As expected, unions behind fast food protests

Oh bullshit. People weren't working two jobs to make ends meet. They were working two jobs to get ahead. If you are working forty hours, you SHOULD be fed, clothed and sheltered without needing government assistance.

really, I worked only 5.75 hrs at the school I was at the last four years, so I had to work bartending on the WEEKENDS to make ends meet.....and you don't think they were working two jobs to make ends meet, back then they had 4-8 you can call bullshit all you want...I don't know how old you are but you don't know about the past a whole lot

The last four years, hello! Yes. Presently, that's how things are. Back in the day (I'm a baby boomer) Husbands only had to hold one job, and their wife took care of the house. Not much of anybody can afford to do that anymore.

All those who live a 1950s lifestyle certainly can. The problem is over consumption.

Although, if things were so great "back in the day" why was there such a compelling need for LBJ's Great Society and War on Poverty?
Look at all the good the Union Bosses did for Hostess and their drivers!
You are focusing on the loss of one battle. Do you know how many battles we lost to our adversaries in WW-II? Should we have just stamped our feet and quit or surrendered?

Hostess is bringing the Twinkie back. If the workers in the new operation are smart and follow the union's advice they will go along for a month or two, then strike -- just like the original workers did. And if Hostess fires them, too. The next group should follow suit, and so on. Because the alternative is to become wage slaves with zero benefits, which is inevitable without unions.

What you need to understand and accept is in war blood is shed and lives are lost. But you either keep fighting or you just turn around and bend over. The encouraging thing to remember is where unions are concerned is if the workers are willing to go to war in the end they always win.

Or Hostess will shrug, lay everyone off, close the US bakeries, and make everything in Mexico! News flash: that is a very real possibility!
Well of course! If they don't organize, they can't get anywhere.
It truly is amazing that some people can be so effectively brainwashed that the most logical circumstance is totally obscure. To them it is as if a labor union were some unholy or fundamentally lawless entity.
Notice how much UNIONS are loathed by the apologists, tools, and outright liars for the Masters?

Organized worker/citizens are their worst nightmare.

As long as they can convince enough Americans that individualism is what its all about, they will quietly organize themselves to control our nation.

The WEALTHY are organized...its just they don't want their workers to do likewise.

You can believe that nonsense..If it makes you feel better.
What is this great attachment to benefits?
I was a management-level civil servant. I belonged to what essentially is a union but is called a benevolent association because we were barred by law from striking. But we were able to negotiate before an impartial arbiter to achieve wage and benefit equality with similar or equivalent occupations in the private sector. One of my benefits was paid health insurance. Some employers provide their employees with paid dental plans, or eye care and glasses, maternity leave, etc. So some employee benefits are valuable and desirable provisions.

I haven't had "benefits" in almost 15 years. When I did the math I realized I was better off on my own than to be in a one-size-fits-all plan that some union cronies built.
If I read you correctly you chose to be self-employed. If that's correct you have my sincere compliments and best wishes for your future. My father was self-employed as a locksmith but I was not so motivated. I wanted a good paying job with a good pension plan, which is what I had and was quite content with.

Perhaps it'd be different if I got their plan, but that never happens.
I don't understand what you mean.
Well of course! If they don't organize, they can't get anywhere.
It truly is amazing that some people can be so effectively brainwashed that the most logical circumstance is totally obscure. To them it is as if a labor union were some unholy or fundamentally lawless entity.

So what could possibly be wrong with an entity that attempts to get it's way by threats, intimidation, financial sanctions etc?
Look at all the good the Union Bosses did for Hostess and their drivers!
You are focusing on the loss of one battle. Do you know how many battles we lost to our adversaries in WW-II? Should we have just stamped our feet and quit or surrendered?

Hostess is bringing the Twinkie back. If the workers in the new operation are smart and follow the union's advice they will go along for a month or two, then strike -- just like the original workers did. And if Hostess fires them, too. The next group should follow suit, and so on. Because the alternative is to become wage slaves with zero benefits, which is inevitable without unions.

What you need to understand and accept is in war blood is shed and lives are lost. But you either keep fighting or you just turn around and bend over. The encouraging thing to remember is where unions are concerned is if the workers are willing to go to war in the end they always win.

Or Hostess will shrug, lay everyone off, close the US bakeries, and make everything in Mexico! News flash: that is a very real possibility!
It is a real possibility only because of major reductions in import tariffs, which is one more nail in the coffin of organized labor put there by right-wing politicians, like Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, who were loyal to the emerging corporatocracy. The ability to export American jobs so easily is an oblique form of treason -- because it damages the economic fabric of the Nation.

