Article Of Impeachment Filed Against Rosenstein

To hold someone in contempt, a majority of committee members must vote for a contempt citation, which must then be approved by the full House. If approved, the contempt citation is referred to the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, who brings the case to a grand jury for action.

"A contempt case would end up in the courts where the House Republicans may well lose," Tiefer said. "Impeachment doesn't go to the courts."

Could Trump allies really impeach Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein? Not likely, experts say

The rabid House Teabagger NaziCons should have attempted a contempt course of action first.
It’s a joke and these freedom guys are proving to be complete hypocrites. They are to lazy to prove that Rosenstein committed a crime though contempt proceedings so they skip to impeachment. Could you imagine if the Dems did that to Trump before finding anything from the Mueller investigation? How many months have we heard them demand proof of collusion and now they jump the gun on Rosie. It’s almost laughable. Plus Rosie and Wray are both Trumps guys!!!!

Contempt proceedings? WTF? Talking out of your ass again?

Why do you want to do two things to accomplish one?
That’s a great point. While we are at it how about we skip this whole Mueller thing and go straight to impeachmmet. That way you get Rosie and they get Trump. Win win right?!

What is impeachmmet?

You have no charges. Rosie is failing to do his job. That is a fact. Trump has not been proven to have done anything wrong.
Right on, time that Mueller sycophant gets thrown under the bus. He's an arrogant bastard who should have never been in charge of the Russia investigation.

How can anyone who signed the false FISA warrant be in charge of the Mueller investigation?

It's illegal to file for a FISA with false information and as we saw in his latest testimony he didn't even read the damn thing. Lock him up.

GOP lawmakers introduce articles of impeachment against Rosenstein

Not going anywhere unless Republicans want to commit suicide. Especially moderate Republicans that are not in hillbilly districts. Or to quote Trey Gowdy. "Impeach him for what?" Gowdy said on CBS's "Face the Nation." "No."

There is no evidence he filed a FISA warrant with false information, That has been disproven thanks to Trump. Meadows and Jordan are what happens when you have gerrymandering.

You have no clue what gerrymandering means, much less how it would affect these two elected officials. Is there any particular reason you seem intent on showing your ignorance? You are very talented in that regard.

What the fuck are you talking about.

Gerrymandering forms the Congressional districts in such a way that favors one party over the other. Representatives in the House certainly can be gerrymandered.

Senators are statewide.
A Republican Congress attempting to impeach a Republican DAG for refusing to turn over documents that the Republican President hasn’t actually ordered his subordinate officer to turn over is, well, rich.

Trump doesn't need to order him to turn over the documents. He received a Congressional subpoena.
Are you under the impression that congress has the power to receive documentation on anything they want for on-going investigations?

Yes, they do. It is their Constitutional duty. I wish you would actually take a good high school level course on government and actually study what the Constitution says, rather than relying on your libtard talking points written by people who use the document as toilet paper,
Right on, time that Mueller sycophant gets thrown under the bus. He's an arrogant bastard who should have never been in charge of the Russia investigation.

How can anyone who signed the false FISA warrant be in charge of the Mueller investigation?

It's illegal to file for a FISA with false information and as we saw in his latest testimony he didn't even read the damn thing. Lock him up.

GOP lawmakers introduce articles of impeachment against Rosenstein
Another effort by Republicans to interfeer with an investigation.

How is demanding transparency of an investigation from the people you have oversight over interfering with the investigation?

Damn, some people are so clueless it boggles the mind.
When they ask for the details of the evidence? When they are trying to help out their orange buddy?

YOUR Republican President's choice to run the DOJ is, and thsat Republicans chooses Mueller, a Republican. So why are they investigating this? Because it is getting tyoo close to destroying Trump & harming the Republican Party for a decade?

Ya, right, they're demanding documents and information that will expose Trump.

I rest my case, stupidity is abundant in the libtard community.
Failed to comply with a subpeona from Congress. That's called sedition.

More than likely it will be "Contempt of Congress" though.

How come people found in "Contempt of Congress" suffer no penalties, but if a citizen is found "In contempt of the court" their ass is thrown into the lockup. What's up with that? Is not Congress higher up the chain than a municipal court?
If he is found in contempt he can be jailed. First he would have to be found guilty and I don’t see any movement towards that. This impeachment talk is utter BS. We all know it

How long did Eric Holder stay in jail after he was held in contempt of Congress?
I’m not familiar with that situation

Obviously not because you keep spouting bullshit! Contempt of Congress does not involve jail. I suggest you do some research before pontificating on a subject you know nothing about.
You say I know nothing about the subject and you also claim “Contempt of Congress does not involve jail.”

