Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states

You call NATURAL urges to procreate,associate,etc with your own race mental illness when in fact that's natural and normal what YOU want is wrong and disgusting and against nature. Maybe you can convince the pack of Lions to accept the Zebra among them? Liberals and Race deniers are such gullible but dangerous fools worthy of a reeducation camp

Holy crap, it always amazes me how closely related bigotry and stupidity are.

Did you fail high school biology?

Lions and Zebras are not different "races"? Fucking retard.
Ah the hippy faggot wannabe missed the FUCKING POINT. I am shocked.

Ah....a Hippy AND a faggot

Can you get any more 1960s racist?
Oh I can....believe me on that. I take no quarter for scum like you and that scumbag you are defending I only wish my grandfather and uncles would have have had more help defending our southland from the degenerate shit scum that invaded it and destroyed the last bastion of white hope in the US.

My ancestors invaded your slave raping ancestors and kicked the shit out of them

And then forgave them and welcomed them back into the fold without any need of the type of regional bigotry that you libs are demonstrating.

This bold artist is finally taking a stand against the side that lost a war 150 years ago.


Will he/she rag on Mexico for losing Texas, the French for the Louisiana Purchase?
"Extreme Social Conservatism"?

That's a nice subjective standard to give yourself wiggle room.

THe modern world was built by people who you would consider Religious and Extreme Social Conservatives.

What do you think church attendance rates were like when we landed a Man on the Moon?

We landed on the Moon when Richard Nixon was President. Was he a social liberal?

ALL you are doing is revealing your bigotry against religious people.

If I were to argue that blacks were what drove down the economies of the South, you would accuse me of being bigoted against blacks.

But you can say the same about Christians and not have the slightest twinge of self awareness.
The world was built by people who were the liberals of their time. In the days of cavemen it was the social conservative insisting they needed to stay in the cave and that we shouldn't mess with fire.

In a few decades the confederacy will be even more demonized than it is now, gay marriage will be a normal part of life, etc. and social conservatives will have some new issues to be inciting fear over.

Self serving nonsense.

The atheist SU did not win the Space Race, the very religious USA did.

The far more progressive and less religious EU is not the engine of technological advancement today, the USA, far more conservative and religious is.
None of that because of the formerly confederate south :wink_2:

You are the one that changed the topic to a general attack on religion and religious people.

Care to address the fact that your claim is not borne out by history or the present Status Quo?
Uh, it is. So instead maybe you can address why the U.S. is getting left in the dust in math and science by more secular countries?

Because our public schools, instead on encouraging excellence is more focused on helping the dumb kids keep up.

But despite this we still lead in science.

The USA and Europe still lead the global science research effort but their future is uncertain says UNESCO report United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

"Between 2002 and 2007, the USA invested more in research and development than all the other G7 countries combined, contributing 53% (in 2006) of all R&D spending in the G7. It also leads in terms of scientific publications registered in the Science Citation Index, the number of new patents and new doctoral graduates. But there are signs that this long-established picture is changing. While the USA still has the highest scientific output of any country in terms of publications, its world share (28%) has fallen more than any other country in the past six years. Similarly, while the USA dominates the patents market, with 42% of the stock registered with the patent offices of the USA, European Union and Japan in 2006, this is down from 44% in 2002. And, although there are plenty of new scientists coming onto the job market in the USA, 36% of new doctorates in science and engineering in 2005 were awarded to foreign students studying at American universities, mostly from Asia, compared to 21% in 1985.

Indeed, says the UNESCO report, “the future of R&D in the USA is cloudy.” This is despite President Barack Obama’s Recovery and Reinvestment Initiative, which assigns a key role to R&D, and the President’s pledge in April 2009 to increase GERD from the present 2.7% of gross domestic product (GDP) to 3% by the time he leaves office. As the effects of the global recession begin to bite, says the report, “any increase in federal funding is likely to be offset by cuts in the private sector and state-funded R&D.”

A similar picture emerges for the European Union as a whole, although, with 27 Member States since 2007, the region shows extreme heterogeneity between countries. On a range of performance indicators, says the report, the European Union can now be divided into “leaders, followers and stragglers,” with “a yawning gap” between the richest and poorest members. While, for the two most recent members, Bulgaria and Romania, who joined in 2007, gross expenditure on R&D (GERD) as a proportion of GDP is 0.5%, Finland and Sweden spend over 3.4%. "
I love the smell of Confederate flags burning in the morning..........Smells like VICTORY
Smells more like a childishly silly, symbolic victory for nincompoops, who believe historic events can be judged in a modern context.
Well, I'm not for southern bashing but in 1861, I think we can judge slavery was horrific and a crime against humanity. I can understand the majority of southerners didn't really have an economic dog in the fight, and even if a white family "owned" a black family, there wasn't a lot of difference in living conditions, and the real issue was freeing ignorant and landless blacks would have been even more an economic catastrophe than was Northern domination of trade policies. But, holding millions in slavery can't be spun beyond being a crime against humanity ... even in terms of 1861.

