Article Of Impeachment Filed Against Rosenstein

I doubt Ryan will let any efforts for impeachment of Rosenstein to go forward. It would be an obvious effort to stop the Russian investigation, and would hurt the right more than they can imagine.

So the DOJ should be free from congressional oversight?

I never said anything near that. Impeaching Rosenstein wouldn't be oversight. It would be nothing more or less than a partisan effort to protect trump for any crimes Mueller caught Trump in.
Right on, time that Mueller sycophant gets thrown under the bus. He's an arrogant bastard who should have never been in charge of the Russia investigation.

How can anyone who signed the false FISA warrant be in charge of the Mueller investigation?

It's illegal to file for a FISA with false information and as we saw in his latest testimony he didn't even read the damn thing. Lock him up.

GOP lawmakers introduce articles of impeachment against Rosenstein
We need to flip him. Force him to testify against the deep state.
You do not get what you want, just because you demand it, that's the mentality of a dumbass spoiled brat. The world does not work that way, sorry.

You on the right might want to recognize what you have just said.

The US is run according to the law.

Rosenstein has already violated the law.

There is no law that says IM2 gets a reparation check. Awww.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but there's more to come.

They don't move on my timeline, but they do move that way.

Christopher Wray will be going, too.
What law did he break?
Refusal to turn over documents requested by Congress.............Who have the authority of Oversight to Federal Agencies......
That issue is debatable and not a clear violation of the law. The proper course would be for congress to hold Rosenstein in contempt and if found guilty then they can talk impeachment. Or of course Trump could always just fire him. Guess what, none of that is happening. All the noise we are hearing is partisan grandstanding, nothing more
Grandstanding is the first tenet of politics. Make headlines and then do nothing of consequence.
Let us know when it rises to the levels of obstruction that were given hilery and her clowns.
Hillary wasn't charged with a crime, westy.

They already had her exoneration letter written before the investigation even started and before they interviewed her...which wasn't under oath NOR were any notes taken. Her lackeys were allowed to destroy their hard drives. Swamp rats protect swamp rats.
Nunes and crew are a bunch of grandstanding idiots. If Rosenstein did something illegal then Congress should hold him in contempt or the president should fire him. If he is held in contempt of Congress then they could move forward with impeachment.

This is all glitter and hot air.

Why take two steps to accomplish one?

The President cannot fire him because he is running the probe into the Russian 'collusion". If he fired him, lib heads would be exploding all over the place claiming President Trump did it to cover up the "collusion". Can't you see that happening?
Yeah, that’s absolutely what would happen. But if Rosenstein actually broke the law then it would be justified. The freedom douchebags don’t seem able to get a contempt vote because they are just blowing smoke
You on the right might want to recognize what you have just said.

The US is run according to the law.

Rosenstein has already violated the law.

There is no law that says IM2 gets a reparation check. Awww.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but there's more to come.

They don't move on my timeline, but they do move that way.

Christopher Wray will be going, too.
What law did he break?

Failed to comply with a subpeona from Congress. That's called sedition.

More than likely it will be "Contempt of Congress" though.

How come people found in "Contempt of Congress" suffer no penalties, but if a citizen is found "In contempt of the court" their ass is thrown into the lockup. What's up with that? Is not Congress higher up the chain than a municipal court?
If he is found in contempt he can be jailed. First he would have to be found guilty and I don’t see any movement towards that. This impeachment talk is utter BS. We all know it

How long did Eric Holder stay in jail after he was held in contempt of Congress?
I’m not familiar with that situation
The US is run according to the law.

Rosenstein has already violated the law.

There is no law that says IM2 gets a reparation check. Awww.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but there's more to come.

They don't move on my timeline, but they do move that way.

Christopher Wray will be going, too.
What law did he break?

Failed to comply with a subpeona from Congress. That's called sedition.

More than likely it will be "Contempt of Congress" though.

