As a registered Republican I am disgusted by some of my brethren here.

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Look at you.
Whining constantly about Obama.

He farts and you clowns whine about it. You call him names and call names to people who defend him. You don't debate the substance of what Obama or they say, you merely insult them without answering their complaints or concerns.
Is that what Americans want? Obnoxious jerks who blame everyone else for everything but they themselves are not responsible for their actions? No...they don't want WHINERS...they want WINNERS.

I ask myself this question often.
What have we done for the American people lately and why should they vote for us ?

We deregulated the financial system into a casino then made everyone pay to bail it out.
Did we ever ADMIT we did it? No. Do YOU trust people who make mistakes but don't admit to them?
We cut taxes on the rich, while cutting social services on people who need it the most....children and the elderly.
We REFUSE to look at the NUMBERS on socialized medicine. Half the cost....better care. The rest of the world isn't rushing to embrace our system...why ? If our system was inherently better, we'd have more countries following our lead...but that's not the case is it?

It's time to look at socialized medicine if it works...I've visited the Europe and they are VERY proud of their medical system. I actually heard one elderly lady in London describe the US health care system as "barbaric" having broken her ankle on vacation while here and saying she wouldn't trade systems for all the tea in India.

Time to END the favors to big oil, the NRA and Grover Nordquist. Either we adapt to the changing economic times that the vast majority of Americans are experiencing or we go extinct. Blaming Obama might get you in the worked for him using Bush....but then you have to DO SOMETHING once you're there. What have we accomplished since the teapartiers took over? NOTHING!

We either kick out the big influence peddlers in our party out or we're doomed to look more and more like bought and paid for ladies of the evening.

I want Dwight Eisenhower dammit. A republican who understood the value of social and infrastructure spending. Who knew the value of military RESTRAINT. Who knew what it was like to be an ordinary joe, struggling to get by and not the crop of nanby-panby mancaped millionaire puffballs we've got in congress and running for office now.

In short....even though I just got here, my fellow conservatives have it mostly wrong and are kinda being dicks. No one likes dicks.

As I said, you may be a Left wing plant, you may be the real thing for sure, no one here on the Right will believe you.
Look at you.
Whining constantly about Obama.

He farts and you clowns whine about it. You call him names and call names to people who defend him. You don't debate the substance of what Obama or they say, you merely insult them without answering their complaints or concerns.
Is that what Americans want? Obnoxious jerks who blame everyone else for everything but they themselves are not responsible for their actions? No...they don't want WHINERS...they want WINNERS.

I ask myself this question often.
What have we done for the American people lately and why should they vote for us ?

We deregulated the financial system into a casino then made everyone pay to bail it out.
Did we ever ADMIT we did it? No. Do YOU trust people who make mistakes but don't admit to them?
We cut taxes on the rich, while cutting social services on people who need it the most....children and the elderly.
We REFUSE to look at the NUMBERS on socialized medicine. Half the cost....better care. The rest of the world isn't rushing to embrace our system...why ? If our system was inherently better, we'd have more countries following our lead...but that's not the case is it?

It's time to look at socialized medicine if it works...I've visited the Europe and they are VERY proud of their medical system. I actually heard one elderly lady in London describe the US health care system as "barbaric" having broken her ankle on vacation while here and saying she wouldn't trade systems for all the tea in India.

Time to END the favors to big oil, the NRA and Grover Nordquist. Either we adapt to the changing economic times that the vast majority of Americans are experiencing or we go extinct. Blaming Obama might get you in the worked for him using Bush....but then you have to DO SOMETHING once you're there. What have we accomplished since the teapartiers took over? NOTHING!

We either kick out the big influence peddlers in our party out or we're doomed to look more and more like bought and paid for ladies of the evening.

I want Dwight Eisenhower dammit. A republican who understood the value of social and infrastructure spending. Who knew the value of military RESTRAINT. Who knew what it was like to be an ordinary joe, struggling to get by and not the crop of nanby-panby mancaped millionaire puffballs we've got in congress and running for office now.

In short....even though I just got here, my fellow conservatives have it mostly wrong and are kinda being dicks. No one likes dicks.

As I said, you may be a Left wing plant, you may be the real thing for sure, no one here on the Right will believe you.

Yes. You did say that. And it was fucking ridiculous the first time, too.

Of COURSE people are going to reject the claims of a creep who has exposed himself as dishonest.
Look at you.
Whining constantly about Obama.

He farts and you clowns whine about it. You call him names and call names to people who defend him. You don't debate the substance of what Obama or they say, you merely insult them without answering their complaints or concerns.
Is that what Americans want? Obnoxious jerks who blame everyone else for everything but they themselves are not responsible for their actions? No...they don't want WHINERS...they want WINNERS.

I ask myself this question often.
What have we done for the American people lately and why should they vote for us ?

We deregulated the financial system into a casino then made everyone pay to bail it out.
Did we ever ADMIT we did it? No. Do YOU trust people who make mistakes but don't admit to them?
We cut taxes on the rich, while cutting social services on people who need it the most....children and the elderly.
We REFUSE to look at the NUMBERS on socialized medicine. Half the cost....better care. The rest of the world isn't rushing to embrace our system...why ? If our system was inherently better, we'd have more countries following our lead...but that's not the case is it?

It's time to look at socialized medicine if it works...I've visited the Europe and they are VERY proud of their medical system. I actually heard one elderly lady in London describe the US health care system as "barbaric" having broken her ankle on vacation while here and saying she wouldn't trade systems for all the tea in India.

Time to END the favors to big oil, the NRA and Grover Nordquist. Either we adapt to the changing economic times that the vast majority of Americans are experiencing or we go extinct. Blaming Obama might get you in the worked for him using Bush....but then you have to DO SOMETHING once you're there. What have we accomplished since the teapartiers took over? NOTHING!

We either kick out the big influence peddlers in our party out or we're doomed to look more and more like bought and paid for ladies of the evening.

I want Dwight Eisenhower dammit. A republican who understood the value of social and infrastructure spending. Who knew the value of military RESTRAINT. Who knew what it was like to be an ordinary joe, struggling to get by and not the crop of nanby-panby mancaped millionaire puffballs we've got in congress and running for office now.

In short....even though I just got here, my fellow conservatives have it mostly wrong and are kinda being dicks. No one likes dicks.

As I said, it won't MATTER if you are a left wing plant or the real deal. You and your comments will be rejected out of hand by the Rightwing posters here.
You maybe just didn't pick up on it.

There is not a doubt in the universe that the liberal Democratics wanted The ONE to run against Mitt.

Forget Sarah Palin saying it. Even forget Rush saying it. Look at the transcript of Donna Brazile telling George Stephanopoulos. Sarah Palin & Rush Limbaugh Both Agree: Democrats Want to Run Against Romney | The Gateway Pundit

I'm telling ya.

That's not love!

That could just as easily be Brazile saying, "Please don't throw me in the briar patch".

McCain actually had what passed for love. People pretending that they were still with him on the Straight Talk Express but then they pivoted to bashing him just as soon as he had the nomination.

Huntsman had a little bit closer to "love" - admiring talk coming from people who you knew were going to vote for Obama.


It's love. They WANT the guy who is least able to articulate an argument AGAINST ObamaCare (at least with any hope of credibility) because he is tht much easier to defeat in the General Election.

Plus, facing reality -- in the event that President Obama cannot manage to get re-elected -- they'd rather have a Massachusetts liberal RINO (Dem lite) like Mitt as the President than ANY of the other GOP contenders.
Liability, I joined the Republican Party in Wyoming in 1971. In that particular state, the Republican Party is right of the Libertarians. I mean it's no spending on nothing that wasn't being spent a hundred years ago, no exceptions. Take the penny sales tax that was designed to build the library in our county, then remove it after one year. It never got removed, but the penny was used for everything under the sun after the library was paid for. Every election, when anybody ever mentioned needing anything, it was "Wait your turn for the penny sales tax." That was the best damn tax ever raised, because it put the nix on ANY tax hikes for 50 years. I have no idea what they're gonna do if that library ever burns down. The state has really low taxes on property, 4-5 cents sales tax, NO income tax, it's a tax-free heaven, except for that damn one cent sales tax. :lmao:

What I'm driving at is Republicans may be a lot more conservative than you think. In Wyoming, we kept them from raising taxes by bringing up that one cent sales tax, and never letting them live it down. I'm sure all the people who passed that one cent are gone now, but the one cent flag still stands to fight people willing to make government expensive when it doesn't have to be that way.

I think you will see a President Romney who can control spendthrifts in Congress. He does do what the majority wants. The majority of Republicans want to keep taxes to a minimum without having tent cities of homeless people in every city with a population of over 30.
Deregulation happened under Clinton. Bush only increased financial regulation with SOX. Plus, he wanted to reign in Fannie and Freddie, but Dems would not let him.

Plus, Eisenhower loved to overthrow nascent democracies and establish puppet regimes, all in the name of big oil. Remember Operation Ajax? Your Republican hero was a slave to big oil.
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Look at you.
Whining constantly about Obama.

He farts and you clowns whine about it. You call him names and call names to people who defend him. You don't debate the substance of what Obama or they say, you merely insult them without answering their complaints or concerns.
Is that what Americans want? Obnoxious jerks who blame everyone else for everything but they themselves are not responsible for their actions? No...they don't want WHINERS...they want WINNERS.

I ask myself this question often.
What have we done for the American people lately and why should they vote for us ?

We deregulated the financial system into a casino then made everyone pay to bail it out.
Did we ever ADMIT we did it? No. Do YOU trust people who make mistakes but don't admit to them?
We cut taxes on the rich, while cutting social services on people who need it the most....children and the elderly.
We REFUSE to look at the NUMBERS on socialized medicine. Half the cost....better care. The rest of the world isn't rushing to embrace our system...why ? If our system was inherently better, we'd have more countries following our lead...but that's not the case is it?

It's time to look at socialized medicine if it works...I've visited the Europe and they are VERY proud of their medical system. I actually heard one elderly lady in London describe the US health care system as "barbaric" having broken her ankle on vacation while here and saying she wouldn't trade systems for all the tea in India.

Time to END the favors to big oil, the NRA and Grover Nordquist. Either we adapt to the changing economic times that the vast majority of Americans are experiencing or we go extinct. Blaming Obama might get you in the worked for him using Bush....but then you have to DO SOMETHING once you're there. What have we accomplished since the teapartiers took over? NOTHING!

We either kick out the big influence peddlers in our party out or we're doomed to look more and more like bought and paid for ladies of the evening.

I want Dwight Eisenhower dammit. A republican who understood the value of social and infrastructure spending. Who knew the value of military RESTRAINT. Who knew what it was like to be an ordinary joe, struggling to get by and not the crop of nanby-panby mancaped millionaire puffballs we've got in congress and running for office now.

In short....even though I just got here, my fellow conservatives have it mostly wrong and are kinda being dicks. No one likes dicks.

Then leave.
Look at you.
Whining constantly about Obama.

He farts and you clowns whine about it. You call him names and call names to people who defend him. You don't debate the substance of what Obama or they say, you merely insult them without answering their complaints or concerns.
Is that what Americans want? Obnoxious jerks who blame everyone else for everything but they themselves are not responsible for their actions? No...they don't want WHINERS...they want WINNERS.

I ask myself this question often.
What have we done for the American people lately and why should they vote for us ?

We deregulated the financial system into a casino then made everyone pay to bail it out.
Did we ever ADMIT we did it? No. Do YOU trust people who make mistakes but don't admit to them?
We cut taxes on the rich, while cutting social services on people who need it the most....children and the elderly.
We REFUSE to look at the NUMBERS on socialized medicine. Half the cost....better care. The rest of the world isn't rushing to embrace our system...why ? If our system was inherently better, we'd have more countries following our lead...but that's not the case is it?

It's time to look at socialized medicine if it works...I've visited the Europe and they are VERY proud of their medical system. I actually heard one elderly lady in London describe the US health care system as "barbaric" having broken her ankle on vacation while here and saying she wouldn't trade systems for all the tea in India.

Time to END the favors to big oil, the NRA and Grover Nordquist. Either we adapt to the changing economic times that the vast majority of Americans are experiencing or we go extinct. Blaming Obama might get you in the worked for him using Bush....but then you have to DO SOMETHING once you're there. What have we accomplished since the teapartiers took over? NOTHING!

We either kick out the big influence peddlers in our party out or we're doomed to look more and more like bought and paid for ladies of the evening.

I want Dwight Eisenhower dammit. A republican who understood the value of social and infrastructure spending. Who knew the value of military RESTRAINT. Who knew what it was like to be an ordinary joe, struggling to get by and not the crop of nanby-panby mancaped millionaire puffballs we've got in congress and running for office now.

In short....even though I just got here, my fellow conservatives have it mostly wrong and are kinda being dicks. No one likes dicks.
48,231,700 war dead in WWII, and you're saying Eisenhower used military restraint?

Laws of mercy.

I'm not whining about Obama, sir. I am fighting with all I got to get the asshole out of the Oval Office before he imposes a dictatorship, if he hasn't already done so.

That is just about as dumb of a thing to say as anything I have seen here. Eisenhower was not in any way responsible for 48 million + dead. And Eisenhower, as President, did all he could to avoid war. And had a very dim view of the military-industrial complex, and of war itself.

Quote Details: Dwight D. Eisenhower: Every gun that is... - The Quotations Page

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, From a speech before the American Society of Newspaper Editors, April 16, 1953
34th president of US 1953-1961 (1890 - 1969)

As far as your over the top BS on President Obama, this is what we expect of your retards.
Look at you.
Whining constantly about Obama.

He farts and you clowns whine about it. You call him names and call names to people who defend him. You don't debate the substance of what Obama or they say, you merely insult them without answering their complaints or concerns.
Is that what Americans want? Obnoxious jerks who blame everyone else for everything but they themselves are not responsible for their actions? No...they don't want WHINERS...they want WINNERS.

I ask myself this question often.
What have we done for the American people lately and why should they vote for us ?

We deregulated the financial system into a casino then made everyone pay to bail it out.
Did we ever ADMIT we did it? No. Do YOU trust people who make mistakes but don't admit to them?
We cut taxes on the rich, while cutting social services on people who need it the most....children and the elderly.
We REFUSE to look at the NUMBERS on socialized medicine. Half the cost....better care. The rest of the world isn't rushing to embrace our system...why ? If our system was inherently better, we'd have more countries following our lead...but that's not the case is it?

It's time to look at socialized medicine if it works...I've visited the Europe and they are VERY proud of their medical system. I actually heard one elderly lady in London describe the US health care system as "barbaric" having broken her ankle on vacation while here and saying she wouldn't trade systems for all the tea in India.

Time to END the favors to big oil, the NRA and Grover Nordquist. Either we adapt to the changing economic times that the vast majority of Americans are experiencing or we go extinct. Blaming Obama might get you in the worked for him using Bush....but then you have to DO SOMETHING once you're there. What have we accomplished since the teapartiers took over? NOTHING!

We either kick out the big influence peddlers in our party out or we're doomed to look more and more like bought and paid for ladies of the evening.

I want Dwight Eisenhower dammit. A republican who understood the value of social and infrastructure spending. Who knew the value of military RESTRAINT. Who knew what it was like to be an ordinary joe, struggling to get by and not the crop of nanby-panby mancaped millionaire puffballs we've got in congress and running for office now.

In short....even though I just got here, my fellow conservatives have it mostly wrong and are kinda being dicks. No one likes dicks.

How many fake Republicans do we really need to make this board complete? And why is it that no one on the right every tries to fake being a Democrat around here?
Look at you.
Whining constantly about Obama.

He farts and you clowns whine about it. You call him names and call names to people who defend him. You don't debate the substance of what Obama or they say, you merely insult them without answering their complaints or concerns.
Is that what Americans want? Obnoxious jerks who blame everyone else for everything but they themselves are not responsible for their actions? No...they don't want WHINERS...they want WINNERS.

I ask myself this question often.
What have we done for the American people lately and why should they vote for us ?

We deregulated the financial system into a casino then made everyone pay to bail it out.
Did we ever ADMIT we did it? No. Do YOU trust people who make mistakes but don't admit to them?
We cut taxes on the rich, while cutting social services on people who need it the most....children and the elderly.
We REFUSE to look at the NUMBERS on socialized medicine. Half the cost....better care. The rest of the world isn't rushing to embrace our system...why ? If our system was inherently better, we'd have more countries following our lead...but that's not the case is it?

It's time to look at socialized medicine if it works...I've visited the Europe and they are VERY proud of their medical system. I actually heard one elderly lady in London describe the US health care system as "barbaric" having broken her ankle on vacation while here and saying she wouldn't trade systems for all the tea in India.

Time to END the favors to big oil, the NRA and Grover Nordquist. Either we adapt to the changing economic times that the vast majority of Americans are experiencing or we go extinct. Blaming Obama might get you in the worked for him using Bush....but then you have to DO SOMETHING once you're there. What have we accomplished since the teapartiers took over? NOTHING!

We either kick out the big influence peddlers in our party out or we're doomed to look more and more like bought and paid for ladies of the evening.

I want Dwight Eisenhower dammit. A republican who understood the value of social and infrastructure spending. Who knew the value of military RESTRAINT. Who knew what it was like to be an ordinary joe, struggling to get by and not the crop of nanby-panby mancaped millionaire puffballs we've got in congress and running for office now.

In short....even though I just got here, my fellow conservatives have it mostly wrong and are kinda being dicks. No one likes dicks.

This has to be the biggest pile of TRIPE I've seen in a long are a Republican?

If that's true, Donkeys must have just took flight.....
Look at you.
Whining constantly about Obama.

He farts and you clowns whine about it. You call him names and call names to people who defend him. You don't debate the substance of what Obama or they say, you merely insult them without answering their complaints or concerns.
Is that what Americans want? Obnoxious jerks who blame everyone else for everything but they themselves are not responsible for their actions? No...they don't want WHINERS...they want WINNERS.

I ask myself this question often.
What have we done for the American people lately and why should they vote for us ?

We deregulated the financial system into a casino then made everyone pay to bail it out.
Did we ever ADMIT we did it? No. Do YOU trust people who make mistakes but don't admit to them?
We cut taxes on the rich, while cutting social services on people who need it the most....children and the elderly.
We REFUSE to look at the NUMBERS on socialized medicine. Half the cost....better care. The rest of the world isn't rushing to embrace our system...why ? If our system was inherently better, we'd have more countries following our lead...but that's not the case is it?

It's time to look at socialized medicine if it works...I've visited the Europe and they are VERY proud of their medical system. I actually heard one elderly lady in London describe the US health care system as "barbaric" having broken her ankle on vacation while here and saying she wouldn't trade systems for all the tea in India.

Time to END the favors to big oil, the NRA and Grover Nordquist. Either we adapt to the changing economic times that the vast majority of Americans are experiencing or we go extinct. Blaming Obama might get you in the worked for him using Bush....but then you have to DO SOMETHING once you're there. What have we accomplished since the teapartiers took over? NOTHING!

We either kick out the big influence peddlers in our party out or we're doomed to look more and more like bought and paid for ladies of the evening.

I want Dwight Eisenhower dammit. A republican who understood the value of social and infrastructure spending. Who knew the value of military RESTRAINT. Who knew what it was like to be an ordinary joe, struggling to get by and not the crop of nanby-panby mancaped millionaire puffballs we've got in congress and running for office now.

In short....even though I just got here, my fellow conservatives have it mostly wrong and are kinda being dicks. No one likes dicks.

How many fake Republicans do we really need to make this board complete? And why is it that no one on the right every tries to fake being a Democrat around here?

It is not possible for any right-winger to convincingly pretend to be a liberal because they are too devoted to their stereotypes to pull it off but I have successfully trolled boards as a wingnut on several occasions because the stereotypes for them work. Wave the flag, gripe about democrats/commies, display some phantom fears and presto, one of the gang.
Look at you.
Whining constantly about Obama.

He farts and you clowns whine about it. You call him names and call names to people who defend him. You don't debate the substance of what Obama or they say, you merely insult them without answering their complaints or concerns.
Is that what Americans want? Obnoxious jerks who blame everyone else for everything but they themselves are not responsible for their actions? No...they don't want WHINERS...they want WINNERS.

I ask myself this question often.
What have we done for the American people lately and why should they vote for us ?

We deregulated the financial system into a casino then made everyone pay to bail it out.
Did we ever ADMIT we did it? No. Do YOU trust people who make mistakes but don't admit to them?
We cut taxes on the rich, while cutting social services on people who need it the most....children and the elderly.
We REFUSE to look at the NUMBERS on socialized medicine. Half the cost....better care. The rest of the world isn't rushing to embrace our system...why ? If our system was inherently better, we'd have more countries following our lead...but that's not the case is it?

It's time to look at socialized medicine if it works...I've visited the Europe and they are VERY proud of their medical system. I actually heard one elderly lady in London describe the US health care system as "barbaric" having broken her ankle on vacation while here and saying she wouldn't trade systems for all the tea in India.

Time to END the favors to big oil, the NRA and Grover Nordquist. Either we adapt to the changing economic times that the vast majority of Americans are experiencing or we go extinct. Blaming Obama might get you in the worked for him using Bush....but then you have to DO SOMETHING once you're there. What have we accomplished since the teapartiers took over? NOTHING!

We either kick out the big influence peddlers in our party out or we're doomed to look more and more like bought and paid for ladies of the evening.

I want Dwight Eisenhower dammit. A republican who understood the value of social and infrastructure spending. Who knew the value of military RESTRAINT. Who knew what it was like to be an ordinary joe, struggling to get by and not the crop of nanby-panby mancaped millionaire puffballs we've got in congress and running for office now.

In short....even though I just got here, my fellow conservatives have it mostly wrong and are kinda being dicks. No one likes dicks.

How many fake Republicans do we really need to make this board complete? And why is it that no one on the right every tries to fake being a Democrat around here?

It is not possible for any right-winger to convincingly pretend to be a liberal because they are too devoted to their stereotypes to pull it off but I have successfully trolled boards as a wingnut on several occasions because the stereotypes for them work. Wave the flag, gripe about democrats/commies, display some phantom fears and presto, one of the gang.

Hmmm.. maybe... OR.. it could be that those on the right have too much pride to be convincing in begging the government to be their new Daddy.
How many fake Republicans do we really need to make this board complete? And why is it that no one on the right every tries to fake being a Democrat around here?

It is not possible for any right-winger to convincingly pretend to be a liberal because they are too devoted to their stereotypes to pull it off but I have successfully trolled boards as a wingnut on several occasions because the stereotypes for them work. Wave the flag, gripe about democrats/commies, display some phantom fears and presto, one of the gang.

Hmmm.. maybe... OR.. it could be that those on the right have too much pride to be convincing in begging the government to be their new Daddy.

No, it's more like a pro wrestler trying to play Hamlet.
It is not possible for any right-winger to convincingly pretend to be a liberal because they are too devoted to their stereotypes to pull it off but I have successfully trolled boards as a wingnut on several occasions because the stereotypes for them work. Wave the flag, gripe about democrats/commies, display some phantom fears and presto, one of the gang.

You're proud about your ability to lie?

Do you know how screwed up that sounds?
It is not possible for any right-winger to convincingly pretend to be a liberal because they are too devoted to their stereotypes to pull it off but I have successfully trolled boards as a wingnut on several occasions because the stereotypes for them work. Wave the flag, gripe about democrats/commies, display some phantom fears and presto, one of the gang.

You're proud about your ability to lie?

Do you know how screwed up that sounds?

Not really, I used to be a horrible troll and I was very good at it, it was a lot of fun but I retired from that. I was actually illustrating the fact that its easy to be a wingnut, just be intellectually lazy, reactionary, fearful, boastful, angry, abusive and functionally illiterate.
Look at you.
Whining constantly about Obama.

He farts and you clowns whine about it. You call him names and call names to people who defend him. You don't debate the substance of what Obama or they say, you merely insult them without answering their complaints or concerns.
Is that what Americans want? Obnoxious jerks who blame everyone else for everything but they themselves are not responsible for their actions? No...they don't want WHINERS...they want WINNERS.

I ask myself this question often.
What have we done for the American people lately and why should they vote for us ?

We deregulated the financial system into a casino then made everyone pay to bail it out.
Did we ever ADMIT we did it? No. Do YOU trust people who make mistakes but don't admit to them?
We cut taxes on the rich, while cutting social services on people who need it the most....children and the elderly.
We REFUSE to look at the NUMBERS on socialized medicine. Half the cost....better care. The rest of the world isn't rushing to embrace our system...why ? If our system was inherently better, we'd have more countries following our lead...but that's not the case is it?

It's time to look at socialized medicine if it works...I've visited the Europe and they are VERY proud of their medical system. I actually heard one elderly lady in London describe the US health care system as "barbaric" having broken her ankle on vacation while here and saying she wouldn't trade systems for all the tea in India.

Time to END the favors to big oil, the NRA and Grover Nordquist. Either we adapt to the changing economic times that the vast majority of Americans are experiencing or we go extinct. Blaming Obama might get you in the worked for him using Bush....but then you have to DO SOMETHING once you're there. What have we accomplished since the teapartiers took over? NOTHING!

We either kick out the big influence peddlers in our party out or we're doomed to look more and more like bought and paid for ladies of the evening.

I want Dwight Eisenhower dammit. A republican who understood the value of social and infrastructure spending. Who knew the value of military RESTRAINT. Who knew what it was like to be an ordinary joe, struggling to get by and not the crop of nanby-panby mancaped millionaire puffballs we've got in congress and running for office now.

In short....even though I just got here, my fellow conservatives have it mostly wrong and are kinda being dicks. No one likes dicks.

Republican--NOT!!--:badgrin::badgrin: but nice try anyway.
Look at you.
Whining constantly about Obama.

He farts and you clowns whine about it. You call him names and call names to people who defend him. You don't debate the substance of what Obama or they say, you merely insult them without answering their complaints or concerns.
Is that what Americans want? Obnoxious jerks who blame everyone else for everything but they themselves are not responsible for their actions? No...they don't want WHINERS...they want WINNERS.

I ask myself this question often.
What have we done for the American people lately and why should they vote for us ?

We deregulated the financial system into a casino then made everyone pay to bail it out.
Did we ever ADMIT we did it? No. Do YOU trust people who make mistakes but don't admit to them?
We cut taxes on the rich, while cutting social services on people who need it the most....children and the elderly.
We REFUSE to look at the NUMBERS on socialized medicine. Half the cost....better care. The rest of the world isn't rushing to embrace our system...why ? If our system was inherently better, we'd have more countries following our lead...but that's not the case is it?

It's time to look at socialized medicine if it works...I've visited the Europe and they are VERY proud of their medical system. I actually heard one elderly lady in London describe the US health care system as "barbaric" having broken her ankle on vacation while here and saying she wouldn't trade systems for all the tea in India.

Time to END the favors to big oil, the NRA and Grover Nordquist. Either we adapt to the changing economic times that the vast majority of Americans are experiencing or we go extinct. Blaming Obama might get you in the worked for him using Bush....but then you have to DO SOMETHING once you're there. What have we accomplished since the teapartiers took over? NOTHING!

We either kick out the big influence peddlers in our party out or we're doomed to look more and more like bought and paid for ladies of the evening.

I want Dwight Eisenhower dammit. A republican who understood the value of social and infrastructure spending. Who knew the value of military RESTRAINT. Who knew what it was like to be an ordinary joe, struggling to get by and not the crop of nanby-panby mancaped millionaire puffballs we've got in congress and running for office now.

In short....even though I just got here, my fellow conservatives have it mostly wrong and are kinda being dicks. No one likes dicks.

As I said, it won't MATTER if you are a left wing plant or the real deal. You and your comments will be rejected out of hand by the Rightwing posters here.

Yes, you did say that vapid bullshit. Just as stupid the first couple of times.

It does matter that he IS a left wing plant, obviously.
That's not love!

That could just as easily be Brazile saying, "Please don't throw me in the briar patch".

McCain actually had what passed for love. People pretending that they were still with him on the Straight Talk Express but then they pivoted to bashing him just as soon as he had the nomination.

Huntsman had a little bit closer to "love" - admiring talk coming from people who you knew were going to vote for Obama.


It's love. They WANT the guy who is least able to articulate an argument AGAINST ObamaCare (at least with any hope of credibility) because he is tht much easier to defeat in the General Election.

Plus, facing reality -- in the event that President Obama cannot manage to get re-elected -- they'd rather have a Massachusetts liberal RINO (Dem lite) like Mitt as the President than ANY of the other GOP contenders.
Liability, I joined the Republican Party in Wyoming in 1971. In that particular state, the Republican Party is right of the Libertarians. I mean it's no spending on nothing that wasn't being spent a hundred years ago, no exceptions. Take the penny sales tax that was designed to build the library in our county, then remove it after one year. It never got removed, but the penny was used for everything under the sun after the library was paid for. Every election, when anybody ever mentioned needing anything, it was "Wait your turn for the penny sales tax." That was the best damn tax ever raised, because it put the nix on ANY tax hikes for 50 years. I have no idea what they're gonna do if that library ever burns down. The state has really low taxes on property, 4-5 cents sales tax, NO income tax, it's a tax-free heaven, except for that damn one cent sales tax. :lmao:

What I'm driving at is Republicans may be a lot more conservative than you think. In Wyoming, we kept them from raising taxes by bringing up that one cent sales tax, and never letting them live it down. I'm sure all the people who passed that one cent are gone now, but the one cent flag still stands to fight people willing to make government expensive when it doesn't have to be that way.

I think you will see a President Romney who can control spendthrifts in Congress. He does do what the majority wants. The majority of Republicans want to keep taxes to a minimum without having tent cities of homeless people in every city with a population of over 30.

I dumped the GOP as my Party because I deem them to be a slightly moderated warmed up version of the Democrat Parody.

I supported President Bush even though it is perfectly reasonable to take note of the fact that he was not exactly a fiscal conservative.

I'll support the GOP nominee (i.e., presumably it will be Mitt) over the prospect of the re-election of the incumbent Flop In Chief, without question.

But I really don't expect a guy like Mitt to seriously address the major debt issues we need to confront. It takes a lot sterner stuff than I've seen from him. And even a perfectly willing and able President couldn't achieve it alone. We are going to have to get the Tea Party types fired up to take back ALL of Congress -- to even have a fighting chance. When I say "all of" I mean a super-majority able to fend off the parliamentary gamesmanship of the rabid leftist Democratics in Congress.

Until we tackle that major problem, the most I can hope for (realistically) is to stanch the bleeding. And that can ONLY happen if we get the imbecile currently holding the Office the fuck OUT of Office.
As a registered Republican * * * *

We could have all stopped reading your "post" right there.

You are obviously a liberal Democratic.

Now kindly go fuck off.

Perhaps back at the DU'h.

Good boy.

After two pages it is pretty clear that to be a republican one must adopt a pretty narrow range of opinions or face excommunication.

You have to remember the liberals are the ones that are intolerant though; according to most republicans.

They are, though.

They have their orthodoxy and dogma.

Deviation from group think is not tolerated.

Huh, So Liability is a Liberal?
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