Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

To hell with the Democrats or the Republicans--what this is doing is hurting the American people. Our insurance sucks out loud these days and right now Washington doesn't seem able to fix it. No one is really hurt but US
Um, you mean what Obama did.

We got Obamacare because of massively increasing healthcare costs. The problem was growing long before Obama. He was just the first to try to help.
so the question is, do the dems really think that obummerfail is really good? let's see the hands.
To hell with the Democrats or the Republicans--what this is doing is hurting the American people. Our insurance sucks out loud these days and right now Washington doesn't seem able to fix it. No one is really hurt but US
Um, you mean what Obama did.

We got Obamacare because of massively increasing healthcare costs. The problem was growing long before Obama. He was just the first to try to help.
no, that wasn't a try, that was a steal. blackmailing of the democratic members that if they didn't vote for it they'd lose campaign money. wow, nice tactic.
To hell with the Democrats or the Republicans--what this is doing is hurting the American people. Our insurance sucks out loud these days and right now Washington doesn't seem able to fix it. No one is really hurt but US
Um, you mean what Obama did.
No, Smedley, I mean EXACTLY what I just said. Political finger pointing isn't going to do one goddamned bit of good. Excuse my French, but this is aggravating. I don't blame the Republicans for not wanting to vote for what they were offered, but someone has to come up with some relief for folks here.
The bill as currently written was shit. It's all for the best. It'll give the Republicans time to regroup and reflect, and pass a much better bill. They still have a lot of time to do so, to be honest. This bill, which was properly derided as Obamacare-lite, would have caused premiums to increase faster, and even kept the penalty fine you had to pay for not having insurance, except you paid it to the insurance company this time.
To hell with the Democrats or the Republicans--what this is doing is hurting the American people. Our insurance sucks out loud these days and right now Washington doesn't seem able to fix it. No one is really hurt but US
Um, you mean what Obama did.

We got Obamacare because of massively increasing healthcare costs. The problem was growing long before Obama. He was just the first to try to help.

He wanted single payer and this was his Trojan horse to get it with.
To hell with the Democrats or the Republicans--what this is doing is hurting the American people. Our insurance sucks out loud these days and right now Washington doesn't seem able to fix it. No one is really hurt but US
Um, you mean what Obama did.
No, Smedley, I mean EXACTLY what I just said. Political finger pointing isn't going to do one goddamned bit of good. Excuse my French, but this is aggravating. I don't blame the Republicans for not wanting to vote for what they were offered, but someone has to come up with some relief for folks here.
Let Pelosi and Schumer come up with something, their BOY started this mess.
Yes, unless the republicans was going to do the right thing and get government out of healthcare. They did the right thing!

I'm sure they will insist upon the american health"care" system trailing the rest of the advanced post industrial world's healthcare systems for much more cost to society.
To hell with the Democrats or the Republicans--what this is doing is hurting the American people. Our insurance sucks out loud these days and right now Washington doesn't seem able to fix it. No one is really hurt but US
Um, you mean what Obama did.

We got Obamacare because of massively increasing healthcare costs. The problem was growing long before Obama. He was just the first to try to help.
no, that wasn't a try, that was a steal. blackmailing of the democratic members that if they didn't vote for it they'd lose campaign money. wow, nice tactic.
And what have republicans done? A whole lot of nothing.
Don't praise the Lord. Praise the Freedom Caucus for the having the courage to stand up against the big government cowardly RINOs. The Republicans that are really Democrat Light.

Agreed. The bill as currently written was shit. It's all for the best. It'll give the Republicans time to regroup and reflect, and pass a much better bill. They still have a lot of time to do so, to be honest. This bill, which was properly derided as Obamacare-lite, would have caused premiums to increase faster, and even kept the penalty fine you had to pay for not having insurance, except you paid it to the insurance company this time.

The Republicans should go back to the drawing board, and not let Paul Ryan screw this shit up again. I'm a Trump supporter, but I admit he was wrong to support the bill's current version, and his "my way or the highway" attitude toward it was unhelpful.
To hell with the Democrats or the Republicans--what this is doing is hurting the American people. Our insurance sucks out loud these days and right now Washington doesn't seem able to fix it. No one is really hurt but US
Um, you mean what Obama did.
No, Smedley, I mean EXACTLY what I just said. Political finger pointing isn't going to do one goddamned bit of good. Excuse my French, but this is aggravating. I don't blame the Republicans for not wanting to vote for what they were offered, but someone has to come up with some relief for folks here.
Let, Pelosi and Schumer come up with something, their BOY started this mess.
it's what I just stated.
The people voted to keep Obamacare

Please post the link to the evidence that the American people EVER got to VOTE on the ACA..

2008 - people vote for obamacare (by 5 million votes)
2012 - people vote to keep obamacare (by 4 million votes)
2016 - people again vote to keep obamacare (by 3 million votes)

* the ec votes may differ.
Don't praise the Lord. Praise the Freedom Caucus for the having the courage to stand up against the big government cowardly RINOs. The Republicans that are really Democrat Light.

Agreed. The bill as currently written was shit. It's all for the best. It'll give the Republicans time to regroup and reflect, and pass a much better bill. They still have a lot of time to do so, to be honest. This bill, which was properly derided as Obamacare-lite, would have caused premiums to increase faster, and even kept the penalty fine you had to pay for not having insurance, except you paid it to the insurance company this time.

The Republicans should go back to the drawing board, and not let Paul Ryan screw this shit up again. I'm a Trump supporter, but I admit he was wrong to support the bill's current version, and his "my way or the highway" attitude toward it was unhelpful.

Years and years of "replace and repeal" promises and they ain't got jack yet to propose.
To hell with the Democrats or the Republicans--what this is doing is hurting the American people. Our insurance sucks out loud these days and right now Washington doesn't seem able to fix it. No one is really hurt but US
Um, you mean what Obama did.
No, Smedley, I mean EXACTLY what I just said. Political finger pointing isn't going to do one goddamned bit of good. Excuse my French, but this is aggravating. I don't blame the Republicans for not wanting to vote for what they were offered, but someone has to come up with some relief for folks here.
Let Pelosi and Schumer come up with something, their BOY started this mess.

Healthcare costs were skyrocketing long before Obamacare.
To hell with the Democrats or the Republicans--what this is doing is hurting the American people. Our insurance sucks out loud these days and right now Washington doesn't seem able to fix it. No one is really hurt but US
Um, you mean what Obama did.
No, Smedley, I mean EXACTLY what I just said. Political finger pointing isn't going to do one goddamned bit of good. Excuse my French, but this is aggravating. I don't blame the Republicans for not wanting to vote for what they were offered, but someone has to come up with some relief for folks here.
Let, Pelosi and Schumer come up with something, their BOY started this mess.
it's what I just stated.
Agree with you. This is like Christmas Day!

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