And then there’s this... “The criminal offense of "contempt of Congress" sets the penalty at not less than one month nor more than twelve months in jail and a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000.”

Perhaps you should take your own advice and learn a little more about the subject.

Guess who has to impose that penalty? The Justice Department! I am sure Rosenstein is going to prosecute himself, moron! That would be just like Holder locked himself up when he was found in contempt!
Right on, time that Mueller sycophant gets thrown under the bus. He's an arrogant bastard who should have never been in charge of the Russia investigation.

How can anyone who signed the false FISA warrant be in charge of the Mueller investigation?

It's illegal to file for a FISA with false information and as we saw in his latest testimony he didn't even read the damn thing. Lock him up.

GOP lawmakers introduce articles of impeachment against Rosenstein

This shows just how down right stupid you are.

Where were you in high school when you were supposed to learn about the impeachment process? You were probably one of the deadbeats who skipped class and got high all day.

Since you're too stupid to know the impeachment process, I'll give you the facts.

They can impeach him in the House. All they need is a simple majority. But the House isn't the only government body involved. The senate is also involved. The trial happens in the senate. Then you'll need a two thirds majority to vote to expel him. The republicans only have a one seat majority in the senate. They certainly don't have two thirds.

That's IF you can get a majority of republicans in the House to vote for impeachment. There are only 11 House members cosponsoring this bill. So the reality is that it probably won't even pass the House.

So this will end up exactly the same as all the investigations on the Clintons and the impeachment of Bill.


Rosenstein won't be impeached. Mueller will continue with his investigation. The only difference will be that Rosenstein and probably Mueller and the rest of the FBI will be extremely ticked off at republicans. Which will probably make them want to find as much on trump as they can.

That's on top of ticking off countless Americans. Which will result in millions of them running to the polls to vote for democrats in November.

If democrats take control of either the House or Senate, watch for all hell to break loose. The investigations will be never ending and unlike with Hillary and Bill, they will find real and serious crimes.

LOL. You republicans are so stupid it's just sad.
Right on, time that Mueller sycophant gets thrown under the bus. He's an arrogant bastard who should have never been in charge of the Russia investigation.

How can anyone who signed the false FISA warrant be in charge of the Mueller investigation?

It's illegal to file for a FISA with false information and as we saw in his latest testimony he didn't even read the damn thing. Lock him up.

GOP lawmakers introduce articles of impeachment against Rosenstein

This shows just how down right stupid you are.

Where were you in high school when you were supposed to learn about the impeachment process? You were probably one of the deadbeats who skipped class and got high all day.

Since you're too stupid to know the impeachment process, I'll give you the facts.

They can impeach him in the House. All they need is a simple majority. But the House isn't the only government body involved. The senate is also involved. The trial happens in the senate. Then you'll need a two thirds majority to vote to expel him. The republicans only have a one seat majority in the senate. They certainly don't have two thirds.

That's IF you can get a majority of republicans in the House to vote for impeachment. There are only 11 House members cosponsoring this bill. So the reality is that it probably won't even pass the House.

So this will end up exactly the same as all the investigations on the Clintons and the impeachment of Bill.


Rosenstein won't be impeached. Mueller will continue with his investigation. The only difference will be that Rosenstein and probably Mueller and the rest of the FBI will be extremely ticked off at republicans. Which will probably make them want to find as much on trump as they can.

That's on top of ticking off countless Americans. Which will result in millions of them running to the polls to vote for democrats in November.

If democrats take control of either the House or Senate, watch for all hell to break loose. The investigations will be never ending and unlike with Hillary and Bill, they will find real and serious crimes.

LOL. You republicans are so stupid it's just sad.

Why would they be pissed off at Trump as he has nothing to do with this? Oh, that's right! We are talking about libtards here!
Pretty sure it doesn't work like that for bureau people. That's how it is for the president, not the peons.

Rosenstein is in deep doodoo.

What doesn't work like that?

"I don't think it will go anywhere," said Eric Herzik, chairman of the political science department at the University of Nevada-Reno. "I don't think leadership will ever bring it to the House floor."

