Armed Teachers...

But do they not all have to go through the process of protecting themselves. You or someone else pointed out you cannot tell who is going to be attacked.

All schools take security measures, yes. I would be willing to bet my last nickel that they do that in Scotland, too...

or you might change ;)

I'm not sure what I would change. I haven't done anything...

I would do something about what makes it so easy for them to do it and that is the guns.

What would you do?

I understand you needing them in the old days but now you have police.


During the shooting in Texas, the police waited almost an hour to confront the shooter.

An hour.

The only way the police can stop a school shooter is to already be on school grounds before the shooting starts, and you've already said you don't want the police in schools...

Also in the old days you could not just move it about and several people fall down dead. Obviously the other thing is to look at why people are choosing schools and see if something can be done there.

Because schools are soft targets. Schools are "gun free" zones. As such, someone who wakes up and decides to go on a shooting spree knows that the odds of him being thwarted are lowest at a school. If it was understood that teachers can be armed if they choose, it's likely fewer maniacs would choose schools as their target...

Of course.

Okay, so no guns in the classroom unless a shooter enters your grandchild's classroom, is that right?

Got it.

It's hypocritical, but I got it...

I just am glad they do not have the stress of any of that. They never think someone would come to their school and kill them. It could happen but it is soo unlikely they do not need to ever think about it.

It's also "soo unlikely" here, too. Again, there are over 97,000 public schools in the United States. We have over 3,000,000 public school teachers. That's more than half of your entire population. Imagine 3,000,000 people who are prepared and ready to defend someone's life...

There has not been a situation of copy cat school shooting here and it did come about...

You're somewhat confusing here.

There has not been a case or there has been one?

Prior to that we had had several of these shootings of random people on the street. It was becoming not a surprise. Then there was the Dunblane mass murder of primary school children, an almost immediate change in our gun laws, no more school shootings and the end of the random shootings in the street. Well worth it to me. We made the right choice.

And that works for Scotland.

We have cities with larger poulations than Scotland. What is workable there may not be workable here. Gun confiscation in this country would lead to a civil war. It'll never happen...
I would do something about what makes it so easy for them to do it and that is the guns.
That is incorrect. Guns have nothing to do with it. Massacre victims are just as dead if they are killed with some other kind of weapon.

I understand you needing them in the old days
You are speaking from the perspective of a serf, which stands to reason because you are no longer free. But free people don't have guns because we need them. We have guns because we choose to have them.

but now you have police.
The existence of police does not change the reality that people use guns for self defense.

Also in the old days you could not just move it about and several people fall down dead.
Your suggestion that school shootings are carried out with full-auto weapons is completely untrue. No school shooter has ever used a full-auto weapon.

There has not been a situation of copy cat school shooting here and it did come about with the change in guns laws so that very few people now have them.
That is incorrect. Giving up your freedom had nothing to do with it. You guys gave up your freedom for nothing.

Prior to that we had had several of these shootings of random people on the street. It was becoming not a surprise. Then there was the Dunblane mass murder of primary school children, an almost immediate change in our gun laws, no more school shootings and the end of the random shootings in the street.
That is incorrect. The number of random killings in your country was not reduced by your loss of freedom.

Well worth it to me. We made the right choice.
If you are happy to no longer be free, that is your business. I'll leave you to it.

But do note that America will never give up our freedom.
40 people were murdered, businesses were burned and looted for 7 months…..police statins were burned and gutted, police were wounded, court houses were burned

2 billion dollars in damage to black and other minority owned businesses

They weren’t “mostly peaceful.”
Yes they were.
Feel free to explain why you think it's a bad idea...
Your car has an alternator (gun culture), it's broken. So the battery goes flat and suffers (injuries and deaths). So the solution proposed is to fix the battery. So the battery goes flat and suffers (injuries and and deaths). The proposed solution is to fix the battery.........

But why not fix the problem, the alternator (gun culture). There's nothing wrong with the battery (innocent people), they're suffering from a faulty alternator. They want the garage (government) to fix the alternator (gun culture).

I hope that was in simple enough terms.
How so. This shit didn't happen back then. It's the new breed of brain washed kids doing this crap. Not us.

Fail bro.
I was reading up on mass shootings in American history, I think you can go back to July 26, 1764, and possibly before.

Although none died, several kids in the playground were filled with lead from an old guys shotgun on April 10, 1891. There's hundreds throughout the ages since then, Wikipedia can't keep up.
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Your car has an alternator (gun culture), it's broken.
Except it isn't broken.

So the battery goes flat and suffers (injuries and deaths).
Nothing to do with guns or gun culture.

But why not fix the problem, the alternator (gun culture).
Because it isn't the problem.

And because we value our freedom so much that we'd choose freedom even if it actually had been the problem.

There's nothing wrong with the battery (innocent people), they're suffering from a faulty alternator. They want the garage (government) to fix the alternator (gun culture).
They aren't innocent, or suffering. They merely enjoy violating people's civil liberties and want to continue doing so.

Reality has shown it didn't work
Reality shows no such thing.

I was reading up on mass shootings in American history, I think you can go back to July 26, 1764, and possibly before.
Allow none died, several kids in the playground were filled with lead from an old guys shotgun on April 10, 1891. There's hundreds throughout the ages since then, Wikipedia can't keep up.
They'd be just as dead if they were murdered with some other kind of weapon.
Your car has an alternator (gun culture), it's broken. So the battery goes flat and suffers (injuries and deaths). So the solution proposed is to fix the battery. So the battery goes flat and suffers (injuries and and deaths). The proposed solution is to fix the battery.........

But why not fix the problem, the alternator (gun culture). There's nothing wrong with the battery (innocent people), they're suffering from a faulty alternator. They want the garage (government) to fix the alternator (gun culture).

I hope that was in simple enough terms.

It was, but it was a ridiculously stupid analogy...

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