As 2020 begins.....................

What a shit show this is turning out to be. There will be a next thing and a next thing and a next thing and a next thing. All these attacks against accountable government is the only thing that is consistent about this disaster of an administration.
Get some popcorn. I usually have some beer. Watch the Shit-Show Live 24/7.
Not enough of a masochist to subject myself to all that. Not enough of a sadist to enjoy watching the world burn. I miss the good old days before Trump when there used to be slow news days.

I lived through the Kennedy assassination, the Vietnam war days with anti war and race riots in the streets, Jimmy getting nothing done, Nixon's Watergate, Ford's pardoning, Ronnie's Godless Russian speeches, Iran Contra, George Bush's pardoning the Iran Contra people, Gulf War 1, Prosperity and balance budget of Clinton the Republicans, 9/11 and the start of endless middle east wars by Bush and his tanking the economy on the way out, Barry's paying off the banks, slow recovery and ACA fights, and now we have this idiot. What good old days are you are you talking about. We had a nice Buick, big as a tank back in the late 50's. Those good old days?

Watch the show. Vote your conscience, not your wallet. Share your opinions. Take care of the people you care about. Pass the popcorn.
This goes on the assumption Iran ever was abding by them Iran, like North Korea and China have a history of making deals and breaking them. If Iraq wants all U.S. forces removed from the country so be it let the Iraqi's who want Iran to have influence in the country and those who don't battle it out.
What a shit show this is turning out to be. There will be a next thing and a next thing and a next thing and a next thing. All these attacks against accountable government is the only thing that is consistent about this disaster of an administration.
Get some popcorn. I usually have some beer. Watch the Shit-Show Live 24/7.
Not enough of a masochist to subject myself to all that. Not enough of a sadist to enjoy watching the world burn. I miss the good old days before Trump when there used to be slow news days.

I lived through the Kennedy assassination, the Vietnam war days with anti war and race riots in the streets, Jimmy getting nothing done, Nixon's Watergate, Ford's pardoning, Ronnie's Godless Russian speeches, Iran Contra, George Bush's pardoning the Iran Contra people, Gulf War 1, Prosperity and balance budget of Clinton the Republicans, 9/11 and the start of endless middle east wars by Bush and his tanking the economy on the way out, Barry's paying off the banks, slow recovery and ACA fights, and now we have this idiot. What good old days are you are you talking about. We had a nice Buick, big as a tank back in the late 50's. Those good old days?
I was being sarcastic, the good old days were never that good.
Trump is still miles ahead of giving Iran ~$150b in sanctions relief and cash to use to develop nukes and spread terrorism around the world.
Here's the thing about that. Our own State Dept. said they were in compliance with the nuclear agreement............meaning they were not developing nuclear arms.

But they are now.
Trump is still miles ahead of giving Iran ~$150b in sanctions relief and cash to use to develop nukes and spread terrorism around the world.
Here's the thing about that. Our own State Dept. said they were in compliance with the nuclear agreement............meaning they were not developing nuclear arms.

But they are now.

You said "Our own State Department." What you meant was "Obama's own State Department", which I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw my own house.

Didn't the House impeachment inquiry teach you anything about the caliber of liars that worked in Obama's State Department, or were you not paying attention?
Iran will no longer abide by uranium enrichment limits under 2015 nuclear deal
Iran will no longer abide by uranium enrichment limits under 2015 nuclear deal
Iraqi parliament calls for US troops to be expelled —coalition suspends operations against ISIS
Iraqi parliament calls for US troops to be expelled —coalition suspends operations against ISIS
'Devastating blow': Schumer says newly revealed emails show why Senate GOP needs to allow impeachment witnesses
'Devastating blow': Schumer says newly revealed emails show why Senate GOP needs to allow impeachment witnesses
New evidence for impeachment keeps turning up. That’s why we need witnesses.
Federal Budget Deficit Tops $1 Trillion—With No End In Sight
Federal Budget Deficit Tops $1 Trillion—With No End In Sight
The US Climate Change Report Trump Didn’t Want You to Know About
The US Climate Change Report Trump Didn’t Want You to Know About
Trump's presidency: broken promises and a divided America
Trump's presidency: broken promises and a divided America | Opinion

Critical government agencies like the State Dept. have been gutted. After a relentless barrage of attacks morale at US intel agencies, who the Nitwit-in-Chief has disparaged in unprecedented fashion, is extremely low. International alliances have been frayed. Mitch McTreason refuses to even consider passage of over 400 bills passed by the House. Normal communications between the public and the WH have been suspended. Right wing media outlets have become propaganda arms of the sitting government. There is overwhelming evidence of Trump's guilt regarding matters he is being impeached for. He has recklessly added to an already chaotic situation in the ME. Senate Repubs have abdicated their responsibility to the country in favor of protecting a fraudulent criminal. And on and on.

The evidence of Baby Donald's intellectual and temperamental unfitness to be prez has never been more obvious. Worse still, he has surrounded himself with sycophants and cowed yes men incapable of or unwilling to keep Don from indulging in impulsive idiocy on a broad range of issues. All around us there is chaos. It's becoming increasingly apparent the chaos is by design. A minority of Americans gave immense power to a petulant fool lacking the capacity, in any respect, to meet the challenge of his office. Yet they refuse to admit their mistake. So...........Happy New Year.

Amazing how reddit and twitter exist in this board all in in one thread!
Trump is still miles ahead of giving Iran ~$150b in sanctions relief and cash to use to develop nukes and spread terrorism around the world.
Here's the thing about that. Our own State Dept. said they were in compliance with the nuclear agreement............meaning they were not developing nuclear arms.

But they are now.

The JCPOA "deal" did not prevent Iran from developing nukes, it just put a 10-year delay on them. We're in year 4 now, so at most Iran was supposed to wait 6 more years and they got out of all sanctions. Trump didn't like that stupid deal. Please see this recent article. Iran can choose to develop nukes, but then they will be sanctioned severely. I prefer a permanent ban on nukes and ICMS for the lead terrorist state in the world. We'll see if Trump can contain their nuclear ambitions.
Here's what's in the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran that the country withdrew from amid heightened tensions with the US
You said "Our own State Department." What you meant was "Obama's own State Department", which I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw my own house.
Tillerson urging Trump to certify Iran's compliance with nuclear deal: report
Tillerson urging Trump to certify Iran's compliance with nuclear deal: report

State Department Certifies Iran's Compliance With Nuclear Deal
State Department Certifies Iran's Compliance With Nuclear Deal

Don't you folks ever get tired of being wrong about everything?

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