"Armed" Rally planned for July 4, 2013!

My freedom of speech is not an absolute freedom. It is restricted to make slander and libel and unfounded calls of danger such as crying "FIRE!" in a theater a crime. The freedom of the press is also not an absolute, again making crimes of slander. My freedom of religion is also not an absolute as any Voodoo worshipers cannot sacrifice animals.

I wonder why the gun lovers believe that their right to own any and all firearms should not be restricted in order to maintain public health and safety? If the founders knew of any technology beyond musketry, would they turn a blind eye to the obvious public safety concerns once weapons designed for the military are held by the public? If the 2nd amendment was written today, wouldn't it make sense to clearly define what "arms" are?

The President's power isn't absolute either. I wonder why he thinks there should be no limits on his executive actions. There are already restrictions on gun ownership to maintain public safety. Background checks have caught tens of thousands of people and stopped them from purchasing firearms. Only a handful of them stopped have ever been prosecuted.
What are you complaining about? In your opening two sentences, you seem to think that the president is overstepping his authority. But you wind up worried that there has not been enough authority projected to complete prosecutions.

Correct ... He's not enforcing the current laws. More laws will just make it more inconvenient for law abiding citizens because they are already not breaking the law and won't break any new laws. The law breakers will continue to skate ... while good citizens are punished. You really don't get it do you?
The President's power isn't absolute either. I wonder why he thinks there should be no limits on his executive actions. There are already restrictions on gun ownership to maintain public safety. Background checks have caught tens of thousands of people and stopped them from purchasing firearms. Only a handful of them stopped have ever been prosecuted.
What are you complaining about? In your opening two sentences, you seem to think that the president is overstepping his authority. But you wind up worried that there has not been enough authority projected to complete prosecutions.

Correct ... He's not enforcing the current laws. More laws will just make it more inconvenient for law abiding citizens because they are already not breaking the law and won't break any new laws. The law breakers will continue to skate ... while good citizens are punished. You really don't get it do you?
So there is no solution available to mankind that would help to begin to stop the gun violence on our streets, in our classrooms and theaters and churches and temples and homes? We should surrender to the fear, the suspicion, the danger because...why? Should we just sit back and allow idiots with guns to rule our public safety? We can't check them at gun shows because it's inconvenient? We can't check them on line because it will hold up your shipment of new weapons a few days?

I for one cannot surrender to the gun culture for the gun culture brings a stubborn ignorance at best, death and destruction at worst.
The President's power isn't absolute either. I wonder why he thinks there should be no limits on his executive actions. There are already restrictions on gun ownership to maintain public safety. Background checks have caught tens of thousands of people and stopped them from purchasing firearms. Only a handful of them stopped have ever been prosecuted.
What are you complaining about? In your opening two sentences, you seem to think that the president is overstepping his authority. But you wind up worried that there has not been enough authority projected to complete prosecutions.

Correct ... He's not enforcing the current laws. More laws will just make it more inconvenient for law abiding citizens because they are already not breaking the law and won't break any new laws. The law breakers will continue to skate ... while good citizens are punished. You really don't get it do you?
The root of the problem here:
The premise that you can enact laws that will prevent people from breaking the law is, in its face, absurd. Laws do not and can not prevent crime; they exist to punish people for committing acts that society determined are out-of-bounds.
The group, "Take American Back," is planning an armed and peaceful rally on July 4, 2013
in Washington, D.C. Washington DC has some the strictest gun laws in America.
Will this be the first battle of the 2nd Civil War?

The Resistance Report: "Armed" Rally planned for July 4, 2013

God this country needs an enema.

We need to flush these paranoid sick fucks down the toilet.

What kind of total fucking idiot would bring a loaded weapon to huge celebration with families and children?

These people are against background checks, because most of them have to be on meds.

The decent caring humans in this country will drop you nutters and your fear in a red hot second.

your little guns dont scare real Americans

do they scare you though?

No they dont you tiny dicked dweeb,

See how you opperate.

You want your fellow Americans to fear you.

fuck you tiny mind and dicked asshole

Choke on your bullets.

march arround like a fool with your guns swinging arround.

See what it gets you.

cram your fear up your ass.

you gonna come and get me?
The group, "Take American Back," is planning an armed and peaceful rally on July 4, 2013
in Washington, D.C. Washington DC has some the strictest gun laws in America.
Will this be the first battle of the 2nd Civil War?

The Resistance Report: "Armed" Rally planned for July 4, 2013
God this country needs an enema.
We need to flush these paranoid sick fucks down the toilet.
What kind of total fucking idiot would bring a loaded weapon to huge celebration with families and children?
These people are against background checks, because most of them have to be on meds.
Thank you for proving that the anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dihsonesty.
Gee, a bunch of gun nuts all in one place with a frothy, misguided anger at, well, an invisible nothing... What could POSSIBLY go wrong there?

Take the country back? To what??? Where has it been? Did it have a good trip?
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I was born into a gun/hunting culture and have lived my life that way - but these NRA/Ted Nugent type extremist assholes disgust me.

And your complete willingness to piss on the Constitution disgusts me.
Have the gun nuts grown beyond the phase most little boys go through when they "play Army"? Have they developed a mind capable of critical thinking so delusions of government plots and secret aircraft no longer cloud their thinking? Have they ever developed a sense of common decency and concern for public safety?

I don't think so.
The group, "Take American Back," is planning an armed and peaceful rally on July 4, 2013
in Washington, D.C. Washington DC has some the strictest gun laws in America.
Will this be the first battle of the 2nd Civil War?]

The wheels of change are in motion!


We'll be sure to bump this thread on July 5th, and you can explain to the class why nothing anywhere close to the dramatics you are describing ever happened, then can write "I shall not hype a nothing ever again" 100 times on the board.

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