As antisemitism sweeps the nation, WH unveils new strategy to combat Islamophobia

There has been a huge and dangerous increase in anti-semitism, but there has also been a large increase in Islamophobia as well.

Hatred is hatred, don’t you think? Is there any reason why you feel it should NOT be combatted?

Biden is probably one of the most staunchly pro-Israel presidents we have had (and he has a decades long record to back it). There is a huge irony here in rightists desperately scrambling to pin antisemitism and anti-Israel on him.

The Biden administration is unveiling new actions Monday to combat antisemitism on college campuses after an “alarming” uptick in incidents since the Israel-Hamas war started in early October.

The departments of Justice and Homeland Security are partnering with campus law enforcement to track hate-related threats and provide federal resources to schools, according to the plan, which was shared exclusively with NBC News.

The Biden administration said Thursday it will use the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to prohibit antisemitism and Islamophobia in federally funded programs.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Thursday announced what he said is the most ambitious and comprehensive undertaking by the U.S. government to fight hate, bias and violence against Jews, outlining more than 100 steps the administration and its partners can take to combat an alarming rise in antisemitism.

Speaking during a videotaped address at the White House, Biden said the first U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism sends a “clear and forceful message” that “in America, evil will not win, hate will not prevail” and “the venom and violence of antisemitism will not be the story of our time.”

And you are having a fit because he is also addressing Islamophobia? Or did you just not NOTICE all the initiatives to increase awareness of growing anti-semitism and combating it?
Because Jews are not protesting by the thousands in support of terrorists who cut off babies’ heads, set children on fire, and intentionally tortured to death innocent Muslims. Jews are not marching and yelling “Kill the Muslims”. Jews are not chasing Muslims into the library, threatening them with harm. We don’t have college professors making Muslims stand in the corner to humiliate them nor claim how “exhilarated” he was to learn off a massacre of innocent Muslims.

The crisis is antisemitism. It’s so bad that Jewish kids are afraid to go to class and Jews are being advised not to wear their Star of David. Let’s not water it down by making a major issue over Islamophobia, which is nowhere near the pre-Nazi years we now see against Jews.
Yes, there are one-off attacks on Muslims. Kindly show us all where there are demonstrations with thousands in the streets protesting Islam. You can't, it hasn't happened and then the administration ignores these outrageous demonstrations and puts forth a special effort to combat ISLAMAPHOBIA? Give me a break!

Can your antisemitism!

A demonstration against Israeli oppression of Palestine is not "anti-Semitism". Besides the fact that the Palestinians are also a Semitic people, there is a perfectly valid criticism that Zionist policies have created this situation.
Because Jews are not protesting by the thousands in support of terrorists who cut off babies’ heads, set children on fire, and intentionally tortured to death innocent Muslims. Jews are not marching and yelling “Kill the Muslims”. Jews are not chasing Muslims into the library, threatening them with harm. We don’t have college professors making Muslims stand in the corner to humiliate them nor claim how “exhilarated” he was to learn off a massacre of innocent Muslims.

No, they are protesting by the thousands in support of a military that is bombing hospitals, schools, and apartment buildings.

Look, Lisa, I realize you thought this was going to be the big turning point where the world sided with Israel, but not really. This conflict has been going on longer than I've been alive and both sides are responsible for prolonging it.

No Clean Hands.
Because Jews are not protesting by the thousands in support of terrorists who cut off babies’ heads, set children on fire, and intentionally tortured to death innocent Muslims. Jews are not marching and yelling “Kill the Muslims”. Jews are not chasing Muslims into the library, threatening them with harm. We don’t have college professors making Muslims stand in the corner to humiliate them nor claim how “exhilarated” he was to learn off a massacre of innocent Muslims.
You keep some kind of score card Lisa? You know, one that lumps all Muslims and Palestinian Americans under one “icky” label that says because of what Hamas did it’s ok to hate them?? Doesn’t that a hell of a lot like what is being done to Jewish people here…holding all Jews responsible for Israeli policies and actions? Does your definition of free speech expressly forbid people demonstrating FOR Palestinian rights (NOT Hamas?) Do you make any kind of distinction or are you like the Jew haters, who on every Jew just because they are or support Israel…cause it sure sounds like it doesn’t it?

Let’s be exact here.

FREE SPEECH: people have a RIGHT to peacefully demonstrate on behalf of any cause that does not advocate violence on a person or a group. They DO NOT have a right to call for violence on people (in my opinion, that is where a peaceful demonstration ends). Remember…YOU righties were up in up in arms when Universities refused to to give a platform to far right extremists to spew THEIR brand of hate…Remember that? So is free speech only allowed for selective hate groups in your book…like it’s ok if it is focused on a group you don’t like?

Now, believe it or not…we probably AGREE on one thing here: the shameful ugliness, openness and tolerance of antisemitism on college campus…a rotten egg has cracked and it stinks. There is a difference between advocating for rights and Justice and advocating for hate and violence targeting a group. (I don’t think you see the difference going by things you have said). I am ashamed of the left in this regard and deeply ashamed that colleges allowed this to go this far, endorsed a double standard when it came to Jews vs other minority groups and that it took pressure from donors for them to act!

