Article Of Impeachment Filed Against Rosenstein

1. Steele is a foreign spy

2. He obtained 2nd and 3rd hand account tales / propaganda from RUSSIANS

3. Steele said he never even tried to verify the information, that it was 50-50 if any of it was true
-- And yet, as the US IG pointed out, the FBI misled the FISA court by NOT telling them the info was foreign opposition research andmisled the court by falsely claiming it was 100% verified, which it was not

4. It is a CRIME (election law - misdemeanor) to use foreign opposition research in a US election that is from a foreign sources and that is paid for. Not only did Hillary break the law by doing so, the FBI broke the law by 'misleading' the FISA Court and illegally obtain warrants to conduct their own Watergate...

If you like conspiracy theories, there's a theory that the Steele dossier wasn't written by Steele at all but by Sergei Srkipal.. you heard about the mystery Novichok spy poisoning in the UK?

Sergei was homesick and was willing to tell the dirty secrets if he got a pardon from Putin, his daughter Yulia visited him to arrange the details.. then they got poisoned (by Russians of course) and now they're in a secret, undisclosed location and the press is forbidden to report about it...

..That's NOT FAKE STUFF..... fake stuff gets you nowhere on your opposition in a race.... the real deal, truth, dirt, is what a client is looking for, on their opposition.

So the golden showers are real?

No wonder the orange clown is acting like Putin's loyal puppet

We do not know that yet,

Steele 's field report needed further research, as he stated..... a field report is simply the gathering of information that is out there in the field.

The FBI would have to do the legwork if they wanted that information,

But the FBI Has said from the beginning, they had no interest in that part of the dossier.....

When I first read the dossier, I discarded it being true, and did not care about it....... though now, after all of this has come out on him with his porn star, prostitute affinity and payoffs, it is a tad more believable
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We've seen Obama's REAL birth certificate, duffas!

No, you have seen a birth certificate and you're being told that it is real

Kenyan intelligence is quite good when it comes to forgeries you know

See how easy that is?

We've seen Obama's REAL birth certificate, duffas!

No, you have seen a birth certificate and you're being told that it is real

Kenyan intelligence is quite good when it comes to forgeries you know

See how easy that is?

Actually, we’ve seen two copies, both of which were certified by Hawaii’s State Registrar as authentic copies of Obama’s birth records on file with Hawaii’s Department of Health.
...3 years...
Special Counsel Robert Mueller was appointed in May 2017; as I write this, that is fourteen (14) months elapsed time, not thirty-six (36); you're off by 22 months.

...Zero Evidence...
That we know of, so far. We will know more once Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

...Zero crimes involving Trump
That we know of, so far. We will know more once Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.


Not to worry... all will become clear, when Mueller is done. :21:

Tick... tick... tick...
DAG Rosenstein’s Impeachment Articles Filed

The Speaker hasn’t acted on it yet so it doesn’t have an H.R. number so I can’t find it on Bills and Resolutions -- But I will keep an eye on it to see just what happens.

"Multiple times we’ve caught DOJ officials hiding information from Congress, withholding relevant documents, or even outright ignoring Congressional subpoenas—and now we have evidence that Mr. Rosenstein signed off on a document using unverified political opposition research as a cornerstone of a FISA application to spy on an American citizen working for the Trump campaign," Meadows' statement continued.

You can read the actual articles of impeachment @ BREAKING: House Republicans File Resolution To Impeach Rosenstein

Congressional August “vacation” to start Friday (July 27) and they won’t come back until September. Wouldn’t it be great to have a work schedule like they do?
Rosenstien should have recused himself. He's a witness in this investigation as he approved the 3rd instance of the FISA warrant to surviel (sp?) the Trump campaign. He can't be a witness, the judge, the prosecutor and the investigator all at the same time. That's against the law.

But just so you guys know, filing "articles of impeachment" doesn't get rid of him. It has to go through a process where a board will review it and decide if it should go before the entire house. If the house upholds it, 2/3 of the senate must vote in favor of it as well. That will never happen.
There was nothing wrong with the third FISA warrant and nothing wrong with FISA warrant 1 and 2 signed by others either.

