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Those are not fantasies - they are hard economic facts that I am trying to know of you understand them.

Ignoring them only tells me that you do not and therefore do not understand what the debt even means.
Those are not fantasies - they are hard economic facts that I am trying to know of you understand them.

Ignoring them only tells me that you do not and therefore do not understand what the debt even means.

"Zero" national debt has never existed and never will.
Irrelevant. Do you understand what that would mean to the money supply?
Irrelevant. Do you understand what that would mean to the money supply?
No. I defer to you. Probably inflation...it doesn't really matter, though. The govt isn't in charge of our money. The "money supply" is regulated by the fed and they can manipulate it however they like, so your "theory" isn't even relevant.

The point is that the government is so far in debt it can never get out. That's a fact.

Name ONE government run program that isn't a bloated, mismanaged, intransient, rapacious abuser of tax dollars?

I couldn't care less at this point. All three branches of govt are irredeemably corrupt, the economy is tanking and the govt becomes more oppressive by the day.
We've about run our course and the next three phases will be collapse, partitioning and reconstruction.
economic prosperity?
LMAO..this country is so far in debt that it borrows money to pay the INTEREST on money it ALREADY borrowed. We can't even BEGIN to pay down the principal.
That is called "bankruptcy" in the real world.
If they raised the tax rate to 90% it wouldn't be enough. They're cooking the books and juggling numbers, but it'll crash sooner or later.

And no one will do anything until they are personally effected. The revolution you hope for has few supporters otherwise.
I am not going to bother to name a government program that is not bloated - believe it or not I agree with much of what you state BUT if we are going to talk about economic stability then understanding the what debt means is rather vital.

If we had a zero debt there would be NO MONEY at all. None. Zero. That certainly does not reflect stability or prosperity. while Debt does not equal prosperity neither does 'paying off' the debt. All money is a reflection of debt.

Now, that may not be the ideal but as of this moment we have a fiat currency so that is where we are BUT you cannot state that the debt is massive and cannot be paid off without understanding that paying off the debt would be disastrous in general. The real discussion, then, is what is an ideal debt? That can take pages though and I ma not all that well versed in economics to fill it BUT I can say that your assertion that the debt is an example of the US being economically defunct is completely incorrect - it is not indicative of that.

The deficit is a much better indication of economic stability and that is also reliant upon the GDP growth as well.

Really, the short of this is that the US is still and will be for a long time to come an economic and prosperous powerhouse. Revolution or collapse will NOT come anytime soon because as long as we are economically sound (and we are even with the troubles we have) people are not going to ruin their well off lives for the drudgery and death that occurs over a collapse.

People have to be starving to death first and we are not remotely close to that.
If we had a zero debt there would be NO MONEY at all. None. Zero. That certainly does not reflect stability or prosperity. while Debt does not equal prosperity neither does 'paying off' the debt. All money is a reflection of debt.

Why make up wild exaggerated scenarios that aren't relevant? Distraction?

Now, that may not be the ideal but as of this moment we have a fiat currency so that is where we are BUT you cannot state that the debt is massive and cannot be paid off without understanding that paying off the debt would be disastrous in general. The real discussion, then, is what is an ideal debt? That can take pages though and I ma not all that well versed in economics to fill it BUT I can say that your assertion that the debt is an example of the US being economically defunct is completely incorrect - it is not indicative of that.

We are so far in debt that we can't pay it off. We are borrowing money to pay the interest on money we already borrowed. I'm not going to play word games and invent imaginary situations...I don't need to. Those are facts.
this overgrown monstrosity they call a federal government wasn't created to steal working people's money and give endless free stuff to everyone else...those are the type of things..along with corruption, economic failure and oppression that will cause a collapse.

The deficit is a much better indication of economic stability and that is also reliant upon the GDP growth as well.
Yeah..and you need to check the numbers.
I was just looking at the GDP numbers for the world...Botswana is growing faster than the united states...Comoros...wherever THAT is...is growing faster than the u.s....Dozens and dozens more.
2014 Economic Statistics, Economic Indicators Database for year 2014

Really, the short of this is that the US is still and will be for a long time to come an economic and prosperous powerhouse. Revolution or collapse will NOT come anytime soon because as long as we are economically sound (and we are even with the troubles we have) people are not going to ruin their well off lives for the drudgery and death that occurs over a collapse.

People don't get to decide whether or not the nation collapses...It's a dynamic event...and it will happen...in your lifetime, probably.

People have to be starving to death first and we are not remotely close to that.

I see..So no matter what else happens, as long as no one is starving everything is fine and the nation can't collapse....ok..believe all of that if you need to.
They happen together.

Really? Always?...

