Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

Don't praise the Lord. Praise the Freedom Caucus for the having the courage to stand up against the big government cowardly RINOs. The Republicans that are really Democrat Light.
Agreed! Hopefully Ryan packs his bags and get out of town and takes McCain, Graham and McConnell with him.

This country is screwed up because of the Liberals. The Democrats are not the only Liberals in our country. Republicans aid and abet the Democrats.

There is a big swamp to drain.

I think Trump was screwed by trusting that RINO Ryan.
Republicans had 7 years to craft a good bill, and Trump ran on doing a lot of things like allowing us to buy insurance from any carrier in the US. Trump wimped out like a pussy.
Trump has been in charge 2 months. You want to go after Ryan I am all for it. This was Ryan's baby.
Trump backed Ryan. Trump should have told Ryan to include the provisions we all know should have been in the bill.
Trump is to blame because he supported a crappy bill.
Don't praise the Lord. Praise the Freedom Caucus for the having the courage to stand up against the big government cowardly RINOs. The Republicans that are really Democrat Light.
Agreed! Hopefully Ryan packs his bags and get out of town and takes McCain, Graham and McConnell with him.

This country is screwed up because of the Liberals. The Democrats are not the only Liberals in our country. Republicans aid and abet the Democrats.

There is a big swamp to drain.

I think Trump was screwed by trusting that RINO Ryan.
Republicans had 7 years to craft a good bill, and Trump ran on doing a lot of things like allowing us to buy insurance from any carrier in the US. Trump wimped out like a pussy.
Trump has been in charge 2 months. You want to go after Ryan I am all for it. This was Ryan's baby.
Who said " I'm going to repeal and replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better."
You idiots just don't have the integrity to say TRUMP LIED TO ME.

I left the Dem party in 1978, hooch.
About to become a former Republican.

Republicans got hired to fix it, and have had since 2009 to craft a good solid bill that thinking people could support.
Epic fail.

I am glad that the RINO bill failed but I would like to respectfully disagree with you on this. Of all the criticism against the Republicans that is the weakest. They had no incentive to do the hard work to replace Obamacare as long as that jackass Obama was President and the Senate had the ability to demand 60 votes. For the last two years almost everybody in this country thought Crooked Hillary was going to win so don't blame them for not having all the ducks in a row. They deserve criticism for being cowards and not coming up with an outright repeal but I don't think they should be accountable for not doing anything in the last seven years.
You are wrong in that this bill is crap because it was all tossed together in the last 2 months. It would have passed if it had been crafted over the past 6 years because it would have worked the kinks out with input from everyone.

I left the Dem party in 1978, hooch.
About to become a former Republican.

Republicans got hired to fix it, and have had since 2009 to craft a good solid bill that thinking people could support.
Epic fail.

I am glad that the RINO bill failed but I would like to respectfully disagree with you on this. Of all the criticism against the Republicans that is the weakest. They had no incentive to do the hard work to replace Obamacare as long as that jackass Obama was President and the Senate had the ability to demand 60 votes. For the last two years almost everybody in this country thought Crooked Hillary was going to win so don't blame them for not having all the ducks in a row. They deserve criticism for being cowards and not coming up with an outright repeal but I don't think they should be accountable for not doing anything in the last seven years.
Crooked Hillary? Who's under criminal investigation for helping the Russians throw the election?
Hint one: it's not Hillary.
So where's Trump's plan, rubes? Where the "beautiful plan" he said he had?

Did you ever ask yourself that question?

Obviously not. You want to be lied to. You BEG to be lied to.

Trump says "bleev me", and you do.
Don't praise the Lord. Praise the Freedom Caucus for the having the courage to stand up against the big government cowardly RINOs. The Republicans that are really Democrat Light.
Agreed! Hopefully Ryan packs his bags and get out of town and takes McCain, Graham and McConnell with him.

This country is screwed up because of the Liberals. The Democrats are not the only Liberals in our country. Republicans aid and abet the Democrats.

There is a big swamp to drain.

I think Trump was screwed by trusting that RINO Ryan.
Republicans had 7 years to craft a good bill, and Trump ran on doing a lot of things like allowing us to buy insurance from any carrier in the US. Trump wimped out like a pussy.
Trump has been in charge 2 months. You want to go after Ryan I am all for it. This was Ryan's baby.
Who said " I'm going to repeal and replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better."
You idiots just don't have the integrity to say TRUMP LIED TO ME.

Talk about lack of integrity.. Look in the mirror.
Republicans had 7 years to craft a good bill, and Trump ran on doing a lot of things like allowing us to buy insurance from any carrier in the US. Trump wimped out like a pussy.
Democrats had 7 years to fix Obamacare's coming disaster. But refused to do so.
You fucking idiot. The GOP had 7 years to come up with a better plan. They failed miserably. Facts are like kryptonite to you.

The piece of shit Democrats had seven years to fix the many flaws in Obamacare but these assholes that never even read the bill they passed and had to lie about what was in it did absolutely nothing and we are looking at a major collapse on its own.

