Armed SWAT team violently storms family’s home, kidnaps three children for not being vaccinated

I think we can assume the child is just fine no thanks to govt..

then you are a fool, because those children were living in horrible conditions, and their parents stand accused of the crime of child abuse. They are better off thanks to government... but, fine? It will probably be a while before any of them are "fine". Sitting in your own filth for long periods of time, being abused by your parents tends to linger with kids.
because those children were living in horrible conditions,

NO proof of that either....who makes crap up...that would be you
Yeah how stupid to not expect govt to force their way into your house for no reason...except a DRs hurt pride that someone disregarded his advise which is their right to do
Yeah how stupid to not expect govt to force their way into your house for no reason...except a DRs hurt pride that someone disregarded his advise which is their right to do
Are you serious? No reason? A court agreed with him.
Do post then haven't seen any links to such
Yes you have. I posted the article relating the contents of the police report.

So , literally every point you have tried to make has been terrible. Do you have anything else?
read orig links.…..point remains they seized a healthy child for nothing more than a DRs hurt pride
which is why the story is cut off at that point....facts inconvenient
Do post then haven't seen any links to such
Yes you have. I posted the article relating the contents of the police report.

So , literally every point you have tried to make has been terrible. Do you have anything else?
He didn't see the second link. He needs to read it.
He won't.
Oh, he'll come to read it and see what we've been saying is true. He's a good guy...honest. ...I think.
OMG! the children are all going to be autistic from now on! Michelle Bachmann and that quack doctor in Great Britain, whose license has been yanked, says so!
point remains they seized a healthy child for nothing more than a DRs hurt pride
Hmm, no, that point was destroyed 2 pages ago. But lets do it again:

1) the doctor correctly and rightfully fulfilled his legal obligation to warn police of child endangerment, when he found the child was not taken to the emergency room

2) when the police arrived for a wellness check, the parents refused to let them in. The police correctly and rightfully fulfilled their obligation to protect the child by entering the home by force.

3) They found the children living in terrible conditions. The poloce then rightdully fulfilled their obligation to the children by placing them in the custidy of protective services

4) the parents have now both been charged with child abuse domestic violence, amd it appears 3 children were rescued from horrible conditions

The original link is crap and full of lies.

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