Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states

I think bigotry has been taught one generation to the next.

Fear-based bigotry as neurosis--a mental illness caused by nurture, not nature.

Their culture is no more inferior than the urban city blacks'.
You call NATURAL urges to procreate,associate,etc with your own race mental illness when in fact that's natural and normal what YOU want is wrong and disgusting and against nature. Maybe you can convince the pack of Lions to accept the Zebra among them? Liberals and Race deniers are such gullible but dangerous fools worthy of a reeducation camp

Holy crap, it always amazes me how closely related bigotry and stupidity are.

Did you fail high school biology?

Lions and Zebras are not different "races"? Fucking retard.
Ah the hippy faggot wannabe missed the FUCKING POINT. I am shocked.

Ah....a Hippy AND a faggot

Can you get any more 1960s racist?
Oh I can....believe me on that. I take no quarter for scum like you and that scumbag you are defending I only wish my grandfather and uncles would have have had more help defending our southland from the degenerate shit scum that invaded it and destroyed the last bastion of white hope in the US.

My ancestors invaded your slave raping ancestors and kicked the shit out of them
If you take a look at the places in the world where religion drives extreme social conservatism, they're not doing so well. So if you take a look at states with the highest rates of welfare and food stamp participation, you shouldn't be surprised by what you find.

"Extreme Social Conservatism"?

That's a nice subjective standard to give yourself wiggle room.

THe modern world was built by people who you would consider Religious and Extreme Social Conservatives.

What do you think church attendance rates were like when we landed a Man on the Moon?

We landed on the Moon when Richard Nixon was President. Was he a social liberal?

ALL you are doing is revealing your bigotry against religious people.

If I were to argue that blacks were what drove down the economies of the South, you would accuse me of being bigoted against blacks.

But you can say the same about Christians and not have the slightest twinge of self awareness.
The world was built by people who were the liberals of their time. In the days of cavemen it was the social conservative insisting they needed to stay in the cave and that we shouldn't mess with fire.

In a few decades the confederacy will be even more demonized than it is now, gay marriage will be a normal part of life, etc. and social conservatives will have some new issues to be inciting fear over.

Self serving nonsense.

The atheist SU did not win the Space Race, the very religious USA did.

The far more progressive and less religious EU is not the engine of technological advancement today, the USA, far more conservative and religious is.
None of that because of the formerly confederate south :wink_2:

You are the one that changed the topic to a general attack on religion and religious people.

Care to address the fact that your claim is not borne out by history or the present Status Quo?
Uh, it is. So instead maybe you can address why the U.S. is getting left in the dust in math and science by more secular countries?
You call NATURAL urges to procreate,associate,etc with your own race mental illness when in fact that's natural and normal what YOU want is wrong and disgusting and against nature. Maybe you can convince the pack of Lions to accept the Zebra among them? Liberals and Race deniers are such gullible but dangerous fools worthy of a reeducation camp

Holy crap, it always amazes me how closely related bigotry and stupidity are.

Did you fail high school biology?

Lions and Zebras are not different "races"? Fucking retard.
Ah the hippy faggot wannabe missed the FUCKING POINT. I am shocked.

Ah....a Hippy AND a faggot

Can you get any more 1960s racist?
Oh I can....believe me on that. I take no quarter for scum like you and that scumbag you are defending I only wish my grandfather and uncles would have have had more help defending our southland from the degenerate shit scum that invaded it and destroyed the last bastion of white hope in the US.

My ancestors invaded your slave raping ancestors and kicked the shit out of them
We just treated property as its supposed to be treated...whipped,chained cut a few feet off for trying to run off...ya know :) You yankee scums day us coming...shit it already is! Yall enjoy those lovely negro riots in Baltimore,St Louis,Cleveland,NYC....ah I will sit back and enjoy it and drink a cold one. Good thing you morons thought you knew better than us southerners the country is so much better off with all these shiftless looting pants sagging coons raping robbing and murdering everyone.
Actually, here's a positive spin on the story - they activists called the burning a Funeral.

very smart, southerners, laying to rest the deformed monster of history--slavery, segregation.


People in 13 states, including Tennessee, decided to bid farewell to the Confederate flag in a ceremonial funeral on Monday.

The Civil War ended 150 years ago, but in many places, passions still run deep.

The flag brought several artists together in Nashville to recite eulogies for a symbol they consider toxic and divisive.

"All I can go back on my family's tree is slavery. That's what the flag symbolizes to me," artist M-Dot Da Poet said.

