Artists hold Confederate flag burnings in 13 Southern states

Nothing says....I am fighting to enslave blacks better than the rebel flag

Why pretend you're not terrified of blacks like every other prog? When a black person is friendly to you, your response is more relief than further just hope you can say something they think is hip instead of something that might get your ass beat.

Rebel flag is a flag of hate

That is why conservatives love it
Watching to much Dukes of hazard reruns, Me thinks pal

Hey I got an Ideal, send me a private text and I will personally send you a bus ticket and show you around greenville, South Carolina
I've never watched one episode of that stupid show.

Are you trying to make a case the Confederate flag is not bandied about in the South?

That it wasn't rejuvenated in the 1950's - during the heated fight of the Civil Rights Movement?

That the Confederate battle flag wasn't flown on state capitals, and is even incorporated into the Mississippi state flag?
what are you a 100 years old?

So you are trying to tell me the stars and bars went out in style between 1870 till the 1960s?

Uhm ok, if you say so
After the Civil war, yes, it "went out of style." It was the flag of losers.

After a generation, the Lost Cause meme started taking hold, but even then the flag then was used more for reunions and memorials to the soldiers.

The United Daughters of the Confederacy, founded in 1894, who helped shape that Lost Cause revision, still revered it -- but in somber tones

"Around the turn of the century, the sombre Lost Cause tradition became more of a celebration, and the flag's role in it increased. But the emblem was still restricted to Confederate commemorations and veterans' parades. The guardians of the Confederate tradition saw their flag as a sacred tribute to the Confederate dead, and thus they kept it out of popular culture and the political arena. With the advent of the 1940s, however..."

The troubled resurgence of the Confederate flag - ProQuest

It was when the men came home from WWII and the Civil Rights movement came about that Battle Flag came out in full force -- and it's purpose was one of invoking White Supremacy and intimidation. The KKK used it pretty widely as well then...
Nothing says....I am fighting to enslave blacks better than the rebel flag

That hasn't been true. Ever.

Even during the war, most of the confederate soldiers were fighting to protect their homes.

Since then, for generations the flag has been seen as a harmless symbol of regional pride, as evidenced by the nationwide success of The Dukes of Hazzard.

The confederacy was formed to ensure the preservation of slavery

That most of those fighting for dear old Alabamy didn't realize that doesn't change things

As it is, it took over a hundred years to get them to abandon Jim best thing to slavery
The significance of artist being the ones burning that flag is lost on the posters defending that flag. When artist jump into making protest art for a cause it means the actions they use may become trend setting and acceptable.

Dude. We are well aware of the propaganda purposes of flag burning.
Actually, you are speaking for yourself and show a lack of understanding. Others have shown they understand the meaning of turning a simple protest or demonstration into a pop culture event or presenting propaganda with an abstract conveyance.

"Pop culture event" my ass.

Sure, they want it to become "acceptable". It serves the agenda for debasing a symbol of regional Southern Pride to become acceptable.
Rebel flag is a flag of hate

That is why conservatives love it

You ever been down in Dixie? It's got nothing to do with "hate"...Indiana is and always was more hateful than Mississippi. Stars and Bars is about a lifestyle not has nothing to do with slavery and everything about what Yankee carpetbaggers did there after the war in the name of "reconstruction". I'm a product of a Texas chemist and a Michigan school teacher so naturally I'm inclined to be neutral on the Civil War....a war that was more about different cultures than the plight of the field hand.
Nothing says....I am fighting to enslave blacks better than the rebel flag

Why pretend you're not terrified of blacks like every other prog? When a black person is friendly to you, your response is more relief than further just hope you can say something they think is hip instead of something that might get your ass beat.

Rebel flag is a flag of hate

That is why conservatives love it

The Rebel Flag has been a harmless symbol of regional Southern Pride for over 100 years.
Nothing says....I am fighting to enslave blacks better than the rebel flag

Why pretend you're not terrified of blacks like every other prog? When a black person is friendly to you, your response is more relief than further just hope you can say something they think is hip instead of something that might get your ass beat.

Rebel flag is a flag of hate

That is why conservatives love it

The Rebel Flag has been a harmless symbol of regional Southern Pride for over 100 years.
Well somebody should have told that to the KKK when they used it for a symbol. Today it holds the fame it obtained while being displayed by the Klan.
I've never watched one episode of that stupid show.

