As I predicted, Stagflation here we come

Ok ignorant Obama bashers, carry on.

You are correct, Republicans played a huge part in all of this. Bush era policy with Republicans and Bush (and dems) are no different than Policies today, under Obama, Dems and Republicans.

So what EXACTLY is your point here? Everyone knows that it was both Houses and two presidents. What the heck does that do to help? Just keep blaming Bush and the democrat controlled House and Senate?, Bawney Fwank?, Chris Dodd? Barry Obama? The idiot Nancy Pelosi? Harry "Howdy Doody" Reid?

Or are you the guy who, on his way to the bottom of the North Atlantic during the sinking of the Titanic kept screaming "It's the Captain's fault!!"?

Bush is gone. He is History. Now, what has YOUR boy done to correct the situation?

That's what I thought.

Who the fuck are you talking down to me?

It's hard watching people who once called me and many others out as "crazy, tin foil hat wearing libertarians" for talking like most "conservatives" talk today.

I see Rabbi blaming Obama, Rabbi used to tell me off when I said this would all happen. Under Bush these same progressive policies were happening and very very very few "conservatives" had the mental capability to raise about party politics to say anything.

This last election most of these "conservatives" (on these boards) were pushing Mitt, before that McCain. McCain and Mitt 100% supported Bernake, Mitt once he won the primaries changed from repealing all of Obamacare to only a few parts and expanding others areas of it.

Knowing posters history, knowing Republican and Democrat history... Yeah, I'll mention Bush when it comes to people trying to place 100% blame on Obama and his "policies" for why the economy is shit.

Bush and Obama polices differ in only that Obama expanded (spent more on them).

Bush had some fucking tax cuts, guess what, Obama cut taxes too... The part that makes the tax cutting pointless is when they both managed to spend more and grow Government without a way to pay for it. So yes, Bush is relevant in a conversation about policies that led to stagflation.

I didn't vote for fucking Obama, I did a write in, 2x. Did you vote for Bush? Cuz if you did you might wana sit at the back of the class and shut the fuck up... if you voted for him....
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Ok ignorant Obama bashers, carry on.

You are correct, Republicans played a huge part in all of this. Bush era policy with Republicans and Bush (and dems) are no different than Policies today, under Obama, Dems and Republicans.

What part did Republicans play in Obamacare and expanding the regulatory state?

Obamacare did not cause stagflation on it's own. if you think that then you're fucking stupid.
You are correct, Republicans played a huge part in all of this. Bush era policy with Republicans and Bush (and dems) are no different than Policies today, under Obama, Dems and Republicans.

What part did Republicans play in Obamacare and expanding the regulatory state?

Obamacare did not cause stagflation on it's own. if you think that then you're fucking stupid.

Ask again, What part did Republicans play in Obamacare and expanding the regulatory state?
I realize that as a narco-libertarian you aren't well versed in politics or economics. But surely you can answer a simple question.
Ok ignorant Obama bashers, carry on.

You are correct, Republicans played a huge part in all of this. Bush era policy with Republicans and Bush (and dems) are no different than Policies today, under Obama, Dems and Republicans.

What part did Republicans play in Obamacare and expanding the regulatory state?

That has nothing to do with the printing of money by the Fed.

Nevertheless, Bush expanded every regulatory agency but two; the EPA and the SEC. And we know how that worked out.

He also created a massive new Department, started two expensive wars, and crashed the economy. It was DEregulation which contributed to the crash.

It was the crashing of the economy which prompted the Fed to start printing money like it was going out of style, not ObamaCare.
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Contrary to the propaganda and flat-out lies pushed by the idiotic left, we are far from economically stable. FAR from it.

I'm in no mood to argue the point but the Fed released the minutes from their end of July meeting.

And they usually have a little bit better handle on the economy than our resident libtards trying to shove lies down our throats....

Fed Minutes Offer Mixed View on Bond Buying -

(If you hit a subscription wall, just C&P the title of the article into google and you can get a free pass. Nothing wrong with this AFAIK, major internet sites do it all the time)

The minutes from the July 30-31 meeting show officials divided about the appropriate timing of the first reduction in bond purchases, with "a few" officials with votes on policy looking to move soon and "a few" urging more caution. The minutes were released Wednesday after the customary three-week lag.

Overall, the minutes give the impression of a committee tentative about drawing conclusions from the incoming economic data. Officials also appeared slightly more pessimistic about the economic outlook than they had earlier in the year.

