Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states

Don't think the North was so noble. Isn't it funny how those in the north had no problem buying the low cost raw materials of cotton grown by salves for decades to use it their factories. The same factories that used another form of slavery, known as indentured servants, to use immigrants to work the factories. The same factories used forced child labor of the parents working in the factories as part of their agreement to work. The same factories that used many of the same brutal techniques on their workers that was used in the south. The same factories that made their workers work in dangerous, horrible conditions for up to 20 hours per day. Slavery can come in many forms and have many names. It is unrealistic to believe that the South was the ONLY slave states of the time. And it is idiotic just to call names and not even discuss another's viewpoint based on merit and facts.
Nobody said the North was perfect - but only one group of White Supremacists went to bloody war to preserve, protect, defend and expand the right to own black people as property.
Also, the only reason that the civil war was fought is the only real reason America fights any war, MONEY. Let's say that south was permitted secede from the union, there are some important aspects that would have changed:

1) The northern factories would no longer have a cheap, reliable source for raw materials for their factories.
2) The south could have charged tariffs on all the raw materials coming out of the CSA, raising production costs.
3) The northern factories could have no longer cheaply sent their finished goods by barge down the Mississippi River to one of the largest sailing ports: New Orleans. This is critical as the CSA could have charged tariffs or blockaded this major means of shipping on USA goods traveling within their sovereign territory. That means that the North would have had to use the much more costly method of using sailing vessels down the Atlantic and around Florida to reach New Orleans.
4) The Southerners, angry from the North's treatment, would have continued to build their own factories and eventually the North would have had competition from the south which would have had lower costs for finished products bound for nations abroad.
5) New territories such as Texas could have joined the CSA based on their position on the slavery issue. This could have effectively killed much of the western expansion, particularly in the south west.
6) The founding of the CSA would have effectively ended the industrial revolution in the north which their economy was dependent on.

So as always the only reason the the US goes to war was because of MONEY!
Don't think the North was so noble. Isn't it funny how those in the north had no problem buying the low cost raw materials of cotton grown by salves for decades to use it their factories. The same factories that used another form of slavery, known as indentured servants, to use immigrants to work the factories. The same factories used forced child labor of the parents working in the factories as part of their agreement to work. The same factories that used many of the same brutal techniques on their workers that was used in the south. The same factories that made their workers work in dangerous, horrible conditions for up to 20 hours per day. Slavery can come in many forms and have many names. It is unrealistic to believe that the South was the ONLY slave states of the time. And it is idiotic just to call names and not even discuss another's viewpoint based on merit and facts.
Nobody said the North was perfect - but only one group of White Supremacists went to bloody war to preserve, protect, defend and expand the right to own black people as property.
The north was far from perfect but the reason why the US fought the civil war is the same reason the US fights any war: MONEY.
OMG OMG frikken frikken tingle up a leg schnikken. GAWD, agian!

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The fake german pervert ever gonna tell us why he's there?

You are under the mistaken assumption that you are important here. You are not. You are a disgusting racist and a fake marine. Where I go, what I do, where I work, that is all my business, not yours.

See how that works, fake marine?
Also, the only reason that the civil war was fought is the only real reason America fights any war, MONEY. Let's say that south was permitted secede from the union, there are some important aspects that would have changed:

1) The northern factories would no longer have a cheap, reliable source for raw materials for their factories.
2) The south could have charged tariffs on all the raw materials coming out of the CSA, raising production costs.
3) The northern factories could have no longer cheaply sent their finished goods by barge down the Mississippi River to one of the largest sailing ports: New Orleans. This is critical as the CSA could have charged tariffs or blockaded this major means of shipping on USA goods traveling within their sovereign territory. That means that the North would have had to use the much more costly method of using sailing vessels down the Atlantic and around Florida to reach New Orleans.
4) The Southerners, angry from the North's treatment, would have continued to build their own factories and eventually the North would have had competition from the south which would have had lower costs for finished products bound for nations abroad.
5) New territories such as Texas could have joined the CSA based on their position on the slavery issue. This could have effectively killed much of the western expansion, particularly in the south west.
6) The founding of the CSA would have effectively ended the industrial revolution in the north which their economy was dependent on.

