Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states

It would have had a greater impact had the Koran be burned, since there actually is an islam, but since there isn't a confederacy, this is a pretty weak statement.

The left has already labeled southerners as racists. The left doesn't recognize that some people are just proud of the south and have no bad intentions when flying the flag, but the left has an agenda to paint as many people as possible as racists so they can pretend to come to the rescue for the minorities.

Of course, the left cheers this on, despite it being nothing more than their own imaginary "enemy." They approve of picking on those they have labeled as some sort of threat, but it's not okay to criticize those who would actually kill people. If there were a lot of radical southerners who killed over being offended, the left would still do it and demand that government arrest everyone who owned a confederate flag.

i'm sorry, perhaps you should look up the "southern strategy". the south hasn't voted for a democrat since the civil rights laws.

are you contending that there's nothing racial about that?
Besides, I don't hate the south, I pity them (mostly their children) as they'll never get to see the world as it is.

I pity anyone who flies the Gay Pride Flag with the symbol of Islam on it.

Don't pity your superiors.

The day you can compose music for the pipe organ and play it, like I did, in this video (my own music), you may claim equality (not even superiority).

I love life and beauty so much I even wrote this! M14 Shooter

You're nothing but a hate filled slug.

that's funny coming from an actual hate-filled slug.
Does the south still frown upon using the Confederate flag instead of toilet paper?
i'm sorry, perhaps you should look up the "southern strategy". the south hasn't voted for a democrat since the civil rights laws.
1976. Carter.
are you contending that there's nothing racial about that?
Were Jimmy Carter (1980) Walter Mondale, Mike Dukakis, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and John Kerry black?
Did the south vote for them?
Between "nope" and "not really".

The idea that the south did not vote for the Obama because he is black is held by mindless bigots.
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‘The wrong side of history': Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states

There is hope for the U.S. yet. In the wake of the election of the first black president, we witnessed the awakening go the sleeping bigoted giant - calling itself the Tea Party.

It's time to shame these ugly fat stupid people back into their hateful little caves.

Artists and activists around a purported 13 Southern states followed through on a plan to burn and bury the Confederate flag on Monday, WTVM-TV reported.

“If you don’t see the hate that comes along with it, that has come along with it, if you don’t see the racism behind what has been founded with the usage of it, then you’re ignoring it,” said Terone Allen, who organized a ceremony in Atlanta as part of an exhibit by Sarasota-based artist John Sims.

Artists taking part in the various events shared “eulogies” they composed for the flag before burying it.

“You decided to fight for the wrong side of history,” said a speaker at the Atlanta ceremony, Egypt Robinson X.


As long as they don't draw a cartoon of Muhammad - you leftists were OUTRAGED when artists did that.

But then, fucking hypocrites has always described the left...
Leftists were the ones drawing Mohammed long before you righties found out you could piss off liberals by pretending you're doing it to fight for freedom or whatever.

I think bigotry has been taught one generation to the next.

Fear-based bigotry as neurosis--a mental illness caused by nurture, not nature.

Their culture is no more inferior than the urban city blacks'.

Bigotry has harmed their economy for one hundred and forty years?

"No more inferior than the urban city blacks'"

Seems weak stuff to account for 140 years of economic lagging.

You sure you aren't holding back?

What were you really trying to say about the South?
I think what he's trying to say is that the south has been the hotbed for social conservatism in this country since its creation. And social conservatism lends itself naturally to hatred of things that are different, such as minority races, minority religions, minority beliefs, etc. And to things that are new such as new technologies, new ideas, etc.

So it's natural that a region of the country that fears and hates innovation and change would have a shitty economies.

Or it could be that an agricultural region was part of a nation dominated by Industrialists who crafted economic policy to benefit them with no concerns about others.

YOur assumption that those who are your ideological opponents, are naturally inferior, you don't see anything self serving about that?

Rhetoric Question, I know that you cannot imagine it any other way.
If you take a look at the places in the world where religion drives extreme social conservatism, they're not doing so well. So if you take a look at states with the highest rates of welfare and food stamp participation, you shouldn't be surprised by what you find.

"Extreme Social Conservatism"?

That's a nice subjective standard to give yourself wiggle room.

THe modern world was built by people who you would consider Religious and Extreme Social Conservatives.

What do you think church attendance rates were like when we landed a Man on the Moon?

We landed on the Moon when Richard Nixon was President. Was he a social liberal?

ALL you are doing is revealing your bigotry against religious people.

If I were to argue that blacks were what drove down the economies of the South, you would accuse me of being bigoted against blacks.

But you can say the same about Christians and not have the slightest twinge of self awareness.

When we landed on the moon, Nixon was only 6 months in office and the hard work and preparations for every aspect of that moon landing happened during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations.

Gawd, you are a truly stupid individual.
Bigotry has harmed their economy for one hundred and forty years?

"No more inferior than the urban city blacks'"

Seems weak stuff to account for 140 years of economic lagging.

You sure you aren't holding back?

What were you really trying to say about the South?
I think what he's trying to say is that the south has been the hotbed for social conservatism in this country since its creation. And social conservatism lends itself naturally to hatred of things that are different, such as minority races, minority religions, minority beliefs, etc. And to things that are new such as new technologies, new ideas, etc.

So it's natural that a region of the country that fears and hates innovation and change would have a shitty economies.

Or it could be that an agricultural region was part of a nation dominated by Industrialists who crafted economic policy to benefit them with no concerns about others.

