Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states

I am very proud of my Confederate heritage.

Um... stop right there.

Confederates were traitors.

Confederates were slave owners.

Confederates were sore losers who went home and brutally mistreated freemen.

Confederates were cowards who rode around at night in sheets brutally murdering families and children.

Confederates went on to become racist segregationists.

You're PROUD to be all those things?

Why are you lying?

Less than one third of SOuthern Families owned slaves. So a large majority of Confederates were NOT slave owners.
Ah....a Hippy AND a faggot

Can you get any more 1960s racist?
Oh I can....believe me on that. I take no quarter for scum like you and that scumbag you are defending I only wish my grandfather and uncles would have have had more help defending our southland from the degenerate shit scum that invaded it and destroyed the last bastion of white hope in the US.

My ancestors invaded your slave raping ancestors and kicked the shit out of them

And then forgave them and welcomed them back into the fold without any need of the type of regional bigotry that you libs are demonstrating.

But yes, the north was too lenient with the south. They had to go back in a hundred years later and straighten them out again. Shows what leniency gets you

Regional differences, especially compounded by a bloody war, can tear a nation apart.

That the US managed to put that behind us is a testimony to our political wisdom.

That the modern lib is trying to reopen old wounds, is a testimony to how much of that wisdom has been lost.

HAHA!!!!!...did you join the board in 2015 or were you born in 2015????
I am very proud of my Confederate heritage.

Um... stop right there.

Confederates were traitors.

Confederates were slave owners.

Confederates were sore losers who went home and brutally mistreated freemen.

Confederates were cowards who rode around at night in sheets brutally murdering families and children.

Confederates went on to become racist segregationists.

You're PROUD to be all those things?

Why are you lying?

Less than one third of SOuthern Families owned slaves. So a large majority of Confederates were NOT slave owners.

Their entire economy was based on slave labor.

Yes, only the wealthy could afford slaves.

However, the poor white trash saw themselves as better than slaves and treated the freemen brutally after the civil war.

No lies.

Just truth.

Suck on it.
The Confederate flag is a beautiful flag.......a bold flag.

It represents man's quest for freedom from government excess.

It is the flag of independence.

It is the flag of unfettered optimism.

It represents family and duty and honor.

A cloth symbol of all that is good in mankind. ...... :cool:
Conservatives are butthurt the con flag is burned. Cons love Con flag.

Oh and a reminder to cons: Southern democrats became republicans. Yup, the ones who started slavery and want to disenfranchise minorities are all in the republican party.

Don't believe me? Just look at the minority voting records. As they say, not all cons are racists, but all racists are cons.
Only 3 blue dogs switched party's, Jimmy Carter won the south so It's a myth the older Southern Democrats switched in mass to the Republican party.

The younger southerners born in the 60s started voting republican because only two choices, they wanted manufacturing jobs, they belived in freedom, and all the rest that the Republican party offers. They didn't all switch because of racism.
I am very proud of my Confederate heritage.

Um... stop right there.

Confederates were traitors.

Confederates were slave owners.

Confederates were sore losers who went home and brutally mistreated freemen.

Confederates were cowards who rode around at night in sheets brutally murdering families and children.

Confederates went on to become racist segregationists.

You're PROUD to be all those things?

Why are you lying?

Less than one third of SOuthern Families owned slaves. So a large majority of Confederates were NOT slave owners.

Their entire economy was based on slave labor.

Yes, only the wealthy could afford slaves.

However, the poor white trash saw themselves as better than slaves and treated the freemen brutally after the civil war.

No lies.

Just truth.

Suck on it.

1. Which makes your second point about a lie. Confederates were not all slave owners.

2. Almost a third is not just the wealthy. A stupid mistake or another lie?

3. "Poor White Trash"? Kind of a bigoted remark.

4. Why do you feel a need to lie about the Confederacy?
Conservatives are butthurt the con flag is burned. Cons love Con flag.

Oh and a reminder to cons: Southern democrats became republicans. Yup, the ones who started slavery and want to disenfranchise minorities are all in the republican party.

Don't believe me? Just look at the minority voting records. As they say, not all cons are racists, but all racists are cons.
Only 3 blue dogs switched party's, Jimmy Carter won the south so It's a myth the older Southern Democrats switched in mass to the Republican party.

The younger southerners born in the 60s started voting republican because only two choices, they wanted manufacturing jobs, they belived in freedom, and all the rest that the Republican party offers. They didn't all switch because of racism.

The idea that the South switched because of racism is an article of Faith with these guys.

NOTHING, certainly not historical facts will shake this belief.

They NEED it to be true to justify their world view of the US as a Racist society where the problems of the black man is the fault of the white guy, and they are the heroes fighting against Evulness.
Conservatives are butthurt the con flag is burned. Cons love Con flag.

Oh and a reminder to cons: Southern democrats became republicans. Yup, the ones who started slavery and want to disenfranchise minorities are all in the republican party.