Officials generally thought growth would pick up "somewhat" in the second half of the year and strengthen further in 2014, the minutes said. "A number of participants indicated, however, that they were somewhat less confident about a near-term pickup in economic growth than they had been in June."

Fed officials also described recent economic data as "mixed."

This is what happens when you fire the Pilot of your 767 who has 30 years experience and put in an idiot that you happen to like to fly the Plane....

A crash.

And the people that will be hurt the most?

The people who voted for the idiot to pilot the Plane.

The young, minorities, the unskilled, Unions, people with useless College Degrees, women, etc.

Because when the Country finally wises up and puts a Republican in to clean up the mess.....??

It's gonna get ugly. Real ugly.

And I'm to laugh hysterically :lmao:
What part did Republicans play in Obamacare and expanding the regulatory state?

Obamacare did not cause stagflation on it's own. if you think that then you're fucking stupid.

Ask again, What part did Republicans play in Obamacare and expanding the regulatory state?
I realize that as a narco-libertarian you aren't well versed in politics or economics. But surely you can answer a simple question.

Ok, you win... Obamcare on it's on is the single policy in American history that caused stagflation.

Fuck, I went full retard. All because I accepted that Obamacare is the only policy that stunted growth in the economy over the last 10+ years....

Now I have to find a way to blame Obama for Medicare part D....
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All of our economy's money has been pumped into the financial sector which crashed. That means very little money into developing businesses, which means sluggish growth.

It all comes back to the crash, ladies and gentlemen. We are still feeding the banks at the expense of everyone else. They are bigger than ever, more profitable than ever, and sucking the life out of the entire planet.
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You are correct, Republicans played a huge part in all of this. Bush era policy with Republicans and Bush (and dems) are no different than Policies today, under Obama, Dems and Republicans.

What part did Republicans play in Obamacare and expanding the regulatory state?

That has nothing to do with the printing of money by the Fed.

Nevertheless, Bush expanded every regulatory agency but two; the EPA and the SEC. And we know how that worked out.

He also created a massive new Department, started two expensive wars, and crashed the economy. It was DEregulation which contributed to the crash.

It was the crashing of the economy which prompted the Fed to start printing money like it was going out of style, not ObamaCare.

So lemme see if I understand you: Bush expanded regulations and the cause of the economic crash was deregulation under Bush?
It isn't like you've ever made sense before but this one is a real boner.
Obamacare did not cause stagflation on it's own. if you think that then you're fucking stupid.

Ask again, What part did Republicans play in Obamacare and expanding the regulatory state?
I realize that as a narco-libertarian you aren't well versed in politics or economics. But surely you can answer a simple question.

Ok, you win... Obamcare on it's on is the single policy in American history that caused stagflation.

Fuck, I went full retard. All because I couldn't accept that Obamacare as bad as it is and as bad as it will be is not the only policy that stunted growth in the economy over the last 10+ years....

Now I have to find a way to blame Obama for Medicare part D....

Darn, I knew narco-libertarians were pretty much the mirror image of brain dead leftists. But I never knew just how fucking stupid and clueless they could be.
What part did Republicans play in Obamacare and expanding the regulatory state?

That has nothing to do with the printing of money by the Fed.

Nevertheless, Bush expanded every regulatory agency but two; the EPA and the SEC. And we know how that worked out.

He also created a massive new Department, started two expensive wars, and crashed the economy. It was DEregulation which contributed to the crash.

It was the crashing of the economy which prompted the Fed to start printing money like it was going out of style, not ObamaCare.

So lemme see if I understand you: Bush expanded regulations and the cause of the economic crash was deregulation under Bush?
It isn't like you've ever made sense before but this one is a real boner.

Bush and Clinton and the GOP Congress scaled back regulations for the financial sector. In the case of derivatives, they completely deregulated. This led to the crash.

Bush also scaled back the EPA.

Everywhere else, Bush grew government. Astronomically. Medicare Part D, Department of Homeland Security. Two wars. Doubled the national debt.

Were you asleep or in Pampers during that time?
Can you find the Fed minutes citing ObamaCare or some undefined "regulations" for the reason they are printing money?


Can you find the minutes citing the crash? Yep.

They have been printing massive amounts of money since BEFORE ObamaCare, but AFTER the crash.

And now they are talking "taper" with ObamaCare not even taking full effect until next year!