How come people found in "Contempt of Congress" suffer no penalties, but if a citizen is found "In contempt of the court" their ass is thrown into the lockup. What's up with that? Is not Congress higher up the chain than a municipal court?
If he is found in contempt he can be jailed. First he would have to be found guilty and I don’t see any movement towards that. This impeachment talk is utter BS. We all know it

How long did Eric Holder stay in jail after he was held in contempt of Congress?
I’m not familiar with that situation

Obviously not because you keep spouting bullshit! Contempt of Congress does not involve jail. I suggest you do some research before pontificating on a subject you know nothing about.
Right on, time that Mueller sycophant gets thrown under the bus. He's an arrogant bastard who should have never been in charge of the Russia investigation.

How can anyone who signed the false FISA warrant be in charge of the Mueller investigation?

It's illegal to file for a FISA with false information and as we saw in his latest testimony he didn't even read the damn thing. Lock him up.

GOP lawmakers introduce articles of impeachment against Rosenstein

Not going anywhere unless Republicans want to commit suicide. Especially moderate Republicans that are not in hillbilly districts. Or to quote Trey Gowdy. "Impeach him for what?" Gowdy said on CBS's "Face the Nation." "No."

There is no evidence he filed a FISA warrant with false information, That has been disproven thanks to Trump. Meadows and Jordan are what happens when you have gerrymandering.
This is nothing but a partisan spectacle by the House Teabagger NaziCons. Even if it does pass the House - there is no way to get a 2/3 majority to pass in the Senate. I even have doubts it will pass in the House. Meadows and Jordan want information they don't even have a right to during a federal investigation.


Pretty sure it doesn't work like that for bureau people. That's how it is for the president, not the peons.

Rosenstein is in deep doodoo.

Republicans are in deep doodoo not Rosenstein.
The US is run according to the law.

Rosenstein has already violated the law.

There is no law that says IM2 gets a reparation check. Awww.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but there's more to come.

They don't move on my timeline, but they do move that way.

Christopher Wray will be going, too.
What law did he break?

Failed to comply with a subpeona from Congress. That's called sedition.

More than likely it will be "Contempt of Congress" though.

How come people found in "Contempt of Congress" suffer no penalties, but if a citizen is found "In contempt of the court" their ass is thrown into the lockup. What's up with that? Is not Congress higher up the chain than a municipal court?
If he is found in contempt he can be jailed. First he would have to be found guilty and I don’t see any movement towards that. This impeachment talk is utter BS. We all know it

How long did Eric Holder stay in jail after he was held in contempt of Congress?
I’m not familiar with that situation
Holder was the piece of shit that lied to everyone and shipped weapons to drug cartels in Mexico.

Not surprisinglyn the fake indian is laughing, knowing it is true. He is a Putin pawn.
This is nothing but a partisan spectacle by the House Teabagger NaziCons. Even if it does pass the House - there is no way to get a 2/3 majority to pass in the Senate. I even have doubts it will pass in the House. Meadows and Jordan want information they don't even have a right to during a federal investigation.


Pretty sure it doesn't work like that for bureau people. That's how it is for the president, not the peons.

Rosenstein is in deep doodoo.

What doesn't work like that?

"I don't think it will go anywhere," said Eric Herzik, chairman of the political science department at the University of Nevada-Reno. "I don't think leadership will ever bring it to the House floor."

Though going after Rosenstein might appeal to hard-core Trump voters, it could backfire with most of the electorate and hurt moderate Republicans in swing districts in the congressional elections in November, he said.

Even if the House impeached Rosenstein, the closely divided Senate would never convict him, Herzik said. It takes a two-thirds majority to convict someone in a Senate impeachment trial. Republicans hold a slim 51-49 majority, and many of the Republicans would side with Democrats against conviction, the professor said.

"I'm sure (Senate Majority Leader) Mitch McConnell is rolling his eyes and looking at (House Speaker) Paul Ryan and saying, 'Get your guys under control,' " Herzik said.

House conservatives "are having fun talking about" impeachment, said Jack Pitney, a political scientist at Claremont McKenna College in California. "But if they actually pulled the trigger, it might blow up in their face," he said. "If they moved forward and had impeachment hearings and an investigation, they could turn over some rocks that don't make the Trump administration look good."

