Article Of Impeachment Filed Against Rosenstein

you are believing the lie... that is being spread by Trump State TV (FOX)

The first Fisa warrant on Carter Page out of these 3,


What's time got to do with it? You're not understanding the design or capabilities of a FISA search on the NSA system. It ARCHIVES everything. So if your "target" EVER
had contact with campaign surrogates they are included. Where did you get the idea that TIME mattered on this kind of spying?

It was not to spy on the campaign, it was for surveillance on Carter Page and his continued Russian operative contacts who were agents trying to recruit him.... and had been in previous years as well.

AGAIN -- and listen carefully. If the INtel folks wanted to investigate Carter Page and Russians -- they could use the TRADITIONAL FOREIGN surveillance systems. The reason there IS A FISA Court is that THIS SYSTEM collects and archives DOMESTIC DATA and the court is there (partly) to JUSTIFY searches on US persons and prevent abuse.. They are the gate-minders for agencies wanting to drive it.

Who's feeding you these uninformed positions? FIRE THEM. Get some real knowledge from sane sources. Try the ACLU and the Patriot Act 702 Surveillance system for example. If you have no CLUE that this system was DESIGNED to map out networks of DOMESTIC terrorists (jihadis operating with the USA) and that it allows many levels of association on the target(s) -- you'd have no PRAYER of understand the power you get with an APPROVED FISA warrant.

I'm sorry, but your rant is simply not altogether true.... bits of truth, but the rest is simply conspiracy crapola built around pure rhetoric by the right wing....In my view, it's deflection rhetoric, because the President KNOWS what is going to be found out about him, because he is the one who did it!!!!

Largely hysteria and the basis for your continued disappointment -- aint it? LOL..

This isn't deep state, it is counter intelligence/law enforcement at work....

The deep state is bigger than counter intel, does NOT include law enforcement because these are largely
public record and YES the folks conspiring to spy on a campaign USED AND ABUSED the capabilities of the Deep State to accomplish their monkey-wrenching.

Earlier you said the deep state had 7 members. Theres more? Please; what are their names?

You're just trolling me now. And I lose a LOT of respect for you when you do that. That's a stupid ass attitude to take given the serious implications of what's been learned about the monumental abuse of deep state capabilities. Have a fun life.

Gee, hard to get happy after that.

Inventing an enemy to provide excuses for the whats happening to the blob is the adult equivalent to the dog eating the page out of the kid’s book. Grow the fuck up.
you are believing the lie... that is being spread by Trump State TV (FOX)

The first Fisa warrant on Carter Page out of these 3,


What's time got to do with it? You're not understanding the design or capabilities of a FISA search on the NSA system. It ARCHIVES everything. So if your "target" EVER
had contact with campaign surrogates they are included. Where did you get the idea that TIME mattered on this kind of spying?

It was not to spy on the campaign, it was for surveillance on Carter Page and his continued Russian operative contacts who were agents trying to recruit him.... and had been in previous years as well.

AGAIN -- and listen carefully. If the INtel folks wanted to investigate Carter Page and Russians -- they could use the TRADITIONAL FOREIGN surveillance systems. The reason there IS A FISA Court is that THIS SYSTEM collects and archives DOMESTIC DATA and the court is there (partly) to JUSTIFY searches on US persons and prevent abuse.. They are the gate-minders for agencies wanting to drive it.

Who's feeding you these uninformed positions? FIRE THEM. Get some real knowledge from sane sources. Try the ACLU and the Patriot Act 702 Surveillance system for example. If you have no CLUE that this system was DESIGNED to map out networks of DOMESTIC terrorists (jihadis operating with the USA) and that it allows many levels of association on the target(s) -- you'd have no PRAYER of understand the power you get with an APPROVED FISA warrant.

I'm sorry, but your rant is simply not altogether true.... bits of truth, but the rest is simply conspiracy crapola built around pure rhetoric by the right wing....In my view, it's deflection rhetoric, because the President KNOWS what is going to be found out about him, because he is the one who did it!!!!