So as always the only reason the the US goes to war was because of MONEY!
What a huuuughmungous pile of idiocy. :lol:

So idiotic, you didn't even know Texas joined the CSA!

It was not a "new territory" in 1861-- they were a state in 1845.

Man alive.
Don't think the North was so noble. Isn't it funny how those in the north had no problem buying the low cost raw materials of cotton grown by salves for decades to use it their factories. The same factories that used another form of slavery, known as indentured servants, to use immigrants to work the factories. The same factories used forced child labor of the parents working in the factories as part of their agreement to work. The same factories that used many of the same brutal techniques on their workers that was used in the south. The same factories that made their workers work in dangerous, horrible conditions for up to 20 hours per day. Slavery can come in many forms and have many names. It is unrealistic to believe that the South was the ONLY slave states of the time. And it is idiotic just to call names and not even discuss another's viewpoint based on merit and facts.
Nobody said the North was perfect - but only one group of White Supremacists went to bloody war to preserve, protect, defend and expand the right to own black people as property.
The north was far from perfect but the reason why the US fought the civil war is the same reason the US fights any war: MONEY.

The North responded to Acts of War from the rebels to save the Union.

The South went to war preserve, protect, defend and expand the right to own black people as property -- and to protect their enormous investment -- in slave property.

The greatest single concentration of property and wealth in the entire country.
Also, the only reason that the civil war was fought is the only real reason America fights any war, MONEY. Let's say that south was permitted secede from the union, there are some important aspects that would have changed:

1) The northern factories would no longer have a cheap, reliable source for raw materials for their factories.
2) The south could have charged tariffs on all the raw materials coming out of the CSA, raising production costs.
3) The northern factories could have no longer cheaply sent their finished goods by barge down the Mississippi River to one of the largest sailing ports: New Orleans. This is critical as the CSA could have charged tariffs or blockaded this major means of shipping on USA goods traveling within their sovereign territory. That means that the North would have had to use the much more costly method of using sailing vessels down the Atlantic and around Florida to reach New Orleans.
4) The Southerners, angry from the North's treatment, would have continued to build their own factories and eventually the North would have had competition from the south which would have had lower costs for finished products bound for nations abroad.
5) New territories such as Texas could have joined the CSA based on their position on the slavery issue. This could have effectively killed much of the western expansion, particularly in the south west.
6) The founding of the CSA would have effectively ended the industrial revolution in the north which their economy was dependent on.

So as always the only reason the the US goes to war was because of MONEY!
What a huuuughmungous pile of idiocy. :lol:

So idiotic, you didn't even know Texas joined the CSA!

It was not a "new territory" in 1861-- they were a state in 1845.

Man alive.
Yes I did know that but I was only using it as an example.
so you want to dig up bones of slaves yet ignore the catacombs? You are as stupid as Obama
The Southerns are the ones holding on to the bones of the White Supremacist Confederates, bub.
Watching to much Dukes of hazard reruns, Me thinks pal

Hey I got an Ideal, send me a private text and I will personally send you a bus ticket and show you around greenville, South Carolina
I've never watched one episode of that stupid show.

Are you trying to make a case the Confederate flag is not bandied about in the South?

That it wasn't rejuvenated in the 1950's - during the heated fight of the Civil Rights Movement?

That the Confederate battle flag wasn't flown on state capitals, and is even incorporated into the Mississippi state flag?
what are you a 100 years old?

So you are trying to tell me the stars and bars went out in style between 1870 till the 1960s?

Uhm ok, if you say so
After the Civil war, yes, it "went out of style." It was the flag of losers.

After a generation, the Lost Cause meme started taking hold, but even then the flag then was used more for reunions and memorials to the soldiers.

The United Daughters of the Confederacy, founded in 1894, who helped shape that Lost Cause revision, still revered it -- but in somber tones

"Around the turn of the century, the sombre Lost Cause tradition became more of a celebration, and the flag's role in it increased. But the emblem was still restricted to Confederate commemorations and veterans' parades. The guardians of the Confederate tradition saw their flag as a sacred tribute to the Confederate dead, and thus they kept it out of popular culture and the political arena. With the advent of the 1940s, however..."