Could Trump allies really impeach Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein? Not likely, experts say

You do not get what you want, just because you demand it, that's the mentality of a dumbass spoiled brat. The world does not work that way, sorry.

You on the right might want to recognize what you have just said.

The US is run according to the law.

Rosenstein has already violated the law.

There is no law that says IM2 gets a reparation check. Awww.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but there's more to come.

They don't move on my timeline, but they do move that way.

Christopher Wray will be going, too.

Rosenstein has not broken any laws. Meadows and Jordan are obstructing justice. Meadows and Jordan need to go to jail if anyone goes to jail.
What doesn't work like that?

"I don't think it will go anywhere," said Eric Herzik, chairman of the political science department at the University of Nevada-Reno. "I don't think leadership will ever bring it to the House floor."

Though going after Rosenstein might appeal to hard-core Trump voters, it could backfire with most of the electorate and hurt moderate Republicans in swing districts in the congressional elections in November, he said.

Even if the House impeached Rosenstein, the closely divided Senate would never convict him, Herzik said. It takes a two-thirds majority to convict someone in a Senate impeachment trial. Republicans hold a slim 51-49 majority, and many of the Republicans would side with Democrats against conviction, the professor said.

"I'm sure (Senate Majority Leader) Mitch McConnell is rolling his eyes and looking at (House Speaker) Paul Ryan and saying, 'Get your guys under control,' " Herzik said.

House conservatives "are having fun talking about" impeachment, said Jack Pitney, a political scientist at Claremont McKenna College in California. "But if they actually pulled the trigger, it might blow up in their face," he said. "If they moved forward and had impeachment hearings and an investigation, they could turn over some rocks that don't make the Trump administration look good."

Could Trump allies really impeach Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein? Not likely, experts say

You do not get what you want, just because you demand it, that's the mentality of a dumbass spoiled brat. The world does not work that way, sorry.

You on the right might want to recognize what you have just said.

The US is run according to the law.

Rosenstein has already violated the law.

There is no law that says IM2 gets a reparation check. Awww.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but there's more to come.

They don't move on my timeline, but they do move that way.

Christopher Wray will be going, too.
What law did he break?

Failed to comply with a subpeona from Congress. That's called sedition.

More than likely it will be "Contempt of Congress" though.

How come people found in "Contempt of Congress" suffer no penalties, but if a citizen is found "In contempt of the court" their ass is thrown into the lockup. What's up with that? Is not Congress higher up the chain than a municipal court?

There is no sedition you idiot. I would love to see them try it and look like the fools they are. Republicans thy name is stupid. Congress does not have the right to records from a active FBI investigation.

There's a lot of contempt of Congress in this country.
The president can, and has the power to, declare whole bureaus null and void..

The bureaus serve at the whim of the president.

That's all there is to it.

He could wipe the DoJ, FBI, and Homeland Security all out in the same day and restructure the next day.

That's reality and the law.

No he cannot. It has to be approved by Congress.
You do not get what you want, just because you demand it, that's the mentality of a dumbass spoiled brat. The world does not work that way, sorry.

You on the right might want to recognize what you have just said.

The US is run according to the law.

Rosenstein has already violated the law.

There is no law that says IM2 gets a reparation check. Awww.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but there's more to come.

They don't move on my timeline, but they do move that way.

Christopher Wray will be going, too.
What law did he break?

Failed to comply with a subpeona from Congress. That's called sedition.

More than likely it will be "Contempt of Congress" though.

How come people found in "Contempt of Congress" suffer no penalties, but if a citizen is found "In contempt of the court" their ass is thrown into the lockup. What's up with that? Is not Congress higher up the chain than a municipal court?

There is no sedition you idiot. I would love to see them try it and look like the fools they are. Republicans thy name is stupid. Congress does not have the right to records from a active FBI investigation.

There's a lot of contempt of Congress in this country.
Are you positive about the right to records?

Who monitors or oversees the FBI?
it's simply a partisan dog and pony show, that is going nowhere.... a WASTE of their time....

Ryan will not bring the impeachment to a floor vote...

if he does the house will not have the votes to impeach,

but if they did, it would go to the Senate for trial...