Though going after Rosenstein might appeal to hard-core Trump voters, it could backfire with most of the electorate and hurt moderate Republicans in swing districts in the congressional elections in November, he said.

Even if the House impeached Rosenstein, the closely divided Senate would never convict him, Herzik said. It takes a two-thirds majority to convict someone in a Senate impeachment trial. Republicans hold a slim 51-49 majority, and many of the Republicans would side with Democrats against conviction, the professor said.

"I'm sure (Senate Majority Leader) Mitch McConnell is rolling his eyes and looking at (House Speaker) Paul Ryan and saying, 'Get your guys under control,' " Herzik said.

House conservatives "are having fun talking about" impeachment, said Jack Pitney, a political scientist at Claremont McKenna College in California. "But if they actually pulled the trigger, it might blow up in their face," he said. "If they moved forward and had impeachment hearings and an investigation, they could turn over some rocks that don't make the Trump administration look good."

Could Trump allies really impeach Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein? Not likely, experts say

You do not get what you want, just because you demand it, that's the mentality of a dumbass spoiled brat. The world does not work that way, sorry.

You on the right might want to recognize what you have just said.
Why? You on the left are criminal thugs.. Are you afraid we will hold you all accountable? That is what is missing from America... Non of the criminal communists and clans are being held accountable and were tired of your ANTIFA fascism and bullying..

You were warned it would only last so long before we started taking you people to task... Guess what... Here it comes...
What fantasy world are you living in?

You think arresting Rosenstein and Wray is taking the left to task? You realize that Trump appointed both of those guys right?

Both men are republicans appointed by republican donald trump.
left wing idiots....

Congressional action can impeach and remove him... The president has to sign nothing and has no say in that co-equal branch of governments actions... Once removed he could very well face criminal proceedings..

It's just so embarrassing how down right stupid you and conservatives are.

Where were you in the 90s when the republicans tried to throw Clinton out of office?

You obviously didn't learn about the process in school when you were supposed to learn it. You were probably one of those deadbeats who didn't go to class and spent their days getting high.

The same process we were forced through in the Clinton years will happen with Rosenstein.

Apparently you don't know that we have TWO houses of congress. Not one. The House can vote to impeach by a simple majority.

The Senate is a very different situation. You're going to need a two thirds majority in the Senate to vote for it. The republicans have 2 seats majority but one of them is vacant since McCain is home trying not to die. So in reality they only have a one seat majority.

So if your brain can't add, that means that Rosenstein isn't going to be thrown out of office.

That's IF you can get it passed the house. Which looks like it won't. Only 11 House members co sponsored the bill.

You people are so stupid. You know that trump has committed a very long list of crimes and are desperate to stop the investigation and not hold him responsible for all the crimes he's committed. You're too stupid to realize that this scheme is doomed to fail from the beginning.

LOL You'll lose just like you've lost in all the Hillary and Bill investigations.
...The same process we were forced through in the Clinton years will happen with Rosenstein.


I can't wait for all the dirty details to come out, cigars, blue dresses, I didn't have sexual relations, that depends on what the meaning of sex is....

Does Rosenstein smoke cigars btw, does he have an intern?

To hold someone in contempt, a majority of committee members must vote for a contempt citation, which must then be approved by the full House. If approved, the contempt citation is referred to the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, who brings the case to a grand jury for action.

"A contempt case would end up in the courts where the House Republicans may well lose," Tiefer said. "Impeachment doesn't go to the courts."

Could Trump allies really impeach Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein? Not likely, experts say

The rabid House Teabagger NaziCons should have attempted a contempt course of action first.
It’s a joke and these freedom guys are proving to be complete hypocrites. They are to lazy to prove that Rosenstein committed a crime though contempt proceedings so they skip to impeachment. Could you imagine if the Dems did that to Trump before finding anything from the Mueller investigation? How many months have we heard them demand proof of collusion and now they jump the gun on Rosie. It’s almost laughable. Plus Rosie and Wray are both Trumps guys!!!!

Contempt proceedings? WTF? Talking out of your ass again?

Why do you want to do two things to accomplish one?
That’s a great point. While we are at it how about we skip this whole Mueller thing and go straight to impeachmmet. That way you get Rosie and they get Trump. Win win right?!

What is impeachmmet?

You have no charges. Rosie is failing to do his job. That is a fact. Trump has not been proven to have done anything wrong.