Largely hysteria and the basis for your continued disappointment -- aint it? LOL..

This isn't deep state, it is counter intelligence/law enforcement at work....

The deep state is bigger than counter intel, does NOT include law enforcement because these are largely public record and YES the folks conspiring to spy on a campaign USED AND ABUSED the capabilities of the Deep State to accomplish their monkey-wrenching.

There is no deep state.

No but it’s fun to send them chasing their tails. If they do it long enough, they’ll swear their barber is a deep state operative

So very true. And the sad thing about these guys is that when the real thing is staring in their faces they turn into a blind man in a dark closet looking for a black cat that's not there. Trump stood up there right next to Putin listening to him tell the world he told people to help Trump and dumb Donnie was bowing like Putin was the president.
you are believing the lie... that is being spread by Trump State TV (FOX)

The first Fisa warrant on Carter Page out of these 3,


What's time got to do with it? You're not understanding the design or capabilities of a FISA search on the NSA system. It ARCHIVES everything. So if your "target" EVER
had contact with campaign surrogates they are included. Where did you get the idea that TIME mattered on this kind of spying?

It was not to spy on the campaign, it was for surveillance on Carter Page and his continued Russian operative contacts who were agents trying to recruit him.... and had been in previous years as well.

AGAIN -- and listen carefully. If the INtel folks wanted to investigate Carter Page and Russians -- they could use the TRADITIONAL FOREIGN surveillance systems. The reason there IS A FISA Court is that THIS SYSTEM collects and archives DOMESTIC DATA and the court is there (partly) to JUSTIFY searches on US persons and prevent abuse.. They are the gate-minders for agencies wanting to drive it.

Who's feeding you these uninformed positions? FIRE THEM. Get some real knowledge from sane sources. Try the ACLU and the Patriot Act 702 Surveillance system for example. If you have no CLUE that this system was DESIGNED to map out networks of DOMESTIC terrorists (jihadis operating with the USA) and that it allows many levels of association on the target(s) -- you'd have no PRAYER of understand the power you get with an APPROVED FISA warrant.

I'm sorry, but your rant is simply not altogether true.... bits of truth, but the rest is simply conspiracy crapola built around pure rhetoric by the right wing....In my view, it's deflection rhetoric, because the President KNOWS what is going to be found out about him, because he is the one who did it!!!!

Largely hysteria and the basis for your continued disappointment -- aint it? LOL..

This isn't deep state, it is counter intelligence/law enforcement at work....

The deep state is bigger than counter intel, does NOT include law enforcement because these are largely public record and YES the folks conspiring to spy on a campaign USED AND ABUSED the capabilities of the Deep State to accomplish their monkey-wrenching.

There is no deep state.

No but it’s fun to send them chasing their tails. If they do it long enough, they’ll swear their barber is a deep state operative

So very true. And the sad thing about these guys is that when the real thing is staring in their faces they turn into a blind man in a dark closet looking for a black cat that's not there. Trump stood up there right next to Putin listening to him tell the world he told people to help Trump and dumb Donnie was bowing like Putin was the president.


It’s like I always said…support of this joke of a President isn’t about conservative v. liberal, rich v. poor, left v. right or even good v. evil. The orange blob is about one thing; sticking it to someone; anyone. Doesn’t matter who. There is a large segment of the population that gets off on this type of cheap theatrics.
you are believing the lie... that is being spread by Trump State TV (FOX)

The first Fisa warrant on Carter Page out of these 3,


What's time got to do with it? You're not understanding the design or capabilities of a FISA search on the NSA system. It ARCHIVES everything. So if your "target" EVER
had contact with campaign surrogates they are included. Where did you get the idea that TIME mattered on this kind of spying?

It was not to spy on the campaign, it was for surveillance on Carter Page and his continued Russian operative contacts who were agents trying to recruit him.... and had been in previous years as well.

