Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

Oh good so obamacare is still on. When it fails the democrats get the blame 100%.

Maybe they'll pull their heads out of their butts and fix the problems in ACA instead of being so partisan and insisting on repeal, something that is no longer supported by the majority of the country.
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Don't praise the Lord. Praise the Freedom Caucus for the having the courage to stand up against the big government cowardly RINOs. The Republicans that are really Democrat Light.
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Don't praise the Lord. Praise the Freedom Caucus for the having the courage to stand up against the big government cowardly RINOs. The Republicans that are really Democrat Light.
Agreed! Hopefully Ryan packs his bags and get out of town and takes McCain, Graham and McConnell with him.
To hell with the Democrats or the Republicans--what this is doing is hurting the American people. Our insurance sucks out loud these days and right now Washington doesn't seem able to fix it. No one is really hurt but US
Politically incompetent and inept The Donald has shown why neophytes have no place in positions of power in our government. People wanted an outsider. they wanted someone fresh to shake things up, drain the swamp, make America great again.

Well, the minority of people who believed in this huckster buffoon just got a dose of reality. More like a five gallon bucket of reality dumped on their vacant heads.

If folks had been paying attention during the campaign, they would have known that days of cleaning up after Donald J. Trump would be long and many in number.

How will Trump and his true believers spin this? They had seven years to come up with a solution. They campaigned for seven years on repeal and replace. Repeal and replace got the biggest applause lines in their many rallies. And the big day comes and they drop the ball.

How will this play in those rural counties that turned out for Trump? The very folks who, for seven years laughed and jeered at President Obama for saying 'if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor'. What will they think after hearing 'on day one' we will repeal and replace Obamacare? Will that statement carry as much political currency as 'like your doctor, keep your doctor'?

Let the spin begin., But it will take a very deep faith in the huckster buffoon, not to mention a healthy dollop of intellectual naiveté to make this mess anything like a win for both Trump and the GOP.
To hell with the Democrats or the Republicans--what this is doing is hurting the American people. Our insurance sucks out loud these days and right now Washington doesn't seem able to fix it. No one is really hurt but US
Um, you mean what Obama did.
oh well, kawoosh goes the toilet

The GOP just couldn't get much lamer holy cow

Dems going to get a kick to the nut sack..

Now the 12 states who loose all of their insures in March of next year and the 9 million people who will loose everything at that time, will get to wear the implosion around their necks during an election year.. CONGRATULATIONS MORONS...
Watch the USMB rightwing spin unfold...
so right now you still own its failure. You know the dems could step up and actually work or continue to sit in the back and let obummerfail fail. they do have a choice in this.

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