Article Of Impeachment Filed Against Rosenstein

You do realize that paul ryan is a republican don't you?

Naaaaah, Ryan is just a RINO. And he's not running for re-election. He's got a pretty face, but he's very unpopular with real Trump Republicans these days, and that's most everyone. 88% of the GOP, I just read.

You realize that Rosenstein, Mueller and Wray are republicans appointed by trump and fellow republicans don't you?

RINOs one and all: they are sure not acting like Republicans! They are acting like Democrats. Probably because they've got serious malfeasance to hide.

I bet you voted for Romney/Ryan in 2012. Yet you claim that he's a part of the "deep state". You voted for a person in the "deep state" in 2012.

What, vote for a Mormon?? I should think not. I didn't vote for McCain and his Bimbo, either. Palin was a damned insult to all women. And a menace to the country, IMO. Finally in 2016 I could vote again. Finally.

So you're saying that republicans created this deep state. That those same republicans who were either elected or appointed by republicans are in this deep state. That they're all out to get trump.

Do you realize how paranoid and crazy you are?

We would be, except they ARE all out to get Trump. Have been since 2016: they hate being out of power, just like the Democrats do.
Like was stated earlier, its one of the most convoluted and complicated schemes ever devised against a political candidate.

The only people laughing are the republicans who have began impeachment proceedings against the witness in the case, who also happens to the attorney general LOL

God its so corrupt you have to laugh.

So you're telling me had you found out Trump had colluded with Russia, drew up fake documents against Clinton and used unverified methods and sources to spy on her campaign, planted spies within her campaign to try to catch her colluding with Russia, you'd be totally fine with that?

Yea right, get lost you fucking political hack.

Are they still laughing now that Ryan killed their impeachment efforts?

He didn't kill anything. The house won't vote before their break which starts today.

The House can't vote on anything unless Speaker Ryan brings it to the floor for a vote.
The House can't vote on anything unless Speaker Ryan brings it to the floor for a vote.

Good point. Okay, so it's a contempt of Congress move, if the FBI doesn't give up what they are trying to keep secret.
Already tabled. :auiqs.jpg:

The wingnut freedom caucus got their 15 minutes of attention. That’s about how long it took to shoot this down.
The House can't vote on anything unless Speaker Ryan brings it to the floor for a vote.

Good point. Okay, so it's a contempt of Congress move, if the FBI doesn't give up what they are trying to keep secret.

Keeping what secret? Details of an ongoing investigation that House NaziCons want to share with the president?
Already tabled. :auiqs.jpg:

The wingnut freedom caucus got their 15 minutes of attention. That’s about how long it took to shoot this down.

Yep, and their game goes on...

WASHINGTON ― Despite unresolved allegations that he ignored sexual abuse when he was a coach at Ohio State University, Rep. Jim Jordan officially announced his intention to run for House speaker on Thursday.

In a two-page “Dear Colleague” letter to fellow members of Congress, the Ohio Republican criticized the current GOP leadership as weak and undisciplined while ignoring his own ongoing scandal involving his time as an Ohio State wrestling coach. Some former players say he and other university officials did not do enough to stop a team doctor who is accused of sexually abusing hundreds of athletes.

Ultraconservative Jim Jordan Announces Bid For House Speaker
Dod has a valid argument that the Congressional Committee does not have a legal right to the documents involving an ongoing official investigation. Only Federal Courts can make a determination. Perhaps the Supreme Court.
BS! Congress provides Congressional Oversight. It is not only appropriate but it is extremely NECESSARY in light of the MASSIVE list of Conflicts of Interest and the plethora of evidence of crimes exposed of Democrat / Liberal crimes perpetrated that the DOJ and Special Counsel have and continue to ignore!

The DOJ, The Special Counsel can NOT tell the Congressional Oversight Committee to go F* themselves because THEY - the Deputy Director of the DOJ, embroiled in so many Conflicts of Interest, and the Special Counsel, who is the mentor of and best buds with the guy who got fired, which was the primary reason for the Obstruction investigation - claims they are above ALL law and ALL oversight from anyone to do anything they want.

The moment the US IG filed reports recommending the Deputy Director of the FBI be indicted and the Deputy Director of the DOJ blew the US IG off, the moment the US IG flagged the FBI for FISA Court abuses by using an unverified opposition research paper as their primary source and IDed the Deputy Director of the DOJ as the one who signed off on allowing it, the moment the US IG reported the FBI was altering the statements of witnesses after the fact and both Mueller and Rosenstein ignored it, the moment the US IG reported 6 different foreign entities stole TS data from Hillary's server and neither Mueller or Rosenstein looked at that at all - it was PARAMOUNT - CRITICAL to investigate and ensure the DOJ and Investigators were not breaking laws and 'running amok'.

Bottom Line: There are so many Conflicts of Interest in this investigation that great lawyers could have this stuff thrown out of court, never to see the light of day.

