Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

Um, you mean what Obama did.

We got Obamacare because of massively increasing healthcare costs. The problem was growing long before Obama. He was just the first to try to help.
no, that wasn't a try, that was a steal. blackmailing of the democratic members that if they didn't vote for it they'd lose campaign money. wow, nice tactic.
And what have republicans done? A whole lot of nothing.
dude, I ain't arguing that point. the thing is, the dems just wanted to hand over the mess to them. how american of them. Nope, the dems own this disaster and anything that happens to the nation. They don't want to play ball. they wish to obstruct. stated already by schumer. so, the failure is theirs and not trump.

Republicans control everything. They are proving incapable of solving any problem.
We are not cleaning up Barry's mess, sorry.
This bill wasn't even a true repeal of ObamaCare. You guys know that, right? It does not actually repeal the ACA. It only repeals bits and pieces of it.

It leaves the government healthcare exchanges intact, for example. It leaves all the bureaucratic government bodies the ACA created intact.

The Republicans' ObamaCare Lite is a bunch of "fixes" to the ACA. For seven years, the GOP obstructed any fixes to it.

"Repeal and replace." BWA-HA-HA-HA! You poor dumb rubes have been so hoaxed.

Trump never even had a plan. He was going to take credit for whatever the Republicans came up with. He never had the "beautiful plan" he told you dumb fucks he had.

What a bunch of idiot saps you all are.
yeah, they were trying to get something where they didn't have to count on the losing left. it just can't be done. And, they all knew it. everyone of them and that is why there has been nothing for eight years. Trump will campaign in 2018 for legislators that really want to legislate. shame on both sides.
It's true that they can't repeal all of Obamacare, as all the taxes and regulations that they repeal from it must be covered by the Senate's reconciliation rules so it can puss up there by a simple majority of 51 votes.

This is definitely going to be harder than the Republicans thought, just like it was harder than the Democrats thought to pass the original healthcare reform in the first place.

They need to come up with the better version that keeps preexisting conditions covered, and allows people to stay on their parents' plan until they're 26, but repeals a lot of the terrible shit in it, the Cadillac tax and other taxes and penalties, and the mandate, that are driving up premiums and hurting Americans.
We got Obamacare because of massively increasing healthcare costs. The problem was growing long before Obama. He was just the first to try to help.
no, that wasn't a try, that was a steal. blackmailing of the democratic members that if they didn't vote for it they'd lose campaign money. wow, nice tactic.
And what have republicans done? A whole lot of nothing.
dude, I ain't arguing that point. the thing is, the dems just wanted to hand over the mess to them. how american of them. Nope, the dems own this disaster and anything that happens to the nation. They don't want to play ball. they wish to obstruct. stated already by schumer. so, the failure is theirs and not trump.

Republicans control everything. They are proving incapable of solving any problem.
We are not cleaning up Barry's mess, sorry.

I'm afraid we'll have to, it is the price of "winning". The saying "elections have consequences" cuts two ways.
Yes, unless the republicans was going to do the right thing and get government out of healthcare. They did the right thing!

I'm sure they will insist upon the american health"care" system trailing the rest of the advanced post industrial world's healthcare systems for much more cost to society.
Obamacare has added to the expense.

Yes of course.

Um, you mean what Obama did.

We got Obamacare because of massively increasing healthcare costs. The problem was growing long before Obama. He was just the first to try to help.
no, that wasn't a try, that was a steal. blackmailing of the democratic members that if they didn't vote for it they'd lose campaign money. wow, nice tactic.
And what have republicans done? A whole lot of nothing.
dude, I ain't arguing that point. the thing is, the dems just wanted to hand over the mess to them. how american of them. Nope, the dems own this disaster and anything that happens to the nation. They don't want to play ball. they wish to obstruct. stated already by schumer. so, the failure is theirs and not trump.

Republicans control everything. They are proving incapable of solving any problem.
Fixing stupid democrat laws is what we have to do all the time..
The Republicans had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement. Today's clusterfuck is more evidence on a mountain of evidence that all those 60+ repeals all these years were theater for you rubes.

Now that they actually have to replace it, they were caught with their dicks in their hands. They have NOTHING.

And Trump had NOTHING. He lied to your faces, and you are going to just sit there and take it. You are going to take his cock in your mouth and suck him off like the good little suckers you are.
2008 - people vote for obamacare (by 5 million votes)
2012 - people vote to keep obamacare (by 4 million votes)
2016 - people again vote to keep obamacare (by 3 million votes)

* the ec votes may differ.
AGAIN, please post the LINKS proving the American people got to vote on Obamacare.

They never even got to READ it, let alone VOTE for it.
oh well, kawoosh goes the toilet

The GOP just couldn't get much lamer holy cow

Failed presidency* ....
How do you figure that. dems don't want to play legislation. what's trump gonna do to them? Well for one, campaign that they are do nothings and aren't helping their constituents for one. ooops.

It's clear who the do nothing's are. They are in control, no more excuses.
sorry bubba, they don't have a full majority of the senate. it needs demophobes to clear the senate rules. and what has to happen won't happen. the GOP attempted to play a shell game to do the bill in phases to get around the majority rules. too much risk in that game though. it is very apparent. but the dems obummerfail is still theirs. sorry fella.
Politically, this is a stealth 'victory' for the GOP. Unfortunately we are still stuck with the ever worsening collateral damage of Obamacare.
Only for another year before it's full collapse. Then guess who is holding the bag for the midterms??? Not Trump!!!
This will get interesting.
As everyone who knows the slightest about what is going on with Obamacare - it is imploding, and will have a major collapse by year end.
What will get interesting is how will the Democrats and the media will try to blame it on the Republicans.
Obamacare will fail. And the damage to Democrats will be enormous.
We got Obamacare because of massively increasing healthcare costs. The problem was growing long before Obama. He was just the first to try to help.
no, that wasn't a try, that was a steal. blackmailing of the democratic members that if they didn't vote for it they'd lose campaign money. wow, nice tactic.
And what have republicans done? A whole lot of nothing.
dude, I ain't arguing that point. the thing is, the dems just wanted to hand over the mess to them. how american of them. Nope, the dems own this disaster and anything that happens to the nation. They don't want to play ball. they wish to obstruct. stated already by schumer. so, the failure is theirs and not trump.

Republicans control everything. They are proving incapable of solving any problem.
We are not cleaning up Barry's mess, sorry.

I do t think they are capable of fixing anything if they wanted to.
Now the Democrats win. ObamaCare lives.

Trump will now move on to giving the Democrats all that infrastructure spending they have been asking for all these years.

And then he will claim victory.
Obama 's the winner of the week according to FNC! This BILL was going down to defeat so supposedly Trump had Ryan pull the BILL! What a bunch of idiots! They ran on "replace & repeal" Obamacare and now these gutless turds see the handwriting on the wall that the country LIKES IT! We're all such imbeciles thinking anything more would have gotten done with all Republicans running the show! At least the economy is in good shape again before they try and destroy it! That won't be able to blame Obama for their helter-skelter way of governing! :blahblah:
Oh good so obamacare is still on. When it fails the democrats get the blame 100%.

Maybe they'll pull their heads out of their butts and fix the problems in ACA instead of being so partisan and insisting on appeal, something that is no longer supported by the majority of the country.

They need to drop the whole thing and just set up single payer for basic services and let people buy insurance for additional services.
Yeah, the dems own Trump's failure to fix healthcare.
And good luck on tax reform because Trump doesn't even have clout in his own party now. Nor does he have any claim to asking for bipartisanship.

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