AGAIN -- and listen carefully. If the INtel folks wanted to investigate Carter Page and Russians -- they could use the TRADITIONAL FOREIGN surveillance systems. The reason there IS A FISA Court is that THIS SYSTEM collects and archives DOMESTIC DATA and the court is there (partly) to JUSTIFY searches on US persons and prevent abuse.. They are the gate-minders for agencies wanting to drive it.

Who's feeding you these uninformed positions? FIRE THEM. Get some real knowledge from sane sources. Try the ACLU and the Patriot Act 702 Surveillance system for example. If you have no CLUE that this system was DESIGNED to map out networks of DOMESTIC terrorists (jihadis operating with the USA) and that it allows many levels of association on the target(s) -- you'd have no PRAYER of understand the power you get with an APPROVED FISA warrant.

I'm sorry, but your rant is simply not altogether true.... bits of truth, but the rest is simply conspiracy crapola built around pure rhetoric by the right wing....In my view, it's deflection rhetoric, because the President KNOWS what is going to be found out about him, because he is the one who did it!!!!

Largely hysteria and the basis for your continued disappointment -- aint it? LOL..

This isn't deep state, it is counter intelligence/law enforcement at work....

The deep state is bigger than counter intel, does NOT include law enforcement because these are largely public record and YES the folks conspiring to spy on a campaign USED AND ABUSED the capabilities of the Deep State to accomplish their monkey-wrenching.

There is no deep state.

Yeah... I see. With the background of chatting with you about the difference between Civil Rights and Civil Liberties ---- it's apparent you STILL don't understand it. Civil Rights do you no good whatsoever without the LARGER set of Civil Liberties. And if you're not interested in Domestic spying being done by our govt Intel agencies when it was PROHIBITED for a long time prior to 9/11 or the KNOWN or POTENTIAL abuses of Deep State capabilities that present a CLEAR threat to Civil Liberties -- you're wasting your time. It's like Loving only 3 of the 10 articles in the Bill of Rights.

So enjoy your ignorant bliss. Keep on trucking that struggle and pay no attention to all the other necessary prereqs to keep this a free county BY and FOR the people.
To hold someone in contempt, a majority of committee members must vote for a contempt citation, which must then be approved by the full House. If approved, the contempt citation is referred to the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, who brings the case to a grand jury for action.

"A contempt case would end up in the courts where the House Republicans may well lose," Tiefer said. "Impeachment doesn't go to the courts."

Could Trump allies really impeach Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein? Not likely, experts say

The rabid House Teabagger NaziCons should have attempted a contempt course of action first.
It’s a joke and these freedom guys are proving to be complete hypocrites. They are to lazy to prove that Rosenstein committed a crime though contempt proceedings so they skip to impeachment. Could you imagine if the Dems did that to Trump before finding anything from the Mueller investigation? How many months have we heard them demand proof of collusion and now they jump the gun on Rosie. It’s almost laughable. Plus Rosie and Wray are both Trumps guys!!!!

Contempt proceedings? WTF? Talking out of your ass again?

Why do you want to do two things to accomplish one?
That’s a great point. While we are at it how about we skip this whole Mueller thing and go straight to impeachmmet. That way you get Rosie and they get Trump. Win win right?!

What is impeachmmet?

You have no charges. Rosie is failing to do his job. That is a fact. Trump has not been proven to have done anything wrong.
Rosie has not been proven to do anything wrong either. That’s what a contempt vote would show.

Failure to perform his duties is sufficient. Not recusing himself is an obstruction of justice.
A Republican Congress attempting to impeach a Republican DAG for refusing to turn over documents that the Republican President hasn’t actually ordered his subordinate officer to turn over is, well, rich.

Trump doesn't need to order him to turn over the documents. He received a Congressional subpoena.
Are you under the impression that congress has the power to receive documentation on anything they want for on-going investigations?

Yes, they do. It is their Constitutional duty. I wish you would actually take a good high school level course on government and actually study what the Constitution says, rather than relying on your libtard talking points written by people who use the document as toilet paper,
Here let’s step it up to college. Educate yourself

OK, so if they never close the "open investigation" when will the documents be available? Never?

