Article Of Impeachment Filed Against Rosenstein

Doesn’t Trumps newly appointed FBI Director Chris Wray also stand behind the investigation? These are guys that have seen the evidence, so why are you assuming to know more than they do?
It was reported that when Wray saw the evidence against Strzok - according to CNN - he was 'shocked'...and Strzok was immediately assigned to a desk in Human Relations - supposedly the 2nd Best Expert in Counter-Intelligence' and Field Agent immediately hidden in the basement of the FBI building working for HR. Bwuhahahaha!

Trump MESSED UP BAD by putting another 'Good Ol' Boy FBI Loyalist, someone who puts his loyalty in the FBI and who is intent on protecting it first and foremost over GUTTING IT / BURNING IT DOWN IF NEED BE to once and for all get the criminals like Comey, McCabe, and Strzok OUT.

Wray already proved he is 'THAT' guy by NOT IMMEDIATELY firing Strzok, for NOT agreeing with the US IG who identified McCabe's crimes and recommended him to the DOJ for indictment and prosecution. Instead, Wray has tried to protect the FBI by trying to protect Strzok, McCabe, and Comey from indictment and prosecution.

COME ON - Mueller, a previous Director of the FBI, knew immediately when the story broke about Strzok's texts / criminal bias / SEDITION that he HAD to FIRE Strzok off of his Investigative Team because even Mueller was smart enough and honest enough to know PERCEPTION is REALITY, that PERCEPTION has everything to do with TRUST! He knew if he kept Strzok, on top of all the other Conflicts of Interest, Strzok would be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. For the continued existence of and trust in his Special Counsel Strzok had to go.

WRAY was faced with the SAME EXACT THING. Strzok was exposed. KEEPING him would be d@mning to the FBI - PERCEPTION is reality, again, especially regarding 'TRUST'. Wray made the wrong call - unlike Mueller, he chose loyalty to the FBI and to corrupt exposed criminals and traitors like Strzok. The PERCEPTION of most now is that Strzok perjured himself in front of Congress, his testimony was contradicted by the agent he had an affair with - Congress stated HER testimony was extremely credible, that Strzok helped save Hillary from indictment, and that Strzok at the least should have been fired and many think he should be in jail. The fact that Wray CHOSE TO STAND WITH HIM, TO PROTECT HIM, gives people the PERCEPTION that Wray isn't much different than Comey. The fact that Wray has also obstructed Justice by not complying with Congress' subpoena by releasing documents shows Wray is a criminal by definition, too, and is, again, proving he is little / no better than Comey, that the leadership of the FBI is STILL corrupt as hell.
You’re telling me to “come on”?! just listen to yourself and hear the crazy.

You think two FBI directors appointed by Trump and an attorney general and deputy AG both appointed by Trump are all in the deep state bag?! That’s a joke.

How about the simpler and rational answer. All who have seen the evidence stand by the investigation. It’s a legit investigation, not a witch hunt.

The guy calling it a Witch Hunt is a proven liar and manipulator with all the interest in the world to discredit the investigation. Those who are standing by it don’t have motive to do so. It puts them at odds with the guy that appointed them. Seriously, wake the fuck up
That's a lie.
Their motive is to discredit the legally elected President because they don't like him.

Did they force all those indicted and jailed people to break the law too? Sounds like a really elaborate plan to me.
Rosenstein to be impeached? For exactly WHAT? Typical republican behavior trying to protect their little treasonous whore and conman. Pathetic.

Ignoring DOJ requests for documents. Can't do that. They want them unredacted. They want to see the document that states WHY the investigation proceeded. The fact that this information is being withheld obviously shows they are hiding something.
Rosenstien should have recused himself. He's a witness in this investigation as he approved the 3rd instance of the FISA warrant to surviel (sp?) the Trump campaign. He can't be a witness, the judge, the prosecutor and the investigator all at the same time. That's against the law.

But just so you guys know, filing "articles of impeachment" doesn't get rid of him. It has to go through a process where a board will review it and decide if it should go before the entire house. If the house upholds it, 2/3 of the senate must vote in favor of it as well. That will never happen.
There was nothing wrong with the third FISA warrant and nothing wrong with FISA warrant 1 and 2 signed by others either.

