Armed security

Where are all of these low wage protectors coming from ?

It's a labor union of sorts. They made it illegal for "us" to carry guns so that they can charge money to carry guns on our behalf.

Except it's not actually "us" those hired killers are protecting.
I live in Ireland where you cannot own a handgun. We do not have gun violence.

You don't have gun violence....? Really?:21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

I guess you have never heard of the IRA........ are you seriously this stupid.....I don't usually post the shootings in Ireland, I just post them for England and I may have to start....
Ive posted the figures for the Republic. Many times safer than the US.
All of America needs to be better armed... We need to step it up
All of America needs to be better armed... We need to step it up
All of America needs to be better armed... We need to step it up
It is really sad what has happened to the US.

And yet, the unarmed people of Europe, 12 million of them, were handed over to the German Socialists by their own governments....and sent to death camps where they were murdered......those 12 million still far outnumber any number of murders committed by criminals released onto our streets by you only care when criminals murder people, and ignore the millions more murdered by their governments in Europe?
You are insane. You are prepared to see people slaughtered every day as long as you can hang on to your penis extension. Your only suggestion is that you need more guns. How much do they pay you to spout this shite ?

And there we go....... you see a gun, and you think penis.... for all the other anti-gunners out there....a gun is not a need to go immediately and find psychiatric help because your sex drive is really screwed up.....

And as to guns in America.....our gun murder rate went down 49% as more Americans own and carry you are wrong....

In Britain, your gun crime rate has gone up after you banned you are wrong again...since your gun control laws can't stop your criminals from getting guns....and you have recently had up to 3 almost mass shootings stopped only by dumb luck.... you are facing a future of mass shootings in your country.... your gun crime is not frozen in amber....and criminals are getting more guns, as are your nuts....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.


Teenage boys planned to 'kill everyone' at Yorkshire school in Columbine-style gun and bomb massacre, court hears

Two teenage boys planned to “kill everyone” at their Yorkshireschool in a Columbine-style massacre using bombs and guns, a court has heard.


The document said the boy would “lay low” in Catterick before murdering his ex-girlfriend’s parents and stealing her father’s guns, the court heard.

“I’ll make some explosives then well find a way back to Northallerton and well begin our assault on that f****** school,” it continued


"This was no teenage fantasy; it was real,” he added. “They intended a re-enactment of the Columbine High School Massacre although fortunately, in the result, they were stopped before their plans were put into action.”


Doctor found with stash of guns and NHS hitlist jailed

A former doctor has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for stockpiling guns with the intent to endanger life.

Martin Watt was found with three submachine guns, two pistols and 1,500 live cartridges at a property in Cumbernauld, Scotland, last year.

The 62-year-old had lost his job at Monklands hospital in North Lanarkshire in 2012 after disciplinary hearings. His marriage broke down around the same time, the high court in Glasgow was told.

Watt had compiled a list of names and addresses of some colleagues involved in the disciplinary process, which the judge, Valerie Stacey, said Watt had referred to as an assassination list.


Despite some of the tightest gun control on the planet, a British man was able to acquire a handgun, extended mags and explosives as part of a plot to attack his former school.

Liam Lyburd, 19, of Newcastle upon Tyne, was sentenced to life imprisonment this week on eight charges of possessing weapons with intent to endanger life.

As noted by the BBC, Lyburd gathered a cache that included a Glock 19, three 33-round magazines, 94 hollow-point bullets, CS gas, five pipe bombs and two other improvised explosive devices despite the country’s long history of civilian arms control.

According to court documents, Lyburd planned to use the weapons in an attack on Newcastle College, from which he had been expelled two years prior for poor attendance. He was arrested last November after two Northumbria Police constables visited him at his home on a tip from an individual who encountered threats and disturbing pictures posted by Lyburd online.

Despite a defense that portrayed the reclusive man as living in a fantasy world, Lyburd was found guilty in July.

The internet-savvy teen obtained the Glock and other items through Evolution Marketplace, a successor to the Silk Road, a long-time “dark web” site in which users could buy and sell everything from illegal narcotics to munitions using Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

In court, Lyburd testified that buying the Glock was so easy it was “like buying a bar of chocolate.”

He obtained funds for his purchases through a complex extortion scheme in which he used online malware to infect computers, which he in turn held for ransom from their owners.

====Teenage boy 'took shotgun to school after being bullied for being fat'

15-year-old boy arrested for taking shotgun and ammunition into school did it because he was being bullied for being too fat, fellow pupils said.


'Gunman' walks into Liverpool nursery school as children were playing inside

Police have sealed off a children's nursery in Liverpool amid reports a gunman walked into the building while youngsters were inside.

Officers were called to Childs Play Nursery in Wavertree, Merseyside, at around 8am this morning.

The man, who is believed to have been carrying what looked like a firearm, walked into the nursery and approached another man.

He then left with a second man on the back of a motorbike.

What kept this from becoming a mass shooting?

Here you go Bozo.

Here you go, moron.....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.


Britain...banned guns....

Yorkshire sees highest number of crimes for any county in Britain according to figures

“In particular we’re shocked to see an increase of nearly 30 per cent in weapon possession offences between 2016 and 2017.”

Crimes covered violent and sexual offences, vehicle theft, public order offences, possession of weapons, shoplifting, personal theft, drug crimes, robbery, criminal damage, bicycle thefts and anti-social behaviour.


Culture of violence: Gun crime goes up by 89% in a decade | Daily Mail Online

The latest Government figures show that the total number of firearm offences in England and Wales has increased from 5,209 in 1998/99 to 9,865 last year - a rise of 89 per cent.

The number of people injured or killed by guns, excluding air weapons, has increased from 864 in 1998/99 to a provisional figure of 1,760 in 2008/09, an increase of 104 per cent .


Crime rise is biggest in a decade, ONS figures show

Ministers will also be concerned that the country is becoming increasingly violent in nature, with gun crime rising 23% to 6,375 offences, largely driven by an increase in the use of handguns.


Gun crime in London increases by 42% - BBC News

Gun crime offences in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics.

Top trauma surgeon reveals shocking extent of London’s gun crime

A leading trauma surgeon has told how the number of patients treated for gunshot injuries at a major London hospital has doubled in the last five years.


He said the hospital’s major trauma centre had seen a bigger rise in gunshot injuries compared to knife wounds and that the average age of victims was getting younger.


Last year, gun crime offences in London increased for a third year running and by 42 per cent, from 1,793 offences in 2015/16 to 2,544 offences in 2016/17. Police have seized 635 guns off the streets so far this year.

Dr Griffiths, who also teaches medical students, said: “Our numbers of victims of gun injury have doubled [since 2012]. Gunshot injuries represent about 2.5 per cent of our penetrating trauma.


Dr Griffiths said the average age of gun crime victims needing treatment at the hospital had decreased from 25 to the mid to late teens since 2012.

He added that medics at the Barts Health hospital’s major trauma centre in Whitechapel had seen a bigger rise in patients with gun injuries rather than knife wounds and that most were caused by pistols or shotguns.

Met Police commander Jim Stokley, who was also invited to speak at the meeting, said that handguns and shotguns were the weapons of choice and that 46 per cent of London’s gun crime discharges were gang-related.

