Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states

Was there a reason slavery could not have been ended without a war, like slavery had been ended in every other western nation?
When the President of the traitors is saying things like this:

"My own convictions as to negro slavery are strong. It has its evils and abuses...We recognize the negro as God and God's Book and God's Laws, in nature, tell us to recognize him - our inferior, fitted expressly for servitude...You cannot transform the negro into anything one-tenth as useful or as good as what slavery enables them to be."
~Jefferson Davis


"It [slavery] was established by decree of Almighty is sanctioned in the Bible, in both Testaments, from Genesis to has existed in all ages, has been found among the people of the highest civilization, and in nations of the highest proficiency in the arts...Let the gentleman go to Revelation to learn the decree of God - let him go to the Bible...I said that slavery was sanctioned in the Bible, authorized, regulated, and recognized from Genesis to Revelation...Slavery existed then in the earliest ages, and among the chosen people of God; and in Revelation we are told that it shall exist till the end of time shall come. You find it in the Old and New Testaments - in the prophecies, psalms, and the epistles of Paul; you find it recognized, sanctioned everywhere.".
~Jefferson Davis

war was probably the only way to stop slavery.

You're lucky I checked ignored content.

Are you claiming that Jefferson Davis thought of those statements in a vacuum, or that Southerners were the only ones who thought that? There were no Northerners (whose ships brought the slaves over) who thought that? There weren't any similar views/statements/manifestos in other western nations that managed to free their slaves without a war?

If you respond without screaming slogans, I'll take you off ignore.
Yes you have a right to be an asshole and piss all over people. It's what America great.

how is it "pissing on people" to burn a traitors' flag?
They were patriots and true Americans fighting a tyrannical system. Hell, Lincoln wasnt even on the ballot in many states and won anyway.
You wont understand that because...well, you know.

they were people who fought for the right to own other people. and they were treasonous.

you're deranged.
They actually did not fight for that. They fought for independence from a tyrannical state. Your knowledge of history is about where you knowledge of law is, "counselor."
Was there a reason slavery could not have been ended without a war, like slavery had been ended in every other western nation?
When the President of the traitors is saying things like this:

"My own convictions as to negro slavery are strong. It has its evils and abuses...We recognize the negro as God and God's Book and God's Laws, in nature, tell us to recognize him - our inferior, fitted expressly for servitude...You cannot transform the negro into anything one-tenth as useful or as good as what slavery enables them to be."
~Jefferson Davis


"It [slavery] was established by decree of Almighty is sanctioned in the Bible, in both Testaments, from Genesis to has existed in all ages, has been found among the people of the highest civilization, and in nations of the highest proficiency in the arts...Let the gentleman go to Revelation to learn the decree of God - let him go to the Bible...I said that slavery was sanctioned in the Bible, authorized, regulated, and recognized from Genesis to Revelation...Slavery existed then in the earliest ages, and among the chosen people of God; and in Revelation we are told that it shall exist till the end of time shall come. You find it in the Old and New Testaments - in the prophecies, psalms, and the epistles of Paul; you find it recognized, sanctioned everywhere.".
~Jefferson Davis

war was probably the only way to stop slavery.

You're lucky I checked ignored content.

Are you claiming that Jefferson Davis thought of those statements in a vacuum, or that Southerners were the only ones who thought that? There were no Northerners (whose ships brought the slaves over) who thought that? There weren't any similar views/statements/manifestos in other western nations that managed to free their slaves without a war?

If you respond without screaming slogans, I'll take you off ignore.
The south started their own nation for the sole purpose of ensuring a persons right to own others in bondage

Any attempt did it too
Falls short
Was there a reason slavery could not have been ended without a war, like slavery had been ended in every other western nation?
When the President of the traitors is saying things like this:

"My own convictions as to negro slavery are strong. It has its evils and abuses...We recognize the negro as God and God's Book and God's Laws, in nature, tell us to recognize him - our inferior, fitted expressly for servitude...You cannot transform the negro into anything one-tenth as useful or as good as what slavery enables them to be."
~Jefferson Davis


"It [slavery] was established by decree of Almighty is sanctioned in the Bible, in both Testaments, from Genesis to has existed in all ages, has been found among the people of the highest civilization, and in nations of the highest proficiency in the arts...Let the gentleman go to Revelation to learn the decree of God - let him go to the Bible...I said that slavery was sanctioned in the Bible, authorized, regulated, and recognized from Genesis to Revelation...Slavery existed then in the earliest ages, and among the chosen people of God; and in Revelation we are told that it shall exist till the end of time shall come. You find it in the Old and New Testaments - in the prophecies, psalms, and the epistles of Paul; you find it recognized, sanctioned everywhere.".
~Jefferson Davis

war was probably the only way to stop slavery.