Was there a reason slavery could not have been ended without a war, like slavery had been ended in every other western nation?
I love the smell of Confederate flags burning in the morning..........Smells like VICTORY
Smells more like a childishly silly, symbolic victory for nincompoops, who believe historic events can be judged in a modern context.
Well, I'm not for southern bashing but in 1861, I think we can judge slavery was horrific and a crime against humanity. I can understand the majority of southerners didn't really have an economic dog in the fight, and even if a white family "owned" a black family, there wasn't a lot of difference in living conditions, and the real issue was freeing ignorant and landless blacks would have been even more an economic catastrophe than was Northern domination of trade policies. But, holding millions in slavery can't be spun beyond being a crime against humanity ... even in terms of 1861.

Was there a reason slavery could not have been ended without a war, like slavery had been ended in every other western nation?
Yes, the issue was what they would do. The SOuth had a model for what happens when slaves take over: Haiti. Haiti is the only country to have staged a successful slave revolt in 1800. They have been poor, mismanaged, and under corrupt governments from then to today. Southern leaders didnt want to see that replayed here. Most Southerners acknowledged slavery was wrong, and many freed their slaves at their deaths. But the larger issue loomed. You had millions of uneducated people with few job skills and no experience running their lives dependent on masters to tell them what to do. IOW, about the way Democrats have kept them since 1865.
Look at how Obama did in non-southern states that he lost vs. southern states.
Look at how Obama did overall vs. how he did in southern states.
Yeppers, the numbers don't lie
But you do, in your mindless, bigoted attempt to argue that the southern states didn't vote for The Obama because He is black.

I thought I told you to get a dictionary and look up the word "bigoted."

Me speculating on electoral cause and effect is not bigotry.

Not respecting someone because of the prejudice they carry in the heart is not bigotry.

Besides, I don't hate the south, I pity them (mostly their children) as they'll never get to see the world as it is.

The SOuth has, of course, been a stronghold of the GOP, in Presidential elections since Nixon.

Despite all the previous dem candidates being white.

So, your assumption that they didn't vote for obama because he was black makes no sense.
Bigotry has harmed their economy for one hundred and forty years?

"No more inferior than the urban city blacks'"

Seems weak stuff to account for 140 years of economic lagging.

You sure you aren't holding back?

What were you really trying to say about the South?
I think what he's trying to say is that the south has been the hotbed for social conservatism in this country since its creation. And social conservatism lends itself naturally to hatred of things that are different, such as minority races, minority religions, minority beliefs, etc. And to things that are new such as new technologies, new ideas, etc.

So it's natural that a region of the country that fears and hates innovation and change would have a shitty economies.

Or it could be that an agricultural region was part of a nation dominated by Industrialists who crafted economic policy to benefit them with no concerns about others.

YOur assumption that those who are your ideological opponents, are naturally inferior, you don't see anything self serving about that?

Rhetoric Question, I know that you cannot imagine it any other way.
If you take a look at the places in the world where religion drives extreme social conservatism, they're not doing so well. So if you take a look at states with the highest rates of welfare and food stamp participation, you shouldn't be surprised by what you find.

"Extreme Social Conservatism"?

That's a nice subjective standard to give yourself wiggle room.

THe modern world was built by people who you would consider Religious and Extreme Social Conservatives.

What do you think church attendance rates were like when we landed a Man on the Moon?

We landed on the Moon when Richard Nixon was President. Was he a social liberal?

ALL you are doing is revealing your bigotry against religious people.

If I were to argue that blacks were what drove down the economies of the South, you would accuse me of being bigoted against blacks.

But you can say the same about Christians and not have the slightest twinge of self awareness.

When we landed on the moon, Nixon was only 6 months in office and the hard work and preparations for every aspect of that moon landing happened during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations.

Gawd, you are a truly stupid individual.

What the fuck?

You? Addressing the topic? And expecting to be taken seriously?

LoL on that Stat.

Fuck off.

Let's burn this one.
Yes you have a right to be an asshole and piss all over people. It's what America great.

how is it "pissing on people" to burn a traitors' flag?
They were patriots and true Americans fighting a tyrannical system. Hell, Lincoln wasnt even on the ballot in many states and won anyway.
You wont understand that because...well, you know.
Only an asshole like you would think that dedicated slave owners and slave torturers were patriots. You are insane.

