Article Of Impeachment Filed Against Rosenstein

There was nothing wrong with the third FISA warrant and nothing wrong with FISA warrant 1 and 2 signed by others either.

Not yet clear. Because the details are being held from the public. But if the POS Clinton/'Steele dossier formed the basis for WEAPONIZING the greatest spy machine in the history of man as a political club -- And if the judges weren't FULLY informed that it was largely unverified and dodgey and MORE than sponsored "by a political entity".. There was serious fraud committed to that court.

I'm thinking the FISC itself will soon issue statements.

Point is that Rosenstein KNEW he approved the dodgey spying by approving a FISA. And for that reason -- HE has conflict of interest because of his actions to OBSTRUCT the release of materials.
Thanks! You just admitted to lying. Without a link proving this, your conjecture is worth nothing. You can't possibly think that someone is going to believe your spaghetti up against the wall explanation, as opposed to documented proof that Rosenstein did anything illegal or inappropriate as it related to FISA.

OH HELL NO.. I'm shocked that you do not know what a FISA warrant approval allows you to do. NO LINKY required.

TELL US WHY you go to the FISC to get a warrant. WHY is this a special secret court? Do you SERIOUSLY NOT KNOW the primary reason is to spy???
The claimed conflicts of interest are not conflicts of interest.

I stopped reading your crap at this point - the very 1st sentence - because you did nothing but spew ignorant opinion.

YOU claim that the Deputy Director of the DOJ making a case for the firing of the Director of the FBI, recommending the President fire the Director of the FBI, then appoints the mentor and friend of the fired Director of the FBI as Special Counsel AND stays on as head of the entire DOJ's oversight of the ensuing Witch Hunt over the fact that the President followed the advice of the Deputy Director of the DOJ was / is in no way a 'Conflict of Interest'?

View attachment 207063 View attachment 207064

No need for you to read the rest anyway. Paul Ryan just killed it anyway.
Doesn’t Trumps newly appointed FBI Director Chris Wray also stand behind the investigation? These are guys that have seen the evidence, so why are you assuming to know more than they do?
It was reported that when Wray saw the evidence against Strzok - according to CNN - he was 'shocked'...and Strzok was immediately assigned to a desk in Human Relations - supposedly the 2nd Best Expert in Counter-Intelligence' and Field Agent immediately hidden in the basement of the FBI building working for HR. Bwuhahahaha!

Trump MESSED UP BAD by putting another 'Good Ol' Boy FBI Loyalist, someone who puts his loyalty in the FBI and who is intent on protecting it first and foremost over GUTTING IT / BURNING IT DOWN IF NEED BE to once and for all get the criminals like Comey, McCabe, and Strzok OUT.

Wray already proved he is 'THAT' guy by NOT IMMEDIATELY firing Strzok, for NOT agreeing with the US IG who identified McCabe's crimes and recommended him to the DOJ for indictment and prosecution. Instead, Wray has tried to protect the FBI by trying to protect Strzok, McCabe, and Comey from indictment and prosecution.

COME ON - Mueller, a previous Director of the FBI, knew immediately when the story broke about Strzok's texts / criminal bias / SEDITION that he HAD to FIRE Strzok off of his Investigative Team because even Mueller was smart enough and honest enough to know PERCEPTION is REALITY, that PERCEPTION has everything to do with TRUST! He knew if he kept Strzok, on top of all the other Conflicts of Interest, Strzok would be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. For the continued existence of and trust in his Special Counsel Strzok had to go.

WRAY was faced with the SAME EXACT THING. Strzok was exposed. KEEPING him would be d@mning to the FBI - PERCEPTION is reality, again, especially regarding 'TRUST'. Wray made the wrong call - unlike Mueller, he chose loyalty to the FBI and to corrupt exposed criminals and traitors like Strzok. The PERCEPTION of most now is that Strzok perjured himself in front of Congress, his testimony was contradicted by the agent he had an affair with - Congress stated HER testimony was extremely credible, that Strzok helped save Hillary from indictment, and that Strzok at the least should have been fired and many think he should be in jail. The fact that Wray CHOSE TO STAND WITH HIM, TO PROTECT HIM, gives people the PERCEPTION that Wray isn't much different than Comey. The fact that Wray has also obstructed Justice by not complying with Congress' subpoena by releasing documents shows Wray is a criminal by definition, too, and is, again, proving he is little / no better than Comey, that the leadership of the FBI is STILL corrupt as hell.
This would be a very unwise move.