Thirteen flag "funerals" across the South took place Monday, representing the 13 stars of the Confederate flag.

The demonstrations are a nod to artist John Sims. For the past 15 years, Sims has focused on the imagery of the Confederate flag. The first piece of the project, called "Recoloration Proclamation," featured a re-coloring of the Confederate flag using black, red and green, which are the colors of the Black liberation movement.

The second installment, "The Proper Way to Hang a Confederate Flag," appeared as an outdoor installment of the Confederate flag hanging from the gallows in 2004, according to Sims.

Sims considers these burials and funerals the final part of his project.

The Confederate flag has been a source of controversy for centuries. It can still be seen on T-shirts, hats, bumper stickers and more.

But the flag means different things to different people. Some view it as a historical image.

"To me, it represents the flags my ancestors fought and died under on the field of war," said Tom Strain Jr., the lieutenant commander-in-chief of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. The organization is based in Columbia and boasts a membership of nearly 30,000 people nationwide.

Strain said when he sees the flag destroyed, he knows exactly how he feels.

"The same emotions I get when I see them burning the American flag," he said. "Why? Because I'm a veteran, too."

There is still debate over which history the flag represents: that of states' rights or slavery.

"That history is a bloody history, and we need to lay that to rest while remembering the lessons," artist Christine Hall said.

Many at the flag funeral said Memorial Day lies at the heart of their message.

"This event is being done with respect for the memory who have fallen in war," Hall said. "We are remembering those who died for the fight of freedom and equality."

Groups in other states reportedly buried the Confederate flag Monday.

Sims, based in Florida, has said if people can fly whatever flag they want, then he can bury whatever flag he wants.

Read more: Confederate flag burned buried at funerals - WSMV Channel 4

Unfortunately, while these activists are doing something worthy and commendable, some Tea Party State Rep is trying to figure out another way to keep blacks away from the polls.

If we do not study history....
It would have had a greater impact had the Koran be burned, since there actually is an islam, but since there isn't a confederacy, this is a pretty weak statement.

The left has already labeled southerners as racists.

Correction, the overwhelming majority of this country did that.

If it walks like a duck...

Look at how Obama did in non-southern states that he lost vs. southern states.

Look at how Obama did overall vs. how he did in southern states.

Yeppers, the numbers don't lie.

Numbers. you know, math.
Look at how Obama did in non-southern states that he lost vs. southern states.
Look at how Obama did overall vs. how he did in southern states.
Yeppers, the numbers don't lie
But you do, in your mindless, bigoted attempt to argue that the southern states didn't vote for The Obama because He is black.
‘The wrong side of history': Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states

There is hope for the U.S. yet. In the wake of the election of the first black president, we witnessed the awakening go the sleeping bigoted giant - calling itself the Tea Party.

It's time to shame these ugly fat stupid people back into their hateful little caves.

Artists and activists around a purported 13 Southern states followed through on a plan to burn and bury the Confederate flag on Monday, WTVM-TV reported.

“If you don’t see the hate that comes along with it, that has come along with it, if you don’t see the racism behind what has been founded with the usage of it, then you’re ignoring it,” said Terone Allen, who organized a ceremony in Atlanta as part of an exhibit by Sarasota-based artist John Sims.

Artists taking part in the various events shared “eulogies” they composed for the flag before burying it.

“You decided to fight for the wrong side of history,” said a speaker at the Atlanta ceremony, Egypt Robinson X.



What courage.
Look at how Obama did in non-southern states that he lost vs. southern states.
Look at how Obama did overall vs. how he did in southern states.
Yeppers, the numbers don't lie
But you do, in your mindless, bigoted attempt to argue that the southern states didn't vote for The Obama because He is black.

I thought I told you to get a dictionary and look up the word "bigoted."

Me speculating on electoral cause and effect is not bigotry.

Not respecting someone because of the prejudice they carry in the heart is not bigotry.

Besides, I don't hate the south, I pity them (mostly their children) as they'll never get to see the world as it is.
‘The wrong side of history': Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states

There is hope for the U.S. yet. In the wake of the election of the first black president, we witnessed the awakening go the sleeping bigoted giant - calling itself the Tea Party.

It's time to shame these ugly fat stupid people back into their hateful little caves.

Artists and activists around a purported 13 Southern states followed through on a plan to burn and bury the Confederate flag on Monday, WTVM-TV reported.

