Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

Don't praise the Lord. Praise the Freedom Caucus for the having the courage to stand up against the big government cowardly RINOs. The Republicans that are really Democrat Light.
Agreed! Hopefully Ryan packs his bags and get out of town and takes McCain, Graham and McConnell with him.

This country is screwed up because of the Liberals. The Democrats are not the only Liberals in our country. Republicans aid and abet the Democrats.

There is a big swamp to drain.

I think Trump was screwed by trusting that RINO Ryan.
Should fully collapse right around midterms. Dems will never win again!! Time to move on to taxes.
No, Republicans will get blamed for not fixing it when they got hired to fix it. As they rightly should be blamed. Stupid Party comes thru again.
Not our responsibility to fix Barry's boondoggle. It will go away on it's own.
Republicans got hired to fix it, dufus. They should be tarred and feathered and ran out of DC on a rail.
Need to get government out of healthcare.


Should fully collapse right around midterms. Dems will never win again!! Time to move on to taxes.
No, Republicans will get blamed for not fixing it when they got hired to fix it. As they rightly should be blamed. Stupid Party comes thru again.
Not our responsibility to fix Barry's boondoggle. It will go away on it's own.
Republicans got hired to fix it, dufus. They should be tarred and feathered and ran out of DC on a rail.
Not why I voted for Trump. Speak for yourself.
This will get interesting.
As everyone who knows the slightest about what is going on with Obamacare - it is imploding, and will have a major collapse by year end.
What will get interesting is how will the Democrats and the media will try to blame it on the Republicans.
Obamacare will fail. And the damage to Democrats will be enormous.
The dems will run on a plan to fix Obamacare. Over 10 mllion have coverage w/o deductables, and 14 more million have coverage that needs to be more affordable. And Trump's plan was a tax cut for millionaires.

Trump's fucked his own base. Not that anyone here mentioned that he was going to do just that. Not me. nope. LOL

1/3 of people who are on Obamacare had one provider to choose from. One.
And this going to get worse.
By the next signup, their WILL be states that have NO providers. It is going to happen.
Obamacare is collapsing. Get that through your heads.
Don't praise the Lord. Praise the Freedom Caucus for the having the courage to stand up against the big government cowardly RINOs. The Republicans that are really Democrat Light.
Agreed! Hopefully Ryan packs his bags and get out of town and takes McCain, Graham and McConnell with him.

This country is screwed up because of the Liberals. The Democrats are not the only Liberals in our country. Republicans aid and abet the Democrats.

There is a big swamp to drain.

I think Trump was screwed by trusting that RINO Ryan.
Republicans had 7 years to craft a good bill, and Trump ran on doing a lot of things like allowing us to buy insurance from any carrier in the US. Trump wimped out like a pussy.
Hillary warned everyone but no one wanted to listen to someone who was involved with HC for 25 years. Stupid fucks.
Should fully collapse right around midterms. Dems will never win again!! Time to move on to taxes.
No, Republicans will get blamed for not fixing it when they got hired to fix it. As they rightly should be blamed. Stupid Party comes thru again.
Not our responsibility to fix Barry's boondoggle. It will go away on it's own.
Republicans got hired to fix it, dufus. They should be tarred and feathered and ran out of DC on a rail.
I would gladly see Ryan and his band of RINO's run out of DC
Have you rubes finally, finally, finally figured out you were hoaxed by Vladimir Trump yet? Have you?

Have you figured out yet Trump never had a replacement bill? Have you finally figured out he lied to your face?

You dumb fucks went for the "bleev me" bullshit. Totally fell for it. All the way down the line. Do you feel as stupid as you are yet?

"My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Yes, unless the republicans was going to do the right thing and get government out of healthcare. They did the right thing!

I'm sure they will insist upon the american health"care" system trailing the rest of the advanced post industrial world's healthcare systems for much more cost to society.
Obamacare has added to the expense.

Yes of course.

I don't see the promised $2500 in savings.
Don't praise the Lord. Praise the Freedom Caucus for the having the courage to stand up against the big government cowardly RINOs. The Republicans that are really Democrat Light.
Agreed! Hopefully Ryan packs his bags and get out of town and takes McCain, Graham and McConnell with him.

This country is screwed up because of the Liberals. The Democrats are not the only Liberals in our country. Republicans aid and abet the Democrats.

There is a big swamp to drain.

I think Trump was screwed by trusting that RINO Ryan.
Republicans had 7 years to craft a good bill, and Trump ran on doing a lot of things like allowing us to buy insurance from any carrier in the US. Trump wimped out like a pussy.
Trump has been in charge 2 months. You want to go after Ryan I am all for it. This was Ryan's baby.
Republicans had 7 years to craft a good bill, and Trump ran on doing a lot of things like allowing us to buy insurance from any carrier in the US. Trump wimped out like a pussy.
Democrats had 7 years to fix Obamacare's coming disaster. But refused to do so.
You fucking idiot. The GOP had 7 years to come up with a better plan. They failed miserably. Facts are like kryptonite to you.
Trump says "bleev me", and the idiot herd does.

Jesus H. Christ.

I left the Dem party in 1978, hooch.
About to become a former Republican.

Republicans got hired to fix it, and have had since 2009 to craft a good solid bill that thinking people could support.
Epic fail.

I am glad that the RINO bill failed but I would like to respectfully disagree with you on this. Of all the criticism against the Republicans that is the weakest. They had no incentive to do the hard work to replace Obamacare as long as that jackass Obama was President and the Senate had the ability to demand 60 votes. For the last two years almost everybody in this country thought Crooked Hillary was going to win so don't blame them for not having all the ducks in a row. They deserve criticism for being cowards and not coming up with an outright repeal but I don't think they should be accountable for not doing anything in the last seven years.

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