You bought in to a pile of doo doo..... NOTHING was illegal about any of the FISA warrants on Carter Page..... absolutely nothing. :rolleyes:

Wrong. It is HIGHLY ILLEGAL to use unverified documents to submit to a FISA court to wiretap and spy on an American citizen.

Nunes: FBI may have violated criminal statutes in FISA application to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page
What was unverified? Did you notice all those little black marks covering up most of the FISA application? Those are classified sources and methods that were used to validate the intel. This dossier narrative is so weak.

The dossier, dumbass! The dossier!

Bought and paid for by Hillary's machine. It was already well-known to be false when it was referenced in the FISA warrants.

Are you trying to be stupid because you are succeeding wonderfully?
Rosenstien should have recused himself. He's a witness in this investigation as he approved the 3rd instance of the FISA warrant to surviel (sp?) the Trump campaign. He can't be a witness, the judge, the prosecutor and the investigator all at the same time. That's against the law.

But just so you guys know, filing "articles of impeachment" doesn't get rid of him. It has to go through a process where a board will review it and decide if it should go before the entire house. If the house upholds it, 2/3 of the senate must vote in favor of it as well. That will never happen.
There was nothing wrong with the third FISA warrant and nothing wrong with FISA warrant 1 and 2 signed by others either.

You bought in to a pile of doo doo..... NOTHING was illegal about any of the FISA warrants on Carter Page..... absolutely nothing. :rolleyes:

Wrong. It is HIGHLY ILLEGAL to use unverified documents to submit to a FISA court to wiretap and spy on an American citizen.

Nunes: FBI may have violated criminal statutes in FISA application to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page
What was unverified? Did you notice all those little black marks covering up most of the FISA application? Those are classified sources and methods that were used to validate the intel. This dossier narrative is so weak.

The dossier, dumbass! The dossier!

Bought and paid for by Hillary's machine. It was already well-known to be false when it was referenced in the FISA warrants.

Are you trying to be stupid because you are succeeding wonderfully?

Turn the light bulb on Admiral...

Christopher Steele was hired as an investigator, for opposition research on Trump.

Opposition research


Research on your opponent....

Christopher Steele spent his whole life as an investigator,

He opened his own Investigator business and relied on his accurate research to keep his livelihood and Business going.... His accuracy in his research is important and his Business relies on it....

GPS paid Steele $160k for all of his work, which came out in congressional hearings....

Do you really think Steele was going to simply fabricate a story on Trump and ruin his whole career and Business by doing that, for simply for $160k....

take your dunce hat off....

Hillary or the DNC was looking for research and information on the opposition.....

That's NOT FAKE STUFF..... fake stuff gets you nowhere on your opposition in a race.... the real deal, truth, dirt, is what a client is looking for, on their opposition.

This song and a dance twisted in bull crap conspiracy that your side is spinning, is laughable and makes no sense except to the willfully IGNORANT.... the brainless, the brainwashed, the lemmings, the sheep that follow one off a cliff....

Wow, you just wiped the floor with the admiral. Well done!
1. Steele is a foreign spy

2. He obtained 2nd and 3rd hand account tales / propaganda from RUSSIANS

3. Steele said he never even tried to verify the information, that it was 50-50 if any of it was true
-- And yet, as the US IG pointed out, the FBI misled the FISA court by NOT telling them the info was foreign opposition research andmisled the court by falsely claiming it was 100% verified, which it was not

4. It is a CRIME (election law - misdemeanor) to use foreign opposition research in a US election that is from a foreign sources and that is paid for. Not only did Hillary break the law by doing so, the FBI broke the law by 'misleading' the FISA Court and illegally obtain warrants to conduct their own Watergate...

If you like conspiracy theories, there's a theory that the Steele dossier wasn't written by Steele at all but by Sergei Srkipal.. you heard about the mystery Novichok spy poisoning in the UK?