Aso, I hope you recognize that your source is an article in a law review that could have been written by an absolute moron as far as we know.
You don't get your fantasy.

But.... you promised...
The speaker of the house paul ryan killed the bill.

Of course he did, Ryan is part of the deep state too
Too bad. you can't go after Rosenstein like you wanted to.

Eh, I never believed in Rosentein getting impeached in the first place

The only way to get rid of Rosenstein is to simply fire him
You lose again. LOL.


How long did Eric Holder stay in jail after he was held in contempt of Congress?
I’m not familiar with that situation

Obviously not because you keep spouting bullshit! Contempt of Congress does not involve jail. I suggest you do some research before pontificating on a subject you know nothing about.
You say I know nothing about the subject and you also claim “Contempt of Congress does not involve jail.”

And then there’s this... “The criminal offense of "contempt of Congress" sets the penalty at not less than one month nor more than twelve months in jail and a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000.”

Perhaps you should take your own advice and learn a little more about the subject.

Guess who has to impose that penalty? The Justice Department! I am sure Rosenstein is going to prosecute himself, moron! That would be just like Holder locked himself up when he was found in contempt!
I thought you were all about law and order... well this is the process, why don’t you want to follow it?

Face it guy, this impeachment talk is all grandstanding. We got mid terms coming up. It’s nothing more

I am all about law and order. Not as much as my wife, who watches the reruns continuously. :D

Libtards never met a law they couldn't break. They do not care about law and order.
A Republican Congress attempting to impeach a Republican DAG for refusing to turn over documents that the Republican President hasn’t actually ordered his subordinate officer to turn over is, well, rich.

Trump doesn't need to order him to turn over the documents. He received a Congressional subpoena.
Are you under the impression that congress has the power to receive documentation on anything they want for on-going investigations?

Yes, they do. It is their Constitutional duty. I wish you would actually take a good high school level course on government and actually study what the Constitution says, rather than relying on your libtard talking points written by people who use the document as toilet paper,
Here let’s step it up to college. Educate yourself

OK, so if they never close the "open investigation" when will the documents be available? Never?

Aso, I hope you recognize that your source is an article in a law review that could have been written by an absolute moron as far as we know.
Feel free to provide an analysis from a more credible source
I’m not familiar with that situation

Obviously not because you keep spouting bullshit! Contempt of Congress does not involve jail. I suggest you do some research before pontificating on a subject you know nothing about.
You say I know nothing about the subject and you also claim “Contempt of Congress does not involve jail.”

And then there’s this... “The criminal offense of "contempt of Congress" sets the penalty at not less than one month nor more than twelve months in jail and a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000.”

Perhaps you should take your own advice and learn a little more about the subject.

Guess who has to impose that penalty? The Justice Department! I am sure Rosenstein is going to prosecute himself, moron! That would be just like Holder locked himself up when he was found in contempt!
I thought you were all about law and order... well this is the process, why don’t you want to follow it?

Face it guy, this impeachment talk is all grandstanding. We got mid terms coming up. It’s nothing more

I am all about law and order. Not as much as my wife, who watches the reruns continuously. :D

Libtards never met a law they couldn't break. They do not care about law and order.
If by libtards you mean liberals then you are dead wrong. I consider myself a liberal and I have a lot of respect for law and order.
Rosenstien should have recused himself. He's a witness in this investigation as he approved the 3rd instance of the FISA warrant to surviel (sp?) the Trump campaign. He can't be a witness, the judge, the prosecutor and the investigator all at the same time. That's against the law.

But just so you guys know, filing "articles of impeachment" doesn't get rid of him. It has to go through a process where a board will review it and decide if it should go before the entire house. If the house upholds it, 2/3 of the senate must vote in favor of it as well. That will never happen.
There was nothing wrong with the third FISA warrant and nothing wrong with FISA warrant 1 and 2 signed by others either.