So you have to be pretty retarded to connect the Fed printing to ObamaCare.
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All of our economy's money has been pumped into the financial sector which crashed. That means very little money into developing businesses, which means sluggish growth.

It all comes back to the crash, ladies and gentlemen. We are still feeding the banks at the expense of everyone else. They are bigger than ever, more profitable than ever, and sucking the life out of the entire planet.

You literally have no clue what you're talking about.

The Banks ARE the Private Sector. Banks 'borrow' money from the US Treasury and loan it out.

They make money on the difference between what they borrow it for and what they lend it for.

Now, if you want to complain about how difficult it is for Small Businesses to get loans these past few years... You'd have a point.

But I doubt that even entered your mind.

The government sucks money from the Private Sector, not Banks.... Sheesh.

And oh, Clinton signed Gramm-Leach-Billey into law.
That has nothing to do with the printing of money by the Fed.

Nevertheless, Bush expanded every regulatory agency but two; the EPA and the SEC. And we know how that worked out.

He also created a massive new Department, started two expensive wars, and crashed the economy. It was DEregulation which contributed to the crash.

It was the crashing of the economy which prompted the Fed to start printing money like it was going out of style, not ObamaCare.

So lemme see if I understand you: Bush expanded regulations and the cause of the economic crash was deregulation under Bush?
It isn't like you've ever made sense before but this one is a real boner.

Bush and Clinton and the GOP Congress scaled back regulations for the financial sector. In the case of derivatives, they completely deregulated. This led to the crash.

Bush also scaled back the EPA.

Everywhere else, Bush grew government. Astronomically. Medicare Part D, Department of Homeland Security. Two wars. Doubled the national debt.

Were you asleep or in Pampers during that time?

Please cite any legislation that deregulated the financial sector. There is none.
Please cite legislation that scaled back the EPA. There is none.
Obama increased the national debt far more than Bush ever did. Obama increased regulation far more than Bush ever did. Obama has been president for 5 years, in the worst economic performance since WW2 coming out of a recession. Congress has been dominated by Democrats for 7 years.
You are so screwed up you contradict yourself with every post.
Several years ago on these boards I predicted that Obama's policies combined with the Fed's would produce stagflation, rising prices with no increase in actual production. Looks like I was ahead of my time. Let's hear it for intrusive gov't policies that raise the cost of employees to unaffordable levels and impose increased taxes and regulatory burdens. Thank you, Barack!
Stagflation Is Here as Fed Succeeds at Inflationary Target: Rosenberg | Breakout - Yahoo! Finance

"My sense is that once this consumer deleveraging cycle is over, and there are signs that it is coming to an end if it hasn't ended already, you're going to see the velocity of money start to rise, against the backdrop of double-digit growth of the monetary base, and that is going to lead to inflation down the road."

Not the double-digit '70s-style inflation that plagued the Volcker era for years before he was ultimately able to break its back, Rosenberg says, but rather a mild form of stagflation for years to come, and he thinks stocks and bond markets are reflecting this already.
more at the source.

This is the only possible outcome when the government props up the private sector.

I distinctly remember the era of Jimmy Carter. This is EXACTLY the same thing with the exception that the feds have stepped in and pumped trillions of dollars of worthless bonds into the market to keep actual inflation at bay.

Soon, the bonds will stop. Then, as John Wayne once said "It will be Katy bar the door".

This is no Chicken Little "The sky is falling" nonsense - this is nothing more than sound economic policy. It is NOT the job of the federal government to "prop" up the private sector. Eventually the feds will have no choice but to stop.....nuclear winter will ensue....

Your memory is a little lapsed.

Because that's not what happened.

When Jimmy Carter was elected, he appointed Paul Volcker to the Fed. Volcker raised interest rates which created a mini-recession and cooled inflation. While painful, it worked out pretty well in the long run.
Can you find the Fed minutes citing ObamaCare or some undefined "regulations" for the reason they are printing money?


Can you find the minutes citing the crash? Yep.

They have been printing massive amounts of money since BEFORE ObamaCare, but AFTER the crash.

And now they are talking "taper" with ObamaCare not even taking full effect until next year!

So you have to be pretty retarded to connect the Fed printing to ObamaCare.