This is not about proving anything in court, though. This a complete battle in the court of public opinion! The Democrats will NEVER bring the President to trial over this because they KNOW they will never win. THEY HAVE NO EVIDENCE. This is about the continuous PR battle of painting the President in a negative light, try9ing to convict him in the court of public opinion so that if / when they get the chance to Impeach him they can attempt to justify doing so.....despite all the Conflicts of Interest, despite all of THEIR exposed crimes, despite their lack of finding / producing one single piece of actual evidence to support their treasonous 'political coup attempt'.
Very good odds and chances the court rulings will supersede the rambling opinions of an anonymous poster on a random political internet message board.
Well, Jim Jordan AND perhaps Mark Meadows running for House Speaker replacing RINO Ryan who is giving up --- I'd say Trump Republicans are carrying all before them.
You don't get your fantasy.

The speaker of the house paul ryan killed the bill.

Which I'm not surprised.

Too bad. you can't go after Rosenstein like you wanted to.

You lose again. LOL.

Wow, are you wrong. Ryan DID deep-six the impeachment idea (yeah, it would require 2/3 of the Senate to convict, can't get that). BUT he immediately, within minutes negotiated a better solution with Rep. Mark Meadows, whom I am hoping will be the next House Majority Leader.

"House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows said Ryan had agreed to a different deal: Conservatives would give the Justice Department “one last chance” in August to turn over a range of documents that lawmakers subpoenaed in March or else Rosenstein would face charges of contempt of Congress."
Ryan rejects conservative push to impeach Rosenstein

Contempt of Congress! That's what I've been hoping for all along.

Another solution is that Trump could simply declassify every document. No redactions, no nothing, spill them out. However, this isn't really Trump's issue: it is a contempt of Congress problem. Well, why is the FBI being so stubborn?

Because, I assume, the documents would expose gross FBI corruption and bad-acting. Which is also why they are redacting so much. Pretending to "release" documents covered with heavy black bars of ink, uh-huh.

Why doesn't the FBI trust Congress to keep it all secret? Because it's not in House Republicans' interest to do so. Remember when Comey sent his letter to Congress about re-opening the Hillary investigation 11 days before the election, with the added attractions of underage sex and a baby on the bed and the connection with the evil Iranian who would be in the Oval Office if Hillary were elected?

Yeah, that took 15 minutes to be leaked to the entire world media: they timed it. So sure, the FBI doesn't want Congress to leak the FISA documents --- they'll look bad and they know it.

Timing: give them August for "another chance." THEN -- oh, happy day -- in September and October, right before the Midterm Elections, bring charges of Contempt of Congress against these obvious Hillary shills. Play it night and day for weeks, win the Midterms in a landslide.

I like it.

Has it ever occurred to you and others that some members of Congress have obstructed Justice?

Section 1503 of Title 18, United States Code, as amended by the Victim and Witness Protection Act of 1982, forbids tampering with or retaliating against any grand or petit juror, or any officer*** in or of any court of the United States by threats or force or by "endeavors to influence, intimidate, or impede."

Seems to define Trump, and the outspoken members of the Freedom Caucus in the H. or Rep., in their behavior, acts and threats.

***officer of the court. n. any person who has an obligation to promote justice and effective operation of the judicial system, including judges, the attorneys who appear in court, bailiffs, clerks and other personnel.
Paul Ryan is a spineless conservative Republican - but Jim Jordan is like a rabid dog. I seriously doubt he has a chance of ever becoming House Speaker.
Paul Ryan is a spineless conservative Republican - but Jim Jordan is like a rabid dog. I seriously doubt he has a chance of ever becoming House Speaker.

Yeah? Who do you think it will be? I haven't been following that issue closely.
They just want this on the table so when they go campaigning in their districts starting next week they will have something to get their constituents worked up about, especially when they say "If you re-elect me I will impeach Rosenstein", it's nothing more.
As opposed to the Liberals who will go back to their districts to rile up their butt-hurt base by declaring,



I don't disagree with your statement, did you think I would? Too bad Sessions is backing Rosenstein.
Paul Ryan is a spineless conservative Republican - but Jim Jordan is like a rabid dog. I seriously doubt he has a chance of ever becoming House Speaker.

Former Ohio State wrestlers say Rep. Jim Jordan knew of sexual abuse by team doctor

Former Ohio State wrestlers say Rep. Jim Jordan knew of sexual abuse by team doctor

Ex-wrestler: 'Baffling' Jordan didn't help us - CNN Video

If what went on for the 10 years he served as an asst. coach and he didn't know, he has no business as a member of the H. of Rep.

As a member of Congress, he is responsible to keep both eyes open to prevent untoward acts, independent of his ambitions and ideology. He's failed in that duty and responsibility to students and to the University, as well as too his constituents and all Americans who want the Mueller Investigation to follow every lead.
I doubt Ryan will let any efforts for impeachment of Rosenstein to go forward. It would be an obvious effort to stop the Russian investigation, and would hurt the right more than they can imagine.