You bought in to a pile of doo doo..... NOTHING was illegal about any of the FISA warrants on Carter Page..... absolutely nothing. :rolleyes:

Wrong. It is HIGHLY ILLEGAL to use unverified documents to submit to a FISA court to wiretap and spy on an American citizen.

Nunes: FBI may have violated criminal statutes in FISA application to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page
What was unverified? Did you notice all those little black marks covering up most of the FISA application? Those are classified sources and methods that were used to validate the intel. This dossier narrative is so weak.

The dossier, dumbass! The dossier!

Bought and paid for by Hillary's machine. It was already well-known to be false when it was referenced in the FISA warrants.

Are you trying to be stupid because you are succeeding wonderfully?
Trump doesn't need to order him to turn over the documents. He received a Congressional subpoena.
Are you under the impression that congress has the power to receive documentation on anything they want for on-going investigations?

Yes, they do. It is their Constitutional duty. I wish you would actually take a good high school level course on government and actually study what the Constitution says, rather than relying on your libtard talking points written by people who use the document as toilet paper,
Here let’s step it up to college. Educate yourself

OK, so if they never close the "open investigation" when will the documents be available? Never?

Aso, I hope you recognize that your source is an article in a law review that could have been written by an absolute moron as far as we know.
Feel free to provide an analysis from a more credible source

I don't need one. You are an idiot and would not understand it anyway. Just as you seem to think that article supports your position. It does not.
Rosenstien should have recused himself. He's a witness in this investigation as he approved the 3rd instance of the FISA warrant to surviel (sp?) the Trump campaign. He can't be a witness, the judge, the prosecutor and the investigator all at the same time. That's against the law.

But just so you guys know, filing "articles of impeachment" doesn't get rid of him. It has to go through a process where a board will review it and decide if it should go before the entire house. If the house upholds it, 2/3 of the senate must vote in favor of it as well. That will never happen.
There was nothing wrong with the third FISA warrant and nothing wrong with FISA warrant 1 and 2 signed by others either.

You bought in to a pile of doo doo..... NOTHING was illegal about any of the FISA warrants on Carter Page..... absolutely nothing. :rolleyes:

Wrong. It is HIGHLY ILLEGAL to use unverified documents to submit to a FISA court to wiretap and spy on an American citizen.

Nunes: FBI may have violated criminal statutes in FISA application to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page
What was unverified? Did you notice all those little black marks covering up most of the FISA application? Those are classified sources and methods that were used to validate the intel. This dossier narrative is so weak.

The dossier, dumbass! The dossier!

Bought and paid for by Hillary's machine. It was already well-known to be false when it was referenced in the FISA warrants.

Are you trying to be stupid because you are succeeding wonderfully?
Simple question Troy. Take an element of the Dossier that the FBI wanted to use to get the warrant... let’s say they had multiple sources backing up and verifying that incident. Don’t you think those sources and methods would be redacted in the application?
Are you under the impression that congress has the power to receive documentation on anything they want for on-going investigations?

Yes, they do. It is their Constitutional duty. I wish you would actually take a good high school level course on government and actually study what the Constitution says, rather than relying on your libtard talking points written by people who use the document as toilet paper,
Here let’s step it up to college. Educate yourself

OK, so if they never close the "open investigation" when will the documents be available? Never?

Aso, I hope you recognize that your source is an article in a law review that could have been written by an absolute moron as far as we know.
Feel free to provide an analysis from a more credible source

I don't need one. You are an idiot and would not understand it anyway. Just as you seem to think that article supports your position. It does not.
You don’t have one... your hot air and bluster can only take you so far. End of the road mr Troy, thanks for playing
The House is full of wackos, I can't imagine the Senate convicting him.
Rosenstien should have recused himself. He's a witness in this investigation as he approved the 3rd instance of the FISA warrant to surviel (sp?) the Trump campaign. He can't be a witness, the judge, the prosecutor and the investigator all at the same time. That's against the law.