You bought in to a pile of doo doo..... NOTHING was illegal about any of the FISA warrants on Carter Page..... absolutely nothing. :rolleyes:

Wrong. It is HIGHLY ILLEGAL to use unverified documents to submit to a FISA court to wiretap and spy on an American citizen.

Nunes: FBI may have violated criminal statutes in FISA application to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page
What was unverified? Did you notice all those little black marks covering up most of the FISA application? Those are classified sources and methods that were used to validate the intel. This dossier narrative is so weak.

No, we have no idea what the redactions show. In the past redactions exposed have shown nothing more than embarrassing the Clinton administration's methods. If it's been verified, why hide it? Why heavily redact something like that?

It was unverfied info paid for by a political opponent to Russia (oh there is collusion alright, between Clinton and Russia) for a fake dossier used to spy on a campaign.

Partner, if that ain't illegal I've got heroin ready to sell to kids legal smeagle.
It doesn’t matter who paid for it. If it was intel that was verified then it is credible. Let me ask you a simple question. Take a meeting that was reported in the dossier. How would they verify it? Through one of their sources right? Do you think that source would be made public or be redacted? Use your brain. They didn’t redact a hundred pages of embarrassing methods in a FISA application. You aren’t being objective
Rosenstien should have recused himself. He's a witness in this investigation as he approved the 3rd instance of the FISA warrant to surviel (sp?) the Trump campaign. He can't be a witness, the judge, the prosecutor and the investigator all at the same time. That's against the law.

But just so you guys know, filing "articles of impeachment" doesn't get rid of him. It has to go through a process where a board will review it and decide if it should go before the entire house. If the house upholds it, 2/3 of the senate must vote in favor of it as well. That will never happen.
There was nothing wrong with the third FISA warrant and nothing wrong with FISA warrant 1 and 2 signed by others either.

You bought in to a pile of doo doo..... NOTHING was illegal about any of the FISA warrants on Carter Page..... absolutely nothing. :rolleyes:

Wrong. It is HIGHLY ILLEGAL to use unverified documents to submit to a FISA court to wiretap and spy on an American citizen.

Nunes: FBI may have violated criminal statutes in FISA application to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page
What was unverified? Did you notice all those little black marks covering up most of the FISA application? Those are classified sources and methods that were used to validate the intel. This dossier narrative is so weak.

No, we have no idea what the redactions show. In the past redactions exposed have shown nothing more than embarrassing the Clinton administration's methods. If it's been verified, why hide it? Why heavily redact something like that?

It was unverfied info paid for by a political opponent to Russia (oh there is collusion alright, between Clinton and Russia) for a fake dossier used to spy on a campaign.

Partner, if that ain't illegal I've got heroin ready to sell to kids legal smeagle.
It doesn’t matter who paid for it. If it was intel that was verified then it is credible. Let me ask you a simple question. Take a meeting that was reported in the dossier. How would they verify it? Through one of their sources right? Do you think that source would be made public or be redacted? Use your brain. They didn’t redact a hundred pages of embarrassing methods in a FISA application. You aren’t being objective

It doesn't matter who paid for it. BUT THAT MUST BE DISCLOSED TO THE FISA COURT JUDGE. It was never stated. The judge must get ALL information about the application to make a decision. You don't think the judge might have made a different decision had he known that all this info in front of him was paid for by Clinton and unverified in sources and methods?

Like you said, USE YOUR HEAD.
Rosenstein got what was coming to him.

without him, there would be no Mueller
Rosenstein hasn't gotten anything yet.

The Democrats, of course, will refuse to acknowledge all of the Conflicts of Interest and crimes that have been committed and will fight to keep Rosenstein in-place to ensure the attempted political coup continues.

The claimed conflicts of interest are not conflicts of interest. The partisan right is trying to claim they are PERCEIVED conflicts of interest for purely political reasons. That part is obvious. Lots more reasons to discount the right's claims, but there is no need. It's all just political theater on their part anyway.

Nope. OBVIOUS conflict of interest. Rosenstein is obstructing access to the FISA docs used to hijack the NSA Big Brother machine to SPY on a political campaign. All along he KNEW he provided APPROVAL for that spying. That makes him more recusable and more "involved with the campaign" than Jeff Sessions EVER was.

