As expected, unions behind fast food protests

And look at how Twinkies are now smaller, and cost more than they did before! Who's getting all that money, honey?

Good times.

Bet the new people get their 401k wiped out as well.

Or do they even have 401k's now.

Don't know. What difference does it make.
To pay factory workers over $30 per hour is absurd and forces the business to be non-competitive.
That's just one reason why the plants closed.
Of course another reason was to get the union out. This had to be done in order to make the plant attractive for any future buyers.
No business venture is going to go anywhere near a company that is saddled with the expense of a union workforce.
And look at how Twinkies are now smaller, and cost more than they did before! Who's getting all that money, honey?

Good times.

Bet the new people get their 401k wiped out as well.

Or do they even have 401k's now.

Don't know. What difference does it make.
To pay factory workers over $30 per hour is absurd and forces the business to be non-competitive.
That's just one reason why the plants closed.
Of course another reason was to get the union out. This had to be done in order to make the plant attractive for any future buyers.
No business venture is going to go anywhere near a company that is saddled with the expense of a union workforce.

Irrelevant? Wow. Yeah, let's just blow off management fucking people over several times before gutting the company so somebody new could come in and they could gut some more.

Cuz THAT'S logical.
If you're off from work today, thank the Labor Movement

If you're a child and not working 12 hours a day, thank the Labor Movement.

If you get weekends off or get pay for working more than 40 hours a week, if you accrue sick leave and/or vacation time, thank the Labor Movement.

If you're unemployed, never get more than full time hours, if your employer has hired more workers at lower pay instead of giving the hours or raise to you, if you were forced to retire so you would lose the pension you've worked for most of your adult life, thank the Republicans. They're just getting started though so, if you vote them into power, say goodbye to every benefit you've worked for your entire life.

If you work for poverty level wages and your employer actually gives classes on how to scam the US government for food stamps, ADC or any other kind of welfare, you work for WalMart.

yeah, you don't want children working then bitch because they are too fat...I started working at 14 in Illinois, the age the STATE set...not the UNIONS...
and why do Republicans get blamed if a company forces someone to retire? good gawd is there anything in you peoples pathetic lives not the fault of Republicans. and how that unemployment under Obama and Democrat power? and I hear poverty is up and wages has come down under Obama power...
As for the rest of your spew, if it made sense it would be better probably...
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As expected, unions behind fast food protests


Whom else would you expect them to support?

And it’s amusing how you and others on the right perceive this in some ‘nefarious’ context, as if fast food workers are somehow ‘wrong’ to go on strike, or demand a higher wage, or better working conditions. Where fast food workers would still be happy and content with minimum wage if it weren’t for the ‘evil unions.’

The fear and contempt conservatives have for working Americans couldn’t be more evident.

Oh.....Hey Boopie..Like it or not we are ALL capitalists.
What do you think drives the union business model?
Do you think union managers are part of some charitable non profit?
And what is the idea behind membership in a union? To NOT make more money?
Try not to trip up yourself with these stupid slogans..
BTW Keynesian economics does not work. Never has. Never will.
If you want to live with socialism, move to a socialist country.
Socialism is for lazy good for nothing slackers who want to sit on their fat asses while the government pays for their fat ass to get fatter.
If you're off from work today, thank the Labor Movement

If you're a child and not working 12 hours a day, thank the Labor Movement.

If you get weekends off or get pay for working more than 40 hours a week, if you accrue sick leave and/or vacation time, thank the Labor Movement.

If you're unemployed, never get more than full time hours, if your employer has hired more workers at lower pay instead of giving the hours or raise to you, if you were forced to retire so you would lose the pension you've worked for most of your adult life, thank the Republicans. They're just getting started though so, if you vote them into power, say goodbye to every benefit you've worked for your entire life.