So Trumps DoJ should be allowed to ignore congressional requests for information that they are entitled to without consequence?

Dod has a valid argument that the Congressional Committee does not have a legal right to the documents involving an ongoing official investigation. Only Federal Courts can make a determination. Perhaps the Supreme Court.
TELL US WHY you go to the FISC to get a warrant. WHY is this a special secret court? Do you SERIOUSLY NOT KNOW the primary reason is to spy???
To be able to spy without tipping off the ones being spied on that it is happening, giving them and their lawyers no chance to defend themselves from the spying.

Just part of Obama's organized Conspiracy...'Nothing to see here, move along!'
This would be a very unwise move.

So Trumps DoJ should be allowed to ignore congressional requests for information that they are entitled to without consequence?

Dod has a valid argument that the Congressional Committee does not have a legal right to the documents involving an ongoing official investigation. Only Federal Courts can make a determination. Perhaps the Supreme Court.

Except they’ve repeatedly made that claim and when some documentation has been produced it becomes evidence is they aren’t involved in ongoing investigations
Doesn’t Trumps newly appointed FBI Director Chris Wray also stand behind the investigation? These are guys that have seen the evidence, so why are you assuming to know more than they do?
It was reported that when Wray saw the evidence against Strzok - according to CNN - he was 'shocked'...and Strzok was immediately assigned to a desk in Human Relations - supposedly the 2nd Best Expert in Counter-Intelligence' and Field Agent immediately hidden in the basement of the FBI building working for HR. Bwuhahahaha!

Trump MESSED UP BAD by putting another 'Good Ol' Boy FBI Loyalist, someone who puts his loyalty in the FBI and who is intent on protecting it first and foremost over GUTTING IT / BURNING IT DOWN IF NEED BE to once and for all get the criminals like Comey, McCabe, and Strzok OUT.

Wray already proved he is 'THAT' guy by NOT IMMEDIATELY firing Strzok, for NOT agreeing with the US IG who identified McCabe's crimes and recommended him to the DOJ for indictment and prosecution. Instead, Wray has tried to protect the FBI by trying to protect Strzok, McCabe, and Comey from indictment and prosecution.

COME ON - Mueller, a previous Director of the FBI, knew immediately when the story broke about Strzok's texts / criminal bias / SEDITION that he HAD to FIRE Strzok off of his Investigative Team because even Mueller was smart enough and honest enough to know PERCEPTION is REALITY, that PERCEPTION has everything to do with TRUST! He knew if he kept Strzok, on top of all the other Conflicts of Interest, Strzok would be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. For the continued existence of and trust in his Special Counsel Strzok had to go.

WRAY was faced with the SAME EXACT THING. Strzok was exposed. KEEPING him would be d@mning to the FBI - PERCEPTION is reality, again, especially regarding 'TRUST'. Wray made the wrong call - unlike Mueller, he chose loyalty to the FBI and to corrupt exposed criminals and traitors like Strzok. The PERCEPTION of most now is that Strzok perjured himself in front of Congress, his testimony was contradicted by the agent he had an affair with - Congress stated HER testimony was extremely credible, that Strzok helped save Hillary from indictment, and that Strzok at the least should have been fired and many think he should be in jail. The fact that Wray CHOSE TO STAND WITH HIM, TO PROTECT HIM, gives people the PERCEPTION that Wray isn't much different than Comey. The fact that Wray has also obstructed Justice by not complying with Congress' subpoena by releasing documents shows Wray is a criminal by definition, too, and is, again, proving he is little / no better than Comey, that the leadership of the FBI is STILL corrupt as hell.
You’re telling me to “come on”?! just listen to yourself and hear the crazy.

You think two FBI directors appointed by Trump and an attorney general and deputy AG both appointed by Trump are all in the deep state bag?! That’s a joke.

How about the simpler and rational answer. All who have seen the evidence stand by the investigation. It’s a legit investigation, not a witch hunt.