The troubled resurgence of the Confederate flag - ProQuest

It was when the men came home from WWII and the Civil Rights movement came about that Battle Flag came out in full force -- and it's purpose was one of invoking White Supremacy and intimidation. The KKK used it pretty widely as well then...
There is no excuse for the way white trash abuse it.

Tasteful display when appropriate and on private property is another thing from flag snot rags, welding hats, bug catchers, etc.

That shit utterly disgusts me.
You are under the mistaken assumption that you are important here. You are not. You are a disgusting racist and a fake marine. Where I go, what I do, where I work, that is all my business, not yours.

See how that works, fake marine?

C'mon fake german pervert....tell everybody why you're in germany!
so you want to dig up bones of slaves yet ignore the catacombs? You are as stupid as Obama
The Southerns are the ones holding on to the bones of the White Supremacist Confederates, bub.
Watching to much Dukes of hazard reruns, Me thinks pal

Hey I got an Ideal, send me a private text and I will personally send you a bus ticket and show you around greenville, South Carolina
I've never watched one episode of that stupid show.

Are you trying to make a case the Confederate flag is not bandied about in the South?

That it wasn't rejuvenated in the 1950's - during the heated fight of the Civil Rights Movement?

That the Confederate battle flag wasn't flown on state capitals, and is even incorporated into the Mississippi state flag?
what are you a 100 years old?

So you are trying to tell me the stars and bars went out in style between 1870 till the 1960s?

Uhm ok, if you say so
After the Civil war, yes, it "went out of style." It was the flag of losers.

After a generation, the Lost Cause meme started taking hold, but even then the flag then was used more for reunions and memorials to the soldiers.

The United Daughters of the Confederacy, founded in 1894, who helped shape that Lost Cause revision, still revered it -- but in somber tones

"Around the turn of the century, the sombre Lost Cause tradition became more of a celebration, and the flag's role in it increased. But the emblem was still restricted to Confederate commemorations and veterans' parades. The guardians of the Confederate tradition saw their flag as a sacred tribute to the Confederate dead, and thus they kept it out of popular culture and the political arena. With the advent of the 1940s, however..."

The troubled resurgence of the Confederate flag - ProQuest

It was when the men came home from WWII and the Civil Rights movement came about that Battle Flag came out in full force -- and it's purpose was one of invoking White Supremacy and intimidation. The KKK used it pretty widely as well then...
Nothing says....I am fighting to enslave blacks better than the rebel flag
‘The wrong side of history': Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states

There is hope for the U.S. yet. In the wake of the election of the first black president, we witnessed the awakening go the sleeping bigoted giant - calling itself the Tea Party.

It's time to shame these ugly fat stupid people back into their hateful little caves.

Artists and activists around a purported 13 Southern states followed through on a plan to burn and bury the Confederate flag on Monday, WTVM-TV reported.

“If you don’t see the hate that comes along with it, that has come along with it, if you don’t see the racism behind what has been founded with the usage of it, then you’re ignoring it,” said Terone Allen, who organized a ceremony in Atlanta as part of an exhibit by Sarasota-based artist John Sims.

Artists taking part in the various events shared “eulogies” they composed for the flag before burying it.

“You decided to fight for the wrong side of history,” said a speaker at the Atlanta ceremony, Egypt Robinson X.


and no one got their head cut off
Nothing says....I am fighting to enslave blacks better than the rebel flag

Why pretend you're not terrified of blacks like every other prog? When a black person is friendly to you, your response is more relief than further just hope you can say something they think is hip instead of something that might get your ass beat.
perhaps you shouldn't be calling anyone else hateful.
As usual, you aren't paying attention.

Seeing that jillian always enters a thread late when a lieftie gets in trouble, it's safe to say jillian is just one of their sock accounts.

stop projecting nutbar.

i just get amused when people as ugly as you say nasty things to others.

