Article Of Impeachment Filed Against Rosenstein

No, we have no idea what the redactions show. In the past redactions exposed have shown nothing more than embarrassing the Clinton administration's methods. If it's been verified, why hide it? Why heavily redact something like that?

It was unverfied info paid for by a political opponent to Russia (oh there is collusion alright, between Clinton and Russia) for a fake dossier used to spy on a campaign.

Partner, if that ain't illegal I've got heroin ready to sell to kids legal smeagle.
It doesn’t matter who paid for it. If it was intel that was verified then it is credible. Let me ask you a simple question. Take a meeting that was reported in the dossier. How would they verify it? Through one of their sources right? Do you think that source would be made public or be redacted? Use your brain. They didn’t redact a hundred pages of embarrassing methods in a FISA application. You aren’t being objective

It doesn't matter who paid for it. BUT THAT MUST BE DISCLOSED TO THE FISA COURT JUDGE. It was never stated. The judge must get ALL information about the application to make a decision. You don't think the judge might have made a different decision had he known that all this info in front of him was paid for by Clinton and unverified in sources and methods?

Like you said, USE YOUR HEAD.
All the info in front of them was not from a Clinton dossier, a portion of it was and if you don’t think it was check in and verified then I don’t think you are being objective. I know you want to make it all about this dossier because that feeds your narrative. I hear the BS on conservative radio. It’s just not honest or realistic

The original FISA warrant was approved by a republican judge before the dossier was even created and existed.

If the dossier was the reason for the warrants then how could it have been the reason when it didn't exist?

I've heard republicans scream the dossier is all a lie but they have never said what's a lie nor have they provided any proof it is a lie.

Meanwhile as we all know, some parts have been investigated and everything that's been investigated has turned out to be true.

These people think that by just saying something makes it true. It's very odd.
The US IG says you're a liar.

Evidence has been presented proving you lie. You opine and claim a lot but offer as much evidence to back up your claim as Mueller does his.
See if you wanted to make a real point you would explain how the IG proved that I lie. Just because you say it doesn’t make it true. Stop wasting my time with empty proclaimations
Republicans must be scared as hell if they're resorting to this horrible optic.

Damn... even the Speaker is putting Major Daylight between himself and this Impeach Rosenstein insanity.

Stupid phukkers...
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...Evidence has been presented proving you lie. You opine and claim a lot but offer as much evidence to back up your claim as Mueller does his.
On the contrary... Mueller has said nothing, because his investigative work is not yet completed... we'll let you know when it is.
No, we have no idea what the redactions show. In the past redactions exposed have shown nothing more than embarrassing the Clinton administration's methods. If it's been verified, why hide it? Why heavily redact something like that?

It was unverfied info paid for by a political opponent to Russia (oh there is collusion alright, between Clinton and Russia) for a fake dossier used to spy on a campaign.

Partner, if that ain't illegal I've got heroin ready to sell to kids legal smeagle.
It doesn’t matter who paid for it. If it was intel that was verified then it is credible. Let me ask you a simple question. Take a meeting that was reported in the dossier. How would they verify it? Through one of their sources right? Do you think that source would be made public or be redacted? Use your brain. They didn’t redact a hundred pages of embarrassing methods in a FISA application. You aren’t being objective

It doesn't matter who paid for it. BUT THAT MUST BE DISCLOSED TO THE FISA COURT JUDGE. It was never stated. The judge must get ALL information about the application to make a decision. You don't think the judge might have made a different decision had he known that all this info in front of him was paid for by Clinton and unverified in sources and methods?

Like you said, USE YOUR HEAD.
All the info in front of them was not from a Clinton dossier, a portion of it was and if you don’t think it was check in and verified then I don’t think you are being objective. I know you want to make it all about this dossier because that feeds your narrative. I hear the BS on conservative radio. It’s just not honest or realistic

The original FISA warrant was approved by a republican judge before the dossier was even created and existed.

If the dossier was the reason for the warrants then how could it have been the reason when it didn't exist?

I've heard republicans scream the dossier is all a lie but they have never said what's a lie nor have they provided any proof it is a lie.

Meanwhile as we all know, some parts have been investigated and everything that's been investigated has turned out to be true.

These people think that by just saying something makes it true. It's very odd.
The US IG says you're a liar.