Well you are pretty retarded so that explains a lot.
There are two sides. Stag, as in stagnating economic activity. And inflation, as in a general rise of prices. The Fed is responsible for the inflation. Indeed, that is their stated goal.
Stagnation is due to the policies of this administration. that may not be their goal but it is the foreseeable effect fo their policies.
Doubtless that explanation was too complex for you.
So lemme see if I understand you: Bush expanded regulations and the cause of the economic crash was deregulation under Bush?
It isn't like you've ever made sense before but this one is a real boner.

Bush and Clinton and the GOP Congress scaled back regulations for the financial sector. In the case of derivatives, they completely deregulated. This led to the crash.

Bush also scaled back the EPA.

Everywhere else, Bush grew government. Astronomically. Medicare Part D, Department of Homeland Security. Two wars. Doubled the national debt.

Were you asleep or in Pampers during that time?

Please cite any legislation that deregulated the financial sector. There is none.
Please cite legislation that scaled back the EPA. There is none.

Obama increased the national debt far more than Bush ever did. Obama increased regulation far more than Bush ever did. Obama has been president for 5 years, in the worst economic performance since WW2 coming out of a recession. Congress has been dominated by Democrats for 7 years.
You are so screwed up you contradict yourself with every post.
Because that's not what happened.

What did happen is that Bush starved the EPA, SEC and OSHA of funding, so they couldn't do their jobs. He also did the same thing with the IRS and the ATF for good measure.
All of our economy's money has been pumped into the financial sector which crashed. That means very little money into developing businesses, which means sluggish growth.

It all comes back to the crash, ladies and gentlemen. We are still feeding the banks at the expense of everyone else. They are bigger than ever, more profitable than ever, and sucking the life out of the entire planet.

You literally have no clue what you're talking about.

The Banks ARE the Private Sector. Banks 'borrow' money from the US Treasury and loan it out.

They make money on the difference between what they borrow it for and what they lend it for.

Now, if you want to complain about how difficult it is for Small Businesses to get loans these past few years... You'd have a point.

But I doubt that even entered your mind.

The government sucks money from the Private Sector, not Banks.... Sheesh.

And oh, Clinton signed Gramm-Leach-Billey into law.

Well not really.

Especially when you consider subsidies, tax breaks, contracts and out right grants.

This country doesn't have the most billionaires in the world because it's the government sucking money away from the private sector.
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Several years ago on these boards I predicted that Obama's policies combined with the Fed's would produce stagflation, rising prices with no increase in actual production. Looks like I was ahead of my time. Let's hear it for intrusive gov't policies that raise the cost of employees to unaffordable levels and impose increased taxes and regulatory burdens. Thank you, Barack!
Stagflation Is Here as Fed Succeeds at Inflationary Target: Rosenberg | Breakout - Yahoo! Finance

more at the source.

This is the only possible outcome when the government props up the private sector.

I distinctly remember the era of Jimmy Carter. This is EXACTLY the same thing with the exception that the feds have stepped in and pumped trillions of dollars of worthless bonds into the market to keep actual inflation at bay.

Soon, the bonds will stop. Then, as John Wayne once said "It will be Katy bar the door".

This is no Chicken Little "The sky is falling" nonsense - this is nothing more than sound economic policy. It is NOT the job of the federal government to "prop" up the private sector. Eventually the feds will have no choice but to stop.....nuclear winter will ensue....

Your memory is a little lapsed.

Because that's not what happened.

When Jimmy Carter was elected, he appointed Paul Volcker to the Fed. Volcker raised interest rates which created a mini-recession and cooled inflation. While painful, it worked out pretty well in the long run.

Another misrepresentation....

The peanut didn't appoint Volcker until August of 1979.

You wrote your post so that people would infer that the peanut appointed Volcker shortly after he was elected.

That is dishonest but.... You're a dim. What else is new.
Obamacare did not cause stagflation on it's own. if you think that then you're fucking stupid.

Ask again, What part did Republicans play in Obamacare and expanding the regulatory state?
I realize that as a narco-libertarian you aren't well versed in politics or economics. But surely you can answer a simple question.

Ok, you win... Obamcare on it's on is the single policy in American history that caused stagflation.

Fuck, I went full retard. All because I accepted that Obamacare is the only policy that stunted growth in the economy over the last 10+ years....

Now I have to find a way to blame Obama for Medicare part D....

Contrary to your beliefs the economy was growing steadily 10 years ago - booming, I would say. Medicare part D is not even close to the disaster of obamacare and was enacted when the economy was flourishing, not in the midst of depression.
You are clearly not better then the libtards :rolleyes:

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