Army To Immediately Start Discharging Vaccine Refusers

Damaged Eagle is that avatar a pic of you.


No. It's a picture of the unarmed female protestor murdered by a Capitol police officer at the Capitol on the 6th of January 2021.


If the Army tried to court martial soldiers for carrying out their freedom of choice rights, they would be sued to no end. They aren't totally ignorant like the president.
What freedom of choice rights do they have in the military?

Are you aware of tbe long list of required vaccinations?
With this move the Army brass are approaching biden level stupidity

It costs a lot of money to train modern soldiers

they are valuable assests

and to simply boot them out on the street over symbolism is stupid
How is it symbolism?

They are required to have a number of vaccines.
  • Adenovirus
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Influenza
  • Measles, mumps, rubella
  • Meningococcal
  • Poliovirus
  • Tetanus-Diphtheria
  • Varicella
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Army said Wednesday it will immediately begin discharging soldiers who have refused to get the mandatory COVID-19 vaccine, putting more than 3,300 service members at risk of being thrown out soon.

No Trump appointed judges will be stopping this. Don't need any soldiers that refuse to follow orders.
Our enemies are lining up to attack and our idiot chinese paid for biden is getting rid of our military and replacing them with the woke and Tranny-----

What could go wrong?
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We could stand to have some that are alive and don't die from the jab though right Dimmer??
Hopefully, most of them will be tip-of-the-spear types. They can go home and earn a living helping to train average folks some combat skills for the upcoming festivities.
It will probably be an administrative discharge and not waste the time courts-martial.
Biden had run his mouth about dishonorable discharges until his fancy little faggot of a JCS chairman 'splained to him how difficult that would be, as a practical matter. Democrats are authoritarian scum and they never miss a chance to try to slam people for exercising their freedoms.
How is it symbolism?

They are required to have a number of vaccines.
  • Adenovirus
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Influenza
  • Measles, mumps, rubella
  • Meningococcal
  • Poliovirus
  • Tetanus-Diphtheria
  • Varicella
Thats a fair point

but the chicom virus isnt just any old disease

for instance name any other situation where the captain of a US aircraft carrier deployed on patrol would freak out and disobey orders by docking his ship?

Does the Army have the power to discharge soldiers who dont take the jab?

yes but thats not the smart move imo
If a soldier prefers COVID misinformation to protecting himself and others…..good to see him go
the move was critical to maintain combat readiness
Lying again.
The unvaccinated are more likely to catch COVID and transmit it
Lying again.

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