Evidence has been presented proving you lie. You opine and claim a lot but offer as much evidence to back up your claim as Mueller does his.
You know we’re onto Putin’s propaganda, right?
See if you wanted to make a real point you would explain how the IG proved that I lie.
IF you were honest and intelligent you would admit you read the many links and evidence already posted, would have read the IG report and know....or you can continue to admit you have NOT and know nothing ... Or you can continue to lie.
See if you wanted to make a real point you would explain how the IG proved that I lie.
IF you were honest and intelligent you would admit you read the many links and evidence already posted, would have read the IG report and know....or you can continue to admit you have NOT and know nothing ... Or you can continue to lie.
I haven’t lied at all and you’ve failed to prove or even expose what I lied about. That was a loss poor argument man. Step it up
...Evidence has been presented proving you lie. You opine and claim a lot but offer as much evidence to back up your claim as Mueller does his.
On the contrary... Mueller has said nothing, because his investigative work is not yet completed... we'll let you know when it is.
Zero evidence

Zero crime

The Obama Conspiracy has been exposed

Mueller is Obstructing Justice

Rosenstein is Obstructing Justice

McCabe has been recommended for indictment

Proven Perjured:

Proven Obstruction

There is existing evidence to support all of this...

And you still have ZERO evidence against the President.

Your entire hope to take down Trump now rests in a porn star, the words 'just wait', and 2 men who are guilty of refusing to comply with a Congressional subpoena.
...And you still have ZERO evidence against the President...
Neither you nor I will know that until Special Counsel Mueller releases his findings.

Meanwhile... I don't care about evidence against Trump...

I care about getting to the Truth, in any of several spheres touched upon by Mueller's mandate...

Truth... and Transparency...

Foreign concepts to the average autocrat-enabler TrumpBot.
I haven’t lied at all and you’ve failed to prove or even expose what I lied about.
Funny - you tried to prove you are not a liar by lying.

You continue to ignore the large number of links, articles, and evidence that support everything I have said. Start from the beginning of this thread, genius.

Every time you post you spew a lot of ignorance, opinions, and lies but never any links / evidence of your own to support anything you claim

Democrats and Mueller are the same way - they claim a lot but after 3 years they have yet to produce any evidence of illegal Russian collusion by Trump.
...And you still have ZERO evidence against the President...
Neither you nor I will know that until Special Counsel Mueller releases his findings.

Meanwhile... I don't care about evidence against Trump...

I care about getting to the Truth, in any of several spheres touched upon by Mueller's mandate...

Truth... and Transparency...

Foreign concepts to the average autocrat-enabler TrumpBot.
3 years
Zero Evidence
Zero crimes involving Trump
Right on, time that Mueller sycophant gets thrown under the bus. He's an arrogant bastard who should have never been in charge of the Russia investigation.

How can anyone who signed the false FISA warrant be in charge of the Mueller investigation?

It's illegal to file for a FISA with false information and as we saw in his latest testimony he didn't even read the damn thing. Lock him up.

GOP lawmakers introduce articles of impeachment against Rosenstein
Hey, it's been 24 hours since the impeachment process got unleashed....

how's it coming along....?

Ryan opposes Rosenstein impeachment try, dooming it for now

Snowflakes agree with Rosenstein who believes he is all-powerful and does not have to answer to anyone...and believes he is above Congressional oversight and Congressional subpoenas...
Snowflakes agree with Rosenstein who believes he is all-powerful and does not have to answer to anyone...and believes he is above Congressional oversight and Congressional subpoenas...
Impeach! Impeach! Impeach!

left wing idiots....

Congressional action can impeach and remove him... The president has to sign nothing and has no say in that co-equal branch of governments actions... Once removed he could very well face criminal proceedings..

It's just so embarrassing how down right stupid you and conservatives are.

Where were you in the 90s when the republicans tried to throw Clinton out of office?

You obviously didn't learn about the process in school when you were supposed to learn it. You were probably one of those deadbeats who didn't go to class and spent their days getting high.

The same process we were forced through in the Clinton years will happen with Rosenstein.

Apparently you don't know that we have TWO houses of congress. Not one. The House can vote to impeach by a simple majority.

The Senate is a very different situation. You're going to need a two thirds majority in the Senate to vote for it. The republicans have 2 seats majority but one of them is vacant since McCain is home trying not to die. So in reality they only have a one seat majority.

So if your brain can't add, that means that Rosenstein isn't going to be thrown out of office.

