As expected, unions behind fast food protests

Okay, Perhaps $13.00 was a slight embellishment..:lol:

I figure the cost of a big mac alone would be in the 7 dollar range in San present with taxes it is probably $5.09 including taxes

If I owned a McDonald's and the starting wage was $15.00. I'd probably go fully automated, lay-off 50% of the employees and cut the hours of the rest to absolute minimum..

A big mac, alone (not the meal) is $3.99 + tax. It comes out to around $4.30.

Since you don't own a McDonald's, you have no reference as to what the profit margins are, and what changes these wages would require. Talking about "going fully automated" (which would involve millions of dollars in initial investment) and firing half of your workers is meaningless because you don't actually know what you're talking about.
Okay, Perhaps $13.00 was a slight embellishment..:lol:

I figure the cost of a big mac alone would be in the 7 dollar range in San present with taxes it is probably $5.09 including taxes

If I owned a McDonald's and the starting wage was $15.00. I'd probably go fully automated, lay-off 50% of the employees and cut the hours of the rest to absolute minimum..

And nobody would frequent your establishment, because the service sucks.

The service would be the same or better or the employees would be Obomatized/laid off.
Okay, Perhaps $13.00 was a slight embellishment..:lol:

I figure the cost of a big mac alone would be in the 7 dollar range in San present with taxes it is probably $5.09 including taxes

If I owned a McDonald's and the starting wage was $15.00. I'd probably go fully automated, lay-off 50% of the employees and cut the hours of the rest to absolute minimum..

A big mac, alone (not the meal) is $3.99 + tax. It comes out to around $4.30.

Since you don't own a McDonald's, you have no reference as to what the profit margins are, and what changes these wages would require. Talking about "going fully automated" (which would involve millions of dollars in initial investment) and firing half of your workers is meaningless because you don't actually know what you're talking about.

Neither of us do obviously but millions, talk about embellishment...:lol:

Price of Combo meal in fast food restaurant (Big Mac Meal or similar) in San Francisco :: Expatistan
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Okay, Perhaps $13.00 was a slight embellishment..:lol:

I figure the cost of a big mac alone would be in the 7 dollar range in San present with taxes it is probably $5.09 including taxes

If I owned a McDonald's and the starting wage was $15.00. I'd probably go fully automated, lay-off 50% of the employees and cut the hours of the rest to absolute minimum..

And nobody would frequent your establishment, because the service sucks.

The service would be the same or better or the employees would be Obomatized/laid off.

No. There wouldn't be enough workers to take care of what needs doing.
Okay, Perhaps $13.00 was a slight embellishment..:lol:

I figure the cost of a big mac alone would be in the 7 dollar range in San present with taxes it is probably $5.09 including taxes

If I owned a McDonald's and the starting wage was $15.00. I'd probably go fully automated, lay-off 50% of the employees and cut the hours of the rest to absolute minimum..

And nobody would frequent your establishment, because the service sucks.

Have you been to a McDonald's in SF?

That's sort've a given. But when you want something to eat faster than the 2 hour line at some other restaurant - well supply and demand. That's actually why McDonald's can afford to pay more in San Francisco.
Look at all the good the Union Bosses did for Hostess and their drivers!
You are focusing on the loss of one battle. Do you know how many battles we lost to our adversaries in WW-II? Should we have just stamped our feet and quit or surrendered?

Hostess is bringing the Twinkie back. If the workers in the new operation are smart and follow the union's advice they will go along for a month or two, then strike -- just like the original workers did. And if Hostess fires them, too. The next group should follow suit, and so on. Because the alternative is to become wage slaves with zero benefits, which is inevitable without unions.

What you need to understand and accept is in war blood is shed and lives are lost. But you either keep fighting or you just turn around and bend over. The encouraging thing to remember where unions are concerned is if the workers are willing to go to war in the end they always win.
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If you're off from work today, thank the Labor Movement

If you're a child and not working 12 hours a day, thank the Labor Movement.

If you get weekends off or get pay for working more than 40 hours a week, if you accrue sick leave and/or vacation time, thank the Labor Movement.

If you're unemployed, never get more than full time hours, if your employer has hired more workers at lower pay instead of giving the hours or raise to you, if you were forced to retire so you would lose the pension you've worked for most of your adult life, thank the Republicans. They're just getting started though so, if you vote them into power, say goodbye to every benefit you've worked for your entire life.

If you work for poverty level wages and your employer actually gives classes on how to scam the US government for food stamps, ADC or any other kind of welfare, you work for WalMart.
Well said! Every bit of it!
Look at all the good the Union Bosses did for Hostess and their drivers!
You are focusing on the loss of one battle. Do you know how many battles we lost to our adversaries in WW-II? Should we have just stamped our feet and quit or surrendered?

Hostess is bringing the Twinkie back. If the workers in the new operation are smart and follow the union's advice they will go along for a month or two, then strike -- just like the original workers did. And if Hostess fires them, too. The next group should follow suit, and so on. Because the alternative is to become wage slaves with zero benefits, which is inevitable without unions.

What you need to understand and accept is in war blood is shed and lives are lost. But you either keep fighting or you just turn around and bend over. The encouraging thing to remember is where unions are concerned is if the workers are willing to go to war in the end they always win.

What is this great attachment to benefits? I haven't had "benefits" in almost 15 years. When I did the math I realized I was better off on my own than to be in a one-size-fits-all plan that some union cronies built. Perhaps it'd be different if I got their plan, but that never happens.
If you're off from work today, thank the Labor Movement

If you're a child and not working 12 hours a day, thank the Labor Movement.

