Army To Immediately Start Discharging Vaccine Refusers

Then why don't you take their place



Yeah ... I bet guys like this won't be working for Taco Bell when they get booted either.


Thats a fair point

but the chicom virus isnt just any old disease

for instance name any other situation where the captain of a US aircraft carrier deployed on patrol would freak out and disobey orders by docking his ship?

Does the Army have the power to discharge soldiers who dont take the jab?

yes but thats not the smart move imo

It is no different than other vax except it has become a political lightening rod. The army can’t afford to have a highly infectious disease bringing down it’s troops.
It is no different than other vax except it has become a political lightening rod. The army can’t afford to have a highly infectious disease bringing down it’s troops.
Soldiers are more likely to contract COVID than the other things they are vaccinated for
It is no different than other vax except it has become a political lightening rod
There are vax available for many other diseases that the Army chooses not to recognize and require

Shingles for instance

Since the initial scary surge of the wuflu the cure has become more damaging than the disease itself

meaning no way will 3000-4000 soldiers die from a bad case of the sniffles

but the 4000 soldiers that are discharged are lost as surely as if they were dead
If the Army tried to court martial soldiers for carrying out their freedom of choice rights, they would be sued to no end. They aren't totally ignorant like the president.

At any point a soldier has the right to disobey a direct order should they believe that order to be either unlawful or unconstitutional ...
At that point they surrender themselves to Command for a Court Martial.

A soldier doesn't have unfettered Freedom of Choice ...
And is always subject to the UCMJ which does not contain all the protections Civilian Law may offer.

There are conditions where the rank and particular position of the person refusing the order may alter the time, place, and to whom they surrender ...
But those are rare, and still covered by Protocol and/or the UCMJ ... And a Court Martial will still ensue.

Refusing a direct order, and under the UCMJ is in fact admitting you are committing what is considered to be a crime ...
And the Court Martial is where you get the opportunity to make the case your actions where appropriate.

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What freedom of choice rights do they have in the military?

Are you aware of tbe long list of required vaccinations?
Probably had over 300 vaccinations during my military career, so are you aware of them? Those are actual vaccines to protect you when entering foreign countries, and not experimental political, potentially damaging drugs that haven't been fully tested. So to answer your question, the freedom of choice they have in the military is the same that any US citizen has.....the right to control what is done to your body.
It is no different than other vax except it has become a political lightening rod. The army can’t afford to have a highly infectious disease bringing down it’s troops.
Getting the jab does nothing to reduce the infectious nature of the troops. Do you not view the statistics on this fake vaccine?
Probably had over 300 vaccinations during my military career, so are you aware of them? Those are actual vaccines to protect you when entering foreign countries, and not experimental political, potentially damaging drugs that haven't been fully tested. So to answer your question, the freedom of choice they have in the military is the same that any US citizen has.....the right to control what is done to your body.

You know how it goes in the military then.

The Department of Defense is using a mandate to refuse the soldiers their day in court.
The best advice I could give them would be to refuse the dismissal until they are actually Court Martialed.

With any luck they would be able to individually convince the Court to give them an Other Than Honorable discharge and seal their records.
That would forego, any long-term penalties associated with a Dishonorable discharge, and reduce the need or ability for any further scrutiny.

It's not an ideal situation, but could be worth it to protect yourself,
the principles you have, and handle matters in a lawful manner.

With even more luck, and in reference to their actual individual prior service record ...
It's possible they could convince the Court to give them an Honorable discharge.

They volunteered to take hit for what they believe in ...
We owe them their day in Court.

Progressives, with the pieces of shit they are, will try to rob them of that.

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