Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

So you're giving up.

You are too intense. Stop acting like a mental patient and convince me that you can hold a discussion like an adult.

We both know who the mental patient is here.

I do hold adult conversations. I just don't pretend that idiots converse at the adult level...

Like I said, you could learn a lot from me. But you're so convinced of your own superiority, you won't. That's the downfall of the left. Lots of positive reinforcement for behavior that shouldn't be reinforced creates a false sense of worth in the people targeted.

You end up with a sense of entitlement and *specialness* that you haven't earned and certainly don't deserve.

I can and have been holding a discussion like an adult. Your OP is complete garbage because you don't know how to engage in debate, and you apparently also have a limited grasp of the language and the rules of this site.
""Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum / Environment Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads."

Must contain content relevant to the thread subject in addition to any flame...hmmmmmmmmmm.
^ Full meltdown mode
You have been since November 9th.
So not Trump's plummeting approval ratings huh?
Those polls were so right in 2016 huh?
Actually all the national polls were correct because Hillary won by 3 million votes. Only 3 state polls were wrong.
Oh...the Constitution says what about electoral college?
lol I never said anything about the legality of it you doofus. I'm just saying the national polls weren't wrong. Just like how they aren't wrong about Trump's abysmal approval ratings thus far.
You have been since November 9th.
So not Trump's plummeting approval ratings huh?
Those polls were so right in 2016 huh?
Actually all the national polls were correct because Hillary won by 3 million votes. Only 3 state polls were wrong.
Oh...the Constitution says what about electoral college?
lol I never said anything about the legality of it you doofus. I'm just saying the national polls weren't wrong. Just like how they aren't wrong about Trump's abysmal approval ratings thus far.

"A closer look at the survey finds it was conducted by a group financed by billionaire George Soros whose activist arm demands reparations for slavery and “mass incarceration,” and has engaged in anti-police activism.

"In addition, the survey was not representative of the racial and ethnic profiles of young adults. Instead it focused heavily on demographic samples of populations that voted overwhelmingly against Donald Trump."
Fake News: AP Touts Anti-Trump Poll with Warped Demographics Conducted by Soros-Backed Org

"A note at the bottom of the article states that the survey “was paid for by the Black Youth Project at the University of Chicago, using grants from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the Ford Foundation.”

"Unreported by AP is that the Black Youth Project is financed by Soros’s Open Society Foundations.

"The Black Youth Project’s website states that it “work closely with our activist organization, BYP 100, to bring light to efforts to better our communities through direct engagement.”

"BYP 100, or Black Youth Project 100, describes itself as an “activist member-based organization of Black 18-35 year-olds, dedicated to creating justice and freedom for all Black people.” It says its mission includes “transformative leadership development, direct action organizing, advocacy and education using a Black queer feminist lens.”

The AP repeatedly billed the poll as being representative of “young Americans,” using the terms “young Americans,” “young people” and “young adults” a combined total of eleven times if one includes the title of the article and a graphic inside the piece.

The article says the survey represented a “poll of adults age 18 to 30.”

"The website reveals that 49% of the completed interviews for the survey come from the Black Youth Project’s own “panel of young adults,” recruited by the NORC at the University of Chicago..."
So not Trump's plummeting approval ratings huh?
Those polls were so right in 2016 huh?
Actually all the national polls were correct because Hillary won by 3 million votes. Only 3 state polls were wrong.
Oh...the Constitution says what about electoral college?
lol I never said anything about the legality of it you doofus. I'm just saying the national polls weren't wrong. Just like how they aren't wrong about Trump's abysmal approval ratings thus far.

"A closer look at the survey finds it was conducted by a group financed by billionaire George Soros whose activist arm demands reparations for slavery and “mass incarceration,” and has engaged in anti-police activism.

"In addition, the survey was not representative of the racial and ethnic profiles of young adults. Instead it focused heavily on demographic samples of populations that voted overwhelmingly against Donald Trump."
Fake News: AP Touts Anti-Trump Poll with Warped Demographics Conducted by Soros-Backed Org
So just so we are clear you talking about ONE poll being complained about from some rightwing bullshit website?
I guess the low information left wing's historic perspective only extends back to the last SNL parody but Trump followed the rules and congressional republicans also followed the rules in their conflicting view of the health care crisis. Contrast that to the vote for Obamacare where democrat elected officials were bribed and or threatened to put their freaking signature on a bill that they didn't freaking read. Today democrats pretend to be bystanders after passing an abomination that is dying and the criminal conspiracy in the media points fingers at republicans who are trying to do the right thing.
It's so STUPID. It took Democrats 2 years to come up with Obamacare--and Republicans are tring to write a bill within 2 months.

They had seven years to come up with a solution, and they failed the American people. Donald Trump failed the American people.
The solution is to ELIMINATE obamacare.

Trump hasn't failed anybody yet. The fact that you have to keep saying it proves that you know he hasn't failed.

No the solution is NOT to eliminate Obamacare. No one would be insured--LOL They have a deadline of June 22nd this year to write a bill and pass it, that's when insurers write their policies for next year (based on the law.)

Today was just symbolism--because today is the 7th anniversary of Obamacare, which took 2 long years to write. Passing a piece of shit bill just to say "hey" we did it is not the solution.

