Arrest Made In Attempt To Obstruct Election Certification

The charge is the charge. She was charged with obstructing the electoral vote certification, the very same thing these democrats did.

You're lying again. Democrats didn't do the same thing. As already explained, it is legal for members of Congress to register an objection with the president of the Senate.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
The charge is the charge. She was charged with obstructing the electoral vote certification, the very same thing these democrats did.
She was in Congress addressing the President of the Senate when he asked for objections?

The Hell you say. Prove it.
So, you say Barr is a shill for Trump but you refuse to believe Garland is a shill for Biden and the Democrats.

Show 'em, if you got 'em.
But no, I didn't say what you said I said.
Nor do I believe that either you, poster thinker, or the poster Thunk can prove that the 'left' gave Garland marching orders to execute the search on Trump's cache of stolen classified documents.
But if you got those orders.....then show 'em to us.
Saddle up, skinnyjeans.
"You make many wild assertions yet you have yet to back ANYTHING up with facts, links, or even logic."

Well, mein freund good poster "Thunk"......if you got 'em, 'em.

Personally, I'm intrigued by your interpretation of what is a "wild assertion" from my poor avatar.

Let's see if what you think is 'wild'.....matches up with what I think.

Educate us, woodja?

Batter up, mon ami.
Imagine if the FBI had announced the investigation into Trump’s campaign a week before the election in 2016.

He’d be pretty pissed.

Oh, kind of like the MSM painting him as the manchurian candidate from the day he announced.

That is a long way from throwing a hissy fit and tell your supporters to stop the confirmation of the election resulting in assaulting law enforcement, stopping US Government temporarily ending up in 800 of your followers being charged with a crime including doing jail time.
I will take a bitch who will not say she is a bitch every day of the week.

You got any more shit you want to make up?

Oh, kind of like the MSM painting him as the manchurian candidate from the day he announced.

I guess the point went over your head. I'll simplify it.

The FBI told Congress they reopened the investigation into Clinton the week before the election. They said nothing about their investigation into Trump.
Doesn't seem very fair. If Trump had gotten the Clinton treatment, you better believe he would have freaked out.
Trum;yberra's party lost the House in 2018. Then in 2020 they lost the Senate and the Presidency for much the same reason, but he refused to concede and say the magic words to insure the continuing tradition of a peaceful transition of power. He would rather tear the baby apart than,wait did I say baby, I mean country,.,.,,,,

Yeah, it your party that's all for tearing babies apart.

I guess the point went over your head. I'll simplify it.

The FBI told Congress they reopened the investigation into Clinton the week before the election. They said nothing about their investigation into Trump.
Doesn't seem very fair. If Trump had gotten the Clinton treatment, you better believe he would have freaked out.

Perhaps she shouldn't have had classified information on her server or destroyed 30,000 emails that were under subpoena.

Perhaps she shouldn't have had classified information on her server or destroyed 30,000 emails that were under subpoena.

Ironic given the current circumstances.

Perhaps Trump shouldn’t have lied about contacts with Russia and employed so many questionable people in his campaign with deep connections to corrupt Russians and their lackeys.

Either way, both deserve to be treated fairly and similarly. They weren’t. Clinton had her campaign torpedoed. Trump had his campaign protected.
SoS Clinton conceded the morning after her election loss and did what nearly all prior losers in American politics do, urged her followers to accept the results and move on to the next fight. Benedict Donnie didn't, he urged his base to undemocratic and unconstitutional means to subvert the will of the people. Nothing has divided our nation more than what he did after his loss since the South's launched it's bid for Independence.
Where have you been the last 6 years? You get trapped on a deserted island? Hillary never accepted her loss. She's been all over the TV claiming the election was stolen. She's written books on how the election was stolen. How can someone live in the world today and not know this? CNN??? Here is just one of countless times she's stated this:
Nonsense. Histrionic hysteria.
Which, I suppose could be humorous.
But, in the context of both Don Trump an Senator Graham hinting at violence, and the manifest threat that January 6th posed...well, poster Cougarbear is simply adding to the corrosive rhetoric that is damaging America.
No disrespect intended towards poster Cougar.


Nonsense. Histrionic hysteria.
Poster Cougar knows better.....or should know better.
But, if he wishes to insist, well, then:
Prove the charge on calling half the country racist.
Prove the charge on calling half the country homophobes.
Prove those assertions of yours poster Cougar, and you will add to your gravitas for this chatroom.
Good luck.

Explain yourself poster Thunk.
Show the forum what it is that you are referring to.
Saddle up.


Prove it, poster Independentthinker.
Shows us your informed and credible sourcing for 'rounding up every protester'
Show us your informed and credible sourcing for 'finding some kind of charge for every single one.
Do that poster Independent.....and you can sidestep the charge of "Nonsense. Histrionic hysteria"....that no thinking adult wants to earn.

Show us what the real-stuff is that you are made of. And good luck.
You have been warned. Biden better stop inciting violence. He's a pathetic old Fascist. It's funny how Biden tries to say people who won't accept election outcomes are threats to democracy. Yet, his white house spokesperson said violently that she would not accept Trump's election by the people. That he was was an illegitimate President. Hillary also said the same thing many times.
So, who are the real threats to Democracy, Constitutional Republic and the continuance of our great nations? Democrats.
fascist-communist Democrats. Do you know what that is? Can you name one who supports such a position and how?
Anyone who supports Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Gavin Newsom and pretty much all Democrats. If not, let's see Democrats vote strictly Republican in November. If not, they continue to vote in fascists and communists.
You have been warned. Biden better stop inciting violence. He's a pathetic old Fascist. It's funny how Biden tries to say people who won't accept election outcomes are threats to democracy. Yet, his white house spokesperson said violently that she would not accept Trump's election by the people. That he was was an illegitimate President. Hillary also said the same thing many times.
So, who are the real threats to Democracy, Constitutional Republic and the continuance of our great nations? Democrats.
The only folks inciting violence is the Right. Ask Lindsey the pussy Graham.

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