This 2 AG situation is bullshit. Sessions needs to UN-recuse unless there's proof he contributed more than an endorsement and some stage time to the campaign.

So which members of the political were "SPIED ON" that weren't already under surveillance for interactions to known Russian assets? How exactly was any info found by the surveillance used in any way to effect the outcome of the election? The investigation into Hillary was announced with great fanfare just a few days before the election. The investigation you are whining about wasn't even mentioned until after the election.....Why? If you can come up with credible answers to those questions, I'll probably switch sides.

The reason to GET a FISA warrant is to get the keys to drive the awesome NSA Big Brother spy machine that you just paid for. This sucks up EVERYTHING domestic and archives it. Access is SUPPOSED to be extremely limited for US persons.

It was designed post Patriotic Act to make NETWORKS AND CONNECTIONS of terrorist connections HERE in the US more visible and probable. When you GET ACCESS -- you get access to a whole NETWORK of associates and colleagues and suppliers and financial connections. ALL of these can be probed. ANY member of the Trump team was exposed BECAUSE of the design of this system. It lets you make complex maps of relationships.

Hope you KNEW this. Sucks if you didn't. That "terrorist surveillance system" was WEAPONIZED for politics by these events. They did not NEED access to it for pro forma investigations on the campaign but they CHOSE to access it.
Doesn’t Trumps newly appointed FBI Director Chris Wray also stand behind the investigation? These are guys that have seen the evidence, so why are you assuming to know more than they do?
It was reported that when Wray saw the evidence against Strzok - according to CNN - he was 'shocked'...and Strzok was immediately assigned to a desk in Human Relations - supposedly the 2nd Best Expert in Counter-Intelligence' and Field Agent immediately hidden in the basement of the FBI building working for HR. Bwuhahahaha!

Trump MESSED UP BAD by putting another 'Good Ol' Boy FBI Loyalist, someone who puts his loyalty in the FBI and who is intent on protecting it first and foremost over GUTTING IT / BURNING IT DOWN IF NEED BE to once and for all get the criminals like Comey, McCabe, and Strzok OUT.

Wray already proved he is 'THAT' guy by NOT IMMEDIATELY firing Strzok, for NOT agreeing with the US IG who identified McCabe's crimes and recommended him to the DOJ for indictment and prosecution. Instead, Wray has tried to protect the FBI by trying to protect Strzok, McCabe, and Comey from indictment and prosecution.

COME ON - Mueller, a previous Director of the FBI, knew immediately when the story broke about Strzok's texts / criminal bias / SEDITION that he HAD to FIRE Strzok off of his Investigative Team because even Mueller was smart enough and honest enough to know PERCEPTION is REALITY, that PERCEPTION has everything to do with TRUST! He knew if he kept Strzok, on top of all the other Conflicts of Interest, Strzok would be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. For the continued existence of and trust in his Special Counsel Strzok had to go.

WRAY was faced with the SAME EXACT THING. Strzok was exposed. KEEPING him would be d@mning to the FBI - PERCEPTION is reality, again, especially regarding 'TRUST'. Wray made the wrong call - unlike Mueller, he chose loyalty to the FBI and to corrupt exposed criminals and traitors like Strzok. The PERCEPTION of most now is that Strzok perjured himself in front of Congress, his testimony was contradicted by the agent he had an affair with - Congress stated HER testimony was extremely credible, that Strzok helped save Hillary from indictment, and that Strzok at the least should have been fired and many think he should be in jail. The fact that Wray CHOSE TO STAND WITH HIM, TO PROTECT HIM, gives people the PERCEPTION that Wray isn't much different than Comey. The fact that Wray has also obstructed Justice by not complying with Congress' subpoena by releasing documents shows Wray is a criminal by definition, too, and is, again, proving he is little / no better than Comey, that the leadership of the FBI is STILL corrupt as hell.

Back to perception again. It's obvious that the right wing perception is determined solely by anything that will protect Trump's crimes from being exposed.

When will that happen? It's been over a year, people were illegally spied on by our own govt and they found nothing. Page has not been charged with a SINGLE crime. That's the ugly part that liberals don't want to say. They love saying "There have been XX indictments from this investigation."