How many thousands of veterans of combat in Vietnam and the Middle East, who truly believed they were serving their country, have been betrayed by legislation which allows good paying American jobs to be exported, thereby compromising the futures of the very people whose service enabled their economic success?

If Hostess were to move to Mexico it should be hit with a heavy tariff on every Twinkie they export to the U.S. That is how to bring American jobs back to America!
Oh bullshit. People weren't working two jobs to make ends meet. They were working two jobs to get ahead. If you are working forty hours, you SHOULD be fed, clothed and sheltered without needing government assistance.

Says who?
If one is working in a career type occupation that requires a level of skill or education, then yes by all means, a job like that will allow a person to support themselves.
The problem you people are having is your inability or unwillingness to recognize the fact that line employees in fast food joints are unskilled and as such, are low paid. They are certainly NOT on a career path.
So, a fast food worker wants 15 bucks an hour to flip hamburgers, whilst our soldiers plead for nothing but appreciation and recognition for putting their lives on the line for our country day in and day out. Some of these brats don't understand that some of our brave men and women struggle to get by, pay their bills and support their families. These spoiled rotten good for nothings have no idea. Union's fight for greed, out soldiers fight for freedom. Biiiig difference.
I think what you need to do as soon as possible is visit your local Marine Corps recruiting station and sign up. That is assuming you are old enough.
Which came first...

The chicken, or the egg?

Are the unions behind the fast-food workers' protests?

Or are the unions piggybacking on the protests, to grow membership?
I'm sure there are union organizers involved -- and why shouldn't there be? Back in Jimmy Hoffa's time it was called recruiting and it was an important part of the union movement, which possibly has benefited you in ways you're not even aware of.
Oh bullshit. People weren't working two jobs to make ends meet. They were working two jobs to get ahead. If you are working forty hours, you SHOULD be fed, clothed and sheltered without needing government assistance.

really, I worked only 5.75 hrs at the school I was at the last four years, so I had to work bartending on the WEEKENDS to make ends meet.....and you don't think they were working two jobs to make ends meet, back then they had 4-8 you can call bullshit all you want...I don't know how old you are but you don't know about the past a whole lot

The last four years, hello! Yes. Presently, that's how things are. Back in the day (I'm a baby boomer) Husbands only had to hold one job, and their wife took care of the house. Not much of anybody can afford to do that anymore.

so, demanding a employer pay you $15 an hour is the way to go? The school started me at $9.50 and when I left I was up to 11.50 as a Baker...
I was saying IF people TODAY can't make it, instead of this excuse they need to LIVE off others( taxpayers) in this country and go on welfare or food stamps, THEY CAN work another job

IT'S THAT SIMPLE...or whine like babies and demand some outrageous amount of money and show you ass and go on strike...but they want to listen to the unions, they should be willing to accept the consequences, if it means losing their be it and no WHINING
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What is this great attachment to benefits?
I was a management-level civil servant. I belonged to what essentially is a union but is called a benevolent association because we were barred by law from striking. But we were able to negotiate before an impartial arbiter to achieve wage and benefit equality with similar or equivalent occupations in the private sector. One of my benefits was paid health insurance. Some employers provide their employees with paid dental plans, or eye care and glasses, maternity leave, etc. So some employee benefits are valuable and desirable provisions.

I haven't had "benefits" in almost 15 years. When I did the math I realized I was better off on my own than to be in a one-size-fits-all plan that some union cronies built.
If I read you correctly you chose to be self-employed. If that's correct you have my sincere compliments and best wishes for your future. My father was self-employed as a locksmith but I was not so motivated. I wanted a good paying job with a good pension plan, which is what I had and was quite content with.

Perhaps it'd be different if I got their plan, but that never happens.
I don't understand what you mean.

Thanks for the compliment and while I am self-employed now, I have not been for the entire time. Whenever I was able to negotiate my compensation package, I was always better off buying my own healthcare than taking the company plan.

With this:

Perhaps it'd be different if I got their plan, but that never happens.

I am referring to the plans that union bosses get for themselves, while mandating a far inferior plan for those they represent. Perhaps my compensation would be better if I was offered plans like theirs, instead of buying my own. I don't know. But I do know that plans offered for employees at every employer I've seen are not worth the pay cut.
Should workers organize?

It's such a silly question.

Is management organized?

Of course it is.

The one thing that truly frightens the MASTERS is workers united.

Workers united invented the US middle class, folks.

The vast majority of us reading these words, regardless of where we stand today, are in place now because of the labor movement.