Sergei was homesick and was willing to tell the dirty secrets if he got a pardon from Putin, his daughter Yulia visited him to arrange the details.. then they got poisoned (by Russians of course) and now they're in a secret, undisclosed location and the press is forbidden to report about it...

These conspiracy nuts are gonna eat that story up!
Rosenstien should have recused himself. He's a witness in this investigation as he approved the 3rd instance of the FISA warrant to surviel (sp?) the Trump campaign. He can't be a witness, the judge, the prosecutor and the investigator all at the same time. That's against the law.

But just so you guys know, filing "articles of impeachment" doesn't get rid of him. It has to go through a process where a board will review it and decide if it should go before the entire house. If the house upholds it, 2/3 of the senate must vote in favor of it as well. That will never happen.
There was nothing wrong with the third FISA warrant and nothing wrong with FISA warrant 1 and 2 signed by others either.

You bought in to a pile of doo doo..... NOTHING was illegal about any of the FISA warrants on Carter Page..... absolutely nothing. :rolleyes:

Wrong. It is HIGHLY ILLEGAL to use unverified documents to submit to a FISA court to wiretap and spy on an American citizen.

Nunes: FBI may have violated criminal statutes in FISA application to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page
just look at the title of Fox news's article.... you know before even reading the article, by its TITLE that it's going to be bull crud....

to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page....

when the FISA surveillance was issued and approved, Carter Page was NO LONGER an advisor for the Trump campaign, it was weeks after he had resign and left the Trump campaign. There was no ''spying'' on the Trump campaign worker/advisor, because he no longer worked for Trump and was doing no campaign advising to Trump, when he came under surveillance.

EX- Trump advisor would have been accurate and would have depicted the Truth, without the spin of theirs....

In addition, when Carter Page resigned, Trump and team claimed Page was a ''nobody'' in his campaign, just like they claimed about Papadopolus.... mere ''coffee boys''...
Yes, they do. It is their Constitutional duty. I wish you would actually take a good high school level course on government and actually study what the Constitution says, rather than relying on your libtard talking points written by people who use the document as toilet paper,
Here let’s step it up to college. Educate yourself

OK, so if they never close the "open investigation" when will the documents be available? Never?

Aso, I hope you recognize that your source is an article in a law review that could have been written by an absolute moron as far as we know.
Feel free to provide an analysis from a more credible source

I don't need one. You are an idiot and would not understand it anyway. Just as you seem to think that article supports your position. It does not.
You don’t have one... your hot air and bluster can only take you so far. End of the road mr Troy, thanks for playing

There are actually far too many to reference. You have the unique inability to find answers for yourself. Rothenstein is perfectly positioned to cover up his own conflicts of interest. If he signed the FISA warrant application based on lies, he should be fired, but Trump can't fire him because libs heads would explode claiming he was obstructing justice. Rothenstein should do the honorable thing and retire immediately.

OK, so if they never close the "open investigation" when will the documents be available? Never?

Aso, I hope you recognize that your source is an article in a law review that could have been written by an absolute moron as far as we know.
Feel free to provide an analysis from a more credible source

I don't need one. You are an idiot and would not understand it anyway. Just as you seem to think that article supports your position. It does not.
You don’t have one... your hot air and bluster can only take you so far. End of the road mr Troy, thanks for playing

There are actually far too many to reference. You have the unique inability to find answers for yourself. Rothenstein is perfectly positioned to cover up his own conflicts of interest. If he signed the FISA warrant application based on lies, he should be fired, but Trump can't fire him because libs heads would explode claiming he was obstructing justice. Rothenstein should do the honorable thing and retire immediately.
Ok buddy, whatever you say
There was nothing wrong with the third FISA warrant and nothing wrong with FISA warrant 1 and 2 signed by others either.

You bought in to a pile of doo doo..... NOTHING was illegal about any of the FISA warrants on Carter Page..... absolutely nothing. :rolleyes:

Wrong. It is HIGHLY ILLEGAL to use unverified documents to submit to a FISA court to wiretap and spy on an American citizen.