Lets look at those:

19 indictments of Russians.
NO indictments of Page (illegally spied on) or any against Trump, who has been accused of Russian meddling.
Multiple indictments from other non-related crimes, some going back as far as 1999.

So STILL, even with illegal spying, nobody has been charged with anything related to Russia, other than one person being charged with lying. That's not quite the same.

If investigating Page was illegal, then you should explain that to the judges. They don't seem to agree with you, but I'll bet if you explain it to them as well as you have explained it here, they will thank you and change their minds. Why haven't you done that yet?
Doesn’t Trumps newly appointed FBI Director Chris Wray also stand behind the investigation? These are guys that have seen the evidence, so why are you assuming to know more than they do?
It was reported that when Wray saw the evidence against Strzok - according to CNN - he was 'shocked'...and Strzok was immediately assigned to a desk in Human Relations - supposedly the 2nd Best Expert in Counter-Intelligence' and Field Agent immediately hidden in the basement of the FBI building working for HR. Bwuhahahaha!

Trump MESSED UP BAD by putting another 'Good Ol' Boy FBI Loyalist, someone who puts his loyalty in the FBI and who is intent on protecting it first and foremost over GUTTING IT / BURNING IT DOWN IF NEED BE to once and for all get the criminals like Comey, McCabe, and Strzok OUT.

Wray already proved he is 'THAT' guy by NOT IMMEDIATELY firing Strzok, for NOT agreeing with the US IG who identified McCabe's crimes and recommended him to the DOJ for indictment and prosecution. Instead, Wray has tried to protect the FBI by trying to protect Strzok, McCabe, and Comey from indictment and prosecution.

COME ON - Mueller, a previous Director of the FBI, knew immediately when the story broke about Strzok's texts / criminal bias / SEDITION that he HAD to FIRE Strzok off of his Investigative Team because even Mueller was smart enough and honest enough to know PERCEPTION is REALITY, that PERCEPTION has everything to do with TRUST! He knew if he kept Strzok, on top of all the other Conflicts of Interest, Strzok would be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. For the continued existence of and trust in his Special Counsel Strzok had to go.

WRAY was faced with the SAME EXACT THING. Strzok was exposed. KEEPING him would be d@mning to the FBI - PERCEPTION is reality, again, especially regarding 'TRUST'. Wray made the wrong call - unlike Mueller, he chose loyalty to the FBI and to corrupt exposed criminals and traitors like Strzok. The PERCEPTION of most now is that Strzok perjured himself in front of Congress, his testimony was contradicted by the agent he had an affair with - Congress stated HER testimony was extremely credible, that Strzok helped save Hillary from indictment, and that Strzok at the least should have been fired and many think he should be in jail. The fact that Wray CHOSE TO STAND WITH HIM, TO PROTECT HIM, gives people the PERCEPTION that Wray isn't much different than Comey. The fact that Wray has also obstructed Justice by not complying with Congress' subpoena by releasing documents shows Wray is a criminal by definition, too, and is, again, proving he is little / no better than Comey, that the leadership of the FBI is STILL corrupt as hell.

Back to perception again. It's obvious that the right wing perception is determined solely by anything that will protect Trump's crimes from being exposed.

When will that happen? It's been over a year, people were illegally spied on by our own govt and they found nothing. Page has not been charged with a SINGLE crime. That's the ugly part that liberals don't want to say. They love saying "There have been XX indictments from this investigation."

Lets look at those:

19 indictments of Russians.
NO indictments of Page (illegally spied on) or any against Trump, who has been accused of Russian meddling.
Multiple indictments from other non-related crimes, some going back as far as 1999.

So STILL, even with illegal spying, nobody has been charged with anything related to Russia, other than one person being charged with lying. That's not quite the same.

If investigating Page was illegal, then you should explain that to the judges. They don't seem to agree with you, but I'll bet if you explain it to them as well as you have explained it here, they will thank you and change their minds. Why haven't you done that yet?

What judges? The only judge involved is the FISA court judge, a secret court, that was lied to.

Declassified memos show FBI illegally shared spy data on Americans with private parties

Judicial Watch now wants Carter Page FISA transcripts
So which members of the political were "SPIED ON" that weren't already under surveillance for interactions to known Russian assets?

