Arrest made in Rubio canvasser attack

Have you looked at the picture of the racist guy and the picture of the canvasser who was beaten yet? You might want to look into that before making a fool of yourself any further. OR you could just go with what someone said on Twitter. :laugh:

Have YOU looked at the rap sheet of the white supremacist who got his ass handed to him on a plate?

No wonder he’s not welcome on non-white neighbourhoods.

Have YOU looked at the rap sheet of the white supremacist who got his ass handed to him on a plate?

No wonder he’s not welcome on non-white neighbourhoods.

Shouldn't he be released with no bail so he can do it again like the criminals coddled in the Democratic shitholes. Equal justice and all.
Seems the guy who was thumped said nothing about politics until after Rubio made his tweet. Maybe the fact checkers need to get on that one.

GOP canvasser didn’t tell cops brutal beating was political until after Rubio tweeted

“This is one of the ways that anarchist elements, paid leftists — paid by other totally vested interests — do this to completely terrorize the situation,” Peña said.

The only paid person was the supremacist.
He will die protecting the South. Seems he can't even protect his little bit of sidewalk.

Always an excuse. Never an admission that racist behavior is wrong.

Racism is hard wired in the human being. Humans simply have a tendency to want to be with their own kind and to distrust other tribes. Anyone who denies this is being dishonest.
Still no word from the GOP as to why they would have hired this guy to start with.
Still no word from the GOP as to why they would have hired this guy to start with.
is there any proof he was paid and not just some guy that volunteered to campaign?

and what does any of that have to do to justify the politically motivated malious assault by the dems on him for simply handing out campaign information?
is there any proof he was paid and not just some guy that volunteered to campaign?

and what does any of that have to do to justify the politically motivated malious assault by the dems on him for simply handing out campaign information?

I'm pretty sure the assault was by two guys and not an entire group of people but you are exhibiting the type of thinking that has got this country in the mess it is in.

You should be embarrassed for yourself.

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