Excuse me, are you Robert Mueller? Do you know him? Are you a relative or something? Has he told you there is no evidence against Trump?
For what? The day that the Hildbeast lost was the ultimate payback........I was unbelievably elated when Trump defeated her. One of the most memorable nights of my life.

Yes. All you Republicans were elated that the orange buffoon was elected.

LMAO!!!! HOLY SHIT! The fact that the crowned queen Hildebeast lost STILL pisses you off even to this day!!!! How can you even look yourself in the mirror and call yourself a "proud democrat" given what has been revealed by the Wikileaks data dump and what Project Veritas showed leftards have no line that they will not cross because the ends justifies the means. The election was rigged in Hildebeast's favor and she STILL LOST.....let it go already, Bulldog......let it go. The bitterness will just eat you up inside and it's not healthy.

Yes, I was disappointed when she lost, but that's ancient history. I'm worried about the crazy president we have NOW. You don't get that?

Dude, if Trump was "crazy" or just another deep state puppet? I would be on it like white on rice. Trump is doing (and trying to do) what he said he would do which makes him a threat to the hegemony of USA.INC. Trump was recruited for the job and he has serious backing by the white hats in the alphabet agencies and the support of the military. Take a very deep breath......relax.

So what efforts has he made to come up with that cheaper, better, and so much simpler healthcare system that covers everybody, and guarantees that even the poorest can have adequate healthcare?

As far as I can see the only thing he has done is made insurance much more expensive.

There is another thing he's doing. Or really not doing

Texas is challenging the preexisting conditions clause protections in federal court. The trump DOJ is refusing to defend the law.

Republicans believe that they have the right to pass laws that legally allow insurance companies to deny people coverage or kick them off coverage because the person got sick. We already went through that with the republican health care reform in the reagan years. Thousands of Americans died because of it. Estimates are that 45 thousand Americans died an unnecessary early death each year because of it.

So their solution is to kick millions of Americans off insurance to force them to die an unnecessary early death.
Yes. All you Republicans were elated that the orange buffoon was elected.

LMAO!!!! HOLY SHIT! The fact that the crowned queen Hildebeast lost STILL pisses you off even to this day!!!! How can you even look yourself in the mirror and call yourself a "proud democrat" given what has been revealed by the Wikileaks data dump and what Project Veritas showed leftards have no line that they will not cross because the ends justifies the means. The election was rigged in Hildebeast's favor and she STILL LOST.....let it go already, Bulldog......let it go. The bitterness will just eat you up inside and it's not healthy.

Yes, I was disappointed when she lost, but that's ancient history. I'm worried about the crazy president we have NOW. You don't get that?

Dude, if Trump was "crazy" or just another deep state puppet? I would be on it like white on rice. Trump is doing (and trying to do) what he said he would do which makes him a threat to the hegemony of USA.INC. Trump was recruited for the job and he has serious backing by the white hats in the alphabet agencies and the support of the military. Take a very deep breath......relax.

So what efforts has he made to come up with that cheaper, better, and so much simpler healthcare system that covers everybody, and guarantees that even the poorest can have adequate healthcare?

As far as I can see the only thing he has done is made insurance much more expensive.

There is another thing he's doing. Or really not doing

Texas is challenging the preexisting conditions clause protections in federal court. The trump DOJ is refusing to defend the law.

Republicans believe that they have the right to pass laws that legally allow insurance companies to deny people coverage or kick them off coverage because the person got sick. We already went through that with the republican health care reform in the reagan years. Thousands of Americans died because of it. Estimates are that 45 thousand Americans died an unnecessary early death each year because of it.

So their solution is to kick millions of Americans off insurance to force them to die an unnecessary early death.

Apparently, like most people, you don't have a handle on what pre-existing conditions are. Insurance companies can't kick you off their insurance because you get sick. They could refuse you coverage if you did not maintain insurance coverage and have a pre-existing condition that will cost them more money than they will make in terms of your premiums. I have had a pre-existing condition for over twenty years and not once have I had a company refuse to cover me because I maintained continuous medical coverage. Once when I lost my insurance, I had a one-year waiting period before they would pay for my pre-existing condition, but that was also pre-Obamacare.
Right on, time that Mueller sycophant gets thrown under the bus. He's an arrogant bastard who should have never been in charge of the Russia investigation.

How can anyone who signed the false FISA warrant be in charge of the Mueller investigation?