That's IF you can get it passed the house. Which looks like it won't. Only 11 House members co sponsored the bill.

You people are so stupid. You know that trump has committed a very long list of crimes and are desperate to stop the investigation and not hold him responsible for all the crimes he's committed. You're too stupid to realize that this scheme is doomed to fail from the beginning.

LOL You'll lose just like you've lost in all the Hillary and Bill investigations.
A simple impeachment is grounds for criminal indictment. Once indicted he is out of office without the senate circus as his security clearances are suspended and he can no longer function. He will be removed simply due to potential ethical violations and criminal process.. And it will all happen internally in the DOJ.

Its very different than doing it to a sitting President..
Too deep in to the FISA warrants? :lol:

Not funny --- true... It's not the NUMBER or the sequence that matters. It's the SUBJECT. And the subject was gaining access to the Big Brother spy machine to SPY on a presidential campaign. That makes Rodney more INVOLVED in a campaign than Sessions ever was. And he shouldn't be making decisions subject to uncovering those dastardly deeds. Period.
you are believing the lie... that is being spread by Trump State TV (FOX)

The first Fisa warrant on Carter Page out of these 3,


It was not to spy on the campaign, it was for surveillance on Carter Page and his continued Russian operative contacts who were agents trying to recruit him.... and had been in previous years as well.

They could have gotten the subpoena months before Page quit, if it were for some sort of nefarious, partisan reason.

I'm sorry, but your rant is simply not altogether true.... bits of truth, but the rest is simply conspiracy crapola built around pure rhetoric by the right wing....In my view, it's deflection rhetoric, because the President KNOWS what is going to be found out about him, because he is the one who did it!!!!

This isn't deep state, it is counter intelligence/law enforcement at work....

The AG is the last person that signs the Fisa Warrant before it goes to the Judge...they don't create it, they don't gather the intelligence, they are not working the case.... they sign off on whether everything was done, by the law...that covers what is needed for a FISA warrant to be approved by the courts... the Judge makes the decision if they truly met those requirements...

I'm not saying our intel agencies like the FBI or justice depts are infallible in their work, and mistakes are never made....

but in this case with Page, even with more than half of the 400 page warrant redacted, you could make out that there was much more to the approval than simply the 36 page dossier.... and the amount missing is clearly classified information that the Judges were able to make their INFORMED decisions to approve.

Rosenstein's (gun held to the head) letter he wrote for Trump on Comey.... may not even be a part of Mueller's case.... when all said and done, he may not need it or use it or even think it matters with all the other things in seeking the truth, that they uncovered.

EVERYONE including near all Republicans, were calling for a Special Counsel to be appointed at the time, to take over the FBI's investigation. THEY ALL knew Rosenstein wrote the memo on Comey at the tie and no one, nada, complained about a conflict.
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you are believing the lie... that is being spread by Trump State TV (FOX)

The first Fisa warrant on Carter Page out of these 3,


What's time got to do with it? You're not understanding the design or capabilities of a FISA search on the NSA system. It ARCHIVES everything. So if your "target" EVER
had contact with campaign surrogates they are included. Where did you get the idea that TIME mattered on this kind of spying?

It was not to spy on the campaign, it was for surveillance on Carter Page and his continued Russian operative contacts who were agents trying to recruit him.... and had been in previous years as well.

AGAIN -- and listen carefully. If the INtel folks wanted to investigate Carter Page and Russians -- they could use the TRADITIONAL FOREIGN surveillance systems. The reason there IS A FISA Court is that THIS SYSTEM collects and archives DOMESTIC DATA and the court is there (partly) to JUSTIFY searches on US persons and prevent abuse.. They are the gate-minders for agencies wanting to drive it. Using traditional FOREIGN collection requires no special warrant and only gets difficult when US citizens abroad --- NOT the target(s) come into interest.

Who's feeding you these uninformed positions? FIRE THEM. Get some real knowledge from sane sources. Try the ACLU and the Patriot Act 702 Surveillance system for example. If you have no CLUE that this system was DESIGNED to map out networks of DOMESTIC terrorists (jihadis operating with the USA) and that it allows many levels of association on the target(s) -- you'd have no PRAYER of understand the power you get with an APPROVED FISA warrant.