He said: “We believe that a lot of it is associated with the drugs trade, and by that I mean people dealing drugs at street level and disagreements between different gangs.”

Violent crime on the rise in every corner of the country, figures suggest

But analysis of the figures force by force, showed the full extent of the problem, with only one constabulary, Nottinghamshire, recording a reduction in violent offences.

The vast majority of police forces actually witnessed double digit rises in violent crime, with Northumbria posting a 95 per cent increase year on year.

Of the other forces, Durham Police recorded a 73 per cent rise; West Yorkshire was up 48 per cent; Avon and Somerset 45 per cent; Dorset 39 per cent and Warwickshire 37 per cent.

Elsewhere Humberside, South Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Wiltshire and Dyfed Powys all saw violence rise by more than a quarter year on year.

The U.S., 600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense.......

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
All of America needs to be better armed... We need to step it up
All of America needs to be better armed... We need to step it up
All of America needs to be better armed... We need to step it up
It is really sad what has happened to the US.

And yet, the unarmed people of Europe, 12 million of them, were handed over to the German Socialists by their own governments....and sent to death camps where they were murdered......those 12 million still far outnumber any number of murders committed by criminals released onto our streets by you only care when criminals murder people, and ignore the millions more murdered by their governments in Europe?
You are insane. You are prepared to see people slaughtered every day as long as you can hang on to your penis extension. Your only suggestion is that you need more guns. How much do they pay you to spout this shite ?

And there we go....... you see a gun, and you think penis.... for all the other anti-gunners out there....a gun is not a need to go immediately and find psychiatric help because your sex drive is really screwed up.....

And as to guns in America.....our gun murder rate went down 49% as more Americans own and carry you are wrong....

In Britain, your gun crime rate has gone up after you banned you are wrong again...since your gun control laws can't stop your criminals from getting guns....and you have recently had up to 3 almost mass shootings stopped only by dumb luck.... you are facing a future of mass shootings in your country.... your gun crime is not frozen in amber....and criminals are getting more guns, as are your nuts....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.


Teenage boys planned to 'kill everyone' at Yorkshire school in Columbine-style gun and bomb massacre, court hears

Two teenage boys planned to “kill everyone” at their Yorkshireschool in a Columbine-style massacre using bombs and guns, a court has heard.


The document said the boy would “lay low” in Catterick before murdering his ex-girlfriend’s parents and stealing her father’s guns, the court heard.

“I’ll make some explosives then well find a way back to Northallerton and well begin our assault on that f****** school,” it continued


"This was no teenage fantasy; it was real,” he added. “They intended a re-enactment of the Columbine High School Massacre although fortunately, in the result, they were stopped before their plans were put into action.”


Doctor found with stash of guns and NHS hitlist jailed

A former doctor has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for stockpiling guns with the intent to endanger life.

Martin Watt was found with three submachine guns, two pistols and 1,500 live cartridges at a property in Cumbernauld, Scotland, last year.

The 62-year-old had lost his job at Monklands hospital in North Lanarkshire in 2012 after disciplinary hearings. His marriage broke down around the same time, the high court in Glasgow was told.

Watt had compiled a list of names and addresses of some colleagues involved in the disciplinary process, which the judge, Valerie Stacey, said Watt had referred to as an assassination list.


Despite some of the tightest gun control on the planet, a British man was able to acquire a handgun, extended mags and explosives as part of a plot to attack his former school.

Liam Lyburd, 19, of Newcastle upon Tyne, was sentenced to life imprisonment this week on eight charges of possessing weapons with intent to endanger life.

As noted by the BBC, Lyburd gathered a cache that included a Glock 19, three 33-round magazines, 94 hollow-point bullets, CS gas, five pipe bombs and two other improvised explosive devices despite the country’s long history of civilian arms control.

According to court documents, Lyburd planned to use the weapons in an attack on Newcastle College, from which he had been expelled two years prior for poor attendance. He was arrested last November after two Northumbria Police constables visited him at his home on a tip from an individual who encountered threats and disturbing pictures posted by Lyburd online.

Despite a defense that portrayed the reclusive man as living in a fantasy world, Lyburd was found guilty in July.

The internet-savvy teen obtained the Glock and other items through Evolution Marketplace, a successor to the Silk Road, a long-time “dark web” site in which users could buy and sell everything from illegal narcotics to munitions using Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

In court, Lyburd testified that buying the Glock was so easy it was “like buying a bar of chocolate.”

He obtained funds for his purchases through a complex extortion scheme in which he used online malware to infect computers, which he in turn held for ransom from their owners.

====Teenage boy 'took shotgun to school after being bullied for being fat'

15-year-old boy arrested for taking shotgun and ammunition into school did it because he was being bullied for being too fat, fellow pupils said.


'Gunman' walks into Liverpool nursery school as children were playing inside

Police have sealed off a children's nursery in Liverpool amid reports a gunman walked into the building while youngsters were inside.

Officers were called to Childs Play Nursery in Wavertree, Merseyside, at around 8am this morning.

The man, who is believed to have been carrying what looked like a firearm, walked into the nursery and approached another man.

He then left with a second man on the back of a motorbike.

What kept this from becoming a mass shooting?

Here you go Bozo.
And I would like to add that I live in Ireland. The gun deaths here are criminals shooting other criminals. They are the people who own guns here.
Where are all of these low wage protectors coming from ?

It's a labor union of sorts. They made it illegal for "us" to carry guns so that they can charge money to carry guns on our behalf.

Except it's not actually "us" those hired killers are protecting.
I live in Ireland where you cannot own a handgun. We do not have gun violence.

You don't have gun violence....? Really?:21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

I guess you have never heard of the IRA........ are you seriously this stupid.....I don't usually post the shootings in Ireland, I just post them for England and I may have to start....
Ive posted the figures for the Republic. Many times safer than the US.

No...many times safer than tiny areas in our cities controlled by the democrat party.....stay out of those left wing controlled areas and you are as safe or safer than being in some parts of England... except London, you had a 42% increase in gun crime and violent crime is going up there, while it is going down here...
It is really sad what has happened to the US.

And yet, the unarmed people of Europe, 12 million of them, were handed over to the German Socialists by their own governments....and sent to death camps where they were murdered......those 12 million still far outnumber any number of murders committed by criminals released onto our streets by you only care when criminals murder people, and ignore the millions more murdered by their governments in Europe?
You are insane. You are prepared to see people slaughtered every day as long as you can hang on to your penis extension. Your only suggestion is that you need more guns. How much do they pay you to spout this shite ?

And there we go....... you see a gun, and you think penis.... for all the other anti-gunners out there....a gun is not a need to go immediately and find psychiatric help because your sex drive is really screwed up.....

And as to guns in America.....our gun murder rate went down 49% as more Americans own and carry you are wrong....

In Britain, your gun crime rate has gone up after you banned you are wrong again...since your gun control laws can't stop your criminals from getting guns....and you have recently had up to 3 almost mass shootings stopped only by dumb luck.... you are facing a future of mass shootings in your country.... your gun crime is not frozen in amber....and criminals are getting more guns, as are your nuts....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.


