Arrest the judge

Democrats have accused Aileen Cannon of obstruction of justice by appointing a special master. Democrats have called her unfit for the bench and are demanding she gets impeached.

Enemy democrats are not willing to accept any election they didn't rig or the decisions of any judge they don't agree with.

This can't be settled by peaceful means.
What democrats? Who are they?
He had NO right to have them
Trump has every right to his personal property. Trump declassified everything related to Operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Razor related to the FBI's illegal spying on him and his campaign. Apparently the democrats want those records kept sealed, to the point of an illegal search and seizure.

"Judge Jackson ruled that the tapes belonged to Mr. Clinton, even though the discussions included a broad range of presidential matters. The court ruled that the National Archives and Records Administration had no power to “seize control of them” because Mr. Clinton had used his authority under the Presidential Records Act to declare the recordings part of his personal records."

I bet those documents met with an untimely end already. I hope Trump has copies.

mar-a-lago is a country club.
secure facility my ass.
Mara-lago is a pretty big site.....and it has secure areas nobody but the family is allowed in. However, Melania never held a she had no access to whatever secure documents the corrupt Biden Adm claims were stored there.
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Democrats have accused Aileen Cannon of obstruction of justice by appointing a special master. Democrats have called her unfit for the bench and are demanding she gets impeached.

Enemy democrats are not willing to accept any election they didn't rig or the decisions of any judge they don't agree with.

This can't be settled by peaceful means.
So, how is it going to be settled then?
Mara-lago is a pretty big site.....and it has secure areas nobody but the family is allowed in.
Except one of Trump’s lawyers was just on tape telling everyone how much he loved showing his office to people.

All of the democrats on MSDNC...

Former U.S. attorney Joyce Vance and former Senator Claire McCaskill react to Judge Aileen Cannon granting President Trump’s request for a special master

Yes, ole Little Fat Buddy McCaskill and other Dimmers all sad because a judge ruled with the law......
Mara-lago is a pretty big site.....and it has secure areas nobody but the family is allowed in.
We had SCIFs in every Battalion at Ft Campbell. The headquarters has their own SCIF. They have a vault door that prevents intrusion and the area is always occupied and under constant surveillance. Often times there are soldiers and civilians without clearances within a few yards of the vault....yet they still cannot get into the SCIF facility.
Except one of Trump’s lawyers was just on tape telling everyone how much he loved showing his office to people.

His office isn't a SCIF.
Then he shouldn’t have had highly classified documents in it.

And you know this bullshit is a fact, or is it just as lie created by the same people that lied about Russian Collusion for 5 years? From the same people that said the Taliban would never take back Afghanistan?

You actually are this stupid to believe the official statements from people who have been caught on numerous occasions lying to us....and who believe that over 74 million voters are a threat to Democracy?
And you know this bullshit is a fact, or is it just as lie created by the same people that lied about Russian Collusion for 5 years? From the same people that said the Taliban would never take back Afghanistan?

You actually are this stupid to believe the official statements from people who have been caught on numerous occasions lying to us....and who believe that over 74 million voters are a threat to Democracy?
I believe delusional morons who mindlessly obey extremists like Trump are a threat to the country.

Yes, Trump had documents in his office.
Is the SCIF in his desk drawer and in a storage room? Is he authorized to have these documents or not? Are they confidential or not?
I think you need to be a bit more skeptical about a source that has been caught lying to us on numerous occasions.
These press releases are why they needed a special master to handle the documents....because clearly the DOJ cannot be trusted to stop leaking to the press.

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