The guy calling it a Witch Hunt is a proven liar and manipulator with all the interest in the world to discredit the investigation. Those who are standing by it don’t have motive to do so. It puts them at odds with the guy that appointed them. Seriously, wake the fuck up
Rosenstein got what was coming to him.

without him, there would be no Mueller
Rosenstein hasn't gotten anything yet.

The Democrats, of course, will refuse to acknowledge all of the Conflicts of Interest and crimes that have been committed and will fight to keep Rosenstein in-place to ensure the attempted political coup continues.

The claimed conflicts of interest are not conflicts of interest. The partisan right is trying to claim they are PERCEIVED conflicts of interest for purely political reasons. That part is obvious. Lots more reasons to discount the right's claims, but there is no need. It's all just political theater on their part anyway.

Nope. OBVIOUS conflict of interest. Rosenstein is obstructing access to the FISA docs used to hijack the NSA Big Brother machine to SPY on a political campaign. All along he KNEW he provided APPROVAL for that spying. That makes him more recusable and more "involved with the campaign" than Jeff Sessions EVER was.

This 2 AG situation is bullshit. Sessions needs to UN-recuse unless there's proof he contributed more than an endorsement and some stage time to the campaign.

So which members of the political were "SPIED ON" that weren't already under surveillance for interactions to known Russian assets? How exactly was any info found by the surveillance used in any way to effect the outcome of the election? The investigation into Hillary was announced with great fanfare just a few days before the election. The investigation you are whining about wasn't even mentioned until after the election.....Why? If you can come up with credible answers to those questions, I'll probably switch sides.
This would be a very unwise move.

So Trumps DoJ should be allowed to ignore congressional requests for information that they are entitled to without consequence?

Dod has a valid argument that the Congressional Committee does not have a legal right to the documents involving an ongoing official investigation. Only Federal Courts can make a determination. Perhaps the Supreme Court.

Except they’ve repeatedly made that claim and when some documentation has been produced it becomes evidence is they aren’t involved in ongoing investigations
Well, only the documents not involved with the ongoing investigation are released.
Right on, time that Mueller sycophant gets thrown under the bus. He's an arrogant bastard who should have never been in charge of the Russia investigation.

How can anyone who signed the false FISA warrant be in charge of the Mueller investigation?

It's illegal to file for a FISA with false information and as we saw in his latest testimony he didn't even read the damn thing. Lock him up.

GOP lawmakers introduce articles of impeachment against Rosenstein
Wow a pinnacle of ignorance.
2 things he has no idea of the meaning of
Snowflake and liberal.
Must be an uneducated white boy.
FISA illegal - garbage.
4 separate repub judges signed off.
Iguess you would rather have a guy accused of knowing about fondling the wrestlers he coached?
You like boys too?
Rosenstien should have recused himself. He's a witness in this investigation as he approved the 3rd instance of the FISA warrant to surviel (sp?) the Trump campaign. He can't be a witness, the judge, the prosecutor and the investigator all at the same time. That's against the law.

But just so you guys know, filing "articles of impeachment" doesn't get rid of him. It has to go through a process where a board will review it and decide if it should go before the entire house. If the house upholds it, 2/3 of the senate must vote in favor of it as well. That will never happen.
There was nothing wrong with the third FISA warrant and nothing wrong with FISA warrant 1 and 2 signed by others either.

You bought in to a pile of doo doo..... NOTHING was illegal about any of the FISA warrants on Carter Page..... absolutely nothing. :rolleyes:

Wrong. It is HIGHLY ILLEGAL to use unverified documents to submit to a FISA court to wiretap and spy on an American citizen.

Nunes: FBI may have violated criminal statutes in FISA application to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page
Doesn’t Trumps newly appointed FBI Director Chris Wray also stand behind the investigation? These are guys that have seen the evidence, so why are you assuming to know more than they do?
It was reported that when Wray saw the evidence against Strzok - according to CNN - he was 'shocked'...and Strzok was immediately assigned to a desk in Human Relations - supposedly the 2nd Best Expert in Counter-Intelligence' and Field Agent immediately hidden in the basement of the FBI building working for HR. Bwuhahahaha!