You're lucky I checked ignored content.

Are you claiming that Jefferson Davis thought of those statements in a vacuum, or that Southerners were the only ones who thought that? There were no Northerners (whose ships brought the slaves over) who thought that? There weren't any similar views/statements/manifestos in other western nations that managed to free their slaves without a war?

If you respond without screaming slogans, I'll take you off ignore.
I'm sure there were northerners who felt the same way. Many of them crossed into the south to fight for the confederacy. Of course, it was the southerners who were willing to fight and die for slavery. Why didn't those northern ship owners fight for slavery? :laugh:

Jefferson Davis was the Goddam PRESIDENT of the confederacy! Plug your ears and scream all you want, but the evidence is OVERWHELMING! The south just wanted to keep their slaves!

Oh and please feel free to keep me on ignore, I've never found anything you've said on here all that interesting anyways. :rofl:
Was there a reason slavery could not have been ended without a war, like slavery had been ended in every other western nation?
When the President of the traitors is saying things like this:

"My own convictions as to negro slavery are strong. It has its evils and abuses...We recognize the negro as God and God's Book and God's Laws, in nature, tell us to recognize him - our inferior, fitted expressly for servitude...You cannot transform the negro into anything one-tenth as useful or as good as what slavery enables them to be."
~Jefferson Davis


"It [slavery] was established by decree of Almighty is sanctioned in the Bible, in both Testaments, from Genesis to has existed in all ages, has been found among the people of the highest civilization, and in nations of the highest proficiency in the arts...Let the gentleman go to Revelation to learn the decree of God - let him go to the Bible...I said that slavery was sanctioned in the Bible, authorized, regulated, and recognized from Genesis to Revelation...Slavery existed then in the earliest ages, and among the chosen people of God; and in Revelation we are told that it shall exist till the end of time shall come. You find it in the Old and New Testaments - in the prophecies, psalms, and the epistles of Paul; you find it recognized, sanctioned everywhere.".
~Jefferson Davis

war was probably the only way to stop slavery.

You're lucky I checked ignored content.

Are you claiming that Jefferson Davis thought of those statements in a vacuum, or that Southerners were the only ones who thought that? There were no Northerners (whose ships brought the slaves over) who thought that? There weren't any similar views/statements/manifestos in other western nations that managed to free their slaves without a war?

If you respond without screaming slogans, I'll take you off ignore.
I'm sure there were northerners who felt the same way. Many of them crossed into the south to fight for the confederacy. Of course, it was the southerners who were willing to fight and die for slavery. Why didn't those northern ship owners fight for slavery? :laugh:

Jefferson Davis was the Goddam PRESIDENT of the confederacy! Plug your ears and scream all you want, but the evidence is OVERWHELMING! The south just wanted to keep their slaves!

Oh and please feel free to keep me on ignore, I've never found anything you've said on here all that interesting anyways. :rofl:

And other western nations, no similar arguments were used by the slave ruling classes to preserve slavery there? And yet no war was needed to end slavery in those other western nations either.

Let's hear a good response, come on, just once.
Was there a reason slavery could not have been ended without a war, like slavery had been ended in every other western nation?
When the President of the traitors is saying things like this:

"My own convictions as to negro slavery are strong. It has its evils and abuses...We recognize the negro as God and God's Book and God's Laws, in nature, tell us to recognize him - our inferior, fitted expressly for servitude...You cannot transform the negro into anything one-tenth as useful or as good as what slavery enables them to be."
~Jefferson Davis


"It [slavery] was established by decree of Almighty is sanctioned in the Bible, in both Testaments, from Genesis to has existed in all ages, has been found among the people of the highest civilization, and in nations of the highest proficiency in the arts...Let the gentleman go to Revelation to learn the decree of God - let him go to the Bible...I said that slavery was sanctioned in the Bible, authorized, regulated, and recognized from Genesis to Revelation...Slavery existed then in the earliest ages, and among the chosen people of God; and in Revelation we are told that it shall exist till the end of time shall come. You find it in the Old and New Testaments - in the prophecies, psalms, and the epistles of Paul; you find it recognized, sanctioned everywhere.".
~Jefferson Davis

war was probably the only way to stop slavery.

You're lucky I checked ignored content.

Are you claiming that Jefferson Davis thought of those statements in a vacuum, or that Southerners were the only ones who thought that? There were no Northerners (whose ships brought the slaves over) who thought that? There weren't any similar views/statements/manifestos in other western nations that managed to free their slaves without a war?

If you respond without screaming slogans, I'll take you off ignore.
I'm sure there were northerners who felt the same way. Many of them crossed into the south to fight for the confederacy. Of course, it was the southerners who were willing to fight and die for slavery. Why didn't those northern ship owners fight for slavery? :laugh:

Jefferson Davis was the Goddam PRESIDENT of the confederacy! Plug your ears and scream all you want, but the evidence is OVERWHELMING! The south just wanted to keep their slaves!