It's illegal to file for a FISA with false information and as we saw in his latest testimony he didn't even read the damn thing. Lock him up.
GOP lawmakers introduce articles of impeachment against Rosenstein

These are the same clowns, who said that Putin was not trying to help Donald Trump win the 2016 election. :auiqs.jpg:
After all the investigations taken in on this planet, these GOP House members are the only group in the world, that came to the total opposite conclusion. In other words, they protected your hero, Donald J Trump.
This impeachment attempt, is a another clear sign, they are all about protecting Trump.
and doing his work for him.
In the final analysis...

Anyone seen voting in favor of impeaching Rosenstein will be also be seen as a co-conspirator in the Great Trump Cover-Up.

The idiots have learned nothing from the Saturday Night Massacre of October 20, 1973.

The optics alone are horrible, and the likely political fallout will prove far worse; both immediately, and over the course of time.



Republicans channeling the ghosts of Pierre Laval, Benedict Arnold, Vidkun Quisling, Seyss-Inquart and Judas Iscariot.

The media, and, ultimately, The People, will crucify them for it, at the polls.
Last edited:
This shows just how down right stupid you are.

Where were you in high school when you were supposed to learn about the impeachment process? You were probably one of the deadbeats who skipped class and got high all day.

Since you're too stupid to know the impeachment process, I'll give you the facts.

They can impeach him in the House. All they need is a simple majority. But the House isn't the only government body involved. The senate is also involved. The trial happens in the senate. Then you'll need a two thirds majority to vote to expel him. The republicans only have a one seat majority in the senate. They certainly don't have two thirds.

That's IF you can get a majority of republicans in the House to vote for impeachment. There are only 11 House members cosponsoring this bill. So the reality is that it probably won't even pass the House.

So this will end up exactly the same as all the investigations on the Clintons and the impeachment of Bill.


Rosenstein won't be impeached. Mueller will continue with his investigation. The only difference will be that Rosenstein and probably Mueller and the rest of the FBI will be extremely ticked off at republicans. Which will probably make them want to find as much on trump as they can.

That's on top of ticking off countless Americans. Which will result in millions of them running to the polls to vote for democrats in November.

If democrats take control of either the House or Senate, watch for all hell to break loose. The investigations will be never ending and unlike with Hillary and Bill, they will find real and serious crimes.

LOL. You republicans are so stupid it's just sad.

Do you realize you just used the future tense 11 times in this post? If you can predict the future, why aren't you rich? If you can predict the future, why didn't Hillary win the election?

You have no idea what will happen until after it happens. The best standpoint for predicting the future is when it's in the past. I'm amazed leftists still haven't learned that after the prediction debacle of the 2016 election. I'm betting you still even believe in polls!
To hold someone in contempt, a majority of committee members must vote for a contempt citation, which must then be approved by the full House. If approved, the contempt citation is referred to the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, who brings the case to a grand jury for action.

"A contempt case would end up in the courts where the House Republicans may well lose," Tiefer said. "Impeachment doesn't go to the courts."

Could Trump allies really impeach Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein? Not likely, experts say

The rabid House Teabagger NaziCons should have attempted a contempt course of action first.
It’s a joke and these freedom guys are proving to be complete hypocrites. They are to lazy to prove that Rosenstein committed a crime though contempt proceedings so they skip to impeachment. Could you imagine if the Dems did that to Trump before finding anything from the Mueller investigation? How many months have we heard them demand proof of collusion and now they jump the gun on Rosie. It’s almost laughable. Plus Rosie and Wray are both Trumps guys!!!!

Contempt proceedings? WTF? Talking out of your ass again?

Why do you want to do two things to accomplish one?
That’s a great point. While we are at it how about we skip this whole Mueller thing and go straight to impeachmmet. That way you get Rosie and they get Trump. Win win right?!

What is impeachmmet?

You have no charges. Rosie is failing to do his job. That is a fact. Trump has not been proven to have done anything wrong.
when, ever in law enforcement history, does the law, give the suspect, all the intelligence they gathered on him or his friends, while the investigation is still on going, and before the suspect is interviewed, or charged?

NEVER! Is your answer.

Congress critters are out of their fricken minds.
...The same process we were forced through in the Clinton years will happen with Rosenstein.


I can't wait for all the dirty details to come out, cigars, blue dresses, I didn't have sexual relations, that depends on what the meaning of sex is....

Does Rosenstein smoke cigars btw, does he have an intern?

When I read posts like this, OMG. Talk about a country that has dumbed down into over drive.

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