But just so you guys know, filing "articles of impeachment" doesn't get rid of him. It has to go through a process where a board will review it and decide if it should go before the entire house. If the house upholds it, 2/3 of the senate must vote in favor of it as well. That will never happen.
There was nothing wrong with the third FISA warrant and nothing wrong with FISA warrant 1 and 2 signed by others either.

You bought in to a pile of doo doo..... NOTHING was illegal about any of the FISA warrants on Carter Page..... absolutely nothing. :rolleyes:

Wrong. It is HIGHLY ILLEGAL to use unverified documents to submit to a FISA court to wiretap and spy on an American citizen.

Nunes: FBI may have violated criminal statutes in FISA application to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page
What was unverified? Did you notice all those little black marks covering up most of the FISA application? Those are classified sources and methods that were used to validate the intel. This dossier narrative is so weak.

The dossier, dumbass! The dossier!

Bought and paid for by Hillary's machine. It was already well-known to be false when it was referenced in the FISA warrants.

Are you trying to be stupid because you are succeeding wonderfully?
Rosenstien should have recused himself. He's a witness in this investigation as he approved the 3rd instance of the FISA warrant to surviel (sp?) the Trump campaign. He can't be a witness, the judge, the prosecutor and the investigator all at the same time. That's against the law.

But just so you guys know, filing "articles of impeachment" doesn't get rid of him. It has to go through a process where a board will review it and decide if it should go before the entire house. If the house upholds it, 2/3 of the senate must vote in favor of it as well. That will never happen.
There was nothing wrong with the third FISA warrant and nothing wrong with FISA warrant 1 and 2 signed by others either.

You bought in to a pile of doo doo..... NOTHING was illegal about any of the FISA warrants on Carter Page..... absolutely nothing. :rolleyes:

Wrong. It is HIGHLY ILLEGAL to use unverified documents to submit to a FISA court to wiretap and spy on an American citizen.

Nunes: FBI may have violated criminal statutes in FISA application to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page
What was unverified? Did you notice all those little black marks covering up most of the FISA application? Those are classified sources and methods that were used to validate the intel. This dossier narrative is so weak.

The dossier, dumbass! The dossier!

Bought and paid for by Hillary's machine. It was already well-known to be false when it was referenced in the FISA warrants.

Are you trying to be stupid because you are succeeding wonderfully?

Turn the light bulb on Admiral...

Christopher Steele was hired as an investigator, for opposition research on Trump.

Opposition research


Research on your opponent....

Christopher Steele spent his whole life as an investigator,

He opened his own Investigator business and relied on his accurate research to keep his livelihood and Business going.... His accuracy in his research is important and his Business relies on it....

GPS paid Steele $160k for all of his work, which came out in congressional hearings....

Do you really think Steele was going to simply fabricate a story on Trump and ruin his whole career and Business by doing that, for simply for $160k....

take your dunce hat off....

Hillary or the DNC was looking for research and information on the opposition.....

That's NOT FAKE STUFF..... fake stuff gets you nowhere on your opposition in a race.... the real deal, truth, dirt, is what a client is looking for, on their opposition.

This song and a dance twisted in bull crap conspiracy that your side is spinning, is laughable and makes no sense except to the willfully IGNORANT.... the brainless, the brainwashed, the lemmings, the sheep that follow one off a cliff....

..That's NOT FAKE STUFF..... fake stuff gets you nowhere on your opposition in a race.... the real deal, truth, dirt, is what a client is looking for, on their opposition.

So the golden showers are real?

No wonder the orange clown is acting like Putin's loyal puppet

Rosenstien should have recused himself. He's a witness in this investigation as he approved the 3rd instance of the FISA warrant to surviel (sp?) the Trump campaign. He can't be a witness, the judge, the prosecutor and the investigator all at the same time. That's against the law.

But just so you guys know, filing "articles of impeachment" doesn't get rid of him. It has to go through a process where a board will review it and decide if it should go before the entire house. If the house upholds it, 2/3 of the senate must vote in favor of it as well. That will never happen.
There was nothing wrong with the third FISA warrant and nothing wrong with FISA warrant 1 and 2 signed by others either.