I'm sorry, but your rant is simply not altogether true.... bits of truth, but the rest is simply conspiracy crapola built around pure rhetoric by the right wing....In my view, it's deflection rhetoric, because the President KNOWS what is going to be found out about him, because he is the one who did it!!!!

Largely hysteria and the basis for your continued disappointment -- aint it? LOL..

This isn't deep state, it is counter intelligence/law enforcement at work....

The deep state is bigger than counter intel, does NOT include law enforcement because these are largely public record and YES the folks conspiring to spy on a campaign USED AND ABUSED the capabilities of the Deep State to accomplish their monkey-wrenching.
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you are believing the lie... that is being spread by Trump State TV (FOX)

The first Fisa warrant on Carter Page out of these 3,


What's time got to do with it? You're not understanding the design or capabilities of a FISA search on the NSA system. It ARCHIVES everything. So if your "target" EVER
had contact with campaign surrogates they are included. Where did you get the idea that TIME mattered on this kind of spying?

It was not to spy on the campaign, it was for surveillance on Carter Page and his continued Russian operative contacts who were agents trying to recruit him.... and had been in previous years as well.

AGAIN -- and listen carefully. If the INtel folks wanted to investigate Carter Page and Russians -- they could use the TRADITIONAL FOREIGN surveillance systems. The reason there IS A FISA Court is that THIS SYSTEM collects and archives DOMESTIC DATA and the court is there (partly) to JUSTIFY searches on US persons and prevent abuse.. They are the gate-minders for agencies wanting to drive it.

Who's feeding you these uninformed positions? FIRE THEM. Get some real knowledge from sane sources. Try the ACLU and the Patriot Act 702 Surveillance system for example. If you have no CLUE that this system was DESIGNED to map out networks of DOMESTIC terrorists (jihadis operating with the USA) and that it allows many levels of association on the target(s) -- you'd have no PRAYER of understand the power you get with an APPROVED FISA warrant.

I'm sorry, but your rant is simply not altogether true.... bits of truth, but the rest is simply conspiracy crapola built around pure rhetoric by the right wing....In my view, it's deflection rhetoric, because the President KNOWS what is going to be found out about him, because he is the one who did it!!!!

Largely hysteria and the basis for your continued disappointment -- aint it? LOL..

This isn't deep state, it is counter intelligence/law enforcement at work....

The deep state is bigger than counter intel, does NOT include law enforcement because these are largely public record and YES the folks conspiring to spy on a campaign USED AND ABUSED the capabilities of the Deep State to accomplish their monkey-wrenching.

There is no deep state.
you are believing the lie... that is being spread by Trump State TV (FOX)

The first Fisa warrant on Carter Page out of these 3,


What's time got to do with it? You're not understanding the design or capabilities of a FISA search on the NSA system. It ARCHIVES everything. So if your "target" EVER
had contact with campaign surrogates they are included. Where did you get the idea that TIME mattered on this kind of spying?

It was not to spy on the campaign, it was for surveillance on Carter Page and his continued Russian operative contacts who were agents trying to recruit him.... and had been in previous years as well.

AGAIN -- and listen carefully. If the INtel folks wanted to investigate Carter Page and Russians -- they could use the TRADITIONAL FOREIGN surveillance systems. The reason there IS A FISA Court is that THIS SYSTEM collects and archives DOMESTIC DATA and the court is there (partly) to JUSTIFY searches on US persons and prevent abuse.. They are the gate-minders for agencies wanting to drive it.

Who's feeding you these uninformed positions? FIRE THEM. Get some real knowledge from sane sources. Try the ACLU and the Patriot Act 702 Surveillance system for example. If you have no CLUE that this system was DESIGNED to map out networks of DOMESTIC terrorists (jihadis operating with the USA) and that it allows many levels of association on the target(s) -- you'd have no PRAYER of understand the power you get with an APPROVED FISA warrant.

I'm sorry, but your rant is simply not altogether true.... bits of truth, but the rest is simply conspiracy crapola built around pure rhetoric by the right wing....In my view, it's deflection rhetoric, because the President KNOWS what is going to be found out about him, because he is the one who did it!!!!

Largely hysteria and the basis for your continued disappointment -- aint it? LOL..

This isn't deep state, it is counter intelligence/law enforcement at work....

The deep state is bigger than counter intel, does NOT include law enforcement because these are largely public record and YES the folks conspiring to spy on a campaign USED AND ABUSED the capabilities of the Deep State to accomplish their monkey-wrenching.