Oh and please feel free to keep me on ignore, I've never found anything you've said on here all that interesting anyways. :rofl:

And other western nations, no similar arguments were used by the slave ruling classes to preserve slavery there? And yet no war was needed to end slavery in those other western nations either.

Let's hear a good response, come on, just once.
In which of those countries you're talking about did the slaveowners mutiny by arming up and running away with half of the country?

Btw you keep talking about good responses, when are you going to have one?
‘The wrong side of history': Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states

There is hope for the U.S. yet. In the wake of the election of the first black president, we witnessed the awakening go the sleeping bigoted giant - calling itself the Tea Party.

It's time to shame these ugly fat stupid people back into their hateful little caves.

Artists and activists around a purported 13 Southern states followed through on a plan to burn and bury the Confederate flag on Monday, WTVM-TV reported.

“If you don’t see the hate that comes along with it, that has come along with it, if you don’t see the racism behind what has been founded with the usage of it, then you’re ignoring it,” said Terone Allen, who organized a ceremony in Atlanta as part of an exhibit by Sarasota-based artist John Sims.

Artists taking part in the various events shared “eulogies” they composed for the flag before burying it.

“You decided to fight for the wrong side of history,” said a speaker at the Atlanta ceremony, Egypt Robinson X.


Cmon down to Texas Hazel...the chain be on da pickup truck....
Looks like it gave some a tingle up their leg. how special
everyday it just hate hate and more hate by these nasty people
they can't even take a day off to observe our Memorial day
I'd like to see a few artists burned in Confederate States to even the score!!!!
The War of Northern Aggression, or as you like to call it the Civil War, should have never been fought. Since the north wanted the cheap raw materials to continue coming from the south to fuel the industrial revolution, the south's constitutional right to legally secede from the Union was never tried. Lincoln went to war because he knew he would have lost the legal question in the Supreme Court and the south's right to secede would have been upheld . And before everyone gets to pious about how the north freed the slaves remember the atrocities that the northern carpetbaggers heaped on their "fellow Americans", including the blacks that did not leave the south, just after the war. Remember there is always two sides to every story and history has conveniently forgotten many things about that time.
‘The wrong side of history': Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states

There is hope for the U.S. yet. In the wake of the election of the first black president, we witnessed the awakening go the sleeping bigoted giant - calling itself the Tea Party.

It's time to shame these ugly fat stupid people back into their hateful little caves.

Artists and activists around a purported 13 Southern states followed through on a plan to burn and bury the Confederate flag on Monday, WTVM-TV reported.

“If you don’t see the hate that comes along with it, that has come along with it, if you don’t see the racism behind what has been founded with the usage of it, then you’re ignoring it,” said Terone Allen, who organized a ceremony in Atlanta as part of an exhibit by Sarasota-based artist John Sims.

Artists taking part in the various events shared “eulogies” they composed for the flag before burying it.

“You decided to fight for the wrong side of history,” said a speaker at the Atlanta ceremony, Egypt Robinson X.


I guess it is alright to burn a flag as long as its not your flag, huh? Kinda hypocritical don't you think?
Negro soldiers did fight for the Southern cause under the Confederate flag during the Civil War.

1st Louisiana Native Guard CSA - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I am very proud of my Confederate heritage.

Most people I have ever met that bitch about celebrating our heritage are from families that were fuckin' serfs in Eastern Europe when the Civil War was fought.

I am equally proud my French and Indian War ancestors too, those that fought on each side.

It is funny how many blacks kept the family name when freed, and stayed with the family for the next 50 years.
The War of Northern Aggression, or as you like to call it the Civil War, should have never been fought. Since the north wanted the cheap raw materials to continue coming from the south to fuel the industrial revolution, the south's constitutional right to legally secede from the Union was never tried. Lincoln went to war because he knew he would have lost the legal question in the Supreme Court and the south's right to secede would have been upheld . And before everyone gets to pious about how the north freed the slaves remember the atrocities that the northern carpetbaggers heaped on their "fellow Americans", including the blacks that did not leave the south, just after the war. Remember there is always two sides to every story and history has conveniently forgotten many things about that time.
Funny how now we are all just Americans, except for the African-Americans.