We now know that in addition to gaining access to the Awesome Spy Machine, these conspirators also planted "assets" INTO the campaign before those warrants were issued. The purpose of those assets were to pose as Russian connected folks that could LEAD campaign associates to Hillary dirt. That's not "informers". Those are pro Intel operations to DIRTY UP the Trump associates.

So most of those "russian contacts" were the STING and ENTRAPMENT operators PLANTED into the campaign. Page, Caputo, Papdopolous and their defense teams have ALL compared notes and traced these sketchy "russian" contacts back to the "implants" from the US sponsored Intelligence sting.
Rosenstein to be impeached? For exactly WHAT? Typical republican behavior trying to protect their little treasonous whore and conman. Pathetic.

Ignoring DOJ requests for documents. Can't do that. They want them unredacted. They want to see the document that states WHY the investigation proceeded. The fact that this information is being withheld obviously shows they are hiding something.

So tell it to the judge. Unfortunately for you, USMess doesn't have the authority to change anything. Spouting your crap here does little more than getting you laughed at.
Like was stated earlier, its one of the most convoluted and complicated schemes ever devised against a political candidate.

The only people laughing are the republicans who have began impeachment proceedings against the witness in the case, who also happens to the attorney general LOL

God its so corrupt you have to laugh.

So you're telling me had you found out Trump had colluded with Russia, drew up fake documents against Clinton and used unverified methods and sources to spy on her campaign, planted spies within her campaign to try to catch her colluding with Russia, you'd be totally fine with that?

Yea right, get lost you fucking political hack.
This whole deal is AWESOMELY illegal and treacherous and is the biggest political scandal of our lifetimes. THe BattleBots on the left are being propagandized and distracted with porn stars and emoluments and other crank stuff and PURPOSELY left uninformed.

It's gonna be a HUGE crash of the resistance leftists when all this is exposed. You ain't seen nothing yet.
You better HOPE my lefty buds, that Trump KEEPS his hands off of the process of exposing all this. Because it could all blow up right before any major election if he LAWFULLY exposes this sedition and plot to "interfere with an American election". Putin never DREAMED of screwing us like WE HAVE screwed ourselves.

And you folks --- are helping him out. You'll figure that out when CNN/MSNBC are finally forced to do their jobs.
Doesn’t Trumps newly appointed FBI Director Chris Wray also stand behind the investigation? These are guys that have seen the evidence, so why are you assuming to know more than they do?
It was reported that when Wray saw the evidence against Strzok - according to CNN - he was 'shocked'...and Strzok was immediately assigned to a desk in Human Relations - supposedly the 2nd Best Expert in Counter-Intelligence' and Field Agent immediately hidden in the basement of the FBI building working for HR. Bwuhahahaha!

Trump MESSED UP BAD by putting another 'Good Ol' Boy FBI Loyalist, someone who puts his loyalty in the FBI and who is intent on protecting it first and foremost over GUTTING IT / BURNING IT DOWN IF NEED BE to once and for all get the criminals like Comey, McCabe, and Strzok OUT.

Wray already proved he is 'THAT' guy by NOT IMMEDIATELY firing Strzok, for NOT agreeing with the US IG who identified McCabe's crimes and recommended him to the DOJ for indictment and prosecution. Instead, Wray has tried to protect the FBI by trying to protect Strzok, McCabe, and Comey from indictment and prosecution.

COME ON - Mueller, a previous Director of the FBI, knew immediately when the story broke about Strzok's texts / criminal bias / SEDITION that he HAD to FIRE Strzok off of his Investigative Team because even Mueller was smart enough and honest enough to know PERCEPTION is REALITY, that PERCEPTION has everything to do with TRUST! He knew if he kept Strzok, on top of all the other Conflicts of Interest, Strzok would be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. For the continued existence of and trust in his Special Counsel Strzok had to go.

