your hole and wait for your gubmint check to arrive.
What are you complaining about? In your opening two sentences, you seem to think that the president is overstepping his authority. But you wind up worried that there has not been enough authority projected to complete prosecutions.

Correct ... He's not enforcing the current laws. More laws will just make it more inconvenient for law abiding citizens because they are already not breaking the law and won't break any new laws. The law breakers will continue to skate ... while good citizens are punished. You really don't get it do you?
So there is no solution available to mankind that would help to begin to stop the gun violence on our streets, in our classrooms and theaters and churches and temples and homes? We should surrender to the fear, the suspicion, the danger because...why? Should we just sit back and allow idiots with guns to rule our public safety? We can't check them at gun shows because it's inconvenient? We can't check them on line because it will hold up your shipment of new weapons a few days?

I for one cannot surrender to the gun culture for the gun culture brings a stubborn ignorance at best, death and destruction at worst.

Very well stated!
The group, "Take American Back," is planning an armed and peaceful rally on July 4, 2013
in Washington, D.C. Washington DC has some the strictest gun laws in America.
Will this be the first battle of the 2nd Civil War?

The Resistance Report: "Armed" Rally planned for July 4, 2013

God this country needs an enema.

We need to flush these paranoid sick fucks down the toilet.

What kind of total fucking idiot would bring a loaded weapon to huge celebration with families and children?

These people are against background checks, because most of them have to be on meds.

Many Republicans are old and fat. Many are just entering their second childhood. They suffer from depression and anxiety. Diabetes does that.
The group, "Take American Back," is planning an armed and peaceful rally on July 4, 2013
in Washington, D.C. Washington DC has some the strictest gun laws in America.
Will this be the first battle of the 2nd Civil War?

The Resistance Report: "Armed" Rally planned for July 4, 2013
God this country needs an enema.
We need to flush these paranoid sick fucks down the toilet.
What kind of total fucking idiot would bring a loaded weapon to huge celebration with families and children?
These people are against background checks, because most of them have to be on meds.
Thank you for proving that the anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dihsonesty.

Where is the dishonesty? Be precise.
The President's power isn't absolute either. I wonder why he thinks there should be no limits on his executive actions.
This President, who couldn't get his first choice pushed thru as Secretary of State, has had many parts of his healthcare plan neutered, was thwarted on his attempts to stack the Labor Relations Board with prounion people, and just failed with the gun control measure for background checks (and could go on and on) .... has absolute power with no limits?

You mean the lady, I forget her name. We never knew if that was his choice or not. The right wing never gave her a chance.

Now what's fucking hilarious is when Mitt Romney wanted to have a "gay" advisor and the right wingnuts went spectacularly nuts. Right wingers hate minorities and most especially gays.
The group, "Take American Back," is planning an armed and peaceful rally on July 4, 2013
in Washington, D.C. Washington DC has some the strictest gun laws in America.
Will this be the first battle of the 2nd Civil War?

The Resistance Report: "Armed" Rally planned for July 4, 2013

And thanks to Obama, they can actually be "armed" with bullets and everything.

Obama's Gun Record Basically Consists Of Expanding Gun Owners' Rights- Business Insider

The more you look at right wingers, the more stupid they become. Afraid the guy who expanded their gun rights will take their guns. Fucking fools. No wonder they fail at everything they touch. They are like "Tards on a mission". Only they don't know what the mission is.

What? No screams of "Liar, Obama didn't expand gun rights"?
I was born into a gun/hunting culture and have lived my life that way - but these NRA/Ted Nugent type extremist assholes disgust me.

All show and no go.

They're big talk until they have to actually DO anything.

Like, poopy pants nugent being to chicken shit to do his duty. He can shoot at animals who can't shoot back but put him in combat and he'd cry like the cs baby he is.

OP - what a stupid stunt. But, they need their guns to prove they're real men. Maybe DC cops will offer them Viagara in trade for their guns.
God this country needs an enema.
We need to flush these paranoid sick fucks down the toilet.
What kind of total fucking idiot would bring a loaded weapon to huge celebration with families and children?
These people are against background checks, because most of them have to be on meds.
Thank you for proving that the anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dihsonesty.

Where is the dishonesty? Be precise.

Don't hold your breath waiting for an honest answer.
What are you complaining about? In your opening two sentences, you seem to think that the president is overstepping his authority. But you wind up worried that there has not been enough authority projected to complete prosecutions.

Correct ... He's not enforcing the current laws. More laws will just make it more inconvenient for law abiding citizens because they are already not breaking the law and won't break any new laws. The law breakers will continue to skate ... while good citizens are punished. You really don't get it do you?
So there is no solution available to mankind that would help to begin to stop the gun violence on our streets, in our classrooms and theaters and churches and temples and homes? We should surrender to the fear, the suspicion, the danger because...why? Should we just sit back and allow idiots with guns to rule our public safety? We can't check them at gun shows because it's inconvenient? We can't check them on line because it will hold up your shipment of new weapons a few days?

I for one cannot surrender to the gun culture for the gun culture brings a stubborn ignorance at best, death and destruction at worst.


Why should our entire country be held hostage to the few just because they threaten us with their damn guns? Most of them don't have any balls and certainly don't have the courage to put their guns where their big mouths are.

The real problem is that we have politicians who can be bought and have been. Until we can have honest and ethical elections again, we will not be able to get our peaceful country back.
The President's power isn't absolute either. I wonder why he thinks there should be no limits on his executive actions. There are already restrictions on gun ownership to maintain public safety. Background checks have caught tens of thousands of people and stopped them from purchasing firearms. Only a handful of them stopped have ever been prosecuted.
What are you complaining about? In your opening two sentences, you seem to think that the president is overstepping his authority. But you wind up worried that there has not been enough authority projected to complete prosecutions.

Correct ... He's not enforcing the current laws. More laws will just make it more inconvenient for law abiding citizens because they are already not breaking the law and won't break any new laws. The law breakers will continue to skate ... while good citizens are punished. You really don't get it do you?

Uh....if there's not a law against something, nobody is a criminal or law breaker, right?

In any case, by your logic, we ought to eliminate speed limits because the decent people are going to drive correctly anyhow and only the law breakers will speed. Of course, once you eliminate the speed limit, they're no longer law breakers, are they?

It's philosophically simple: Any law affects the those who abide by the law, but without them, there are no law breakers.
The group, "Take American Back," is planning an armed and peaceful rally on July 4, 2013
in Washington, D.C. The state of Washington has some the strictest gun laws in America.
Will this be the first battle of the 2nd Civil War?

The Resistance Report: "Armed" Rally planned for July 4, 2013

Yeah.................sure..........................and just like the last time, they're going to be in a park across the river from D.C.

Got news for you LoudMcIdiot...................the rally ain't gonna happen on the streets of DC, no matter how much you gun nuts wish it would.

I would like to see them try.
I was born into a gun/hunting culture and have lived my life that way - but these NRA/Ted Nugent type extremist assholes disgust me.

Really now?

LMAO......the most voiciferous opinionated asshole on the whole board hails from Scratchmyassville USA!!! Grows up in a "gun/hunting" culture and ends up a bonafide limpwrister. :gay:

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