Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

I'm glad Trump put the brakes on this. The ACA needs to deteriorate a little more before people wake up and realize what a disaster it is.
As bad as that sounds, it's the only way some people learn.
The Republicans had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement. Today's clusterfuck is more evidence on a mountain of evidence that all those 60+ repeals all these years were theater for you rubes.

Now that they actually have to replace it, they were caught with their dicks in their hands. They have NOTHING.

And Trump had NOTHING. He lied to your faces, and you are going to just sit there and take it. You are going to take his cock in your mouth and suck him off like the good little suckers you are.

And the Magic Negro and your Hildabitch lied to you, so what.
They didn't lie to me, retard. They lied to their own pack of rubes.
Is this the point where Donny Dealmaker blames the media for his failure?
Now the Democrats win. ObamaCare lives.

Trump will now move on to giving the Democrats all that infrastructure spending they have been asking for all these years.

And then he will claim victory.
we will watch as obummerfail 's spiral ends. and it will be the demophobes fault. just remember that.
No, it will be the fault of the tards who have hijacked the Republican Party. You fucking dumb fucks elected a huckster instead of a real conservative who can get things done.

It is YOUR fault we are stuck with ObamaCare, you dumb fucks.
A REAL conservative would have given even bigger tax breaks to the rich. Just like they've done or tried since Reagan
Oh good so obamacare is still on. When it fails the democrats get the blame 100%.
This is the 7th Anniversary of the ACA!!!!
Yes and how many insurance companies has backed out of obamacare? It was done to fail so we would be one step closer to single payer, but that won't happen under Trump. He has stated today that he will let obamacare fail. Good for him.
the board RussianWingers are on the phone with CVS and Walgreens ordering refills on their blood pressure medicine right now.
Oh good so obamacare is still on. When it fails the democrats get the blame 100%.

No Trump is going to end the mandate , so when less people are in it, it will cost the government more for subsidies, that is how stupid they are, like always the GOP is doing everything they could since inception to ruin it. Ha Ha .
I'm glad Trump put the brakes on this. The ACA needs to deteriorate a little more before people wake up and realize what a disaster it is.
As bad as that sounds, it's the only way some people learn.

That's TrumpSpin™ right there. Your idiot brain was frontloaded with that excuse weeks ago.

You know what will happen when ObamaCare becomes the disaster it was always destined to be? The people will cry out for single payer health care. I called it years ago.

And Trump will give it to them.
oh well, kawoosh goes the toilet

The GOP just couldn't get much lamer holy cow

Failed presidency* ....
How do you figure that. dems don't want to play legislation. what's trump gonna do to them? Well for one, campaign that they are do nothings and aren't helping their constituents for one. ooops.

It's clear who the do nothing's are. They are in control, no more excuses.
sorry bubba, they don't have a full majority of the senate. it needs demophobes to clear the senate rules. and what has to happen won't happen. the GOP attempted to play a shell game to do the bill in phases to get around the majority rules. too much risk in that game though. it is very apparent. but the dems obummerfail is still theirs. sorry fella.

The party of excuses even when they control everything. Sad. What leadership.
You all used every trick in the book and passed Obama care by hook and crook. Its a pile of shit and its about to get dumped hard on the 1/3 of us counties who will no longer have health insurance after march of next year.. Smooth move ex-lax...
it's been said that rethuglicans have behaved like bulldogs chasing a car...

they chase and bark and they chase and they bark some more... year after year after year.

in 2016 the car stopped, then they sat there looking dumb as a fido, with NO PLAN.
The Republicans had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement. Today's clusterfuck is more evidence on a mountain of evidence that all those 60+ repeals all these years were theater for you rubes.

Now that they actually have to replace it, they were caught with their dicks in their hands. They have NOTHING.

And Trump had NOTHING. He lied to your faces, and you are going to just sit there and take it. You are going to take his cock in your mouth and suck him off like the good little suckers you are.

And the Magic Negro and your Hildabitch lied to you, so what.

They didn't lie to me, retard. They lied to their own pack of rubes.

Your vocabulary is astounding son. You jus a badass internet mofo ainchu? You talk like a 12 year old who isn't in mom and Dad's presence so you think it's "cool" to swear and call names.
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Probably a good move by the GOP. I'd think that Trump is a little weakened, though.
Yes, the Congressional GOP types saw all of the pitfalls and weren't going to walk the plank for the Orange One.

Regarding trump, he's been weakened on at least two fronts; he spent a lot of political capital on his campaign PROMISE to repeal the ACA on day one but failing in the first attempt when the House has passed a repeal bill over 60 times during Obama's tenure. Then again by getting so involved in another branches responsibilities and cajoling, demanding and arm twisting a yes vote from the GOP House members offering candy for Yea's and threatening retaliation during the 2018 election otherwise. And the fool claims to be a deal maker, the bloody idiot!

He's a double looser today and get ready for another trump Tweet Tantrum this weekend, the sick creature!
[QUOTE="Coyote, post: 16871532, member: 191Democrats t know why the Republicans thought they could pull this through. That they could cobble something together in less than 2 months, to replace a complex multi-faceted bill that took over a year of extensive negotiations with multiple affected groups - to put together. And they thought they could just ram this through. What a load of crap.


They thought they could do it because the democrats did it
No, Republicans will get blamed for not fixing it when they got hired to fix it. As they rightly should be blamed. Stupid Party comes thru again.

See what I am saying folks?
The Dems passed one of the worst bills in U.S. History...and they will try and blame the republicans for not fixing their mistakes.
You can't make this shit up.
I left the Dem party in 1978, hooch.
About to become a former Republican.

Republicans got hired to fix it, and have had since 2009 to craft a good solid bill that thinking people could support.
Epic fail.
Oh good so obamacare is still on. When it fails the democrats get the blame 100%.
This is the 7th Anniversary of the ACA!!!!
Yes and how many insurance companies has backed out of obamacare? It was done to fail so we would be one step closer to single payer, but that won't happen under Trump. He has stated today that he will let obamacare fail. Good for him.

And who cares about the people he is supposed to be serving? That isn't leadership.
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Should fully collapse right around midterms. Dems will never win again!! Time to move on to taxes.

Yup, Don failed. Nieto's check show up the The Wall yet?
Donald did not write a bill. He wanted this to fail and he knew it would. Now he is free to move on to taxes.

Sorry, some of us remember Don's campaign promises.
Do you remember Closing Gitmo? LOL

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