WRAY was faced with the SAME EXACT THING. Strzok was exposed. KEEPING him would be d@mning to the FBI - PERCEPTION is reality, again, especially regarding 'TRUST'. Wray made the wrong call - unlike Mueller, he chose loyalty to the FBI and to corrupt exposed criminals and traitors like Strzok. The PERCEPTION of most now is that Strzok perjured himself in front of Congress, his testimony was contradicted by the agent he had an affair with - Congress stated HER testimony was extremely credible, that Strzok helped save Hillary from indictment, and that Strzok at the least should have been fired and many think he should be in jail. The fact that Wray CHOSE TO STAND WITH HIM, TO PROTECT HIM, gives people the PERCEPTION that Wray isn't much different than Comey. The fact that Wray has also obstructed Justice by not complying with Congress' subpoena by releasing documents shows Wray is a criminal by definition, too, and is, again, proving he is little / no better than Comey, that the leadership of the FBI is STILL corrupt as hell.

Back to perception again. It's obvious that the right wing perception is determined solely by anything that will protect Trump's crimes from being exposed.

When will that happen? It's been over a year, people were illegally spied on by our own govt and they found nothing. Page has not been charged with a SINGLE crime. That's the ugly part that liberals don't want to say. They love saying "There have been XX indictments from this investigation."

Lets look at those:

19 indictments of Russians.
NO indictments of Page (illegally spied on) or any against Trump, who has been accused of Russian meddling.
Multiple indictments from other non-related crimes, some going back as far as 1999.

So STILL, even with illegal spying, nobody has been charged with anything related to Russia, other than one person being charged with lying. That's not quite the same.

If investigating Page was illegal, then you should explain that to the judges. They don't seem to agree with you, but I'll bet if you explain it to them as well as you have explained it here, they will thank you and change their minds. Why haven't you done that yet?

Page is guilty of nothing. IN FACT, he was an FBI/Intel asset working for our side. The info on him in the Hillary Dossier was pure crap. YET -- it was used to pick him as the ACCESS point for Big Brother spying.
All we have to do is ask liberals, had the tides been turned and Trump campaign spied on Hillary like this, would they still be all comfy and happy?

Me thinks not.
This whole deal is AWESOMELY illegal and treacherous and is the biggest political scandal of our lifetimes. THe BattleBots on the left are being propagandized and distracted with porn stars and emoluments and other crank stuff and PURPOSELY left uninformed.

It's gonna be a HUGE crash of the resistance leftists when all this is exposed. You ain't seen nothing yet.
You better HOPE my lefty buds, that Trump KEEPS his hands off of the process of exposing all this. Because it could all blow up right before any major election if he LAWFULLY exposes this sedition and plot to "interfere with an American election". Putin never DREAMED of screwing us like WE HAVE screwed ourselves.

And you folks --- are helping him out. You'll figure that out when CNN/MSNBC are finally forced to do their jobs.

Man, I just hope it does all get exposed.
It's being covered pretty damn good still.
Rosenstein got what was coming to him.

without him, there would be no Mueller
Rosenstein hasn't gotten anything yet.

The Democrats, of course, will refuse to acknowledge all of the Conflicts of Interest and crimes that have been committed and will fight to keep Rosenstein in-place to ensure the attempted political coup continues.

The claimed conflicts of interest are not conflicts of interest. The partisan right is trying to claim they are PERCEIVED conflicts of interest for purely political reasons. That part is obvious. Lots more reasons to discount the right's claims, but there is no need. It's all just political theater on their part anyway.

Nope. OBVIOUS conflict of interest. Rosenstein is obstructing access to the FISA docs used to hijack the NSA Big Brother machine to SPY on a political campaign. All along he KNEW he provided APPROVAL for that spying. That makes him more recusable and more "involved with the campaign" than Jeff Sessions EVER was.

This 2 AG situation is bullshit. Sessions needs to UN-recuse unless there's proof he contributed more than an endorsement and some stage time to the campaign.

So which members of the political were "SPIED ON" that weren't already under surveillance for interactions to known Russian assets? How exactly was any info found by the surveillance used in any way to effect the outcome of the election? The investigation into Hillary was announced with great fanfare just a few days before the election. The investigation you are whining about wasn't even mentioned until after the election.....Why? If you can come up with credible answers to those questions, I'll probably switch sides.

The reason to GET a FISA warrant is to get the keys to drive the awesome NSA Big Brother spy machine that you just paid for. This sucks up EVERYTHING domestic and archives it. Access is SUPPOSED to be extremely limited for US persons.

