Article Of Impeachment Filed Against Rosenstein

No idea what the MIC might be, but Russia is and has been the enemy for a long time.

Damn, even as a foreigner I know what the MIC is and that Eisenhower warned you guys about it. Don't they teach you any history in schools these days?

Oh, and I know, Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia (please don't tell me you don't know where that comes from either)



I'm quite familiar with the term military industrial complex, however, you can't just spout letters and expect anyone to read your mind. If I said the MM population has drastically reduced since the early 1900s would you have any idea what I mean?
This is nothing but a partisan spectacle by the House Teabagger NaziCons. Even if it does pass the House - there is no way to get a 2/3 majority to pass in the Senate. I even have doubts it will pass in the House. Meadows and Jordan want information they don't even have a right to during a federal investigation.

Even House republican leaders are voicing their disapproval of this move. Go figure.
I'm quite familiar with the term military industrial complex, however, you can't just spout letters and expect anyone to read your mind.


Everyone quite familiar with the term military industrial complex knows what MIC stands for
If I said the MM population has drastically reduced since the early 1900s would you have any idea what I mean?

I'm not sure, are they Russians?

Rosenstien should have recused himself. He's a witness in this investigation as he approved the 3rd instance of the FISA warrant to surviel (sp?) the Trump campaign. He can't be a witness, the judge, the prosecutor and the investigator all at the same time. That's against the law.

But just so you guys know, filing "articles of impeachment" doesn't get rid of him. It has to go through a process where a board will review it and decide if it should go before the entire house. If the house upholds it, 2/3 of the senate must vote in favor of it as well. That will never happen.

A review board of one Paul Ryan.

The buck will stop there. Waste of time.
I'm quite familiar with the term military industrial complex, however, you can't just spout letters and expect anyone to read your mind.


Everyone quite familiar with the term military industrial complex knows what MIC stands for
If I said the MM population has drastically reduced since the early 1900s would you have any idea what I mean?

I'm not sure, are they Russians?


Are you familiar with milk?
The second ranking legal authority in the nation, aka Democrat waterboy for Mueller is going to get served! I guess he thought he could just stonewall, redact and witnesses without retribution. He thought wrong. Sessions is next.

GOP Lawmakers File Articles of Impeachment Against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein

Let me get the marshmallows and weenies!
While you surrender your self worth, by selling out the Constitution and the rule of law in the face of protecting a criminal who is guilty of a conspiracy against the U.S. in a presidential election, multiple obstruction of justice charges, confirmed audio taping of porn stars associated with illegal campaign finance liability, and a law suit violating the Emoluments Clause for enriching him and his family, it is crystal clear, you are no "AMERICAN PATRIOT".

To all that garbage, all I can say is:

In his recent testimony to Congress, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein undoubtedly intended to sound reassuring. “I am quite confident,” he proclaimed, “about my conduct throughout this investigation.”

"Our intel agencies and some public officials within them are suspected of abusing power and misusing sensitive tools under their control as political weapons. The allegations reach far beyond the 2016 campaign and transcend party politics, which makes them all the more insidious in nature.

Combine that with the probes into Trump-Russia “collusion” and Hillary Clinton’s classified email practices, and the result may well be the most tangled web of overlapping investigations and competing conflicts of interest we’ve ever seen."

For his part, Rosenstein has several potential conflicts of interest— at least in perception. And in the realm of legal ethics, perception counts.


1. Rosenstein recommended that President Trump fire FBI Director James Comeythen handpicked Robert Mueller to investigate why Trump fired Comey. It’s akin to you or I being allowed to hire the guy who’s going judge our own actions.

2. Not only that, Rosenstein’s pickMueller — is a longtime colleague of Comey’s, whose own behavior was found to be “extraordinary and insubordinate,” according to the recent DOJ’s inspector general report.

3. Rosenstein reviewed and signed off on controversial wiretaps of Trump associate Carter Page, who was never charged with a crime despite being tracked under four FBI wiretap approvals.

The wiretaps Rosenstein signed had relied, in part, on anti-Trump political opposition research known as the “Steele dossier.” The FBI reportedly had not strictly verified the research as required under the FBI’s Woods Procedures. If that’s the case, Rosenstein (or those who work under him) could be implicated in possible violations of those procedures.