Perhaps one day they will join the rest of the nation.
The War of Northern Aggression, or as you like to call it the Civil War, should have never been fought. Since the north wanted the cheap raw materials to continue coming from the south to fuel the industrial revolution, the south's constitutional right to legally secede from the Union was never tried. Lincoln went to war because he knew he would have lost the legal question in the Supreme Court and the south's right to secede would have been upheld . And before everyone gets to pious about how the north freed the slaves remember the atrocities that the northern carpetbaggers heaped on their "fellow Americans", including the blacks that did not leave the south, just after the war. Remember there is always two sides to every story and history has conveniently forgotten many things about that time.
Lincoln went to war because that crazy coon-ass P.G.T Beauregard fired on Ft. Sumter.

That was a stupid mistake, a very stupid mistake.
‘The wrong side of history': Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states

There is hope for the U.S. yet. In the wake of the election of the first black president, we witnessed the awakening go the sleeping bigoted giant - calling itself the Tea Party.

It's time to shame these ugly fat stupid people back into their hateful little caves.

Artists and activists around a purported 13 Southern states followed through on a plan to burn and bury the Confederate flag on Monday, WTVM-TV reported.

“If you don’t see the hate that comes along with it, that has come along with it, if you don’t see the racism behind what has been founded with the usage of it, then you’re ignoring it,” said Terone Allen, who organized a ceremony in Atlanta as part of an exhibit by Sarasota-based artist John Sims.

Artists taking part in the various events shared “eulogies” they composed for the flag before burying it.

“You decided to fight for the wrong side of history,” said a speaker at the Atlanta ceremony, Egypt Robinson X.


Wouldn't it be great if one of those flag burners caught on fire...just saying.
It would have had a greater impact had the Koran be burned, since there actually is an islam, but since there isn't a confederacy, this is a pretty weak statement.
Or if the Millennial morons who burned them actually picked up a book and knew what those flags were.
I am very proud of my Confederate heritage.

Um... stop right there.

Confederates were traitors.

Confederates were slave owners.

Confederates were sore losers who went home and brutally mistreated freemen.

Confederates were cowards who rode around at night in sheets brutally murdering families and children.

Confederates went on to become racist segregationists.

You're PROUD to be all those things?
The War of Northern Aggression, or as you like to call it the Civil War, should have never been fought. Since the north wanted the cheap raw materials to continue coming from the south to fuel the industrial revolution, the south's constitutional right to legally secede from the Union was never tried. Lincoln went to war because he knew he would have lost the legal question in the Supreme Court and the south's right to secede would have been upheld . And before everyone gets to pious about how the north freed the slaves remember the atrocities that the northern carpetbaggers heaped on their "fellow Americans", including the blacks that did not leave the south, just after the war. Remember there is always two sides to every story and history has conveniently forgotten many things about that time.

Take your rewritten bullshit history and shove it up your white trash ass.
Yes you have a right to be an asshole and piss all over people. It's what America great.

how is it "pissing on people" to burn a traitors' flag?
They were patriots and true Americans fighting a tyrannical system. Hell, Lincoln wasnt even on the ballot in many states and won anyway.
You wont understand that because...well, you know.

they were people who fought for the right to own other people. and they were treasonous.

you're deranged.
They actually did not fight for that. They fought for independence from a tyrannical state. Your knowledge of history is about where you knowledge of law is, "counselor."

See--this is how ignorant bigots and white trash try to rewrite history.

The Confederacy's founding documents mention slavery multiple times.

You fail, bigot.
The War of Northern Aggression, or as you like to call it the Civil War, should have never been fought. Since the north wanted the cheap raw materials to continue coming from the south to fuel the industrial revolution, the south's constitutional right to legally secede from the Union was never tried. Lincoln went to war because he knew he would have lost the legal question in the Supreme Court and the south's right to secede would have been upheld . And before everyone gets to pious about how the north freed the slaves remember the atrocities that the northern carpetbaggers heaped on their "fellow Americans", including the blacks that did not leave the south, just after the war. Remember there is always two sides to every story and history has conveniently forgotten many things about that time.
Military action against traitors taking up arms against their own country to preserve the right to rape slaves is warranted
Ah the hippy faggot wannabe missed the FUCKING POINT. I am shocked.

Ah....a Hippy AND a faggot

Can you get any more 1960s racist?
Oh I can....believe me on that. I take no quarter for scum like you and that scumbag you are defending I only wish my grandfather and uncles would have have had more help defending our southland from the degenerate shit scum that invaded it and destroyed the last bastion of white hope in the US.

My ancestors invaded your slave raping ancestors and kicked the shit out of them

And then forgave them and welcomed them back into the fold without any need of the type of regional bigotry that you libs are demonstrating.

But yes, the north was too lenient with the south. They had to go back in a hundred years later and straighten them out again. Shows what leniency gets you

Regional differences, especially compounded by a bloody war, can tear a nation apart.

That the US managed to put that behind us is a testimony to our political wisdom.

That the modern lib is trying to reopen old wounds, is a testimony to how much of that wisdom has been lost.

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