It was designed post Patriotic Act to make NETWORKS AND CONNECTIONS of terrorist connections HERE in the US more visible and probable. When you GET ACCESS -- you get access to a whole NETWORK of associates and colleagues and suppliers and financial connections. ALL of these can be probed. ANY member of the Trump team was exposed BECAUSE of the design of this system. It lets you make complex maps of relationships.

Hope you KNEW this. Sucks if you didn't. That "terrorist surveillance system" was WEAPONIZED for politics by these events. They did not NEED access to it for pro forma investigations on the campaign but they CHOSE to access it.

Yes, I know how it works. However, you have no proof that anything in your last paragraph is true. A little proof of what you claim would be helpful, but "because I think so" just doesn't cut it. Why would you believe those claims anyway? Because Trump said so? His own wife doesn't believe anything he says.
Yes, I know how it works. However, you have no proof that anything in your last paragraph is true. A little proof of what you claim would be helpful, but "because I think so" just doesn't cut it. Why would you believe those claims anyway? Because Trump said so? His own wife doesn't believe anything he says.

You have no proof that it was legal. Your only proof is "well it happened so its legal."

So back up your claim, prove that it was legal to spy on Trump using unverified sources paid for by an opposing campaign to a foreign country.

This should be good.
Rosenstein hasn't gotten anything yet.

The Democrats, of course, will refuse to acknowledge all of the Conflicts of Interest and crimes that have been committed and will fight to keep Rosenstein in-place to ensure the attempted political coup continues.

The claimed conflicts of interest are not conflicts of interest. The partisan right is trying to claim they are PERCEIVED conflicts of interest for purely political reasons. That part is obvious. Lots more reasons to discount the right's claims, but there is no need. It's all just political theater on their part anyway.

Nope. OBVIOUS conflict of interest. Rosenstein is obstructing access to the FISA docs used to hijack the NSA Big Brother machine to SPY on a political campaign. All along he KNEW he provided APPROVAL for that spying. That makes him more recusable and more "involved with the campaign" than Jeff Sessions EVER was.

This 2 AG situation is bullshit. Sessions needs to UN-recuse unless there's proof he contributed more than an endorsement and some stage time to the campaign.

So which members of the political were "SPIED ON" that weren't already under surveillance for interactions to known Russian assets? How exactly was any info found by the surveillance used in any way to effect the outcome of the election? The investigation into Hillary was announced with great fanfare just a few days before the election. The investigation you are whining about wasn't even mentioned until after the election.....Why? If you can come up with credible answers to those questions, I'll probably switch sides.

The reason to GET a FISA warrant is to get the keys to drive the awesome NSA Big Brother spy machine that you just paid for. This sucks up EVERYTHING domestic and archives it. Access is SUPPOSED to be extremely limited for US persons.

It was designed post Patriotic Act to make NETWORKS AND CONNECTIONS of terrorist connections HERE in the US more visible and probable. When you GET ACCESS -- you get access to a whole NETWORK of associates and colleagues and suppliers and financial connections. ALL of these can be probed. ANY member of the Trump team was exposed BECAUSE of the design of this system. It lets you make complex maps of relationships.

Hope you KNEW this. Sucks if you didn't. That "terrorist surveillance system" was WEAPONIZED for politics by these events. They did not NEED access to it for pro forma investigations on the campaign but they CHOSE to access it.

Yes, I know how it works. However, you have no proof that anything in your last paragraph is true. A little proof of what you claim would be helpful, but "because I think so" just doesn't cut it. Why would you believe those claims anyway? Because Trump said so? His own wife doesn't believe anything he says.

What's wrong with my last paragraph? That system was accessed. DIDN'T NEED to be accessed for a preliminary investigation of a political campaign. That should be a bar NOT CROSSED.

For DECADES, the FBI uncovered mafia, graft and corruption with gum shoes and a land line telephone and mostly PUBLIC sources. That's WHY it's obvious they didn't need to LEAP to using a ultra classified "terrorist surveillance system" as their primary weapon.

Also -- about seven years of service in these areas helps me get perspectives that Moaning Joe and Chris Cuomo have no concept of.
...The same process we were forced through in the Clinton years will happen with Rosenstein.