4. Rosenstein is in the position to decide whether to pursue criminal charges against the man who provided the anti-Trump “oppo” research used for the wiretaps that Rosenstein approved: Christopher Steele. But implicating Steele — an FBI source — could call into question the actions of Rosenstein himself and his colleagues. Rosenstein has taken no public action on a criminal referral against Steele sent to him almost six months ago by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).

5. Obstruction of justice: Under Rosenstein, the Department of Justice and FBI have withheld and improperly redacted information Congress requested. One key withheld text exchange was dated Aug. 9, 2016. It was between the FBI’s former top counterespionage official, Peter Strzok, and his reported mistress, FBI attorney Lisa Page.

Rosenstein told Congress in his last appearance 2 important things that were meant to reassure us that ‘all is well’…that FAILED to do so:

1. in the face of the DOJ’s inspector general faulting dozens of top officials, lawyers and ethics officials at the FBI and Justice Department, we’re to believe that any who are still there (and their friends) will do the right thing, even if it comes down to exposing their own misconduct

2. Rosenstein assured Congress that he would certainly discuss with Mueller if there were any conflicts of interest. He said if HE assessed there were any Conflicts of Interest he would step recuse himself.

There are quite a few, Rosenstein refuses to recuse himself – even now as he continues to break the law by obstructing Justice through refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena, Rosenstein refuses to do so.

He leaves Congress no choice but to Impeach him.
Rosenstein got what was coming to him.

without him, there would be no Mueller
Rosenstein hasn't gotten anything yet.

The Democrats, of course, will refuse to acknowledge all of the Conflicts of Interest and crimes that have been committed and will fight to keep Rosenstein in-place to ensure the attempted political coup continues.
Oh boy, another attempt by the GOP Trumpsters to obstruct the investigation of Trump. Why are they so afraid?
They seem to be following Rep. Devin Nunes.
From the conservative think tank AEI.

AEI scholar: Nunes should be expelled from House
AEI scholar: Nunes should be expelled from House

Nobody's afraid of anything. Fact is -- Rosenstein is in too deep to the FISA warrants and should have recused himself. He's blocking requests from Congress for the ORIGINAL FISA warrant, when he signed the latest one.

So the BIGGER picture is our OFFICIAL US Atty General had to recuse himself for having hors d'ouvres with a Russian -- But ROSENSTEIN who was in on the SPYING ON THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN gets to be Atty General on that matter?

Nuh uh.. Don't think so. He should have recused. Jeff Sessions should UN-Recuse or step down. This TWO Atty Gen thingy is just warped and stupid. Since he DID NOT recuse and know we know he's conflict of interest all along -- he should be removed.

Simple. And BTW --- Sessions is worthless pussy for EVER recusing himself.
Too deep in to the FISA warrants? :lol:

No he's not..... he signed off one 1 FISA warrant, the very last one after 2 to 3 previous approvals by the Republican FISA court Judges.... and the reason he had to approve it was because Sessions was recused.... There was no Mueller investigation at the time.

This is a made up, deflection from the Mueller investigation, by the freedom caucus/Nunes/Jordan, and a swamp creature thing to do, to a man who is a dedicated man of law...for the US Government, an honest ace....who follows the rule of law to the tee.

It's a disgrace and shameful political posturing maneuver...!!!!
Nunes and crew are a bunch of grandstanding idiots. If Rosenstein did something illegal then Congress should hold him in contempt or the president should fire him. If he is held in contempt of Congress then they could move forward with impeachment.

This is all glitter and hot air.

They just want this on the table so when they go campaigning in their districts starting next week they will have something to get their constituents worked up about, especially when they say "If you re-elect me I will impeach Rosenstein", it's nothing more.
Rosenstien should have recused himself. He's a witness in this investigation as he approved the 3rd instance of the FISA warrant to surviel (sp?) the Trump campaign. He can't be a witness, the judge, the prosecutor and the investigator all at the same time. That's against the law.

But just so you guys know, filing "articles of impeachment" doesn't get rid of him. It has to go through a process where a board will review it and decide if it should go before the entire house. If the house upholds it, 2/3 of the senate must vote in favor of it as well. That will never happen.
There was nothing wrong with the third FISA warrant and nothing wrong with FISA warrant 1 and 2 signed by others either.

You bought in to a pile of doo doo..... NOTHING was illegal about any of the FISA warrants on Carter Page..... absolutely nothing. :rolleyes:

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