If you get weekends off or get pay for working more than 40 hours a week, if you accrue sick leave and/or vacation time, thank the Labor Movement.

If you're unemployed, never get more than full time hours, if your employer has hired more workers at lower pay instead of giving the hours or raise to you, if you were forced to retire so you would lose the pension you've worked for most of your adult life, thank the Republicans. They're just getting started though so, if you vote them into power, say goodbye to every benefit you've worked for your entire life.

If you work for poverty level wages and your employer actually gives classes on how to scam the US government for food stamps, ADC or any other kind of welfare, you work for WalMart.
Well said! Every bit of it!

How many mom&pop hardware stores paid above market with benefits? I want documented examples.
I can't help but think this is just another Democrat/Union fraudulent scheme for votes...
The same crowd who is complaining about the fast food workers who want/need to make more than $7.50 to survive are the same crowd who complain about food stamps and the increase of poverty.
So how are these folks suppose to exist? Link?

They have nothing but hateful rhetoric.
Hateful and extremely ignorant.

In the final analysis their hateful, ignorant mentality and the divisiveness it fosters is responsible for our most serious social and economic problems. The majority of them enjoy the comforts and relative dignity of a middle class lifestyle -- which they take completely for granted. It doesn't occur to them that low-wage employees are eligible for food stamps and other government benefits. This means, as just one example, the taxpayers supplement WalMart's low-wage employees while the Walton family shares a growing $40+billion dollar wealth hoard.

But the ignorant haters' solution to this problem is to let the low-wage employees go hungry, live on the streets, and ultimately serve to depress the entire middle class living standard, which we see happening today.
Oh bullshit. People weren't working two jobs to make ends meet. They were working two jobs to get ahead. If you are working forty hours, you SHOULD be fed, clothed and sheltered without needing government assistance.

really, I worked only 5.75 hrs at the school I was at the last four years, so I had to work bartending on the WEEKENDS to make ends meet.....and you don't think they were working two jobs to make ends meet, back then they had 4-8 you can call bullshit all you want...I don't know how old you are but you don't know about the past a whole lot
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Notice how much UNIONS are loathed by the apologists, tools, and outright liars for the Masters?

Organized worker/citizens are their worst nightmare.

As long as they can convince enough Americans that individualism is what its all about, they will quietly organize themselves to control our nation.

The WEALTHY are organized...its just they don't want their workers to do likewise.
The same crowd who is complaining about the fast food workers who want/need to make more than $7.50 to survive are the same crowd who complain about food stamps and the increase of poverty.
So how are these folks suppose to exist? Link?

They have nothing but hateful rhetoric.
Hateful and extremely ignorant.

In the final analysis their hateful, ignorant mentality and the divisiveness it fosters is responsible for our most serious social and economic problems. The majority of them enjoy the comforts and relative dignity of a middle class lifestyle -- which they take completely for granted. It doesn't occur to them that low-wage employees are eligible for food stamps and other government benefits. This means, as just one example, the taxpayers supplement WalMart's low-wage employees while the Walton family shares a growing $40+billion dollar wealth hoard.

But the ignorant haters' solution to this problem is to let the low-wage employees go hungry, live on the streets, and ultimately serve to depress the entire middle class living standard, which we see happening today.

omg, you people can't get any more dramatic...and you call us the haters, your post is dripping with hate....stable your high horse you've broken it's we want people to live on the streets, starve to death, why not have them freeze to food is not and probably won't ever be a high paying is meant for training, some money for the kiddies to spend. and start a resume for KIDS in high school..If there are adults working at them who have families, that is their one elses...They really should be thanking their lucky stars they have a job, unemployment is still %7.4...they knew what the wage was when they hired I call all of them phonies, dim bulbs, who is letting the union lead them around by the nose...
Notice how much UNIONS are loathed by the apologists, tools, and outright liars for the Masters?

Organized worker/citizens are their worst nightmare.

As long as they can convince enough Americans that individualism is what its all about, they will quietly organize themselves to control our nation.

The WEALTHY are organized...its just they don't want their workers to do likewise.

more with the dramatic...why the hell are they anyone's nightmare nightmare...and who cares if they go on strike...they can organize themselves out of a the Union did for it's members by calling for a strike against Hostess,these fast food strikers will suffer their lost wages and sore feet for nothing....I have worked Union jobs and non union...I just don't need someone running my life for me and have to pay them for it...My guy is in a union and he is very unhappy and his union is pretty much selling out to the car Company...

luckily he only has about five years then he can think of retiring..

oh boy the wealthy, the wealthy, the wealthy....then you all turn around and vote for the wealthy Democrats to be your masters and to run your lives ...that is a crack up...
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Oh bullshit. People weren't working two jobs to make ends meet. They were working two jobs to get ahead. If you are working forty hours, you SHOULD be fed, clothed and sheltered without needing government assistance.

really, I worked only 5.75 hrs at the school I was at the last four years, so I had to work bartending on the WEEKENDS to make ends meet.....and you don't think they were working two jobs to make ends meet, back then they had 4-8 you can call bullshit all you want...I don't know how old you are but you don't know about the past a whole lot

The last four years, hello! Yes. Presently, that's how things are. Back in the day (I'm a baby boomer) Husbands only had to hold one job, and their wife took care of the house. Not much of anybody can afford to do that anymore.

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