You stupid Moon Bats should have embraced the changes in the Obamacare Light bill. That was the only way that government control of health care was going to survive. Obamacare will fail as is.

I left the Dem party in 1978, hooch.
About to become a former Republican.

Republicans got hired to fix it, and have had since 2009 to craft a good solid bill that thinking people could support.
Epic fail.

I am glad that the RINO bill failed but I would like to respectfully disagree with you on this. Of all the criticism against the Republicans that is the weakest. They had no incentive to do the hard work to replace Obamacare as long as that jackass Obama was President and the Senate had the ability to demand 60 votes. For the last two years almost everybody in this country thought Crooked Hillary was going to win so don't blame them for not having all the ducks in a row. They deserve criticism for being cowards and not coming up with an outright repeal but I don't think they should be accountable for not doing anything in the last seven years.
You are wrong in that this bill is crap because it was all tossed together in the last 2 months. It would have passed if it had been crafted over the past 6 years because it would have worked the kinks out with input from everyone.
Republicans would have done nothing to help the poor and middle class if they had a 100 years to write a bill. It's not who they / You are.
The bill would have passed, but Obama hacked the House electronic voting machine and cast 3,000,000 fraudulent votes against it. Trump is going to appoint a committee to investigate.
Republicans had 7 years to craft a good bill, and Trump ran on doing a lot of things like allowing us to buy insurance from any carrier in the US. Trump wimped out like a pussy.
Democrats had 7 years to fix Obamacare's coming disaster. But refused to do so.
You fucking idiot. The GOP had 7 years to come up with a better plan. They failed miserably. Facts are like kryptonite to you.

You guys are hilarious.
Here is your line of thinking.... the Democrats, and it was ONLY Democrats, that gave us Obamacare. A plan that raised cost, cut benefits and raised deductibles to the stratisphere. WE LOST BIG. Not to mention the plan was 100% set to fail. People were saying it from day one. And now that this colossal mistake is collapsing - you guys want to blame the Republicans for not fixing it in two months.
You ar the biggest idiots the world has ever seen.
all the rethuglicans care about is blame and credit...

the plight of average Americans is just an afterthought, sadly.
Um, you mean what Obama did.

We got Obamacare because of massively increasing healthcare costs. The problem was growing long before Obama. He was just the first to try to help.
no, that wasn't a try, that was a steal. blackmailing of the democratic members that if they didn't vote for it they'd lose campaign money. wow, nice tactic.
And what have republicans done? A whole lot of nothing.
dude, I ain't arguing that point. the thing is, the dems just wanted to hand over the mess to them. how american of them. Nope, the dems own this disaster and anything that happens to the nation. They don't want to play ball. they wish to obstruct. stated already by schumer. so, the failure is theirs and not trump.

Republicans control everything. They are proving incapable of solving any problem.
Republicans aren't about solutions. They are good at fear mongering, finger pointing, and fixing blame. When it comes to actually governing, they are a big clusterfuck.
Republicans had 7 years to craft a good bill, and Trump ran on doing a lot of things like allowing us to buy insurance from any carrier in the US. Trump wimped out like a pussy.
Democrats had 7 years to fix Obamacare's coming disaster. But refused to do so.
You fucking idiot. The GOP had 7 years to come up with a better plan. They failed miserably. Facts are like kryptonite to you.

The piece of shit Democrats had seven years to fix the many flaws in Obamacare but these assholes that never even read the bill they passed and had to lie about what was in it did absolutely nothing and we are looking at a major collapse on its own.

You stupid Moon Bats should have embraced the changes in the Obamacare Light bill. That was the only way that government control of health care was going to survive. Obamacare will fail as is.
Hilarious since the GOP was set to vote on the bill they didn't read that they were going to vote on today. Own your failures.

Yeah.. Trumpcare 2.0 going down in flames is the dems fault.
Ha haha ha
Republicans had 7 years to craft a good bill, and Trump ran on doing a lot of things like allowing us to buy insurance from any carrier in the US. Trump wimped out like a pussy.
Democrats had 7 years to fix Obamacare's coming disaster. But refused to do so.
You fucking idiot. The GOP had 7 years to come up with a better plan. They failed miserably. Facts are like kryptonite to you.

You guys are hilarious.
Here is your line of thinking.... the Democrats, and it was ONLY Democrats, that gave us Obamacare. A plan that raised cost, cut benefits and raised deductibles to the stratisphere. WE LOST BIG. Not to mention the plan was 100% set to fail. People were saying it from day one. And now that this colossal mistake is collapsing - you guys want to blame the Republicans for not fixing it in two months.
You ar the biggest idiots the world has ever seen.
Trump said today he is not going to fix it.

He lied, Republicans lied.
Burn them at the stake.
oh well, kawoosh goes the toilet

The GOP just couldn't get much lamer holy cow

I am not a fan of a federal healthcare system, including BOcare and Orangecare, so as a conservative I'm pleased they can't pass their bill. However I am saddened by thought that as BOcare continues to show it's true color (higher cost, less coverage, fewer doctors etc) the GOP will garner the political support to pass and then own the problem the way BO and the Dems own it now.

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