Trump MESSED UP BAD by putting another 'Good Ol' Boy FBI Loyalist, someone who puts his loyalty in the FBI and who is intent on protecting it first and foremost over GUTTING IT / BURNING IT DOWN IF NEED BE to once and for all get the criminals like Comey, McCabe, and Strzok OUT.

Wray already proved he is 'THAT' guy by NOT IMMEDIATELY firing Strzok, for NOT agreeing with the US IG who identified McCabe's crimes and recommended him to the DOJ for indictment and prosecution. Instead, Wray has tried to protect the FBI by trying to protect Strzok, McCabe, and Comey from indictment and prosecution.

COME ON - Mueller, a previous Director of the FBI, knew immediately when the story broke about Strzok's texts / criminal bias / SEDITION that he HAD to FIRE Strzok off of his Investigative Team because even Mueller was smart enough and honest enough to know PERCEPTION is REALITY, that PERCEPTION has everything to do with TRUST! He knew if he kept Strzok, on top of all the other Conflicts of Interest, Strzok would be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. For the continued existence of and trust in his Special Counsel Strzok had to go.

WRAY was faced with the SAME EXACT THING. Strzok was exposed. KEEPING him would be d@mning to the FBI - PERCEPTION is reality, again, especially regarding 'TRUST'. Wray made the wrong call - unlike Mueller, he chose loyalty to the FBI and to corrupt exposed criminals and traitors like Strzok. The PERCEPTION of most now is that Strzok perjured himself in front of Congress, his testimony was contradicted by the agent he had an affair with - Congress stated HER testimony was extremely credible, that Strzok helped save Hillary from indictment, and that Strzok at the least should have been fired and many think he should be in jail. The fact that Wray CHOSE TO STAND WITH HIM, TO PROTECT HIM, gives people the PERCEPTION that Wray isn't much different than Comey. The fact that Wray has also obstructed Justice by not complying with Congress' subpoena by releasing documents shows Wray is a criminal by definition, too, and is, again, proving he is little / no better than Comey, that the leadership of the FBI is STILL corrupt as hell.

Back to perception again. It's obvious that the right wing perception is determined solely by anything that will protect Trump's crimes from being exposed.
Doesn’t Trumps newly appointed FBI Director Chris Wray also stand behind the investigation? These are guys that have seen the evidence, so why are you assuming to know more than they do?
It was reported that when Wray saw the evidence against Strzok - according to CNN - he was 'shocked'...and Strzok was immediately assigned to a desk in Human Relations - supposedly the 2nd Best Expert in Counter-Intelligence' and Field Agent immediately hidden in the basement of the FBI building working for HR. Bwuhahahaha!

Trump MESSED UP BAD by putting another 'Good Ol' Boy FBI Loyalist, someone who puts his loyalty in the FBI and who is intent on protecting it first and foremost over GUTTING IT / BURNING IT DOWN IF NEED BE to once and for all get the criminals like Comey, McCabe, and Strzok OUT.

Wray already proved he is 'THAT' guy by NOT IMMEDIATELY firing Strzok, for NOT agreeing with the US IG who identified McCabe's crimes and recommended him to the DOJ for indictment and prosecution. Instead, Wray has tried to protect the FBI by trying to protect Strzok, McCabe, and Comey from indictment and prosecution.

COME ON - Mueller, a previous Director of the FBI, knew immediately when the story broke about Strzok's texts / criminal bias / SEDITION that he HAD to FIRE Strzok off of his Investigative Team because even Mueller was smart enough and honest enough to know PERCEPTION is REALITY, that PERCEPTION has everything to do with TRUST! He knew if he kept Strzok, on top of all the other Conflicts of Interest, Strzok would be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. For the continued existence of and trust in his Special Counsel Strzok had to go.

WRAY was faced with the SAME EXACT THING. Strzok was exposed. KEEPING him would be d@mning to the FBI - PERCEPTION is reality, again, especially regarding 'TRUST'. Wray made the wrong call - unlike Mueller, he chose loyalty to the FBI and to corrupt exposed criminals and traitors like Strzok. The PERCEPTION of most now is that Strzok perjured himself in front of Congress, his testimony was contradicted by the agent he had an affair with - Congress stated HER testimony was extremely credible, that Strzok helped save Hillary from indictment, and that Strzok at the least should have been fired and many think he should be in jail. The fact that Wray CHOSE TO STAND WITH HIM, TO PROTECT HIM, gives people the PERCEPTION that Wray isn't much different than Comey. The fact that Wray has also obstructed Justice by not complying with Congress' subpoena by releasing documents shows Wray is a criminal by definition, too, and is, again, proving he is little / no better than Comey, that the leadership of the FBI is STILL corrupt as hell.
You’re telling me to “come on”?! just listen to yourself and hear the crazy.