Teenage boys planned to 'kill everyone' at Yorkshire school in Columbine-style gun and bomb massacre, court hears

Two teenage boys planned to “kill everyone” at their Yorkshireschool in a Columbine-style massacre using bombs and guns, a court has heard.


The document said the boy would “lay low” in Catterick before murdering his ex-girlfriend’s parents and stealing her father’s guns, the court heard.

“I’ll make some explosives then well find a way back to Northallerton and well begin our assault on that f****** school,” it continued


"This was no teenage fantasy; it was real,” he added. “They intended a re-enactment of the Columbine High School Massacre although fortunately, in the result, they were stopped before their plans were put into action.”


Doctor found with stash of guns and NHS hitlist jailed

A former doctor has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for stockpiling guns with the intent to endanger life.

Martin Watt was found with three submachine guns, two pistols and 1,500 live cartridges at a property in Cumbernauld, Scotland, last year.

The 62-year-old had lost his job at Monklands hospital in North Lanarkshire in 2012 after disciplinary hearings. His marriage broke down around the same time, the high court in Glasgow was told.

Watt had compiled a list of names and addresses of some colleagues involved in the disciplinary process, which the judge, Valerie Stacey, said Watt had referred to as an assassination list.


Despite some of the tightest gun control on the planet, a British man was able to acquire a handgun, extended mags and explosives as part of a plot to attack his former school.

Liam Lyburd, 19, of Newcastle upon Tyne, was sentenced to life imprisonment this week on eight charges of possessing weapons with intent to endanger life.

As noted by the BBC, Lyburd gathered a cache that included a Glock 19, three 33-round magazines, 94 hollow-point bullets, CS gas, five pipe bombs and two other improvised explosive devices despite the country’s long history of civilian arms control.

According to court documents, Lyburd planned to use the weapons in an attack on Newcastle College, from which he had been expelled two years prior for poor attendance. He was arrested last November after two Northumbria Police constables visited him at his home on a tip from an individual who encountered threats and disturbing pictures posted by Lyburd online.

Despite a defense that portrayed the reclusive man as living in a fantasy world, Lyburd was found guilty in July.

The internet-savvy teen obtained the Glock and other items through Evolution Marketplace, a successor to the Silk Road, a long-time “dark web” site in which users could buy and sell everything from illegal narcotics to munitions using Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

In court, Lyburd testified that buying the Glock was so easy it was “like buying a bar of chocolate.”

He obtained funds for his purchases through a complex extortion scheme in which he used online malware to infect computers, which he in turn held for ransom from their owners.

====Teenage boy 'took shotgun to school after being bullied for being fat'

15-year-old boy arrested for taking shotgun and ammunition into school did it because he was being bullied for being too fat, fellow pupils said.


'Gunman' walks into Liverpool nursery school as children were playing inside

Police have sealed off a children's nursery in Liverpool amid reports a gunman walked into the building while youngsters were inside.

Officers were called to Childs Play Nursery in Wavertree, Merseyside, at around 8am this morning.

The man, who is believed to have been carrying what looked like a firearm, walked into the nursery and approached another man.

He then left with a second man on the back of a motorbike.

What kept this from becoming a mass shooting?

Here you go Bozo.

Here you go, moron.....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.


Britain...banned guns....

Yorkshire sees highest number of crimes for any county in Britain according to figures

“In particular we’re shocked to see an increase of nearly 30 per cent in weapon possession offences between 2016 and 2017.”

Crimes covered violent and sexual offences, vehicle theft, public order offences, possession of weapons, shoplifting, personal theft, drug crimes, robbery, criminal damage, bicycle thefts and anti-social behaviour.


Culture of violence: Gun crime goes up by 89% in a decade | Daily Mail Online

The latest Government figures show that the total number of firearm offences in England and Wales has increased from 5,209 in 1998/99 to 9,865 last year - a rise of 89 per cent.

The number of people injured or killed by guns, excluding air weapons, has increased from 864 in 1998/99 to a provisional figure of 1,760 in 2008/09, an increase of 104 per cent .


Crime rise is biggest in a decade, ONS figures show

Ministers will also be concerned that the country is becoming increasingly violent in nature, with gun crime rising 23% to 6,375 offences, largely driven by an increase in the use of handguns.


Gun crime in London increases by 42% - BBC News

Gun crime offences in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics.

Top trauma surgeon reveals shocking extent of London’s gun crime

A leading trauma surgeon has told how the number of patients treated for gunshot injuries at a major London hospital has doubled in the last five years.


He said the hospital’s major trauma centre had seen a bigger rise in gunshot injuries compared to knife wounds and that the average age of victims was getting younger.


Last year, gun crime offences in London increased for a third year running and by 42 per cent, from 1,793 offences in 2015/16 to 2,544 offences in 2016/17. Police have seized 635 guns off the streets so far this year.

Dr Griffiths, who also teaches medical students, said: “Our numbers of victims of gun injury have doubled [since 2012]. Gunshot injuries represent about 2.5 per cent of our penetrating trauma.


Dr Griffiths said the average age of gun crime victims needing treatment at the hospital had decreased from 25 to the mid to late teens since 2012.

He added that medics at the Barts Health hospital’s major trauma centre in Whitechapel had seen a bigger rise in patients with gun injuries rather than knife wounds and that most were caused by pistols or shotguns.

Met Police commander Jim Stokley, who was also invited to speak at the meeting, said that handguns and shotguns were the weapons of choice and that 46 per cent of London’s gun crime discharges were gang-related.

He said: “We believe that a lot of it is associated with the drugs trade, and by that I mean people dealing drugs at street level and disagreements between different gangs.”

Violent crime on the rise in every corner of the country, figures suggest

But analysis of the figures force by force, showed the full extent of the problem, with only one constabulary, Nottinghamshire, recording a reduction in violent offences.

The vast majority of police forces actually witnessed double digit rises in violent crime, with Northumbria posting a 95 per cent increase year on year.

Of the other forces, Durham Police recorded a 73 per cent rise; West Yorkshire was up 48 per cent; Avon and Somerset 45 per cent; Dorset 39 per cent and Warwickshire 37 per cent.

Elsewhere Humberside, South Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Wiltshire and Dyfed Powys all saw violence rise by more than a quarter year on year.

The U.S., 600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense.......

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

And yet it is patently not working for you. Look at the figures and tell me that the US has got it right.
Where are all of these low wage protectors coming from ?

It's a labor union of sorts. They made it illegal for "us" to carry guns so that they can charge money to carry guns on our behalf.

Except it's not actually "us" those hired killers are protecting.
I live in Ireland where you cannot own a handgun. We do not have gun violence.

You don't have gun violence....? Really?:21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

I guess you have never heard of the IRA........ are you seriously this stupid.....I don't usually post the shootings in Ireland, I just post them for England and I may have to start....
Ive posted the figures for the Republic. Many times safer than the US.
I feel very safe here. I have become a citizen, and would not want to ever return to living in the US.
It is really sad what has happened to the US.

And yet, the unarmed people of Europe, 12 million of them, were handed over to the German Socialists by their own governments....and sent to death camps where they were murdered......those 12 million still far outnumber any number of murders committed by criminals released onto our streets by you only care when criminals murder people, and ignore the millions more murdered by their governments in Europe?
You are insane. You are prepared to see people slaughtered every day as long as you can hang on to your penis extension. Your only suggestion is that you need more guns. How much do they pay you to spout this shite ?