I can't wait for all the dirty details to come out, cigars, blue dresses, I didn't have sexual relations, that depends on what the meaning of sex is....

Does Rosenstein smoke cigars btw, does he have an intern?


You don't get your fantasy.

The speaker of the house paul ryan killed the bill.

Which I'm not surprised.

Too bad. you can't go after Rosenstein like you wanted to.

You lose again. LOL.
Doesn’t Trumps newly appointed FBI Director Chris Wray also stand behind the investigation? These are guys that have seen the evidence, so why are you assuming to know more than they do?
It was reported that when Wray saw the evidence against Strzok - according to CNN - he was 'shocked'...and Strzok was immediately assigned to a desk in Human Relations - supposedly the 2nd Best Expert in Counter-Intelligence' and Field Agent immediately hidden in the basement of the FBI building working for HR. Bwuhahahaha!

Trump MESSED UP BAD by putting another 'Good Ol' Boy FBI Loyalist, someone who puts his loyalty in the FBI and who is intent on protecting it first and foremost over GUTTING IT / BURNING IT DOWN IF NEED BE to once and for all get the criminals like Comey, McCabe, and Strzok OUT.

Wray already proved he is 'THAT' guy by NOT IMMEDIATELY firing Strzok, for NOT agreeing with the US IG who identified McCabe's crimes and recommended him to the DOJ for indictment and prosecution. Instead, Wray has tried to protect the FBI by trying to protect Strzok, McCabe, and Comey from indictment and prosecution.

COME ON - Mueller, a previous Director of the FBI, knew immediately when the story broke about Strzok's texts / criminal bias / SEDITION that he HAD to FIRE Strzok off of his Investigative Team because even Mueller was smart enough and honest enough to know PERCEPTION is REALITY, that PERCEPTION has everything to do with TRUST! He knew if he kept Strzok, on top of all the other Conflicts of Interest, Strzok would be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. For the continued existence of and trust in his Special Counsel Strzok had to go.

WRAY was faced with the SAME EXACT THING. Strzok was exposed. KEEPING him would be d@mning to the FBI - PERCEPTION is reality, again, especially regarding 'TRUST'. Wray made the wrong call - unlike Mueller, he chose loyalty to the FBI and to corrupt exposed criminals and traitors like Strzok. The PERCEPTION of most now is that Strzok perjured himself in front of Congress, his testimony was contradicted by the agent he had an affair with - Congress stated HER testimony was extremely credible, that Strzok helped save Hillary from indictment, and that Strzok at the least should have been fired and many think he should be in jail. The fact that Wray CHOSE TO STAND WITH HIM, TO PROTECT HIM, gives people the PERCEPTION that Wray isn't much different than Comey. The fact that Wray has also obstructed Justice by not complying with Congress' subpoena by releasing documents shows Wray is a criminal by definition, too, and is, again, proving he is little / no better than Comey, that the leadership of the FBI is STILL corrupt as hell.

Back to perception again. It's obvious that the right wing perception is determined solely by anything that will protect Trump's crimes from being exposed.

When will that happen? It's been over a year, people were illegally spied on by our own govt and they found nothing. Page has not been charged with a SINGLE crime. That's the ugly part that liberals don't want to say. They love saying "There have been XX indictments from this investigation."

Lets look at those:

19 indictments of Russians.
NO indictments of Page (illegally spied on) or any against Trump, who has been accused of Russian meddling.
Multiple indictments from other non-related crimes, some going back as far as 1999.

So STILL, even with illegal spying, nobody has been charged with anything related to Russia, other than one person being charged with lying. That's not quite the same.

If investigating Page was illegal, then you should explain that to the judges. They don't seem to agree with you, but I'll bet if you explain it to them as well as you have explained it here, they will thank you and change their minds. Why haven't you done that yet?

What judges? The only judge involved is the FISA court judge, a secret court, that was lied to.

Declassified memos show FBI illegally shared spy data on Americans with private parties

Judicial Watch now wants Carter Page FISA transcripts

The 4 FISA court judges who signed off on that are hardly secret any more. They are all republicans who were appointed by republicans. If you want to whine about a perceived bias, you should start there.

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