You think two FBI directors appointed by Trump and an attorney general and deputy AG both appointed by Trump are all in the deep state bag?! That’s a joke.

How about the simpler and rational answer. All who have seen the evidence stand by the investigation. It’s a legit investigation, not a witch hunt.

The guy calling it a Witch Hunt is a proven liar and manipulator with all the interest in the world to discredit the investigation. Those who are standing by it don’t have motive to do so. It puts them at odds with the guy that appointed them. Seriously, wake the fuck up
That's a lie.
Their motive is to discredit the legally elected President because they don't like him.
Dod has a valid argument that the Congressional Committee does not have a legal right to the documents involving an ongoing official investigation. Only Federal Courts can make a determination. Perhaps the Supreme Court.
BS! Congress provides Congressional Oversight. It is not only appropriate but it is extremely NECESSARY in light of the MASSIVE list of Conflicts of Interest and the plethora of evidence of crimes exposed of Democrat / Liberal crimes perpetrated that the DOJ and Special Counsel have and continue to ignore!

The DOJ, The Special Counsel can NOT tell the Congressional Oversight Committee to go F* themselves because THEY - the Deputy Director of the DOJ, embroiled in so many Conflicts of Interest, and the Special Counsel, who is the mentor of and best buds with the guy who got fired, which was the primary reason for the Obstruction investigation - claims they are above ALL law and ALL oversight from anyone to do anything they want.

The moment the US IG filed reports recommending the Deputy Director of the FBI be indicted and the Deputy Director of the DOJ blew the US IG off, the moment the US IG flagged the FBI for FISA Court abuses by using an unverified opposition research paper as their primary source and IDed the Deputy Director of the DOJ as the one who signed off on allowing it, the moment the US IG reported the FBI was altering the statements of witnesses after the fact and both Mueller and Rosenstein ignored it, the moment the US IG reported 6 different foreign entities stole TS data from Hillary's server and neither Mueller or Rosenstein looked at that at all - it was PARAMOUNT - CRITICAL to investigate and ensure the DOJ and Investigators were not breaking laws and 'running amok'.

Bottom Line: There are so many Conflicts of Interest in this investigation that great lawyers could have this stuff thrown out of court, never to see the light of day.

This is not about proving anything in court, though. This a complete battle in the court of public opinion! The Democrats will NEVER bring the President to trial over this because they KNOW they will never win. THEY HAVE NO EVIDENCE. This is about the continuous PR battle of painting the President in a negative light, try9ing to convict him in the court of public opinion so that if / when they get the chance to Impeach him they can attempt to justify doing so.....despite all the Conflicts of Interest, despite all of THEIR exposed crimes, despite their lack of finding / producing one single piece of actual evidence to support their treasonous 'political coup attempt'.
Doesn’t Trumps newly appointed FBI Director Chris Wray also stand behind the investigation? These are guys that have seen the evidence, so why are you assuming to know more than they do?
It was reported that when Wray saw the evidence against Strzok - according to CNN - he was 'shocked'...and Strzok was immediately assigned to a desk in Human Relations - supposedly the 2nd Best Expert in Counter-Intelligence' and Field Agent immediately hidden in the basement of the FBI building working for HR. Bwuhahahaha!

Trump MESSED UP BAD by putting another 'Good Ol' Boy FBI Loyalist, someone who puts his loyalty in the FBI and who is intent on protecting it first and foremost over GUTTING IT / BURNING IT DOWN IF NEED BE to once and for all get the criminals like Comey, McCabe, and Strzok OUT.

Wray already proved he is 'THAT' guy by NOT IMMEDIATELY firing Strzok, for NOT agreeing with the US IG who identified McCabe's crimes and recommended him to the DOJ for indictment and prosecution. Instead, Wray has tried to protect the FBI by trying to protect Strzok, McCabe, and Comey from indictment and prosecution.