And there we go....... you see a gun, and you think penis.... for all the other anti-gunners out there....a gun is not a need to go immediately and find psychiatric help because your sex drive is really screwed up.....

And as to guns in America.....our gun murder rate went down 49% as more Americans own and carry you are wrong....

In Britain, your gun crime rate has gone up after you banned you are wrong again...since your gun control laws can't stop your criminals from getting guns....and you have recently had up to 3 almost mass shootings stopped only by dumb luck.... you are facing a future of mass shootings in your country.... your gun crime is not frozen in amber....and criminals are getting more guns, as are your nuts....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.


Teenage boys planned to 'kill everyone' at Yorkshire school in Columbine-style gun and bomb massacre, court hears

Two teenage boys planned to “kill everyone” at their Yorkshireschool in a Columbine-style massacre using bombs and guns, a court has heard.


The document said the boy would “lay low” in Catterick before murdering his ex-girlfriend’s parents and stealing her father’s guns, the court heard.

“I’ll make some explosives then well find a way back to Northallerton and well begin our assault on that f****** school,” it continued


"This was no teenage fantasy; it was real,” he added. “They intended a re-enactment of the Columbine High School Massacre although fortunately, in the result, they were stopped before their plans were put into action.”


Doctor found with stash of guns and NHS hitlist jailed

A former doctor has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for stockpiling guns with the intent to endanger life.

Martin Watt was found with three submachine guns, two pistols and 1,500 live cartridges at a property in Cumbernauld, Scotland, last year.

The 62-year-old had lost his job at Monklands hospital in North Lanarkshire in 2012 after disciplinary hearings. His marriage broke down around the same time, the high court in Glasgow was told.

Watt had compiled a list of names and addresses of some colleagues involved in the disciplinary process, which the judge, Valerie Stacey, said Watt had referred to as an assassination list.


Despite some of the tightest gun control on the planet, a British man was able to acquire a handgun, extended mags and explosives as part of a plot to attack his former school.

Liam Lyburd, 19, of Newcastle upon Tyne, was sentenced to life imprisonment this week on eight charges of possessing weapons with intent to endanger life.

As noted by the BBC, Lyburd gathered a cache that included a Glock 19, three 33-round magazines, 94 hollow-point bullets, CS gas, five pipe bombs and two other improvised explosive devices despite the country’s long history of civilian arms control.

According to court documents, Lyburd planned to use the weapons in an attack on Newcastle College, from which he had been expelled two years prior for poor attendance. He was arrested last November after two Northumbria Police constables visited him at his home on a tip from an individual who encountered threats and disturbing pictures posted by Lyburd online.

Despite a defense that portrayed the reclusive man as living in a fantasy world, Lyburd was found guilty in July.

The internet-savvy teen obtained the Glock and other items through Evolution Marketplace, a successor to the Silk Road, a long-time “dark web” site in which users could buy and sell everything from illegal narcotics to munitions using Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

In court, Lyburd testified that buying the Glock was so easy it was “like buying a bar of chocolate.”

He obtained funds for his purchases through a complex extortion scheme in which he used online malware to infect computers, which he in turn held for ransom from their owners.

====Teenage boy 'took shotgun to school after being bullied for being fat'

15-year-old boy arrested for taking shotgun and ammunition into school did it because he was being bullied for being too fat, fellow pupils said.


'Gunman' walks into Liverpool nursery school as children were playing inside

Police have sealed off a children's nursery in Liverpool amid reports a gunman walked into the building while youngsters were inside.

Officers were called to Childs Play Nursery in Wavertree, Merseyside, at around 8am this morning.

The man, who is believed to have been carrying what looked like a firearm, walked into the nursery and approached another man.

He then left with a second man on the back of a motorbike.

What kept this from becoming a mass shooting?

Here you go Bozo.
And I would like to add that I live in Ireland. The gun deaths here are criminals shooting other criminals. They are the people who own guns here.

Yes....and in the United States the people shooting people are criminals, and 70-80% of the victims are criminals, and of the rest, the majority of those victims are friends and family of criminals ....

At the same time, here in the U.S. Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies and well as mass public shootings.....

far more lives are saved in the U.S. with guns used by civilians than are taken by criminals...
Where are all of these low wage protectors coming from ?

It's a labor union of sorts. They made it illegal for "us" to carry guns so that they can charge money to carry guns on our behalf.

Except it's not actually "us" those hired killers are protecting.
I live in Ireland where you cannot own a handgun. We do not have gun violence.

You don't have gun violence....? Really?:21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

I guess you have never heard of the IRA........ are you seriously this stupid.....I don't usually post the shootings in Ireland, I just post them for England and I may have to start....
Ive posted the figures for the Republic. Many times safer than the US.

No...many times safer than tiny areas in our cities controlled by the democrat party.....stay out of those left wing controlled areas and you are as safe or safer than being in some parts of England... except London, you had a 42% increase in gun crime and violent crime is going up there, while it is going down here...
Going down, are you kidding?
If all schools need armed security to protect children. And places of worship now need armed security to protect worshippers.

That is a lot of armed security. No doubt there are other places that would need this type of cover.

Where are all of these low wage protectors coming from ?

And who will pay for them ?
Churches have started to lock their doors 15 minutes into service. Armed guards in the parking lot

It is really sad what has happened to the US.

And yet, the unarmed people of Europe, 12 million of them, were handed over to the German Socialists by their own governments....and sent to death camps where they were murdered......those 12 million still far outnumber any number of murders committed by criminals released onto our streets by you only care when criminals murder people, and ignore the millions more murdered by their governments in Europe?
You are insane. You are prepared to see people slaughtered every day as long as you can hang on to your penis extension. Your only suggestion is that you need more guns. How much do they pay you to spout this shite ?

And there we go....... you see a gun, and you think penis.... for all the other anti-gunners out there....a gun is not a need to go immediately and find psychiatric help because your sex drive is really screwed up.....

And as to guns in America.....our gun murder rate went down 49% as more Americans own and carry you are wrong....

In Britain, your gun crime rate has gone up after you banned you are wrong again...since your gun control laws can't stop your criminals from getting guns....and you have recently had up to 3 almost mass shootings stopped only by dumb luck.... you are facing a future of mass shootings in your country.... your gun crime is not frozen in amber....and criminals are getting more guns, as are your nuts....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.


Teenage boys planned to 'kill everyone' at Yorkshire school in Columbine-style gun and bomb massacre, court hears

Two teenage boys planned to “kill everyone” at their Yorkshireschool in a Columbine-style massacre using bombs and guns, a court has heard.


The document said the boy would “lay low” in Catterick before murdering his ex-girlfriend’s parents and stealing her father’s guns, the court heard.

“I’ll make some explosives then well find a way back to Northallerton and well begin our assault on that f****** school,” it continued


"This was no teenage fantasy; it was real,” he added. “They intended a re-enactment of the Columbine High School Massacre although fortunately, in the result, they were stopped before their plans were put into action.”


Doctor found with stash of guns and NHS hitlist jailed

A former doctor has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for stockpiling guns with the intent to endanger life.