If you work for poverty level wages and your employer actually gives classes on how to scam the US government for food stamps, ADC or any other kind of welfare, you work for WalMart.
Blah blah blah. Pro union propaganda.:eusa_hand:
If you're off from work today, thank the Labor Movement

If you're a child and not working 12 hours a day, thank the Labor Movement.

If you get weekends off or get pay for working more than 40 hours a week, if you accrue sick leave and/or vacation time, thank the Labor Movement.

If you're unemployed, never get more than full time hours, if your employer has hired more workers at lower pay instead of giving the hours or raise to you, if you were forced to retire so you would lose the pension you've worked for most of your adult life, thank the Republicans. They're just getting started though so, if you vote them into power, say goodbye to every benefit you've worked for your entire life.

If you work for poverty level wages and your employer actually gives classes on how to scam the US government for food stamps, ADC or any other kind of welfare, you work for WalMart.

yeah, you dont children working then bitch because they are too fat...I started working at 14 in Illionis, the age the STATE set...not the UNIONS...
As for the rest of your spew, if it made sense it would be better probably

I had my first job when I was 13yo.

But, that has little to do with factories and forced labor that that unions ended.

And, if you had gone to school, you might be able to understand the printed word.
The $13.00 "big mac" sounds great...a family could eat for just under $90.00 a meal.

From the link...

"In practice, they organize paid pickets who protest and advocate in lockstep with their labor union parents for policies like living wage laws, mandatory paid leave, and more," Berman wrote, calling their efforts "nuisance strikes."

Democrats/Unions and their phony bastard smoke and mirrors...

Here in San Francisco, the minimum wage is $11.00 an hour, and a Big Mac is still $4.
Yeah yeah yeah....How about the prices of the other stuff on the menu?
It's the same.
I would be pretty accurate in saying there are lots of items that are priced much higher than in other markets.
No, you would not be "accurate" in saying that.
Such as drinks.
All sizes of drink are $1.00.
One way or another the ownership of the restaurant is going to make a profit. If not, the place closes and then what? No jobs.
Which implies that McDonald's is still making a very healthy profit, even when paying their employees $11 an hour.
And I don't believe that a Big mac is the same price in SFO as it is here.
In NJ, Big Mac typically goes for $4.50. A meal is $7 and up...So please, let's not be silly.
"SFO" is an airport. San Francisco is a city. And I went to a McDonald's yesterday. A Big Mac sandwich is $4 and change. The meal is under $7.
Early in August I was driving through NJ on my way back home. We stopped in a Burger King. A Whopper meal ( medium) was $8...It's $5.50 here in the Carolinas.
It's $6.50 here.
I honestly and truly don't understand how Republicans wound up foursquare behind Snidely Whiplash and Ebenezer Scrooge.

It comes as no surprise that a lib poster who represents herself as a cartoon character would evoke the names of fictional people to make a statement.
What's next, Grimm's Fairy Tales?
I'm always amazed at the utter and complete ignorance of what labor unions really are.

But then, I'm also amazed at how many Americans hate their fellow Americans and want them to starve on the streets.

Nothing quite as nasty as the rw's who post here.
And look at how Twinkies are now smaller, and cost more than they did before! Who's getting all that money, honey?

Good times.

Bet the new people get their 401k wiped out as well.

Or do they even have 401k's now.

Don't know. What difference does it make.
To pay factory workers over $30 per hour is absurd and forces the business to be non-competitive.
That's just one reason why the plants closed.
Of course another reason was to get the union out. This had to be done in order to make the plant attractive for any future buyers.
No business venture is going to go anywhere near a company that is saddled with the expense of a union workforce.

Irrelevant? Wow. Yeah, let's just blow off management fucking people over several times before gutting the company so somebody new could come in and they could gut some more.

Cuz THAT'S logical.

In English please?
I honestly and truly don't understand how Republicans wound up foursquare behind Snidely Whiplash and Ebenezer Scrooge.