And the senate would need 2/3's of voting yea to be impeached, which beyond any doubt, will not happen....

The congress critters are the ones obstructing justice and in the least are simply wasting tax payer money and time, while so many urgent things are going on that could actually be investigated... and Rome continues to burn to the ground....

you know it,

I know it,

we all know it.
They already had her exoneration letter written before the investigation even started and before they interviewed her...which wasn't under oath NOR were any notes taken. Her lackeys were allowed to destroy their hard drives. Swamp rats protect swamp rats.


For what? The day that the Hildbeast lost was the ultimate payback........I was unbelievably elated when Trump defeated her. One of the most memorable nights of my life.

Yes. All you Republicans were elated that the orange buffoon was elected.

LMAO!!!! HOLY SHIT! The fact that the crowned queen Hildebeast lost STILL pisses you off even to this day!!!! How can you even look yourself in the mirror and call yourself a "proud democrat" given what has been revealed by the Wikileaks data dump and what Project Veritas showed leftards have no line that they will not cross because the ends justifies the means. The election was rigged in Hildebeast's favor and she STILL LOST.....let it go already, Bulldog......let it go. The bitterness will just eat you up inside and it's not healthy.

Yes, I was disappointed when she lost, but that's ancient history. I'm worried about the crazy president we have NOW. You don't get that?

Dude, if Trump was "crazy" or just another deep state puppet? I would be on it like white on rice. Trump is doing (and trying to do) what he said he would do which makes him a threat to the hegemony of USA.INC. Trump was recruited for the job and he has serious backing by the white hats in the alphabet agencies and the support of the military. Take a very deep breath......relax.
To hold someone in contempt, a majority of committee members must vote for a contempt citation, which must then be approved by the full House. If approved, the contempt citation is referred to the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, who brings the case to a grand jury for action.

"A contempt case would end up in the courts where the House Republicans may well lose," Tiefer said. "Impeachment doesn't go to the courts."

Could Trump allies really impeach Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein? Not likely, experts say

The rabid House Teabagger NaziCons should have attempted a contempt course of action first.
It’s a joke and these freedom guys are proving to be complete hypocrites. They are to lazy to prove that Rosenstein committed a crime though contempt proceedings so they skip to impeachment. Could you imagine if the Dems did that to Trump before finding anything from the Mueller investigation? How many months have we heard them demand proof of collusion and now they jump the gun on Rosie. It’s almost laughable. Plus Rosie and Wray are both Trumps guys!!!!

Contempt proceedings? WTF? Talking out of your ass again?

Why do you want to do two things to accomplish one?
That’s a great point. While we are at it how about we skip this whole Mueller thing and go straight to impeachmmet. That way you get Rosie and they get Trump. Win win right?!
Oh boy, another attempt by the GOP Trumpsters to obstruct the investigation of Trump. Why are they so afraid?
They seem to be following Rep. Devin Nunes.
From the conservative think tank AEI.

AEI scholar: Nunes should be expelled from House
AEI scholar: Nunes should be expelled from House

Nobody's afraid of anything. Fact is -- Rosenstein is in too deep to the FISA warrants and should have recused himself. He's blocking requests from Congress for the ORIGINAL FISA warrant, when he signed the latest one.

So the BIGGER picture is our OFFICIAL US Atty General had to recuse himself for having hors d'ouvres with a Russian -- But ROSENSTEIN who was in on the SPYING ON THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN gets to be Atty General on that matter?

Nuh uh.. Don't think so. He should have recused. Jeff Sessions should UN-Recuse or step down. This TWO Atty Gen thingy is just warped and stupid. Since he DID NOT recuse and know we know he's conflict of interest all along -- he should be removed.

Simple. And BTW --- Sessions is worthless pussy for EVER recusing himself.
A Republican Congress attempting to impeach a Republican DAG for refusing to turn over documents that the Republican President hasn’t actually ordered his subordinate officer to turn over is, well, rich.

Trump doesn't need to order him to turn over the documents. He received a Congressional subpoena.
Are you under the impression that congress has the power to receive documentation on anything they want for on-going investigations?

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