Martin Watt was found with three submachine guns, two pistols and 1,500 live cartridges at a property in Cumbernauld, Scotland, last year.

The 62-year-old had lost his job at Monklands hospital in North Lanarkshire in 2012 after disciplinary hearings. His marriage broke down around the same time, the high court in Glasgow was told.

Watt had compiled a list of names and addresses of some colleagues involved in the disciplinary process, which the judge, Valerie Stacey, said Watt had referred to as an assassination list.


Despite some of the tightest gun control on the planet, a British man was able to acquire a handgun, extended mags and explosives as part of a plot to attack his former school.

Liam Lyburd, 19, of Newcastle upon Tyne, was sentenced to life imprisonment this week on eight charges of possessing weapons with intent to endanger life.

As noted by the BBC, Lyburd gathered a cache that included a Glock 19, three 33-round magazines, 94 hollow-point bullets, CS gas, five pipe bombs and two other improvised explosive devices despite the country’s long history of civilian arms control.

According to court documents, Lyburd planned to use the weapons in an attack on Newcastle College, from which he had been expelled two years prior for poor attendance. He was arrested last November after two Northumbria Police constables visited him at his home on a tip from an individual who encountered threats and disturbing pictures posted by Lyburd online.

Despite a defense that portrayed the reclusive man as living in a fantasy world, Lyburd was found guilty in July.

The internet-savvy teen obtained the Glock and other items through Evolution Marketplace, a successor to the Silk Road, a long-time “dark web” site in which users could buy and sell everything from illegal narcotics to munitions using Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

In court, Lyburd testified that buying the Glock was so easy it was “like buying a bar of chocolate.”

He obtained funds for his purchases through a complex extortion scheme in which he used online malware to infect computers, which he in turn held for ransom from their owners.

====Teenage boy 'took shotgun to school after being bullied for being fat'

15-year-old boy arrested for taking shotgun and ammunition into school did it because he was being bullied for being too fat, fellow pupils said.


'Gunman' walks into Liverpool nursery school as children were playing inside

Police have sealed off a children's nursery in Liverpool amid reports a gunman walked into the building while youngsters were inside.

Officers were called to Childs Play Nursery in Wavertree, Merseyside, at around 8am this morning.

The man, who is believed to have been carrying what looked like a firearm, walked into the nursery and approached another man.

He then left with a second man on the back of a motorbike.

What kept this from becoming a mass shooting?

Here you go Bozo.
And I would like to add that I live in Ireland. The gun deaths here are criminals shooting other criminals. They are the people who own guns here.
Its pretty standard all over the civilised world.
Where are all of these low wage protectors coming from ?

It's a labor union of sorts. They made it illegal for "us" to carry guns so that they can charge money to carry guns on our behalf.

Except it's not actually "us" those hired killers are protecting.
I live in Ireland where you cannot own a handgun. We do not have gun violence.

I love the internet.....

You should do your research before you may not be able to own a gun, but the criminals on the island get guns easily......and seem to use them despite what you say..

Republic of Ireland is deadliest place to live in Irish and British Isles - new figures -

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."
And yet, the unarmed people of Europe, 12 million of them, were handed over to the German Socialists by their own governments....and sent to death camps where they were murdered......those 12 million still far outnumber any number of murders committed by criminals released onto our streets by you only care when criminals murder people, and ignore the millions more murdered by their governments in Europe?
You are insane. You are prepared to see people slaughtered every day as long as you can hang on to your penis extension. Your only suggestion is that you need more guns. How much do they pay you to spout this shite ?

And there we go....... you see a gun, and you think penis.... for all the other anti-gunners out there....a gun is not a need to go immediately and find psychiatric help because your sex drive is really screwed up.....

And as to guns in America.....our gun murder rate went down 49% as more Americans own and carry you are wrong....

In Britain, your gun crime rate has gone up after you banned you are wrong again...since your gun control laws can't stop your criminals from getting guns....and you have recently had up to 3 almost mass shootings stopped only by dumb luck.... you are facing a future of mass shootings in your country.... your gun crime is not frozen in amber....and criminals are getting more guns, as are your nuts....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.


Teenage boys planned to 'kill everyone' at Yorkshire school in Columbine-style gun and bomb massacre, court hears

Two teenage boys planned to “kill everyone” at their Yorkshireschool in a Columbine-style massacre using bombs and guns, a court has heard.


The document said the boy would “lay low” in Catterick before murdering his ex-girlfriend’s parents and stealing her father’s guns, the court heard.

“I’ll make some explosives then well find a way back to Northallerton and well begin our assault on that f****** school,” it continued


"This was no teenage fantasy; it was real,” he added. “They intended a re-enactment of the Columbine High School Massacre although fortunately, in the result, they were stopped before their plans were put into action.”


Doctor found with stash of guns and NHS hitlist jailed

A former doctor has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for stockpiling guns with the intent to endanger life.

Martin Watt was found with three submachine guns, two pistols and 1,500 live cartridges at a property in Cumbernauld, Scotland, last year.

The 62-year-old had lost his job at Monklands hospital in North Lanarkshire in 2012 after disciplinary hearings. His marriage broke down around the same time, the high court in Glasgow was told.

Watt had compiled a list of names and addresses of some colleagues involved in the disciplinary process, which the judge, Valerie Stacey, said Watt had referred to as an assassination list.


Despite some of the tightest gun control on the planet, a British man was able to acquire a handgun, extended mags and explosives as part of a plot to attack his former school.

Liam Lyburd, 19, of Newcastle upon Tyne, was sentenced to life imprisonment this week on eight charges of possessing weapons with intent to endanger life.

As noted by the BBC, Lyburd gathered a cache that included a Glock 19, three 33-round magazines, 94 hollow-point bullets, CS gas, five pipe bombs and two other improvised explosive devices despite the country’s long history of civilian arms control.

According to court documents, Lyburd planned to use the weapons in an attack on Newcastle College, from which he had been expelled two years prior for poor attendance. He was arrested last November after two Northumbria Police constables visited him at his home on a tip from an individual who encountered threats and disturbing pictures posted by Lyburd online.

Despite a defense that portrayed the reclusive man as living in a fantasy world, Lyburd was found guilty in July.

The internet-savvy teen obtained the Glock and other items through Evolution Marketplace, a successor to the Silk Road, a long-time “dark web” site in which users could buy and sell everything from illegal narcotics to munitions using Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

In court, Lyburd testified that buying the Glock was so easy it was “like buying a bar of chocolate.”

He obtained funds for his purchases through a complex extortion scheme in which he used online malware to infect computers, which he in turn held for ransom from their owners.

====Teenage boy 'took shotgun to school after being bullied for being fat'

15-year-old boy arrested for taking shotgun and ammunition into school did it because he was being bullied for being too fat, fellow pupils said.


'Gunman' walks into Liverpool nursery school as children were playing inside

Police have sealed off a children's nursery in Liverpool amid reports a gunman walked into the building while youngsters were inside.

Officers were called to Childs Play Nursery in Wavertree, Merseyside, at around 8am this morning.

The man, who is believed to have been carrying what looked like a firearm, walked into the nursery and approached another man.

He then left with a second man on the back of a motorbike.