Now. Where do YOU stand hate? Kind of wobbly there aren’t you when you want to take a hatchet to any attempts to recognize hate directed at non-Jews. How are you or rightists any different than these colleges? Or those on the left who feel hatred against some should not be addresses or worse, is legitimized?

The crisis is antisemitism. It’s so bad that Jewish kids are afraid to go to class and Jews are being advised not to wear their Star of David. Let’s not water it down by making a major issue over Islamophobia, which is nowhere near the pre-Nazi years we now see against Jews.
And that isWAY WRONG! No one, NO ONE should ever have to feel unsafe in this country because of who they are. And no child going to college should ever have to confront that on a college campus. Here is a thought …. Maybe we ought to teach children not to hate in our schools? Oh…wait. You rightists oppose that.
No, they are protesting by the thousands in support of a military that is bombing hospitals, schools, and apartment buildings.

Look, Lisa, I realize you thought this was going to be the big turning point where the world sided with Israel, but not really. This conflict has been going on longer than I've been alive and both sides are responsible for prolonging it.

No Clean Hands.
Hamas has succeeded beyond its wildest dreams. It has cracked open multiple rotten eggs, hate being openly endorsed in a way that has to be horribly frightening to its targets, particularly Jews given history. Disinformation is viral. Hamas’ atrocity was so grotesque that Israel had no choice but to react strongly. The entire world took notice and sides are being chosen and groups are being targeted for violence or repression. Israel may well have crossed the line…Hamas certainly did. The Palestinians have been swept under a rug for too long by everyone content to allow the status quo and Israel far right incompetent government lit the match for Hamas to harness the anger and hopelessness of a people that see no possibility of a state or a future. It is shaking and the splitting the world. One conflict in one tiny country based on a decades long unresolved conflict and and endless occupation. It shouldn’t be turning the world against it’s Jewish citizens or it’s ethnic Palestinian citizens, but it seems to be. (Rant over).

Yes, there are one-off attacks on Muslims. Kindly show us all where there are demonstrations with thousands in the streets protesting Islam. You can't, it hasn't happened and then the administration ignores these outrageous demonstrations and puts forth a special effort to combat ISLAMAPHOBIA? Give me a break!

Can your antisemitism!
Gee. Did you happen notice everything Biden is doing to address and combat anti-semitism?

This conflict has generated a huge increase in both anti-semitism and Islamophobia, generated by this conflict. I guess. THAT is ok in your book as long as Hate targets the groups you don’t like eh? Our government should sweep it under the rug if not outright endorse it?

And congratulations, you have now created a new definition for antisemitism: addressing the increase in hate crimes and speech towards muslims is anti-semitism.
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Gee. Did you happen notice everything Biden is doing to address and combat anti-semitism?

This conflict has generated a huge increase in both anti-semitism and Islamophobia, generated by this conflict. I guess. THAT is ok in your book as long as Hate targets the groups you don’t like eh? Our government should sweep it under the rug if not outright endorse it?

And congratulations, you have now created a new definition for antisemitism: addressing the increase in hate crimes and speech towards muslims is anti-semitism.

Please show us the huge protests calling for the death of Muslims taking place on our major college campuses, and major cities.
Please show us the huge protests calling for the death of Muslims taking place on our major college campuses, and major cities.

I can show you where a Palestinian child was murdered in Plainfield IL by a Christian Fanatic.

That a few Jews on college had their feelings hurt, I can't get that worked up about.
I can show you where a Palestinian child was murdered in Plainfield IL by a Christian Fanatic.

That a few Jews on college had their feelings hurt, I can't get that worked up about.
Can Democrats be any more obvious that they don’t care about antisemitism?

Following the horrific barbarism perpetuated by Muslim terrorists against innocent Jews, including children and babies, and the marches throughout the countey by leftists in support of the Jew-killing savages, and with Jews being threatened with the lives in college campuses, the Biden Administration is more concerned with Islamophobia.

Obviously, there is pressure from antisemitic Muslims not to show support for the Jewish state, and they would become more inflamed if Biden were to develop a strategy to combat Jew-hate.

"True colors come shining through" and they are sometimes the colors of 'wokism', 'prejudice/bigotry', political correctness' and 'political expediency' and a willingness to sacrifice almost anybody to generate favorability in some groups. Which of course reinforces and mimics antisemitism over the centuries as monarchs, popes, tzars, dictators, church leaders etc. have found it convenient to suspect/accuse/blame Jews to generate favorable opinion among those they needed to like and support them.

Which of course is why there is a State of Israel now to allow Jews to be able to live, work, worship as they choose in liberty unoppressed by antisemitic governments and societies all over the world.

What the U.N. didn't bargain for was evil and vicious factions of the Muslim world that would seek to erase Israel and the Jews who live there from the face of the Earth.

And taking the side of the Muslims now and ignoring the antisemitism directed at the Jews reveals a self-serving prejudice in the current administration. It is to please their antisemitic and bigoted leftist base pure and simple.

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