Don't believe me? Just look at the minority voting records. As they say, not all cons are racists, but all racists are cons.
Only 3 blue dogs switched party's, Jimmy Carter won the south so It's a myth the older Southern Democrats switched in mass to the Republican party.

The younger southerners born in the 60s started voting republican because only two choices, they wanted manufacturing jobs, they belived in freedom, and all the rest that the Republican party offers. They didn't all switch because of racism.

The idea that the South switched because of racism is an article of Faith with these guys.

NOTHING, certainly not historical facts will shake this belief.

They NEED it to be true to justify their world view of the US as a Racist society where the problems of the black man is the fault of the white guy, and they are the heroes fighting against Evulness.
I know, I don't see racism and segeration down here in the upstate of South Carolina since I moved down here in 2004, it was much worse in the Chicago area, my home town.

I know though today there is still the old mentality down here in places like Mississippi mountains of North Carolina and Virginia, but it's changing
I am very proud of my Confederate heritage.

Um... stop right there.

Confederates were traitors.

Confederates were slave owners.

Confederates were sore losers who went home and brutally mistreated freemen.

Confederates were cowards who rode around at night in sheets brutally murdering families and children.

Confederates went on to become racist segregationists.

You're PROUD to be all those things?

Why are you lying?

Less than one third of SOuthern Families owned slaves. So a large majority of Confederates were NOT slave owners.

Their entire economy was based on slave labor.

Yes, only the wealthy could afford slaves.

However, the poor white trash saw themselves as better than slaves and treated the freemen brutally after the civil war.

No lies.

Just truth.

Suck on it.

1. Which makes your second point about a lie. Confederates were not all slave owners.

2. Almost a third is not just the wealthy. A stupid mistake or another lie?

3. "Poor White Trash"? Kind of a bigoted remark.

4. Why do you feel a need to lie about the Confederacy?
Why do you feel a need to defend a disgusting, racist, completely defeated Confederacy?

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In the wake of the election of the first black president,

correction, make that first MULATTO pres. OK ?

why are people so against using the proper terminology and truth about his heritage ?
Hmmmm, when he was a candidate, Righties wanted to make him as black as possible....


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(fight or be whipped to death)

(fight or be whipped to death) <--------<<<< :bsflag:

i would like to see proof of your stupid statement.., got some ?
The Myth of Black Confederates

Levine says the Confederate army had a strict policy that if you were not certifiably white, you could not be a soldier in its ranks. However, in the early years of the Civil War, many slave owners did bring their servants into the Confederate army to carry equipment for them, and clean and take care of their clothes and horses. In addition, the Confederacy forced many slaves and free blacks in the South to labor for the war effort, building rail breastworks, driving wagons, burying the dead, and serving as nurses.

Got lots.

It requires reading though.
Conservatives are butthurt the con flag is burned. Cons love Con flag.

Oh and a reminder to cons: Southern democrats became republicans. Yup, the ones who started slavery and want to disenfranchise minorities are all in the republican party.

Don't believe me? Just look at the minority voting records. As they say, not all cons are racists, but all racists are cons.
Only 3 blue dogs switched party's, Jimmy Carter won the south so It's a myth the older Southern Democrats switched in mass to the Republican party.

The younger southerners born in the 60s started voting republican because only two choices, they wanted manufacturing jobs, they belived in freedom, and all the rest that the Republican party offers. They didn't all switch because of racism.

The idea that the South switched because of racism is an article of Faith with these guys.

NOTHING, certainly not historical facts will shake this belief.

They NEED it to be true to justify their world view of the US as a Racist society where the problems of the black man is the fault of the white guy, and they are the heroes fighting against Evulness.
I know, I don't see racism and segeration down here in the upstate of South Carolina since I moved down here in 2004, it was much worse in the Chicago area, my home town.

I know though today there is still the old mentality down here in places like Mississippi mountains of North Carolina and Virginia, but it's changing

I spent some time in the deep backwoods of Virginia, and did not see racism or segregation either.
I am very proud of my Confederate heritage.

Um... stop right there.

Confederates were traitors.

Confederates were slave owners.

Confederates were sore losers who went home and brutally mistreated freemen.

Confederates were cowards who rode around at night in sheets brutally murdering families and children.

Confederates went on to become racist segregationists.

You're PROUD to be all those things?

Why are you lying?

Less than one third of SOuthern Families owned slaves. So a large majority of Confederates were NOT slave owners.

Their entire economy was based on slave labor.

Yes, only the wealthy could afford slaves.

However, the poor white trash saw themselves as better than slaves and treated the freemen brutally after the civil war.

No lies.

Just truth.

Suck on it.

1. Which makes your second point about a lie. Confederates were not all slave owners.

2. Almost a third is not just the wealthy. A stupid mistake or another lie?

3. "Poor White Trash"? Kind of a bigoted remark.

4. Why do you feel a need to lie about the Confederacy?
Why do you feel a need to defend a disgusting, racist, completely defeated Confederacy?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Because the Confederacy is part of our American history.

THose who want to lie about it are smearing the United States of America, and I am a Patriot.

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