YOur assumption that those who are your ideological opponents, are naturally inferior, you don't see anything self serving about that?

Rhetoric Question, I know that you cannot imagine it any other way.
If you take a look at the places in the world where religion drives extreme social conservatism, they're not doing so well. So if you take a look at states with the highest rates of welfare and food stamp participation, you shouldn't be surprised by what you find.

"Extreme Social Conservatism"?

That's a nice subjective standard to give yourself wiggle room.

THe modern world was built by people who you would consider Religious and Extreme Social Conservatives.

What do you think church attendance rates were like when we landed a Man on the Moon?

We landed on the Moon when Richard Nixon was President. Was he a social liberal?

ALL you are doing is revealing your bigotry against religious people.

If I were to argue that blacks were what drove down the economies of the South, you would accuse me of being bigoted against blacks.

But you can say the same about Christians and not have the slightest twinge of self awareness.
The world was built by people who were the liberals of their time. In the days of cavemen it was the social conservative insisting they needed to stay in the cave and that we shouldn't mess with fire.

In a few decades the confederacy will be even more demonized than it is now, gay marriage will be a normal part of life, etc. and social conservatives will have some new issues to be inciting fear over.

I have no problem with religious people. Just social conservatives. That many happen to be religious is a coincidence.

Holy crap, it always amazes me how closely related bigotry and stupidity are.

Did you fail high school biology?

Lions and Zebras are not different "races"? Fucking retard.
Ah the hippy faggot wannabe missed the FUCKING POINT. I am shocked.

Ah....a Hippy AND a faggot

Can you get any more 1960s racist?
Oh I can....believe me on that. I take no quarter for scum like you and that scumbag you are defending I only wish my grandfather and uncles would have have had more help defending our southland from the degenerate shit scum that invaded it and destroyed the last bastion of white hope in the US.

My ancestors invaded your slave raping ancestors and kicked the shit out of them
We just treated property as its supposed to be treated...whipped,chained cut a few feet off for trying to run off...ya know :) You yankee scums day us coming...shit it already is! Yall enjoy those lovely negro riots in Baltimore,St Louis,Cleveland,NYC....ah I will sit back and enjoy it and drink a cold one. Good thing you morons thought you knew better than us southerners the country is so much better off with all these shiftless looting pants sagging coons raping robbing and murdering everyone.

Slow day at KKK?

Welcome to USMB. Well, kind of. I'm not really fond of racists, especially disgusting fuckbags like you.

See you out there, l'il slugger.
‘The wrong side of history': Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states

There is hope for the U.S. yet. In the wake of the election of the first black president, we witnessed the awakening go the sleeping bigoted giant - calling itself the Tea Party.

It's time to shame these ugly fat stupid people back into their hateful little caves.

Artists and activists around a purported 13 Southern states followed through on a plan to burn and bury the Confederate flag on Monday, WTVM-TV reported.

“If you don’t see the hate that comes along with it, that has come along with it, if you don’t see the racism behind what has been founded with the usage of it, then you’re ignoring it,” said Terone Allen, who organized a ceremony in Atlanta as part of an exhibit by Sarasota-based artist John Sims.

Artists taking part in the various events shared “eulogies” they composed for the flag before burying it.

“You decided to fight for the wrong side of history,” said a speaker at the Atlanta ceremony, Egypt Robinson X.


Artists? Who says? Any fools can call themselves artists.
Besides, I don't hate the south, I pity them (mostly their children) as they'll never get to see the world as it is.
I pity anyone who flies the Gay Pride Flag with the symbol of Islam on it.
Don't pity your superiors.
Ugly fat stupid hateful people like you?
perhaps you shouldn't be calling anyone else hateful.
As usual, you aren't paying attention.
I love the smell of Confederate flags burning in the morning..........Smells like VICTORY
Smells more like a childishly silly, symbolic victory for nincompoops, who believe historic events can be judged in a modern context.
Well, I'm not for southern bashing but in 1861, I think we can judge slavery was horrific and a crime against humanity. I can understand the majority of southerners didn't really have an economic dog in the fight, and even if a white family "owned" a black family, there wasn't a lot of difference in living conditions, and the real issue was freeing ignorant and landless blacks would have been even more an economic catastrophe than was Northern domination of trade policies. But, holding millions in slavery can't be spun beyond being a crime against humanity ... even in terms of 1861.
I love the smell of Confederate flags burning in the morning..........Smells like VICTORY
Smells more like a childishly silly, symbolic victory for nincompoops, who believe historic events can be judged in a modern context.

Is this the point where you try to justify that slave raping was OK in a historical context?
Besides, I don't hate the south, I pity them (mostly their children) as they'll never get to see the world as it is.
I pity anyone who flies the Gay Pride Flag with the symbol of Islam on it.
Don't pity your superiors.
Ugly fat stupid hateful people like you?
perhaps you shouldn't be calling anyone else hateful.
As usual, you aren't paying attention.

Seeing that jillian always enters a thread late when a lieftie gets in trouble, it's safe to say jillian is just one of their sock accounts.
I pity anyone who flies the Gay Pride Flag with the symbol of Islam on it.
Don't pity your superiors.
Ugly fat stupid hateful people like you?
perhaps you shouldn't be calling anyone else hateful.
As usual, you aren't paying attention.

Seeing that jillian always enters a thread late when a lieftie gets in trouble, it's safe to say jillian is just one of their sock accounts.

you figured that out too eh?

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