Nunes: FBI may have violated criminal statutes in FISA application to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page
What was unverified? Did you notice all those little black marks covering up most of the FISA application? Those are classified sources and methods that were used to validate the intel. This dossier narrative is so weak.

The dossier, dumbass! The dossier!

Bought and paid for by Hillary's machine. It was already well-known to be false when it was referenced in the FISA warrants.

Are you trying to be stupid because you are succeeding wonderfully?
There was nothing wrong with the third FISA warrant and nothing wrong with FISA warrant 1 and 2 signed by others either.

You bought in to a pile of doo doo..... NOTHING was illegal about any of the FISA warrants on Carter Page..... absolutely nothing. :rolleyes:

Wrong. It is HIGHLY ILLEGAL to use unverified documents to submit to a FISA court to wiretap and spy on an American citizen.

Nunes: FBI may have violated criminal statutes in FISA application to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page
What was unverified? Did you notice all those little black marks covering up most of the FISA application? Those are classified sources and methods that were used to validate the intel. This dossier narrative is so weak.

The dossier, dumbass! The dossier!

Bought and paid for by Hillary's machine. It was already well-known to be false when it was referenced in the FISA warrants.

Are you trying to be stupid because you are succeeding wonderfully?

Turn the light bulb on Admiral...

Christopher Steele was hired as an investigator, for opposition research on Trump.

Opposition research


Research on your opponent....

Christopher Steele spent his whole life as an investigator,

He opened his own Investigator business and relied on his accurate research to keep his livelihood and Business going.... His accuracy in his research is important and his Business relies on it....

GPS paid Steele $160k for all of his work, which came out in congressional hearings....

Do you really think Steele was going to simply fabricate a story on Trump and ruin his whole career and Business by doing that, for simply for $160k....

take your dunce hat off....

Hillary or the DNC was looking for research and information on the opposition.....

That's NOT FAKE STUFF..... fake stuff gets you nowhere on your opposition in a race.... the real deal, truth, dirt, is what a client is looking for, on their opposition.

This song and a dance twisted in bull crap conspiracy that your side is spinning, is laughable and makes no sense except to the willfully IGNORANT.... the brainless, the brainwashed, the lemmings, the sheep that follow one off a cliff....

Wow, you just wiped the floor with the admiral. Well done!

He did? I have that libtard on ignore.

You might me be next if you don't smarten up!
OK, so if they never close the "open investigation" when will the documents be available? Never?

Aso, I hope you recognize that your source is an article in a law review that could have been written by an absolute moron as far as we know.
Feel free to provide an analysis from a more credible source

I don't need one. You are an idiot and would not understand it anyway. Just as you seem to think that article supports your position. It does not.
You don’t have one... your hot air and bluster can only take you so far. End of the road mr Troy, thanks for playing

There are actually far too many to reference. You have the unique inability to find answers for yourself. Rothenstein is perfectly positioned to cover up his own conflicts of interest. If he signed the FISA warrant application based on lies, he should be fired, but Trump can't fire him because libs heads would explode claiming he was obstructing justice. Rothenstein should do the honorable thing and retire immediately.
Ok buddy, whatever you say

No, it is not what I say. It is the right thing to do. The man is showing himself to be a lowlife douchebag in the highest traditions of libtardism.
Feel free to provide an analysis from a more credible source

I don't need one. You are an idiot and would not understand it anyway. Just as you seem to think that article supports your position. It does not.
You don’t have one... your hot air and bluster can only take you so far. End of the road mr Troy, thanks for playing

There are actually far too many to reference. You have the unique inability to find answers for yourself. Rothenstein is perfectly positioned to cover up his own conflicts of interest. If he signed the FISA warrant application based on lies, he should be fired, but Trump can't fire him because libs heads would explode claiming he was obstructing justice. Rothenstein should do the honorable thing and retire immediately.
Ok buddy, whatever you say

No, it is not what I say. It is the right thing to do. The man is showing himself to be a lowlife douchebag in the highest traditions of libtardism.

its over dumbass- no impeachment.

Senate Republicans shoot down House impeachment -

take a break and go rub one off

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