Articles of Impeachment are ready to roll!

Funny how they could get that done so quickly but when it comes to the people these corrupt asshole can't get anything done.

We have bigger fish to fry than impeaching a president who has 8 days left in office
Don't worry, with "the grim reaper of legislation" no longer speaker of the house things will move again.
Pelosi is still the speaker
She wasn't the roadblock.
you just said she was no longer the speaker of the house.
When did Pelosi start calling herself that?
she was just voted Speaker of the House

Do you even know what the speaker of the house is?

The sooner the better!
Woohoo, do it!

This is going to make impeaching Democrat Presidents so easy.
If they incite insurrection.
I'd call fixing an election insurrection.
Funny how they could get that done so quickly but when it comes to the people these corrupt asshole can't get anything done.

We have bigger fish to fry than impeaching a president who has 8 days left in office

Quite the contrary, I don't think we have a bigger priority right now...

Either we are a country where the people who can call up the biggest mob rules, or we are a country of laws and rules.

Republicans might not be capable of decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.
There is one article of impeachment that no one believes. Hearings on that one article will not begin until after the election. Chicom Biden and his 100 day agenda will be hanging while Pelosi exercises her delusions of royalty. And she will still not get a conviction.


All she needs if 17 Republicans to go along with impeachment.

Impeaching Trump would be a clear renunciation of Trump, and a way for the GOP to wash their hands of him.
As someone who has always seen Trump as a fraud and a bad joke, impeachment at this time is stupid.
Funny how they could get that done so quickly but when it comes to the people these corrupt asshole can't get anything done.

We have bigger fish to fry than impeaching a president who has 8 days left in office

Quite the contrary, I don't think we have a bigger priority right now...

Either we are a country where the people who can call up the biggest mob rules, or we are a country of laws and rules.

Republicans might not be capable of decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.
I want to see both parties crash and burn maybe then we can actually get some shit done
There is one article of impeachment that no one believes. Hearings on that one article will not begin until after the election. Chicom Biden and his 100 day agenda will be hanging while Pelosi exercises her delusions of royalty. And she will still not get a conviction.


All she needs if 17 Republicans to go along with impeachment.

Impeaching Trump would be a clear renunciation of Trump, and a way for the GOP to wash their hands of him.
The only thing that would be clear is that the establishment rules the country and there are far too many of those assholes still active in the Republican party. There is no place for Democrats or the Toomeys and Romneys in governing the US.

The sooner the better!

They can't do anything till the 19th and Trump will be out of office. Hope they enjoy themselves. What a pack of imbeciles wasting tax dollars on a ploy when the guy is out of office.

The sooner the better!
Foreign Interference? Head Of Italian Aerospace Company’s IT Department Used ‘Military Grade Cyber Warfare’ To Switch Votes ‘For Trump To Biden’ whatever.

Yup. That's where the theft started. Article of insurrection anyone. Will be more on this little tidbit later.

The sooner the better!

Pretty dumb post there idiot. Trump will be out of office and I'm sure he won't give shit one. Just a waste of tax dollars and only an idiot like you would like to waste the money. They can't do anything till the 19th and Trump will be gone. LOL What a pack of imbeciles and you fit right in.

The sooner the better!
Woohoo, do it!

This is going to make impeaching Democrat Presidents so easy.
How's that? Thanks to Trump, in 4 years he managed to lose the House, the Senate and the Presidency. He should have been impeached for gross incompetence long ago! And, the Democrats would never elect a dumb ass who is so easy to impeach.
You cheated, but you will end up regretting that. Because it's us getting censored today. Then when your not an useful idiot to them. You're next.
Funny how they could get that done so quickly but when it comes to the people these corrupt asshole can't get anything done.

We have bigger fish to fry than impeaching a president who has 8 days left in office
Don't worry, with "the grim reaper of legislation" no longer speaker of the house things will move again.
Pelosi is still the speaker
She wasn't the roadblock.
you just said she was no longer the speaker of the house.
When did Pelosi start calling herself that?
she was just voted Speaker of the House

Do you even know what the speaker of the house is?
You seem to have lost track of the conversation. Why don't you go back and re-read the thread and try again, Gramps.

The sooner the better!
Woohoo, do it!

This is going to make impeaching Democrat Presidents so easy.
If they incite insurrection.
I'd call fixing an election insurrection.
Good thing that didn't happen then, right?
Funny how they could get that done so quickly but when it comes to the people these corrupt asshole can't get anything done.

We have bigger fish to fry than impeaching a president who has 8 days left in office

Quite the contrary, I don't think we have a bigger priority right now...

Either we are a country where the people who can call up the biggest mob rules, or we are a country of laws and rules.

Republicans might not be capable of decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.
I want to see both parties crash and burn maybe then we can actually get some shit done
Most sensible comment I've seen for a long time. Doesn't matter which party gets in power, Americans just get the same shit government service under a different name.

Same here in the UK with Labour and the Tories. But, I suppose the Tories finally got Brexit done.
Funny how they could get that done so quickly but when it comes to the people these corrupt asshole can't get anything done.

We have bigger fish to fry than impeaching a president who has 8 days left in office

Quite the contrary, I don't think we have a bigger priority right now...

Either we are a country where the people who can call up the biggest mob rules, or we are a country of laws and rules.

Republicans might not be capable of decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.
I want to see both parties crash and burn maybe then we can actually get some shit done
Most sensible comment I've seen for a long time. Doesn't matter which party gets in power, Americans just get the same shit government service under a different name.

Same here in the UK with Labour and the Tories. But, I suppose the Tories finally got Brexit done.
Yeah, done, as in a cooked goose.
Funny how they could get that done so quickly but when it comes to the people these corrupt asshole can't get anything done.

We have bigger fish to fry than impeaching a president who has 8 days left in office

Quite the contrary, I don't think we have a bigger priority right now...

Either we are a country where the people who can call up the biggest mob rules, or we are a country of laws and rules.

Republicans might not be capable of decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.
I want to see both parties crash and burn maybe then we can actually get some shit done
Most sensible comment I've seen for a long time. Doesn't matter which party gets in power, Americans just get the same shit government service under a different name.

Same here in the UK with Labour and the Tories. But, I suppose the Tories finally got Brexit done.
The RNC and the DNC are the problem.

George Washington knew that

“Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party generally. ... It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions.”

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