As I predicted, Stagflation here we come

All of our economy's money has been pumped into the financial sector which crashed. That means very little money into developing businesses, which means sluggish growth.

It all comes back to the crash, ladies and gentlemen. We are still feeding the banks at the expense of everyone else. They are bigger than ever, more profitable than ever, and sucking the life out of the entire planet.

You literally have no clue what you're talking about.

The Banks ARE the Private Sector. