As a Christian, do you believe.....

1. You HAVE to be baptized to go to Heaven?
2. Before time, God already decided (chose) you to either go to Heaven or Hell?
3. That you will never regularly willingly sin if you are a TRUE Christian?

I'll answer your questions, but I have a few of my own.

1. No.
2. No.
3. No.

Now here are my questions for YOU:

1. Are you a TRUE christian if you get drunk and tell a man on the internet that you want to lick his butthole and flirt with men online even though you are married?

2. If nobody can "know" God, how do you presume to dictate to others YOUR beliefs on what YOU think He thinks?

I know this wasn't directed at me, but I just HAVE to chime in. I can't contain myself. :lol:

1) I have to say I have never desired to lick another guy's ass...and honestly I can't see a scenario where I would be interested in that...and I am a pretty sexually open minded guy too. What you are referring to though is what society would consider "sexual deviancy". SIGH.......I don't know. As long as it is done from a place of love I am pretty permissive about people's proclivities. I don't know if God approves...I don't presume to speak for God. I have to put things trough the lenses of my personal human experience and all I can say is...that homosexual ass licking is probably not connected to the degree to which you love God.

2) Well you are calling Bonzi out with this question. Actually I agree with you that no one knows what He thinks know Bonzi is my sis know....... ;) Be gentle
Bonzi fooled me. I thought a new fun SANE person joined. I liked her. But I kept my guard up anyway. Seeing her bullshit after some time, I was quite disappointed, and disgusted.

There is nothing more I hate..yes HATE..than for some schmuck to pretend to be Christian yet vomit foulness then blame it "on the wine". The blame lays with the one that sucked it down. Truth comes out when one is drunk. I know. Been around them all my life..drunk AND sober. Drunk....they say what they really feel.

So now...whenever I happend across your sister blathering away, all I see is a jester avie asking a complete stranger to join her in a 3 way and can she lick their buttholes while dragging her bible around thumping people with it. And another reason I got disappointed in her is because she claims animals do not have souls. Its fine if she thinks that, but she states as FACT that an animal is just an animal to God. Um..GOD made those animals. They live. They breathe. They love. When I look into my dogs eyes, I see a soul. Add that to the licking a butthole, being married, and then spouting bible get one pissed off old lady. Me.
Sorry BluePhantom. I like you. But I don't much care for your sister.
Bonzi fooled me. I thought a new fun SANE person joined. I liked her. But I kept my guard up anyway. Seeing her bullshit after some time, I was quite disappointed, and disgusted.

There is nothing more I hate..yes HATE..than for some schmuck to pretend to be Christian yet vomit foulness then blame it "on the wine". The blame lays with the one that sucked it down. Truth comes out when one is drunk. I know. Been around them all my life..drunk AND sober. Drunk....they say what they really feel.

So now...whenever I happend across your sister blathering away, all I see is a jester avie asking a complete stranger to join her in a 3 way and can she lick their buttholes while dragging her bible around thumping people with it. And another reason I got disappointed in her is because she claims animals do not have souls. Its fine if she thinks that, but she states as FACT that an animal is just an animal to God. Um..GOD made those animals. They live. They breathe. They love. When I look into my dogs eyes, I see a soul. Add that to the licking a butthole, being married, and then spouting bible get one pissed off old lady. Me.

WOW!! Well damn! :lol: Well you apparently know a lot more about Bonzi's personal inclinations than I do. But I would ask...who cares? It's not your soul to worry about. Furthermore, I guess Bonzi likes threesomes (at least according to you)...well...who DOESN'T? :lol: Feels good with one partner...simple math says it will feel better with two. And I will confess I do have some experience in this particular topic of discussion. :lmao: But you know...shit...I don't know if God has a problem with that or not. As I said, I don't presume to speak for God. I can only make my own determinations and apply them only to me. Bonzi's path is hers to walk and hers to walk alone.

But here is what I DO know. Scripture says it is not our place to judge. It's between her and God. Let the Lord make the determination and lets you and I just worry about our own salvation.
I don't know shit about Bonzi, nor want to now. I saw enough while she was blaming the wine for her filthy mouth.

And you are right. It is between her and God. However, her "preaching" is hypocritical, and I addressed it.
Furthermore, I guess Bonzi likes threesomes (at least according to you)...well...who DOESN'T? :lol: Feels good with one partner...simple math says it will feel better with two. And I will confess I do have some experience in this particular topic of discussion.'s ok for a of preach about morals, ethics, read from the bible, give his or her interpretation of a passage, collect money while preaching....and have kinky sex with multiple people of either sex?
Ok wait...BluePhantom is a pastor? Sounds like Gracie just ordained him. Hmmm...Well shazam! Bring that man a collar and call him Father!! Gaaaallleeee
Ok wait...BluePhantom is a pastor? Sounds like Gracie just ordained him. Hmmm...Well shazam! Bring that man a collar and call him Father!! Gaaaallleeee
No. I just asked if he thought it ok for a pastor did those things and still be considered a pastor and a man of God.

But....Father BluePhantom does have a ring to it.
Ok wait...BluePhantom is a pastor? Sounds like Gracie just ordained him. Hmmm...Well shazam! Bring that man a collar and call him Father!! Gaaaallleeee
No. I just asked if he thought it ok for a pastor did those things and still be considered a pastor and a man of God.

But....Father BluePhantom does have a ring to it.
Weeeelll now. That there is a whole romance novel fantasy come to life isn't it?
Bonzi fooled me. I thought a new fun SANE person joined. I liked her. But I kept my guard up anyway. Seeing her bullshit after some time, I was quite disappointed, and disgusted.

There is nothing more I hate..yes HATE..than for some schmuck to pretend to be Christian yet vomit foulness then blame it "on the wine". The blame lays with the one that sucked it down. Truth comes out when one is drunk. I know. Been around them all my life..drunk AND sober. Drunk....they say what they really feel.

So now...whenever I happend across your sister blathering away, all I see is a jester avie asking a complete stranger to join her in a 3 way and can she lick their buttholes while dragging her bible around thumping people with it. And another reason I got disappointed in her is because she claims animals do not have souls. Its fine if she thinks that, but she states as FACT that an animal is just an animal to God. Um..GOD made those animals. They live. They breathe. They love. When I look into my dogs eyes, I see a soul. Add that to the licking a butthole, being married, and then spouting bible get one pissed off old lady. Me.
I agree that truth is spouted more often when someone is deep in the cups. Thanks ever SOOO much for sharing someone else's sexual fantasy. I bet if you knew what everyone thought for even 5 minutes you would look like Phyllis Diller in shock. Furthermore the bible is silent about the afterlife of animals. I hope I do see my beloved pets that have died,that being said I will say this...if your dog has a soul and you don't judge him/her for licking his/her own butthole or sniffing another dog's butt then why are you judging someone else for it?
We have this cat. He has taken to licking our other cat's behind. She is overweight and cant clean herself. To top it off, the other cat is his mother. Sooo..if cats have souls will he be judged a salad eater and incestual butt munch and pay a consequence or will God just say "Eh...he has already had worms twice from being a dingle nose, that's punishment enough"?
1. You HAVE to be baptized to go to Heaven?
2. Before time, God already decided (chose) you to either go to Heaven or Hell?
3. That you will never regularly willingly sin if you are a TRUE Christian?

Any beliefs/opinions on one or all 3 of the above?

#3. most sins are willful before AND after you are saved. I have sinned willfully thousands of times since being saved in 1997.
Jesus died once for all for all my sins. At the Cross ALL my sins were still yet future and He KNEW exactly how many times I would sin after getting saved to either rapture or death.
1. You HAVE to be baptized to go to Heaven?
2. Before time, God already decided (chose) you to either go to Heaven or Hell?
3. That you will never regularly willingly sin if you are a TRUE Christian?

Any beliefs/opinions on one or all 3 of the above?

#3. most sins are willful before AND after you are saved. I have sinned willfully thousands of times since being saved in 1997.
Jesus died once for all for all my sins. At the Cross ALL my sins were still yet future and He KNEW exactly how many times I would sin after getting saved to either rapture or death.

Do you think you will sin LESS after you are saved?
Do you think you need to TRY to sin less?
1. You HAVE to be baptized to go to Heaven?
2. Before time, God already decided (chose) you to either go to Heaven or Hell?
3. That you will never regularly willingly sin if you are a TRUE Christian?

I'll answer your questions, but I have a few of my own.

1. No.
2. No.
3. No.

Now here are my questions for YOU:

1. Are you a TRUE christian if you get drunk and tell a man on the internet that you want to lick his butthole and flirt with men online even though you are married?

2. If nobody can "know" God, how do you presume to dictate to others YOUR beliefs on what YOU think He thinks?

1. That's not something a Christian SHOULD do, no, because we are supposed to be here as the salt and light, to glorify God. That is definitely not glorifying to God. I had said that previously (I believe...). I think it is wrong and gross like you do, but got carried away being silly.......... even so, still wrong.

2. I don't dictate to anyone. I share what I believe. God reveals Himself through prayer and the Bible. But there will always be mysteries of God we won't know on this Earth.
Ok wait...BluePhantom is a pastor? Sounds like Gracie just ordained him. Hmmm...Well shazam! Bring that man a collar and call him Father!! Gaaaallleeee
No. I just asked if he thought it ok for a pastor did those things and still be considered a pastor and a man of God.

But....Father BluePhantom does have a ring to it.

Bonzi isn't a pastor that I am aware of. I would say that if one chooses to be a pastor they are setting themselves up as an example so they would be expected to conduct themselves in a far more moral manner. However, I think that "morality" is a definition that we as a society make. I am not sure God has much to do with that. So even if a pastor did such things, he would likely be chastised by society, but I am not sure God would be too terribly concerned about it. But I don't know for sure as I am not God and He hasn't shared His opinion on that with me. :lol:

Regardless, Bonzi isn't a pastor so the whole thing doesn't apply to her. I don't know if what you are saying is true of not, and frankly it's none of anyone's business. So she got liquored up one night and let out a little too much information (at least according to you). Well shit...none of us have ever done that, right? ;) We are imperfect creatures and, as I said before, "we all have our things".
1. You HAVE to be baptized to go to Heaven?
2. Before time, God already decided (chose) you to either go to Heaven or Hell?
3. That you will never regularly willingly sin if you are a TRUE Christian?

Any beliefs/opinions on one or all 3 of the above?

#3. most sins are willful before AND after you are saved. I have sinned willfully thousands of times since being saved in 1997.
Jesus died once for all for all my sins. At the Cross ALL my sins were still yet future and He KNEW exactly how many times I would sin after getting saved to either rapture or death.

Do you think you will sin LESS after you are saved?
Do you think you need to TRY to sin less?

yes to both..... slowly in most cases, in some cases right away. Sanctification is a lifelong process.
1. That's not something a Christian SHOULD do, no, because we are supposed to be here as the salt and light, to glorify God. That is definitely not glorifying to God. I had said that previously (I believe...). I think it is wrong and gross like you do, but got carried away being silly.......... even so, still wrong.
Thank you. That is what I have been waiting to see.

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