The decline in the quality of life that the vast majorioty are now experiencing is because of the MASTERS' (quite understandable for their POV) decision to ABANDON the well being of the USA in favor of the INTERNATIONALISTS one world monetarist system.

That is what is going on, folks -- CLASS WAR on an international scale.

Internationalism (where money is free but citizens are indentured serfs) versus NATIONALISM where citizens interests (in the form of national governments) trump MONIED interests.

In case any of you are wondering? Money is winning hands down.
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fast food workers might want to take this into consideration before they let unions talk them into losing their JOBS by going on STRIKE...But there will always be people for the UNIONS to feed on



Sunday, September 01, 2013

Americans continue to have closely divided views of organized labor, but there's a much clearer difference of opinion between Republicans and Democrats.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 44% of American Adults have at least a somewhat favorable impression of labor unions, but that includes just 14% with a Very Favorable opinion. Forty-five percent (45%) view labor unions unfavorably, with 24% who have a Very Unfavorable impression of them. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

all of it here
44% Have Favorable View of Unions, 45% Unfavorable - Rasmussen Reports?
So, a fast food worker wants 15 bucks an hour to flip hamburgers, whilst our soldiers plead for nothing but appreciation and recognition for putting their lives on the line for our country day in and day out. Some of these brats don't understand that some of our brave men and women struggle to get by, pay their bills and support their families. These spoiled rotten good for nothings have no idea. Union's fight for greed, out soldiers fight for freedom. Biiiig difference.
I think what you need to do as soon as possible is visit your local Marine Corps recruiting station and sign up. That is assuming you are old enough.

What the fuck does that have to do with unskilled fast food workers wanting to be paid an absurdly high wage?
I can't help but think this is just another Democrat/Union fraudulent scheme for votes...

Of course it is.
There was a story on yahoo news that stated this may very well be the unions newest idea for recruiting new members.
That was the basis for my starting this thread.
So, a fast food worker wants 15 bucks an hour to flip hamburgers, whilst our soldiers plead for nothing but appreciation and recognition for putting their lives on the line for our country day in and day out. Some of these brats don't understand that some of our brave men and women struggle to get by, pay their bills and support their families. These spoiled rotten good for nothings have no idea. Union's fight for greed, out soldiers fight for freedom. Biiiig difference.

Truth be known, the only reason conservatives support the troops so much is because the troops work cheap.

Start paying a soldier what a city cop or firefighter makes and you'll see that support disappear overnight.
Should workers organize?

It's such a silly question.

Is management organized?

Of course it is.

The one thing that truly frightens the MASTERS is workers united.

Workers united invented the US middle class, folks.

The vast majority of us reading these words, regardless of where we stand today, are in place now because of the labor movement.

The decline in the quality of life that the vast majorioty are now experiencing is because of the MASTERS' (quite understandable for their POV) decision to ABANDON the well being of the USA in favor of the INTERNATIONALISTS one world monetarist system.

That is what is going on, folks -- CLASS WAR on an international scale.

Internationalism (where money is free but citizens are indentured serfs) versus NATIONALISM where citizens interests (in the form of national governments) trump MONIED interests.

In case any of you are wondering? Money is winning hands down.

In what way are the managements of individual companies 'organized'?
DO they have some kind of secret collective organization( a union) representing their interests? Can you produce the name of such an organization?
This idea that 'workers united' has a positive outcome is ridiculous. It serves no useful purpose and would only create chaos and make the cost of doing business so expensive that business would suffer or even close up shop.
This has been repeated many times over.
The now infamous Hostess bakery strike is a perfect example of how union representation drives up the cost of labor to the point where the company is no longer competitive.
Now, you people keep announcing this message that we all somehow 'owe' some debt to the union leaders of the past. That's your opinion. It has nothing to do with anything. It's leftist propaganda.
Decline in quality of life? Who's?....
The rest of your post is loaded with conspiracies and I dismiss it as such.
So, a fast food worker wants 15 bucks an hour to flip hamburgers, whilst our soldiers plead for nothing but appreciation and recognition for putting their lives on the line for our country day in and day out. Some of these brats don't understand that some of our brave men and women struggle to get by, pay their bills and support their families. These spoiled rotten good for nothings have no idea. Union's fight for greed, out soldiers fight for freedom. Biiiig difference.

Truth be known, the only reason conservatives support the troops so much is because the troops work cheap.

Start paying a soldier what a city cop or firefighter makes and you'll see that support disappear overnight.

Oh fuck off.
Where you libs dig up this shit is a mystery.
Hey genius, wages for police officers vary immensely from city to city...Which one do you propose we go by?

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