What kept this from becoming a mass shooting?

Here you go Bozo.
And I would like to add that I live in Ireland. The gun deaths here are criminals shooting other criminals. They are the people who own guns here.
Its pretty standard all over the civilised world.
Thank you. The US is no longer considered part of the civilized world. I moved to Ireland 22 years ago and have watched the US fall apart.
You are insane. You are prepared to see people slaughtered every day as long as you can hang on to your penis extension. Your only suggestion is that you need more guns. How much do they pay you to spout this shite ?

And there we go....... you see a gun, and you think penis.... for all the other anti-gunners out there....a gun is not a need to go immediately and find psychiatric help because your sex drive is really screwed up.....

And as to guns in America.....our gun murder rate went down 49% as more Americans own and carry you are wrong....

In Britain, your gun crime rate has gone up after you banned you are wrong again...since your gun control laws can't stop your criminals from getting guns....and you have recently had up to 3 almost mass shootings stopped only by dumb luck.... you are facing a future of mass shootings in your country.... your gun crime is not frozen in amber....and criminals are getting more guns, as are your nuts....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.


Teenage boys planned to 'kill everyone' at Yorkshire school in Columbine-style gun and bomb massacre, court hears

Two teenage boys planned to “kill everyone” at their Yorkshireschool in a Columbine-style massacre using bombs and guns, a court has heard.


The document said the boy would “lay low” in Catterick before murdering his ex-girlfriend’s parents and stealing her father’s guns, the court heard.

“I’ll make some explosives then well find a way back to Northallerton and well begin our assault on that f****** school,” it continued


"This was no teenage fantasy; it was real,” he added. “They intended a re-enactment of the Columbine High School Massacre although fortunately, in the result, they were stopped before their plans were put into action.”


Doctor found with stash of guns and NHS hitlist jailed

A former doctor has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for stockpiling guns with the intent to endanger life.

Martin Watt was found with three submachine guns, two pistols and 1,500 live cartridges at a property in Cumbernauld, Scotland, last year.

The 62-year-old had lost his job at Monklands hospital in North Lanarkshire in 2012 after disciplinary hearings. His marriage broke down around the same time, the high court in Glasgow was told.

Watt had compiled a list of names and addresses of some colleagues involved in the disciplinary process, which the judge, Valerie Stacey, said Watt had referred to as an assassination list.


Despite some of the tightest gun control on the planet, a British man was able to acquire a handgun, extended mags and explosives as part of a plot to attack his former school.

Liam Lyburd, 19, of Newcastle upon Tyne, was sentenced to life imprisonment this week on eight charges of possessing weapons with intent to endanger life.

As noted by the BBC, Lyburd gathered a cache that included a Glock 19, three 33-round magazines, 94 hollow-point bullets, CS gas, five pipe bombs and two other improvised explosive devices despite the country’s long history of civilian arms control.

According to court documents, Lyburd planned to use the weapons in an attack on Newcastle College, from which he had been expelled two years prior for poor attendance. He was arrested last November after two Northumbria Police constables visited him at his home on a tip from an individual who encountered threats and disturbing pictures posted by Lyburd online.

Despite a defense that portrayed the reclusive man as living in a fantasy world, Lyburd was found guilty in July.

The internet-savvy teen obtained the Glock and other items through Evolution Marketplace, a successor to the Silk Road, a long-time “dark web” site in which users could buy and sell everything from illegal narcotics to munitions using Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

In court, Lyburd testified that buying the Glock was so easy it was “like buying a bar of chocolate.”

He obtained funds for his purchases through a complex extortion scheme in which he used online malware to infect computers, which he in turn held for ransom from their owners.

====Teenage boy 'took shotgun to school after being bullied for being fat'

15-year-old boy arrested for taking shotgun and ammunition into school did it because he was being bullied for being too fat, fellow pupils said.


'Gunman' walks into Liverpool nursery school as children were playing inside

Police have sealed off a children's nursery in Liverpool amid reports a gunman walked into the building while youngsters were inside.

Officers were called to Childs Play Nursery in Wavertree, Merseyside, at around 8am this morning.

The man, who is believed to have been carrying what looked like a firearm, walked into the nursery and approached another man.

He then left with a second man on the back of a motorbike.

What kept this from becoming a mass shooting?

Here you go Bozo.
And I would like to add that I live in Ireland. The gun deaths here are criminals shooting other criminals. They are the people who own guns here.
Its pretty standard all over the civilised world.
Thank you. The US is no longer considered part of the civilized world. I moved to Ireland 22 years ago and have watched the US fall apart.
There is no such place as the British Isles any more. And if there was, Ireland would not be part of it. You posted one of these errant pro guns websites. You should seek help.
Where are all of these low wage protectors coming from ?

It's a labor union of sorts. They made it illegal for "us" to carry guns so that they can charge money to carry guns on our behalf.

Except it's not actually "us" those hired killers are protecting.
I live in Ireland where you cannot own a handgun. We do not have gun violence.

I love the internet.....

You should do your research before you may not be able to own a gun, but the criminals on the island get guns easily......and seem to use them despite what you say..

Republic of Ireland is deadliest place to live in Irish and British Isles - new figures -

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."
And yet Ireland is still many times safer than the US.
You are insane. You are prepared to see people slaughtered every day as long as you can hang on to your penis extension. Your only suggestion is that you need more guns. How much do they pay you to spout this shite ?

And there we go....... you see a gun, and you think penis.... for all the other anti-gunners out there....a gun is not a need to go immediately and find psychiatric help because your sex drive is really screwed up.....

And as to guns in America.....our gun murder rate went down 49% as more Americans own and carry you are wrong....

In Britain, your gun crime rate has gone up after you banned you are wrong again...since your gun control laws can't stop your criminals from getting guns....and you have recently had up to 3 almost mass shootings stopped only by dumb luck.... you are facing a future of mass shootings in your country.... your gun crime is not frozen in amber....and criminals are getting more guns, as are your nuts....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.


Teenage boys planned to 'kill everyone' at Yorkshire school in Columbine-style gun and bomb massacre, court hears

Two teenage boys planned to “kill everyone” at their Yorkshireschool in a Columbine-style massacre using bombs and guns, a court has heard.


The document said the boy would “lay low” in Catterick before murdering his ex-girlfriend’s parents and stealing her father’s guns, the court heard.

“I’ll make some explosives then well find a way back to Northallerton and well begin our assault on that f****** school,” it continued


"This was no teenage fantasy; it was real,” he added. “They intended a re-enactment of the Columbine High School Massacre although fortunately, in the result, they were stopped before their plans were put into action.”


Doctor found with stash of guns and NHS hitlist jailed

A former doctor has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for stockpiling guns with the intent to endanger life.

Martin Watt was found with three submachine guns, two pistols and 1,500 live cartridges at a property in Cumbernauld, Scotland, last year.

The 62-year-old had lost his job at Monklands hospital in North Lanarkshire in 2012 after disciplinary hearings. His marriage broke down around the same time, the high court in Glasgow was told.

Watt had compiled a list of names and addresses of some colleagues involved in the disciplinary process, which the judge, Valerie Stacey, said Watt had referred to as an assassination list.


