Art of the Deal: Trump Now Selling Rice to China

Who knows what the Great negotiating crackpot is doing?


In ironic victory, Trump secures China's first purchase of American rice

“China is a monster of a market. That fact is based on the consumption rate of rice in China. The unreal part of the story is China could chew through the entire U.S. rice crop in 14 days.”


The US isn't much of a rice grower.

And they are making a big deal that China is starting to buy soybeans again.

But look at the amounts:


. It is harder now to confirm actual sales of beans to China due to the partial U.S. government shutdown.

United States export inspections for soybeans show 2.5 million bushels were approved for China, but it's not known if the shipment will actually go there.

TRADE UPDATE: China Reportedly Buying More U.S. Soybeans


As I posted earlier with links, the US has stockpiled about a billion bushels. So what is 2.5 million of a billion? It would be tragic if the entire deal was scuttled because of Trump's US government shutdown.

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