COME ON - Mueller, a previous Director of the FBI, knew immediately when the story broke about Strzok's texts / criminal bias / SEDITION that he HAD to FIRE Strzok off of his Investigative Team because even Mueller was smart enough and honest enough to know PERCEPTION is REALITY, that PERCEPTION has everything to do with TRUST! He knew if he kept Strzok, on top of all the other Conflicts of Interest, Strzok would be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. For the continued existence of and trust in his Special Counsel Strzok had to go.

WRAY was faced with the SAME EXACT THING. Strzok was exposed. KEEPING him would be d@mning to the FBI - PERCEPTION is reality, again, especially regarding 'TRUST'. Wray made the wrong call - unlike Mueller, he chose loyalty to the FBI and to corrupt exposed criminals and traitors like Strzok. The PERCEPTION of most now is that Strzok perjured himself in front of Congress, his testimony was contradicted by the agent he had an affair with - Congress stated HER testimony was extremely credible, that Strzok helped save Hillary from indictment, and that Strzok at the least should have been fired and many think he should be in jail. The fact that Wray CHOSE TO STAND WITH HIM, TO PROTECT HIM, gives people the PERCEPTION that Wray isn't much different than Comey. The fact that Wray has also obstructed Justice by not complying with Congress' subpoena by releasing documents shows Wray is a criminal by definition, too, and is, again, proving he is little / no better than Comey, that the leadership of the FBI is STILL corrupt as hell.

Back to perception again. It's obvious that the right wing perception is determined solely by anything that will protect Trump's crimes from being exposed.

When will that happen? It's been over a year, people were illegally spied on by our own govt and they found nothing. Page has not been charged with a SINGLE crime. That's the ugly part that liberals don't want to say. They love saying "There have been XX indictments from this investigation."

Lets look at those:

19 indictments of Russians.
NO indictments of Page (illegally spied on) or any against Trump, who has been accused of Russian meddling.
Multiple indictments from other non-related crimes, some going back as far as 1999.

So STILL, even with illegal spying, nobody has been charged with anything related to Russia, other than one person being charged with lying. That's not quite the same.
Rosenstien should have recused himself. He's a witness in this investigation as he approved the 3rd instance of the FISA warrant to surviel (sp?) the Trump campaign. He can't be a witness, the judge, the prosecutor and the investigator all at the same time. That's against the law.

But just so you guys know, filing "articles of impeachment" doesn't get rid of him. It has to go through a process where a board will review it and decide if it should go before the entire house. If the house upholds it, 2/3 of the senate must vote in favor of it as well. That will never happen.
There was nothing wrong with the third FISA warrant and nothing wrong with FISA warrant 1 and 2 signed by others either.

You bought in to a pile of doo doo..... NOTHING was illegal about any of the FISA warrants on Carter Page..... absolutely nothing. :rolleyes:

Wrong. It is HIGHLY ILLEGAL to use unverified documents to submit to a FISA court to wiretap and spy on an American citizen.

Nunes: FBI may have violated criminal statutes in FISA application to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page
What was unverified? Did you notice all those little black marks covering up most of the FISA application? Those are classified sources and methods that were used to validate the intel. This dossier narrative is so weak.
Doesn’t Trumps newly appointed FBI Director Chris Wray also stand behind the investigation? These are guys that have seen the evidence, so why are you assuming to know more than they do?
It was reported that when Wray saw the evidence against Strzok - according to CNN - he was 'shocked'...and Strzok was immediately assigned to a desk in Human Relations - supposedly the 2nd Best Expert in Counter-Intelligence' and Field Agent immediately hidden in the basement of the FBI building working for HR. Bwuhahahaha!

Trump MESSED UP BAD by putting another 'Good Ol' Boy FBI Loyalist, someone who puts his loyalty in the FBI and who is intent on protecting it first and foremost over GUTTING IT / BURNING IT DOWN IF NEED BE to once and for all get the criminals like Comey, McCabe, and Strzok OUT.

Wray already proved he is 'THAT' guy by NOT IMMEDIATELY firing Strzok, for NOT agreeing with the US IG who identified McCabe's crimes and recommended him to the DOJ for indictment and prosecution. Instead, Wray has tried to protect the FBI by trying to protect Strzok, McCabe, and Comey from indictment and prosecution.