“If you don’t see the hate that comes along with it, that has come along with it, if you don’t see the racism behind what has been founded with the usage of it, then you’re ignoring it,” said Terone Allen, who organized a ceremony in Atlanta as part of an exhibit by Sarasota-based artist John Sims.

Artists taking part in the various events shared “eulogies” they composed for the flag before burying it.

“You decided to fight for the wrong side of history,” said a speaker at the Atlanta ceremony, Egypt Robinson X.



What courage.

I know, they're about 125 years late, but you know, it takes time to breed out the hate.
I know, they're about 125 years late, but you know, it takes time to breed out the hate.
.You're the biggest hater on the board.

YOu've used the word "slut, cu*nt, bitch, whore, hoer" repeatedly to describe conservative women on USMB.

You said you want "driv-thru abortion clinics" because you hate babies.

You use the term "white trash" at least once a day.
Look at how Obama did in non-southern states that he lost vs. southern states.
Look at how Obama did overall vs. how he did in southern states.
Yeppers, the numbers don't lie
But you do, in your mindless, bigoted attempt to argue that the southern states didn't vote for The Obama because He is black.
I thought I told you to get a dictionary and look up the word "bigoted."
Just looked again -- still see your avatar
Me speculating on electoral cause and effect is not bigotry.
The fact that you have no meaningful basis for that "speculation" and will not alter your view of same regardless of any argument against it, is.
Last edited:
Besides, I don't hate the south, I pity them (mostly their children) as they'll never get to see the world as it is.

I pity anyone who flies the Gay Pride Flag with the symbol of Islam on it.

Don't pity your superiors.

The day you can compose music for the pipe organ and play it, like I did, in this video (my own music), you may claim equality (not even superiority).

I love life and beauty so much I even wrote this! M14 Shooter

You're nothing but a hate filled slug.
Actually, here's a positive spin on the story - they activists called the burning a Funeral.
very smart, southerners, laying to rest the deformed monster of history--slavery, segregation.
People in 13 states, including Tennessee, decided to bid farewell to the Confederate flag in a ceremonial funeral on Monday.
The Civil War ended 150 years ago, but in many places, passions still run deep.
The flag brought several artists together in Nashville to recite eulogies for a symbol they consider toxic and divisive.
"All I can go back on my family's tree is slavery. That's what the flag symbolizes to me," artist M-Dot Da Poet said.
Thirteen flag "funerals" across the South took place Monday, representing the 13 stars of the Confederate flag.
The demonstrations are a nod to artist John Sims. For the past 15 years, Sims has focused on the imagery of the Confederate flag. The first piece of the project, called "Recoloration Proclamation," featured a re-coloring of the Confederate flag using black, red and green, which are the colors of the Black liberation movement.
The second installment, "The Proper Way to Hang a Confederate Flag," appeared as an outdoor installment of the Confederate flag hanging from the gallows in 2004, according to Sims.
Sims considers these burials and funerals the final part of his project.
The Confederate flag has been a source of controversy for centuries. It can still be seen on T-shirts, hats, bumper stickers and more.
But the flag means different things to different people. Some view it as a historical image.
"To me, it represents the flags my ancestors fought and died under on the field of war," said Tom Strain Jr., the lieutenant commander-in-chief of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. The organization is based in Columbia and boasts a membership of nearly 30,000 people nationwide.
Strain said when he sees the flag destroyed, he knows exactly how he feels.
"The same emotions I get when I see them burning the American flag," he said. "Why? Because I'm a veteran, too."
There is still debate over which history the flag represents: that of states' rights or slavery.
"That history is a bloody history, and we need to lay that to rest while remembering the lessons," artist Christine Hall said.
Many at the flag funeral said Memorial Day lies at the heart of their message.
"This event is being done with respect for the memory who have fallen in war," Hall said. "We are remembering those who died for the fight of freedom and equality."
Groups in other states reportedly buried the Confederate flag Monday.
Sims, based in Florida, has said if people can fly whatever flag they want, then he can bury whatever flag he wants.
Read more: Confederate flag burned buried at funerals - WSMV Channel 4
Unfortunately, while these activists are doing something worthy and commendable, some Tea Party State Rep is trying to figure out another way to keep blacks away from the polls.

If we do not study history....

My take, it is well within the rights of the group to demonstrate how they see fit.

My question is why was there a lot of outrage when they people made cartoon characters of Muhammad?

I am not seeing the difference, both were peaceable demonstrations.

Why was there outrage about Muhammad demonstration by the left?

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