It comes as no surprise that a lib poster who represents herself as a cartoon character would evoke the names of fictional people to make a statement.
What's next, Grimm's Fairy Tales?

Yup. Republicans are behaving like fictional villains. Thanks for the concession.
Don't know. What difference does it make.
To pay factory workers over $30 per hour is absurd and forces the business to be non-competitive.
That's just one reason why the plants closed.
Of course another reason was to get the union out. This had to be done in order to make the plant attractive for any future buyers.
No business venture is going to go anywhere near a company that is saddled with the expense of a union workforce.

Irrelevant? Wow. Yeah, let's just blow off management fucking people over several times before gutting the company so somebody new could come in and they could gut some more.

Cuz THAT'S logical.

In English please?

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery - so thanks. :lol:
So, a fast food worker wants 15 bucks an hour to flip hamburgers, whilst our soldiers plead for nothing but appreciation and recognition for putting their lives on the line for our country day in and day out. Some of these brats don't understand that some of our brave men and women struggle to get by, pay their bills and support their families. These spoiled rotten good for nothings have no idea. Union's fight for greed, out soldiers fight for freedom. Biiiig difference.
As expected, unions behind fast food protests


Whom else would you expect them to support?

And it’s amusing how you and others on the right perceive this in some ‘nefarious’ context, as if fast food workers are somehow ‘wrong’ to go on strike, or demand a higher wage, or better working conditions. Where fast food workers would still be happy and content with minimum wage if it weren’t for the ‘evil unions.’

The fear and contempt conservatives have for working Americans couldn’t be more evident.

No fear at all. Unions are responsible for the decimation of many industries.
It is wrong for them to strike. They are not union members. Nor will they ever be. At least as fast food employees.
These people are no position to demand anything expect what the employer offered and accepted employment conditions to which they agreed.
Safe working conditions are mandated by state and federal labor law. There is no need for a middle man.
Bottom line. To pay unskilled/low skilled laborers such a hihg wage is absurd.
These unions are not fooling anyone. As any informed person is aware, union wages across the board are indexed to the lowest wage rates.
So a sudden jump to $15 per hour would be a real boost to all union workers across the US. There would be a flood of union bosses walking into company offices demanding to tear up current contracts and demand big raises for their workers.
Not happening. Here's your tissue.
Which came first...

The chicken, or the egg?

Are the unions behind the fast-food workers' protests?

Or are the unions piggybacking on the protests, to grow membership?
If you're a child and not working 12 hours a day, thank the Labor Movement.

If you get weekends off or get pay for working more than 40 hours a week, if you accrue sick leave and/or vacation time, thank the Labor Movement.

If you're unemployed, never get more than full time hours, if your employer has hired more workers at lower pay instead of giving the hours or raise to you, if you were forced to retire so you would lose the pension you've worked for most of your adult life, thank the Republicans. They're just getting started though so, if you vote them into power, say goodbye to every benefit you've worked for your entire life.

If you work for poverty level wages and your employer actually gives classes on how to scam the US government for food stamps, ADC or any other kind of welfare, you work for WalMart.

yeah, you dont children working then bitch because they are too fat...I started working at 14 in Illionis, the age the STATE set...not the UNIONS...
As for the rest of your spew, if it made sense it would be better probably

I had my first job when I was 13yo.

But, that has little to do with factories and forced labor that that unions ended.

And, if you had gone to school, you might be able to understand the printed word.

really? we still factories busted for slave labor..they are mostly foreigners who was snuck in the country by human that you can throw out the window..
and what hours a person works is up to them, not you or the unions...Unions were good at one time now all they worry about is getting more members...and they care so much for the their members and the legal American citizens in that Obama power with %7.4 unemployment they are standing with Obama and calling for Amnesty so that means even LESS JOBS for their members and the citizens of this country...

and I see you skipped my question why are Republicans to blame if a company forces you out? do the democrats run in and save their jobs for them or something?

I can read just not what you
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