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The world was built by people who were the liberals of their time. In the days of cavemen it was the social conservative insisting they needed to stay in the cave and that we shouldn't mess with fire.

In a few decades the confederacy will be even more demonized than it is now, gay marriage will be a normal part of life, etc. and social conservatives will have some new issues to be inciting fear over.

Self serving nonsense.

The atheist SU did not win the Space Race, the very religious USA did.

The far more progressive and less religious EU is not the engine of technological advancement today, the USA, far more conservative and religious is.
None of that because of the formerly confederate south :wink_2:

You are the one that changed the topic to a general attack on religion and religious people.

Care to address the fact that your claim is not borne out by history or the present Status Quo?
Uh, it is. So instead maybe you can address why the U.S. is getting left in the dust in math and science by more secular countries?

Because our public schools, instead on encouraging excellence is more focused on helping the dumb kids keep up.

But despite this we still lead in science.

The USA and Europe still lead the global science research effort but their future is uncertain says UNESCO report United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

"Between 2002 and 2007, the USA invested more in research and development than all the other G7 countries combined, contributing 53% (in 2006) of all R&D spending in the G7. It also leads in terms of scientific publications registered in the Science Citation Index, the number of new patents and new doctoral graduates. But there are signs that this long-established picture is changing. While the USA still has the highest scientific output of any country in terms of publications, its world share (28%) has fallen more than any other country in the past six years. Similarly, while the USA dominates the patents market, with 42% of the stock registered with the patent offices of the USA, European Union and Japan in 2006, this is down from 44% in 2002. And, although there are plenty of new scientists coming onto the job market in the USA, 36% of new doctorates in science and engineering in 2005 were awarded to foreign students studying at American universities, mostly from Asia, compared to 21% in 1985.

Indeed, says the UNESCO report, “the future of R&D in the USA is cloudy.” This is despite President Barack Obama’s Recovery and Reinvestment Initiative, which assigns a key role to R&D, and the President’s pledge in April 2009 to increase GERD from the present 2.7% of gross domestic product (GDP) to 3% by the time he leaves office. As the effects of the global recession begin to bite, says the report, “any increase in federal funding is likely to be offset by cuts in the private sector and state-funded R&D.”

A similar picture emerges for the European Union as a whole, although, with 27 Member States since 2007, the region shows extreme heterogeneity between countries. On a range of performance indicators, says the report, the European Union can now be divided into “leaders, followers and stragglers,” with “a yawning gap” between the richest and poorest members. While, for the two most recent members, Bulgaria and Romania, who joined in 2007, gross expenditure on R&D (GERD) as a proportion of GDP is 0.5%, Finland and Sweden spend over 3.4%. "
Look up the H1-B visa.
Holy crap, it always amazes me how closely related bigotry and stupidity are.

Did you fail high school biology?

Lions and Zebras are not different "races"? Fucking retard.
Ah the hippy faggot wannabe missed the FUCKING POINT. I am shocked.

Ah....a Hippy AND a faggot

Can you get any more 1960s racist?
Oh I can....believe me on that. I take no quarter for scum like you and that scumbag you are defending I only wish my grandfather and uncles would have have had more help defending our southland from the degenerate shit scum that invaded it and destroyed the last bastion of white hope in the US.

My ancestors invaded your slave raping ancestors and kicked the shit out of them

And then forgave them and welcomed them back into the fold without any need of the type of regional bigotry that you libs are demonstrating.

But yes, the north was too lenient with the south. They had to go back in a hundred years later and straighten them out again. Shows what leniency gets you
I love the smell of Confederate flags burning in the morning..........Smells like VICTORY
Smells more like a childishly silly, symbolic victory for nincompoops, who believe historic events can be judged in a modern context.
Well, I'm not for southern bashing but in 1861, I think we can judge slavery was horrific and a crime against humanity. I can understand the majority of southerners didn't really have an economic dog in the fight, and even if a white family "owned" a black family, there wasn't a lot of difference in living conditions, and the real issue was freeing ignorant and landless blacks would have been even more an economic catastrophe than was Northern domination of trade policies. But, holding millions in slavery can't be spun beyond being a crime against humanity ... even in terms of 1861.

Was there a reason slavery could not have been ended without a war, like slavery had been ended in every other western nation?
Yes, the American Conservative movement
You call NATURAL urges to procreate,associate,etc with your own race mental illness when in fact that's natural and normal what YOU want is wrong and disgusting and against nature. Maybe you can convince the pack of Lions to accept the Zebra among them? Liberals and Race deniers are such gullible but dangerous fools worthy of a reeducation camp

Holy crap, it always amazes me how closely related bigotry and stupidity are.

Did you fail high school biology?