What they really needed to do is work across the isle with Democrats to FIX Obamacare while keeping the framework of it. Meaning as long as medical costs for pharmacuticals and other costs continue to rise so will premiums. It's really not rocket science.

INSURERS crossing state lines? Something very interesting about that. Yes it would be great, but in the states that do allow intrastate medical insurance, their rates are no different. Apparently it is an enormous cost for insurers to go into another state and set up shop.

"Right now, in nearly every state, insurance is regulated at the state level. If you live in New York, like I do, you can’t buy insurance from a company in Connecticut or New Jersey, or even better, Utah. Why does this matter? Because state governments, at the behest of lobbyists, enact insurance mandates requiring all plans in a state to cover, say, acupuncture or fertility treatments. Insurance mandates can raise the costs of premiums by 30-50 percent. If I could buy insurance from another state, where regulations are less onerous, I might not be forced to buy a policy that covers drug-abuse counseling."

State insurance mandates drive up premium costs

Even more onerous are the regulations in states like New York that have guaranteed-issue and community rating laws, without an individual mandate, such that young, healthy people are forced to pay far more for insurance than they should, leading many to drop out of the system. Again, I could buy a more affordable plan if I could buy insurance in a state that doesn’t have those mandates. “Allowing individuals and businesses to purchase coverage across state lines would create more competitive insurance markets,” notes Devon Herrick.

The failure of Georgia’s interstate experiment
In 2011, Georgia passed a law allowing people to buy insurance from out-of-state carriers. But not one out-of-state insurer has sought to do so. “Nobody has even asked to be approved to sell across state lines,” Georgia Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens told Teegardin. “We’re dumbfounded. We’re absolutely dumbfounded.”
Rick Ungar, with typical bluster, crows that the policy was a “major bust.” But it’s hardly surprising that the Georgia experiment hasn’t gone anywhere. As the AJC article points out, nobody wants to make a major business investment in health insurance at a time when the entire regulatory landscape could be upended by the Supreme Court.

But it is a major business investment for an out-of-state carrier to provide in-state insurance. And those who favor interstate insurance should be aware that, if there ever were to be a national market for insurance, such a market wouldn’t appear overnight."

Will Buying Health Insurance Across State Lines Reduce Costs?

This is what Republicans are facing from their constituents right now. Trump is WRONG--they'll get slaughtered if they repeal Obamacare and replace it with this POS.

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IMG_0037.JPG This photo was tweeted by Pence. He must be oblivious to the point there's a room filled with all men making decisions about women's healthcare.
As expected we have conservatives saying health plans shouldn’t have to cover maternity services. Their war on women is a eternal war on them.
Is it true that even after the DOW reacted to the cancelled healthcare vote, that Trump was too busy of a white house photo-op with Mack truck, and nobody bothered to tell Trump the vote was cancelled. Trump actually thought the vote was on for thursday. Are his folks afraid to tell Trump bad news, to keep him from flying off the handle in the middle of a photo-op?. Thus exposing his true nature.
Is it true that even after the DOW reacted to the cancelled healthcare vote, that Trump was too busy of a white house photo-op with Mack truck, and nobody bothered to tell Trump the vote was cancelled.

It was actually pretty funny, because they showed footage of him talking to the trucking industry leaders and boasting about the upcoming vote and how his "great negotiating skills" helped contribute.
It was actually pretty funny, because they showed footage of him talking to the trucking industry leaders and boasting about the upcoming vote and how his "great negotiating skills" helped contribute.

The white house has said that they don't have a 'plan B'. That if this vote fails, they're just going to walk away from the table.
The white house has said that they don't have a 'plan B'. That if this vote fails, they're just going to walk away from the table.

Giving up after two weeks. You got to love his patience and determination... :rolleyes-41:
It will pass tomorrow. No way the GOP is going to wound their president on the first high profile vote out of the gate. For the same reason I think it will also pass the Senate.
Trumpcare will fail

Even Donny Dealmaker can't get the TeaTards to agree to compromise
It will pass tomorrow. No way the GOP is going to wound their president on the first high profile vote out of the gate. For the same reason I think it will also pass the Senate.

Senate will be tough

Republicans have a three vote margin with Democrats demanding filibuster

Republicans like McCain, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowsy are demanding Republicans show it will be better for their state and none are beholden to Donny Dealmaker
It will pass tomorrow. No way the GOP is going to wound their president on the first high profile vote out of the gate. For the same reason I think it will also pass the Senate.

Senate will be tough

Republicans have a three vote margin with Democrats demanding filibuster

Republicans like McCain, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowsy are demanding Republicans show it will be better for their state and none are beholden to Donny Dealmaker

If this were 2018 and they had “fought the good fight” on a few things already like the wall, budget, etc… I would believe it. This is the first “prime time” vote out of the chute…the GOP will get in line on this and those who oppose will live to fight another day.

Relying on the courage of republicans puts you on thin ice already
Relying on the principles of those who vote republican basically means you have to learn to swim in ice water.

We’re to the point of it no longer being necessary to keep score. If Trump says he won, he will be believed. It’s like watching 4 y/o kids playing soccer where nobody keeps score. The loudest kid wins.

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