So the DOJ should be free from congressional oversight?

I never said anything near that. Impeaching Rosenstein wouldn't be oversight. It would be nothing more or less than a partisan effort to protect trump for any crimes Mueller caught Trump in.

And even Paul Ryan found some spine and said it was absurd and wasn’t going to happen.

No doubt that makes the insane trumploons unhappy
Already tabled. :auiqs.jpg:

The wingnut freedom caucus got their 15 minutes of attention. That’s about how long it took to shoot this down.

Yep, and their game goes on...

WASHINGTON ― Despite unresolved allegations that he ignored sexual abuse when he was a coach at Ohio State University, Rep. Jim Jordan officially announced his intention to run for House speaker on Thursday.

In a two-page “Dear Colleague” letter to fellow members of Congress, the Ohio Republican criticized the current GOP leadership as weak and undisciplined while ignoring his own ongoing scandal involving his time as an Ohio State wrestling coach. Some former players say he and other university officials did not do enough to stop a team doctor who is accused of sexually abusing hundreds of athletes.

Ultraconservative Jim Jordan Announces Bid For House Speaker
Any other mandatory reporter would be out of a job and maybe in jail now.....Gym Jordan should also.
Already tabled. :auiqs.jpg:

The wingnut freedom caucus got their 15 minutes of attention. That’s about how long it took to shoot this down.

Yep, and their game goes on...

WASHINGTON ― Despite unresolved allegations that he ignored sexual abuse when he was a coach at Ohio State University, Rep. Jim Jordan officially announced his intention to run for House speaker on Thursday.

In a two-page “Dear Colleague” letter to fellow members of Congress, the Ohio Republican criticized the current GOP leadership as weak and undisciplined while ignoring his own ongoing scandal involving his time as an Ohio State wrestling coach. Some former players say he and other university officials did not do enough to stop a team doctor who is accused of sexually abusing hundreds of athletes.

Ultraconservative Jim Jordan Announces Bid For House Speaker
Fear causing snowflakes to attempt to hijack the thread.....

What was unverified? Did you notice all those little black marks covering up most of the FISA application? Those are classified sources and methods that were used to validate the intel. This dossier narrative is so weak.

No, we have no idea what the redactions show. In the past redactions exposed have shown nothing more than embarrassing the Clinton administration's methods. If it's been verified, why hide it? Why heavily redact something like that?

It was unverfied info paid for by a political opponent to Russia (oh there is collusion alright, between Clinton and Russia) for a fake dossier used to spy on a campaign.

Partner, if that ain't illegal I've got heroin ready to sell to kids legal smeagle.
It doesn’t matter who paid for it. If it was intel that was verified then it is credible. Let me ask you a simple question. Take a meeting that was reported in the dossier. How would they verify it? Through one of their sources right? Do you think that source would be made public or be redacted? Use your brain. They didn’t redact a hundred pages of embarrassing methods in a FISA application. You aren’t being objective

It doesn't matter who paid for it. BUT THAT MUST BE DISCLOSED TO THE FISA COURT JUDGE. It was never stated. The judge must get ALL information about the application to make a decision. You don't think the judge might have made a different decision had he known that all this info in front of him was paid for by Clinton and unverified in sources and methods?

Like you said, USE YOUR HEAD.
All the info in front of them was not from a Clinton dossier, a portion of it was and if you don’t think it was check in and verified then I don’t think you are being objective. I know you want to make it all about this dossier because that feeds your narrative. I hear the BS on conservative radio. It’s just not honest or realistic

The original FISA warrant was approved by a republican judge before the dossier was even created and existed.

If the dossier was the reason for the warrants then how could it have been the reason when it didn't exist?

I've heard republicans scream the dossier is all a lie but they have never said what's a lie nor have they provided any proof it is a lie.

Meanwhile as we all know, some parts have been investigated and everything that's been investigated has turned out to be true.

These people think that by just saying something makes it true. It's very odd.
The US IG says you're a liar.

Evidence has been presented proving you lie. You opine and claim a lot but offer as much evidence to back up your claim as Mueller does his.
Paul Ryan is a spineless conservative Republican - but Jim Jordan is like a rabid dog. I seriously doubt he has a chance of ever becoming House Speaker.

Former Ohio State wrestlers say Rep. Jim Jordan knew of sexual abuse by team doctor

Former Ohio State wrestlers say Rep. Jim Jordan knew of sexual abuse by team doctor

Ex-wrestler: 'Baffling' Jordan didn't help us - CNN Video

If what went on for the 10 years he served as an asst. coach and he didn't know, he has no business as a member of the H. of Rep.

As a member of Congress, he is responsible to keep both eyes open to prevent untoward acts, independent of his ambitions and ideology. He's failed in that duty and responsibility to students and to the University, as well as too his constituents and all Americans who want the Mueller Investigation to follow every lead.
Jordan's seen too many different soap bars in the locker room. He needs to stick with that line of work.

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