Earlier you said the deep state had 7 members. Theres more? Please; what are their names?
you are believing the lie... that is being spread by Trump State TV (FOX)

The first Fisa warrant on Carter Page out of these 3,


What's time got to do with it? You're not understanding the design or capabilities of a FISA search on the NSA system. It ARCHIVES everything. So if your "target" EVER
had contact with campaign surrogates they are included. Where did you get the idea that TIME mattered on this kind of spying?

It was not to spy on the campaign, it was for surveillance on Carter Page and his continued Russian operative contacts who were agents trying to recruit him.... and had been in previous years as well.

AGAIN -- and listen carefully. If the INtel folks wanted to investigate Carter Page and Russians -- they could use the TRADITIONAL FOREIGN surveillance systems. The reason there IS A FISA Court is that THIS SYSTEM collects and archives DOMESTIC DATA and the court is there (partly) to JUSTIFY searches on US persons and prevent abuse.. They are the gate-minders for agencies wanting to drive it.

Who's feeding you these uninformed positions? FIRE THEM. Get some real knowledge from sane sources. Try the ACLU and the Patriot Act 702 Surveillance system for example. If you have no CLUE that this system was DESIGNED to map out networks of DOMESTIC terrorists (jihadis operating with the USA) and that it allows many levels of association on the target(s) -- you'd have no PRAYER of understand the power you get with an APPROVED FISA warrant.

I'm sorry, but your rant is simply not altogether true.... bits of truth, but the rest is simply conspiracy crapola built around pure rhetoric by the right wing....In my view, it's deflection rhetoric, because the President KNOWS what is going to be found out about him, because he is the one who did it!!!!

Largely hysteria and the basis for your continued disappointment -- aint it? LOL..

This isn't deep state, it is counter intelligence/law enforcement at work....

The deep state is bigger than counter intel, does NOT include law enforcement because these are largely public record and YES the folks conspiring to spy on a campaign USED AND ABUSED the capabilities of the Deep State to accomplish their monkey-wrenching.

There is no deep state.

No but it’s fun to send them chasing their tails. If they do it long enough, they’ll swear their barber is a deep state operative
you are believing the lie... that is being spread by Trump State TV (FOX)

The first Fisa warrant on Carter Page out of these 3,


What's time got to do with it? You're not understanding the design or capabilities of a FISA search on the NSA system. It ARCHIVES everything. So if your "target" EVER
had contact with campaign surrogates they are included. Where did you get the idea that TIME mattered on this kind of spying?

It was not to spy on the campaign, it was for surveillance on Carter Page and his continued Russian operative contacts who were agents trying to recruit him.... and had been in previous years as well.

AGAIN -- and listen carefully. If the INtel folks wanted to investigate Carter Page and Russians -- they could use the TRADITIONAL FOREIGN surveillance systems. The reason there IS A FISA Court is that THIS SYSTEM collects and archives DOMESTIC DATA and the court is there (partly) to JUSTIFY searches on US persons and prevent abuse.. They are the gate-minders for agencies wanting to drive it.

Who's feeding you these uninformed positions? FIRE THEM. Get some real knowledge from sane sources. Try the ACLU and the Patriot Act 702 Surveillance system for example. If you have no CLUE that this system was DESIGNED to map out networks of DOMESTIC terrorists (jihadis operating with the USA) and that it allows many levels of association on the target(s) -- you'd have no PRAYER of understand the power you get with an APPROVED FISA warrant.

I'm sorry, but your rant is simply not altogether true.... bits of truth, but the rest is simply conspiracy crapola built around pure rhetoric by the right wing....In my view, it's deflection rhetoric, because the President KNOWS what is going to be found out about him, because he is the one who did it!!!!

Largely hysteria and the basis for your continued disappointment -- aint it? LOL..

This isn't deep state, it is counter intelligence/law enforcement at work....

The deep state is bigger than counter intel, does NOT include law enforcement because these are largely
public record and YES the folks conspiring to spy on a campaign USED AND ABUSED the capabilities of the Deep State to accomplish their monkey-wrenching.

Earlier you said the deep state had 7 members. Theres more? Please; what are their names?

You're just trolling me now. And I lose a LOT of respect for you when you do that. That's a stupid ass attitude to take given the serious implications of what's been learned about the monumental abuse of deep state capabilities. Have a fun life.

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