COME ON - Mueller, a previous Director of the FBI, knew immediately when the story broke about Strzok's texts / criminal bias / SEDITION that he HAD to FIRE Strzok off of his Investigative Team because even Mueller was smart enough and honest enough to know PERCEPTION is REALITY, that PERCEPTION has everything to do with TRUST! He knew if he kept Strzok, on top of all the other Conflicts of Interest, Strzok would be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. For the continued existence of and trust in his Special Counsel Strzok had to go.

WRAY was faced with the SAME EXACT THING. Strzok was exposed. KEEPING him would be d@mning to the FBI - PERCEPTION is reality, again, especially regarding 'TRUST'. Wray made the wrong call - unlike Mueller, he chose loyalty to the FBI and to corrupt exposed criminals and traitors like Strzok. The PERCEPTION of most now is that Strzok perjured himself in front of Congress, his testimony was contradicted by the agent he had an affair with - Congress stated HER testimony was extremely credible, that Strzok helped save Hillary from indictment, and that Strzok at the least should have been fired and many think he should be in jail. The fact that Wray CHOSE TO STAND WITH HIM, TO PROTECT HIM, gives people the PERCEPTION that Wray isn't much different than Comey. The fact that Wray has also obstructed Justice by not complying with Congress' subpoena by releasing documents shows Wray is a criminal by definition, too, and is, again, proving he is little / no better than Comey, that the leadership of the FBI is STILL corrupt as hell.
You’re telling me to “come on”?! just listen to yourself and hear the crazy.

You think two FBI directors appointed by Trump and an attorney general and deputy AG both appointed by Trump are all in the deep state bag?! That’s a joke.

How about the simpler and rational answer. All who have seen the evidence stand by the investigation. It’s a legit investigation, not a witch hunt.

The guy calling it a Witch Hunt is a proven liar and manipulator with all the interest in the world to discredit the investigation. Those who are standing by it don’t have motive to do so. It puts them at odds with the guy that appointed them. Seriously, wake the fuck up
That's a lie.
Their motive is to discredit the legally elected President because they don't like him.
And they don’t like him because he appointed them to work their dream jobs?! And you think they made it that high because they are so morally corrupt that they would break ethics and the law to spite an innocent person they don’t like? Do you realize how silly you sound?
Rosenstien should have recused himself. He's a witness in this investigation as he approved the 3rd instance of the FISA warrant to surviel (sp?) the Trump campaign. He can't be a witness, the judge, the prosecutor and the investigator all at the same time. That's against the law.

But just so you guys know, filing "articles of impeachment" doesn't get rid of him. It has to go through a process where a board will review it and decide if it should go before the entire house. If the house upholds it, 2/3 of the senate must vote in favor of it as well. That will never happen.
There was nothing wrong with the third FISA warrant and nothing wrong with FISA warrant 1 and 2 signed by others either.

You bought in to a pile of doo doo..... NOTHING was illegal about any of the FISA warrants on Carter Page..... absolutely nothing. :rolleyes:

Wrong. It is HIGHLY ILLEGAL to use unverified documents to submit to a FISA court to wiretap and spy on an American citizen.

Nunes: FBI may have violated criminal statutes in FISA application to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page
What was unverified? Did you notice all those little black marks covering up most of the FISA application? Those are classified sources and methods that were used to validate the intel. This dossier narrative is so weak.

It was ALL unverified. There is no evidence of verifications anywhere in the memo. There is nowhere that it says Clinton paid for this information. There is no where stating that this is info about the campaign. It's all fake. its all hidden and its all illegal.

No, we have no idea what the redactions show. In the past redactions exposed have shown nothing more than embarrassing the Clinton administration's methods. If it's been verified, why hide it? Why heavily redact something like that?

It was unverfied info paid for by a political opponent to Russia (oh there is collusion alright, between Clinton and Russia) for a fake dossier used to spy on a campaign.

Partner, if that ain't illegal I've got heroin ready to sell to kids legal smeagle.
Rosenstein to be impeached? For exactly WHAT? Typical republican behavior trying to protect their little treasonous whore and conman. Pathetic.

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