Thou doth protest too much

You've been here since 2006, and you have 5x times as many posts as I do, and yet I've never seen you start a thread in the 2+ years I've been here.

You're a sock for someone or perhaps even a team-of-someones. You're often online when hazlnut is online, you post with the same diction, punctuation idiosyncrasies, strategy and worldview as hazlnut, and you appear in nearly every hazlnut thread.

Seeing that halznut joined in 2012, you probably got banned on hazlnut's former main account, and you retained this sock since 2006.

that's funny, idiota. I've been here since 2006 and used to be a mod.

now run along

and that proves what?

Thats a fake picture you know?

Notice how they cropped out the White Union Officer?


Whoever cropped out that white officer was wrong to do so.

BUt the presence of a white officer does not disprove or really affect Sunni's point at all.

Those blacks served in the Confederate forces. A quick look at wikepeida doesn't make it clear whether they saw actual combat, but they certainly served.

So what?

What does that have to do with today and how African Americans feel about that flag today?

Just because some bigots still want slavery in the south doesn't mean that everyone believes that, much less African Americans.

Why not debate the subject instead of trying to change the subject?

The vast majority of the people in America see that flag as a vile symbol of slavery and all that came with it.

You can't dispute that fact so you're trying to change the subject.

Which is something only a coward does.

As recently as the 80s the vast majority of Americans saw it as a harmless symbol of regional pride, as evidenced by the nation wide success of the Dukes Of Hazzard.

Haven't seen any recent polls, but that would be more a measure of lefty media propaganda than any legacy of the War.
The significance of artist being the ones burning that flag is lost on the posters defending that flag. When artist jump into making protest art for a cause it means the actions they use may become trend setting and acceptable.

Dude. We are well aware of the propaganda purposes of flag burning.
The Southerns are the ones holding on to the bones of the White Supremacist Confederates, bub.
Watching to much Dukes of hazard reruns, Me thinks pal

Hey I got an Ideal, send me a private text and I will personally send you a bus ticket and show you around greenville, South Carolina
I've never watched one episode of that stupid show.

Are you trying to make a case the Confederate flag is not bandied about in the South?

That it wasn't rejuvenated in the 1950's - during the heated fight of the Civil Rights Movement?

That the Confederate battle flag wasn't flown on state capitals, and is even incorporated into the Mississippi state flag?
what are you a 100 years old?

So you are trying to tell me the stars and bars went out in style between 1870 till the 1960s?

Uhm ok, if you say so
After the Civil war, yes, it "went out of style." It was the flag of losers.

After a generation, the Lost Cause meme started taking hold, but even then the flag then was used more for reunions and memorials to the soldiers.

The United Daughters of the Confederacy, founded in 1894, who helped shape that Lost Cause revision, still revered it -- but in somber tones

"Around the turn of the century, the sombre Lost Cause tradition became more of a celebration, and the flag's role in it increased. But the emblem was still restricted to Confederate commemorations and veterans' parades. The guardians of the Confederate tradition saw their flag as a sacred tribute to the Confederate dead, and thus they kept it out of popular culture and the political arena. With the advent of the 1940s, however..."

The troubled resurgence of the Confederate flag - ProQuest

It was when the men came home from WWII and the Civil Rights movement came about that Battle Flag came out in full force -- and it's purpose was one of invoking White Supremacy and intimidation. The KKK used it pretty widely as well then...
Nothing says....I am fighting to enslave blacks better than the rebel flag

That hasn't been true. Ever.

Even during the war, most of the confederate soldiers were fighting to protect their homes.

Since then, for generations the flag has been seen as a harmless symbol of regional pride, as evidenced by the nationwide success of The Dukes of Hazzard.
The significance of artist being the ones burning that flag is lost on the posters defending that flag. When artist jump into making protest art for a cause it means the actions they use may become trend setting and acceptable.

Dude. We are well aware of the propaganda purposes of flag burning.
Actually, you are speaking for yourself and show a lack of understanding. Others have shown they understand the meaning of turning a simple protest or demonstration into a pop culture event or presenting propaganda with an abstract conveyance.

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