You bought in to a pile of doo doo..... NOTHING was illegal about any of the FISA warrants on Carter Page..... absolutely nothing. :rolleyes:

Wrong. It is HIGHLY ILLEGAL to use unverified documents to submit to a FISA court to wiretap and spy on an American citizen.

Nunes: FBI may have violated criminal statutes in FISA application to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page
What was unverified? Did you notice all those little black marks covering up most of the FISA application? Those are classified sources and methods that were used to validate the intel. This dossier narrative is so weak.

The dossier, dumbass! The dossier!

Bought and paid for by Hillary's machine. It was already well-known to be false when it was referenced in the FISA warrants.

Are you trying to be stupid because you are succeeding wonderfully?
Rosenstien should have recused himself. He's a witness in this investigation as he approved the 3rd instance of the FISA warrant to surviel (sp?) the Trump campaign. He can't be a witness, the judge, the prosecutor and the investigator all at the same time. That's against the law.

But just so you guys know, filing "articles of impeachment" doesn't get rid of him. It has to go through a process where a board will review it and decide if it should go before the entire house. If the house upholds it, 2/3 of the senate must vote in favor of it as well. That will never happen.
There was nothing wrong with the third FISA warrant and nothing wrong with FISA warrant 1 and 2 signed by others either.

You bought in to a pile of doo doo..... NOTHING was illegal about any of the FISA warrants on Carter Page..... absolutely nothing. :rolleyes:

Wrong. It is HIGHLY ILLEGAL to use unverified documents to submit to a FISA court to wiretap and spy on an American citizen.

Nunes: FBI may have violated criminal statutes in FISA application to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page
What was unverified? Did you notice all those little black marks covering up most of the FISA application? Those are classified sources and methods that were used to validate the intel. This dossier narrative is so weak.

The dossier, dumbass! The dossier!

Bought and paid for by Hillary's machine. It was already well-known to be false when it was referenced in the FISA warrants.

Are you trying to be stupid because you are succeeding wonderfully?

Turn the light bulb on Admiral...

Christopher Steele was hired as an investigator, for opposition research on Trump.

Opposition research


Research on your opponent....

Christopher Steele spent his whole life as an investigator,

He opened his own Investigator business and relied on his accurate research to keep his livelihood and Business going.... His accuracy in his research is important and his Business relies on it....

GPS paid Steele $160k for all of his work, which came out in congressional hearings....

Do you really think Steele was going to simply fabricate a story on Trump and ruin his whole career and Business by doing that, for simply for $160k....

take your dunce hat off....

Hillary or the DNC was looking for research and information on the opposition.....

That's NOT FAKE STUFF..... fake stuff gets you nowhere on your opposition in a race.... the real deal, truth, dirt, is what a client is looking for, on their opposition.

This song and a dance twisted in bull crap conspiracy that your side is spinning, is laughable and makes no sense except to the willfully IGNORANT.... the brainless, the brainwashed, the lemmings, the sheep that follow one off a cliff....

1. Steele is a foreign spy

2. He obtained 2nd and 3rd hand account tales / propaganda from RUSSIANS

3. Steele said he never even tried to verify the information, that it was 50-50 if any of it was true
-- And yet, as the US IG pointed out, the FBI misled the FISA court by NOT telling them the info was foreign opposition research andmisled the court by falsely claiming it was 100% verified, which it was not

4. It is a CRIME (election law - misdemeanor) to use foreign opposition research in a US election that is from a foreign sources and that is paid for. Not only did Hillary break the law by doing so, the FBI broke the law by 'misleading' the FISA Court and illegally obtain warrants to conduct their own Watergate...
That's NOT FAKE STUFF..... fake stuff gets you nowhere on your opposition in a race.... the real deal, truth, dirt, is what a client is looking for, on their opposition.
'Fake stuff' got the FBI illegal FISA Court warrants needed for them to conduct their own Watergate & has gotten Democrats going on 3 years of Political Witch Hunt...

Zero evidence, though.

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