Are you trying to make a case the Confederate flag is not bandied about in the South?

That it wasn't rejuvenated in the 1950's - during the heated fight of the Civil Rights Movement?

That the Confederate battle flag wasn't flown on state capitals, and is even incorporated into the Mississippi state flag?
what are you a 100 years old?

So you are trying to tell me the stars and bars went out in style between 1870 till the 1960s?

Uhm ok, if you say so
After the Civil war, yes, it "went out of style." It was the flag of losers.

After a generation, the Lost Cause meme started taking hold, but even then the flag then was used more for reunions and memorials to the soldiers.

The United Daughters of the Confederacy, founded in 1894, who helped shape that Lost Cause revision, still revered it -- but in somber tones

"Around the turn of the century, the sombre Lost Cause tradition became more of a celebration, and the flag's role in it increased. But the emblem was still restricted to Confederate commemorations and veterans' parades. The guardians of the Confederate tradition saw their flag as a sacred tribute to the Confederate dead, and thus they kept it out of popular culture and the political arena. With the advent of the 1940s, however..."

The troubled resurgence of the Confederate flag - ProQuest

It was when the men came home from WWII and the Civil Rights movement came about that Battle Flag came out in full force -- and it's purpose was one of invoking White Supremacy and intimidation. The KKK used it pretty widely as well then...
Nothing says....I am fighting to enslave blacks better than the rebel flag

That hasn't been true. Ever.

Even during the war, most of the confederate soldiers were fighting to protect their homes.

Since then, for generations the flag has been seen as a harmless symbol of regional pride, as evidenced by the nationwide success of The Dukes of Hazzard.

The confederacy was formed to ensure the preservation of slavery

That most of those fighting for dear old Alabamy didn't realize that doesn't change things

As it is, it took over a hundred years to get them to abandon Jim best thing to slavery

The Confederacy was formed to protect and advance Southern Interests, the big ones, from the perspective of the SOuthern Elite which was tied up in slavery.

"Didn't realize"?

THat is an odd assumption.

It is extremely unlikely that a solider of the Confederacy would be unaware that slavery was the primary source of the conflict between the North and the South.

But just because the majority of confederate soldiers did not have a personal stake in slavery did not mean they were not loyal to their various States or to the confederacy of those states, or did not have a vested interest in their homes not being invaded and conquered.

Hence, as I said, your claim that flying the Confederate Battle Flag means "I am fighting to enslave blacks better than the rebel flag" is not only wrong, it has never been right.
Nothing says....I am fighting to enslave blacks better than the rebel flag

Why pretend you're not terrified of blacks like every other prog? When a black person is friendly to you, your response is more relief than further just hope you can say something they think is hip instead of something that might get your ass beat.

Rebel flag is a flag of hate

That is why conservatives love it

The Rebel Flag has been a harmless symbol of regional Southern Pride for over 100 years.
Well somebody should have told that to the KKK when they used it for a symbol. Today it holds the fame it obtained while being displayed by the Klan.

They knew that. THat's why they used it, to try to scam some of that symbolism for themselves. The same reason they so often fly the American Flag.

ANd no. The majority of Americans know it to be a harmless symbol of Regional SOuthern Pride.

Or at least they did as recently as the 80s when the Dukes of Hazzard was a nation wide hit TV show, despite the Stars of the show, "a couple of Good Ole BOys who never meant any harm" proudly displaying a large Confederate Battle Flag painted on the top of their famous car, The General Lee.

War's over lib. Stop trying to reopen old wounds.
Rebel flag is a flag of hate

That is why conservatives love it

You ever been down in Dixie? It's got nothing to do with "hate"...Indiana is and always was more hateful than Mississippi. Stars and Bars is about a lifestyle not has nothing to do with slavery and everything about what Yankee carpetbaggers did there after the war in the name of "reconstruction". I'm a product of a Texas chemist and a Michigan school teacher so naturally I'm inclined to be neutral on the Civil War....a war that was more about different cultures than the plight of the field hand.
Bull shit

It is a flag of hate. It did not become a symbol of "southern pride" until the Civil Rights era took hold. Then it became a symbol to keep blacks in their place
Nothing says....I am fighting to enslave blacks better than the rebel flag

Why pretend you're not terrified of blacks like every other prog? When a black person is friendly to you, your response is more relief than further just hope you can say something they think is hip instead of something that might get your ass beat.