Maybe...maybe not.
Either way, it doesn't matter. I'm not going to play word games with you.
This country is about finished. It'll happen just like it has to every other form of govt ever devised.
The average lifespan of a government is around two hundred years. Some last longer..some don't last that long.
History is littered with the debris of nations who thought "it could NEVER happen HERE".
Irrelevant. Do you understand what that would mean to the money supply?

It means there would be no worthless Federal Reserve Notes in circulation, and everyone would be using US MINT Gold/Silver Eagles instead. That would be a good thing.
It means there would be no worthless Federal Reserve Notes in circulation, and everyone would be using US MINT Gold/Silver Eagles instead. That would be a good thing.

You really think there's enough gold in fort knox?

I don't think there is ANY gold in ft knox. I think the chinese cleaned us out. That's why they don't mind holding so much of our debt.
A document released by the U.S. Army details preparations for “full scale riots” within the United States during which troops may be forced to engage in a “lethal response” to deal with unruly crowds of demonstrators.

The appearance of the document amidst growing unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, with the National Guard now being called in to deal with the disorder, is an ominous coincidence.

The 132-page document, titled U.S. Army Techniques Publication 3-39.33: Civil Disturbances (PDF), was written in April 2014 and recently obtained by Public Intelligence.

NEWS FLASH: The U.S. Military has contingency plans for a great many potential threats. I know, I used to write them. What, you want an ill-prepared national armed forces? Recall that the oath of military office states against all enemies, "foreign and domestic." Since the military is entirely constitutional, your fears, if you have them (not sure), are entirely ideological and emotional and reactionary.
It's too late. This country is finished anyway.

The next phases will be collapse, partitioning and reconstruction.
All good. It's the natural progression of all governments. They are all born in blood and revolution and they all die in blood and revolution. We're no different.

I was sitting at the VFW last night with friends and one of my buddies brought up the subject.."isn't it interesting that so many of the television shows and movies coming out of Hollywierd are about Armegeddon type disasters?" I got to thinking about it and I agree. "The Last Ship" "The Walking Dead" "The Strain" "Falling Skies" and so on...I understand that everything works in cycles..but Science Fiction often becomes reality..Who knows? Maybe a harbinger?
NEWS FLASH: The U.S. Military has contingency plans for a great many potential threats. I know, I used to write them. What, you want an ill-prepared national armed forces? Recall that the oath of military office states against all enemies, "foreign and domestic." Since the military is entirely constitutional, your fears, if you have them (not sure), are entirely ideological and emotional and reactionary.

Now, make up your mind. You stated that you "used to write them". I grew up in the military, was born into it and served for 22 years so I believe that I have been around the military long enough to know that the "military" doesn't do ANYTHING without cause.

So who will be the person in charge of deciding exactly WHO is that supposed enemy (especially in the case of a perceived "domestic" threat). You? The "president"? Because if it were up to him - pretty much anyone who disagrees with THIS president is considered an "enemy" and a "threat".

When I served, this "contingency" was never considered, yet alone planned for. Today? it seems to be an ever-growing "possibility". Hmmm...I wonder why.....
I was sitting at the VFW last night with friends and one of my buddies brought up the subject.."isn't it interesting that so many of the television shows and movies coming out of Hollywierd are about Armegeddon type disasters?" I got to thinking about it and I agree. "The Last Ship" "The Walking Dead" "The Strain" "Falling Skies" and so on...I understand that everything works in cycles..but Science Fiction often becomes reality..Who knows? Maybe a harbinger?

History tells me that no nation is eternal and all collapse eventually.

I don't pay any attention to pop culture or movies any more, so I can't really comment on them other than that they are both superficial and shallow passive entertainment/distractions.

"Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt"
I can tell you that you are incorrect in that assertion. The US military will not participate in a full scale slaughtering of American citizens - period. We are people too. Do you think we are robots that cannot see and feel what our actions lead to?

It might not even happen right away but if the government ever decides to truly use the US military as a hammer against its own citizens many military members will simply walk away, unable to kill those that they are sworn to protect.

I don't know if an uprising will necessarily 'win.' In that scenario everyone loses, period. Nor will the US military necessarily win - even if they kill every single one of those that are against them. The very act of pursuing a large scale war within our own boarders will cause the nation to collapse - we simply could not take the hit economically.

This scenario is an eventuality - that is almost a given as all nations collapse and we are no exception. It is, IMHO, a LONG time off though. We will not see true rebellion in my lifetime and I ma glad for it. My children though? That I am not to sure about.

I agree that "the US military will not participate in a full scale slaughtering of American citizens" and never said that it would. I said the military would not join with a small group of traitors against their own country. Nor is our military shaking in their collective boots at the thought of facing a few rag tag "militia" who can't even get off the couch while fantasizing they're equal to the liberals who fought our revolution.

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