Lions and Zebras are not different "races"? Fucking retard.
Ah the hippy faggot wannabe missed the FUCKING POINT. I am shocked.

Ah....a Hippy AND a faggot

Can you get any more 1960s racist?
Oh I can....believe me on that. I take no quarter for scum like you and that scumbag you are defending I only wish my grandfather and uncles would have have had more help defending our southland from the degenerate shit scum that invaded it and destroyed the last bastion of white hope in the US.

My ancestors invaded your slave raping ancestors and kicked the shit out of them

I think you just "Tecumseh Sherman'd" The Wolf :rofl:
I love the smell of Confederate flags burning in the morning..........Smells like VICTORY
Smells more like a childishly silly, symbolic victory for nincompoops, who believe historic events can be judged in a modern context.
Well, I'm not for southern bashing but in 1861, I think we can judge slavery was horrific and a crime against humanity. I can understand the majority of southerners didn't really have an economic dog in the fight, and even if a white family "owned" a black family, there wasn't a lot of difference in living conditions, and the real issue was freeing ignorant and landless blacks would have been even more an economic catastrophe than was Northern domination of trade policies. But, holding millions in slavery can't be spun beyond being a crime against humanity ... even in terms of 1861.

Was there a reason slavery could not have been ended without a war, like slavery had been ended in every other western nation?
Yes, the American Conservative movement
When the President of the traitors is saying things like this:

"My own convictions as to negro slavery are strong. It has its evils and abuses...We recognize the negro as God and God's Book and God's Laws, in nature, tell us to recognize him - our inferior, fitted expressly for servitude...You cannot transform the negro into anything one-tenth as useful or as good as what slavery enables them to be."
~Jefferson Davis


"It [slavery] was established by decree of Almighty is sanctioned in the Bible, in both Testaments, from Genesis to has existed in all ages, has been found among the people of the highest civilization, and in nations of the highest proficiency in the arts...Let the gentleman go to Revelation to learn the decree of God - let him go to the Bible...I said that slavery was sanctioned in the Bible, authorized, regulated, and recognized from Genesis to Revelation...Slavery existed then in the earliest ages, and among the chosen people of God; and in Revelation we are told that it shall exist till the end of time shall come. You find it in the Old and New Testaments - in the prophecies, psalms, and the epistles of Paul; you find it recognized, sanctioned everywhere.".
~Jefferson Davis

war was probably the only way to stop slavery.
Yes you have a right to be an asshole and piss all over people. It's what America great.

how is it "pissing on people" to burn a traitors' flag?
They were patriots and true Americans fighting a tyrannical system. Hell, Lincoln wasnt even on the ballot in many states and won anyway.
You wont understand that because...well, you know.

they were people who fought for the right to own other people. and they were treasonous.

you're deranged.
Don't pity your superiors.
Ugly fat stupid hateful people like you?
perhaps you shouldn't be calling anyone else hateful.
As usual, you aren't paying attention.

Seeing that jillian always enters a thread late when a lieftie gets in trouble, it's safe to say jillian is just one of their sock accounts.

you figured that out too eh?

only a mentally ill righwingnut loon would think that.

oh right...
I pity anyone who flies the Gay Pride Flag with the symbol of Islam on it.
Don't pity your superiors.
Ugly fat stupid hateful people like you?
perhaps you shouldn't be calling anyone else hateful.
As usual, you aren't paying attention.

Seeing that jillian always enters a thread late when a lieftie gets in trouble, it's safe to say jillian is just one of their sock accounts.

stop projecting nutbar.

i just get amused when people as ugly as you say nasty things to others.
Don't pity your superiors.
Ugly fat stupid hateful people like you?
perhaps you shouldn't be calling anyone else hateful.
As usual, you aren't paying attention.

Seeing that jillian always enters a thread late when a lieftie gets in trouble, it's safe to say jillian is just one of their sock accounts.

stop projecting nutbar.

i just get amused when people as ugly as you say nasty things to others.

Thou doth protest too much

You've been here since 2006, and you have 5x times as many posts as I do, and yet I've never seen you start a thread in the 2+ years I've been here.

You're a sock for someone or perhaps even a team-of-someones. You're often online when hazlnut is online, you post with the same diction, punctuation idiosyncrasies, strategy and worldview as hazlnut, and you appear in nearly every hazlnut thread.

Seeing that halznut joined in 2012, you probably got banned on hazlnut's former main account, and you retained this sock since 2006.
Last edited:

holy smokes. they'd be wanting to hurt people they did that. LOL
some people are so petty and shallow they needed to make a thread on the hell out of me. but we get to see who shows us and our country the most disrespect

Obama's Faggot Legion would make war on us for "Social Justice"!


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