Rebel flag is a flag of hate

That is why conservatives love it

The Rebel Flag has been a harmless symbol of regional Southern Pride for over 100 years.

Was it "harmless" when the KKK marched to it while they were burning a cross on a black families lawn?

Was it "harmless" when the KKK marched to it while they were burning a cross on a black families lawn?

Was it "harmless" when you prog motherfuckers burned the American Flag during the Iraq War and Vietnam before that? Flags mean something different to every person and are used to credit and discredit the enemy of choice.
Nothing says....I am fighting to enslave blacks better than the rebel flag

Why pretend you're not terrified of blacks like every other prog? When a black person is friendly to you, your response is more relief than further just hope you can say something they think is hip instead of something that might get your ass beat.

Rebel flag is a flag of hate

That is why conservatives love it

The Rebel Flag has been a harmless symbol of regional Southern Pride for over 100 years.

Was it "harmless" when the KKK marched to it while they were burning a cross on a black families lawn?

As harmless as the American flags they flew or the white sheets they wore.

The KKK might have used Confederate flags, American flags, and white sheets.

THey did not, and have not defined any of those, as much as they might have wanted to.

As demonstrated by the nationwide success of the Dukes of Hazzard decades later despite the positive presentation of the Confederate Battle Flag and to Gen Lee.
It is extremely unlikely that a solider of the Confederacy would be unaware that slavery was the primary source of the conflict between the North and the South.

Yes, yes.

The war of Northern Aggression, excuse me, the "civil war" was, according to disinformation agents , one pitting good versus evil.

One must ignore historical facts in order to paint Ape Lincoln as a Saint.


"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views."

Nothing says....I am fighting to enslave blacks better than the rebel flag

Why pretend you're not terrified of blacks like every other prog? When a black person is friendly to you, your response is more relief than further just hope you can say something they think is hip instead of something that might get your ass beat.

Rebel flag is a flag of hate

That is why conservatives love it

The Rebel Flag has been a harmless symbol of regional Southern Pride for over 100 years.
Well somebody should have told that to the KKK when they used it for a symbol. Today it holds the fame it obtained while being displayed by the Klan.

They knew that. THat's why they used it, to try to scam some of that symbolism for themselves. The same reason they so often fly the American Flag.

ANd no. The majority of Americans know it to be a harmless symbol of Regional SOuthern Pride.

Or at least they did as recently as the 80s when the Dukes of Hazzard was a nation wide hit TV show, despite the Stars of the show, "a couple of Good Ole BOys who never meant any harm" proudly displaying a large Confederate Battle Flag painted on the top of their famous car, The General Lee.

War's over lib. Stop trying to reopen old wounds.
I'm not the one burning flags you idiot. I was merely commenting about the meaning and potential effects it might have if it becomes a trend of fad. You are the one being all political, sensitive and opening wounds. STFU if you can't handle the discussion. Go away or deal with it for what it is.
Why pretend you're not terrified of blacks like every other prog? When a black person is friendly to you, your response is more relief than further just hope you can say something they think is hip instead of something that might get your ass beat.

Rebel flag is a flag of hate

That is why conservatives love it

The Rebel Flag has been a harmless symbol of regional Southern Pride for over 100 years.
Well somebody should have told that to the KKK when they used it for a symbol. Today it holds the fame it obtained while being displayed by the Klan.

They knew that. THat's why they used it, to try to scam some of that symbolism for themselves. The same reason they so often fly the American Flag.

ANd no. The majority of Americans know it to be a harmless symbol of Regional SOuthern Pride.

Or at least they did as recently as the 80s when the Dukes of Hazzard was a nation wide hit TV show, despite the Stars of the show, "a couple of Good Ole BOys who never meant any harm" proudly displaying a large Confederate Battle Flag painted on the top of their famous car, The General Lee.

War's over lib. Stop trying to reopen old wounds.
I'm not the one burning flags you idiot. I was merely commenting about the meaning and potential effects it might have if it becomes a trend of fad. You are the one being all political, sensitive and opening wounds. STFU if you can't handle the discussion. Go away or deal with it for what it is.

I am political. THis is a political discussion forum.

THe purpose of buring the flags was political.

If you can't handle that, perhaps you should be the one not here.

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