Despite some of the tightest gun control on the planet, a British man was able to acquire a handgun, extended mags and explosives as part of a plot to attack his former school.

Liam Lyburd, 19, of Newcastle upon Tyne, was sentenced to life imprisonment this week on eight charges of possessing weapons with intent to endanger life.

As noted by the BBC, Lyburd gathered a cache that included a Glock 19, three 33-round magazines, 94 hollow-point bullets, CS gas, five pipe bombs and two other improvised explosive devices despite the country’s long history of civilian arms control.

According to court documents, Lyburd planned to use the weapons in an attack on Newcastle College, from which he had been expelled two years prior for poor attendance. He was arrested last November after two Northumbria Police constables visited him at his home on a tip from an individual who encountered threats and disturbing pictures posted by Lyburd online.

Despite a defense that portrayed the reclusive man as living in a fantasy world, Lyburd was found guilty in July.

The internet-savvy teen obtained the Glock and other items through Evolution Marketplace, a successor to the Silk Road, a long-time “dark web” site in which users could buy and sell everything from illegal narcotics to munitions using Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

In court, Lyburd testified that buying the Glock was so easy it was “like buying a bar of chocolate.”

He obtained funds for his purchases through a complex extortion scheme in which he used online malware to infect computers, which he in turn held for ransom from their owners.

====Teenage boy 'took shotgun to school after being bullied for being fat'

15-year-old boy arrested for taking shotgun and ammunition into school did it because he was being bullied for being too fat, fellow pupils said.


'Gunman' walks into Liverpool nursery school as children were playing inside

Police have sealed off a children's nursery in Liverpool amid reports a gunman walked into the building while youngsters were inside.

Officers were called to Childs Play Nursery in Wavertree, Merseyside, at around 8am this morning.

The man, who is believed to have been carrying what looked like a firearm, walked into the nursery and approached another man.

He then left with a second man on the back of a motorbike.

What kept this from becoming a mass shooting?

Here you go Bozo.
And I would like to add that I live in Ireland. The gun deaths here are criminals shooting other criminals. They are the people who own guns here.
Its pretty standard all over the civilised world.
Thank you. The US is no longer considered part of the civilized world. I moved to Ireland 22 years ago and have watched the US fall apart.

Apparently you haven't noticed Ireland falling apart....

Republic of Ireland is deadliest place to live in Irish and British Isles - new figures -

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.


"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

"When guns are used in "mainstream" crime, Irish society always regards it as a one off event, shakes its head and moves on.

"The reality is, it is no longer a one off or unusual event for a gun to be used - the use of guns in 'regular' crime has now become a 'normal' conclusion to a crime event in Ireland."
Where are all of these low wage protectors coming from ?

It's a labor union of sorts. They made it illegal for "us" to carry guns so that they can charge money to carry guns on our behalf.

Except it's not actually "us" those hired killers are protecting.
I live in Ireland where you cannot own a handgun. We do not have gun violence.

I love the internet.....

You should do your research before you may not be able to own a gun, but the criminals on the island get guns easily......and seem to use them despite what you say..

Republic of Ireland is deadliest place to live in Irish and British Isles - new figures -

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."
And yet Ireland is still many times safer than the US.

Yes..... you don't have the democrat party letting known, repeat gun offenders back onto the streets over and over again.....
It is really sad what has happened to the US.

And yet, the unarmed people of Europe, 12 million of them, were handed over to the German Socialists by their own governments....and sent to death camps where they were murdered......those 12 million still far outnumber any number of murders committed by criminals released onto our streets by you only care when criminals murder people, and ignore the millions more murdered by their governments in Europe?
You are insane. You are prepared to see people slaughtered every day as long as you can hang on to your penis extension. Your only suggestion is that you need more guns. How much do they pay you to spout this shite ?

And there we go....... you see a gun, and you think penis.... for all the other anti-gunners out there....a gun is not a need to go immediately and find psychiatric help because your sex drive is really screwed up.....

And as to guns in America.....our gun murder rate went down 49% as more Americans own and carry you are wrong....

In Britain, your gun crime rate has gone up after you banned you are wrong again...since your gun control laws can't stop your criminals from getting guns....and you have recently had up to 3 almost mass shootings stopped only by dumb luck.... you are facing a future of mass shootings in your country.... your gun crime is not frozen in amber....and criminals are getting more guns, as are your nuts....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.


Teenage boys planned to 'kill everyone' at Yorkshire school in Columbine-style gun and bomb massacre, court hears

Two teenage boys planned to “kill everyone” at their Yorkshireschool in a Columbine-style massacre using bombs and guns, a court has heard.


The document said the boy would “lay low” in Catterick before murdering his ex-girlfriend’s parents and stealing her father’s guns, the court heard.

“I’ll make some explosives then well find a way back to Northallerton and well begin our assault on that f****** school,” it continued


"This was no teenage fantasy; it was real,” he added. “They intended a re-enactment of the Columbine High School Massacre although fortunately, in the result, they were stopped before their plans were put into action.”


Doctor found with stash of guns and NHS hitlist jailed

A former doctor has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for stockpiling guns with the intent to endanger life.

Martin Watt was found with three submachine guns, two pistols and 1,500 live cartridges at a property in Cumbernauld, Scotland, last year.

The 62-year-old had lost his job at Monklands hospital in North Lanarkshire in 2012 after disciplinary hearings. His marriage broke down around the same time, the high court in Glasgow was told.

Watt had compiled a list of names and addresses of some colleagues involved in the disciplinary process, which the judge, Valerie Stacey, said Watt had referred to as an assassination list.


Despite some of the tightest gun control on the planet, a British man was able to acquire a handgun, extended mags and explosives as part of a plot to attack his former school.

Liam Lyburd, 19, of Newcastle upon Tyne, was sentenced to life imprisonment this week on eight charges of possessing weapons with intent to endanger life.

As noted by the BBC, Lyburd gathered a cache that included a Glock 19, three 33-round magazines, 94 hollow-point bullets, CS gas, five pipe bombs and two other improvised explosive devices despite the country’s long history of civilian arms control.

According to court documents, Lyburd planned to use the weapons in an attack on Newcastle College, from which he had been expelled two years prior for poor attendance. He was arrested last November after two Northumbria Police constables visited him at his home on a tip from an individual who encountered threats and disturbing pictures posted by Lyburd online.

Despite a defense that portrayed the reclusive man as living in a fantasy world, Lyburd was found guilty in July.

The internet-savvy teen obtained the Glock and other items through Evolution Marketplace, a successor to the Silk Road, a long-time “dark web” site in which users could buy and sell everything from illegal narcotics to munitions using Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

In court, Lyburd testified that buying the Glock was so easy it was “like buying a bar of chocolate.”

He obtained funds for his purchases through a complex extortion scheme in which he used online malware to infect computers, which he in turn held for ransom from their owners.

====Teenage boy 'took shotgun to school after being bullied for being fat'

15-year-old boy arrested for taking shotgun and ammunition into school did it because he was being bullied for being too fat, fellow pupils said.


'Gunman' walks into Liverpool nursery school as children were playing inside

Police have sealed off a children's nursery in Liverpool amid reports a gunman walked into the building while youngsters were inside.

Officers were called to Childs Play Nursery in Wavertree, Merseyside, at around 8am this morning.

The man, who is believed to have been carrying what looked like a firearm, walked into the nursery and approached another man.

He then left with a second man on the back of a motorbike.

What kept this from becoming a mass shooting?

Here you go Bozo.
And I would like to add that I live in Ireland. The gun deaths here are criminals shooting other criminals. They are the people who own guns here.

The police in Ireland are suffering from the same problems as British police.....

Hundreds warned of 'threat to life' in Dublin region

More than 500 people in Dublin have been warned by gardaí that their lives are in danger from criminals involved in serious and organised crime.

Assistant Garda Commissioner Pat Leahy, who is in charge of policing the Dublin region, said ten of the most critical threats are to people in the north inner city.

Many of the Hutch-Kinahan feud related killings have happened in that area.

Asst Commissioner Leahy said that 522 people in the capital have been given a Garda Information Message warning them their lives are in danger.
Where are all of these low wage protectors coming from ?

It's a labor union of sorts. They made it illegal for "us" to carry guns so that they can charge money to carry guns on our behalf.

Except it's not actually "us" those hired killers are protecting.
I live in Ireland where you cannot own a handgun. We do not have gun violence.

You don't have gun violence....? Really?:21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

I guess you have never heard of the IRA........ are you seriously this stupid.....I don't usually post the shootings in Ireland, I just post them for England and I may have to start....
Ive posted the figures for the Republic. Many times safer than the US.
Tommy, do you what we are dealing with here? he posted a website that said that Ireland is part of the 'British Isles.
Where are all of these low wage protectors coming from ?

It's a labor union of sorts. They made it illegal for "us" to carry guns so that they can charge money to carry guns on our behalf.

Except it's not actually "us" those hired killers are protecting.
I live in Ireland where you cannot own a handgun. We do not have gun violence.

You don't have gun violence....? Really?:21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

I guess you have never heard of the IRA........ are you seriously this stupid.....I don't usually post the shootings in Ireland, I just post them for England and I may have to start....
Ive posted the figures for the Republic. Many times safer than the US.
Tommy, do you what we are dealing with here? he posted a website that said that Ireland is part of the 'British Isles. your best to distract the reader from this....

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.
And yet, the unarmed people of Europe, 12 million of them, were handed over to the German Socialists by their own governments....and sent to death camps where they were murdered......those 12 million still far outnumber any number of murders committed by criminals released onto our streets by you only care when criminals murder people, and ignore the millions more murdered by their governments in Europe?
You are insane. You are prepared to see people slaughtered every day as long as you can hang on to your penis extension. Your only suggestion is that you need more guns. How much do they pay you to spout this shite ?

And there we go....... you see a gun, and you think penis.... for all the other anti-gunners out there....a gun is not a need to go immediately and find psychiatric help because your sex drive is really screwed up.....

And as to guns in America.....our gun murder rate went down 49% as more Americans own and carry you are wrong....

In Britain, your gun crime rate has gone up after you banned you are wrong again...since your gun control laws can't stop your criminals from getting guns....and you have recently had up to 3 almost mass shootings stopped only by dumb luck.... you are facing a future of mass shootings in your country.... your gun crime is not frozen in amber....and criminals are getting more guns, as are your nuts....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.


Teenage boys planned to 'kill everyone' at Yorkshire school in Columbine-style gun and bomb massacre, court hears

Two teenage boys planned to “kill everyone” at their Yorkshireschool in a Columbine-style massacre using bombs and guns, a court has heard.


The document said the boy would “lay low” in Catterick before murdering his ex-girlfriend’s parents and stealing her father’s guns, the court heard.

“I’ll make some explosives then well find a way back to Northallerton and well begin our assault on that f****** school,” it continued


"This was no teenage fantasy; it was real,” he added. “They intended a re-enactment of the Columbine High School Massacre although fortunately, in the result, they were stopped before their plans were put into action.”


Doctor found with stash of guns and NHS hitlist jailed

A former doctor has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for stockpiling guns with the intent to endanger life.

Martin Watt was found with three submachine guns, two pistols and 1,500 live cartridges at a property in Cumbernauld, Scotland, last year.

The 62-year-old had lost his job at Monklands hospital in North Lanarkshire in 2012 after disciplinary hearings. His marriage broke down around the same time, the high court in Glasgow was told.

Watt had compiled a list of names and addresses of some colleagues involved in the disciplinary process, which the judge, Valerie Stacey, said Watt had referred to as an assassination list.


Despite some of the tightest gun control on the planet, a British man was able to acquire a handgun, extended mags and explosives as part of a plot to attack his former school.

Liam Lyburd, 19, of Newcastle upon Tyne, was sentenced to life imprisonment this week on eight charges of possessing weapons with intent to endanger life.

As noted by the BBC, Lyburd gathered a cache that included a Glock 19, three 33-round magazines, 94 hollow-point bullets, CS gas, five pipe bombs and two other improvised explosive devices despite the country’s long history of civilian arms control.

According to court documents, Lyburd planned to use the weapons in an attack on Newcastle College, from which he had been expelled two years prior for poor attendance. He was arrested last November after two Northumbria Police constables visited him at his home on a tip from an individual who encountered threats and disturbing pictures posted by Lyburd online.

Despite a defense that portrayed the reclusive man as living in a fantasy world, Lyburd was found guilty in July.

The internet-savvy teen obtained the Glock and other items through Evolution Marketplace, a successor to the Silk Road, a long-time “dark web” site in which users could buy and sell everything from illegal narcotics to munitions using Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

In court, Lyburd testified that buying the Glock was so easy it was “like buying a bar of chocolate.”

He obtained funds for his purchases through a complex extortion scheme in which he used online malware to infect computers, which he in turn held for ransom from their owners.

====Teenage boy 'took shotgun to school after being bullied for being fat'

15-year-old boy arrested for taking shotgun and ammunition into school did it because he was being bullied for being too fat, fellow pupils said.


'Gunman' walks into Liverpool nursery school as children were playing inside

Police have sealed off a children's nursery in Liverpool amid reports a gunman walked into the building while youngsters were inside.

Officers were called to Childs Play Nursery in Wavertree, Merseyside, at around 8am this morning.

The man, who is believed to have been carrying what looked like a firearm, walked into the nursery and approached another man.

He then left with a second man on the back of a motorbike.

What kept this from becoming a mass shooting?

Here you go Bozo.
And I would like to add that I live in Ireland. The gun deaths here are criminals shooting other criminals. They are the people who own guns here.

The police in Ireland are suffering from the same problems as British police.....

Hundreds warned of 'threat to life' in Dublin region

More than 500 people in Dublin have been warned by gardaí that their lives are in danger from criminals involved in serious and organised crime.

Assistant Garda Commissioner Pat Leahy, who is in charge of policing the Dublin region, said ten of the most critical threats are to people in the north inner city.

Many of the Hutch-Kinahan feud related killings have happened in that area.

Asst Commissioner Leahy said that 522 people in the capital have been given a Garda Information Message warning them their lives are in danger.
I live here, and this is just not true. There are a few high crime areas where they feel that people might need protection. Recently there was someone who posted he might take a gun to school. it was immediately red flagged and dealt with. Why do you not post this article?

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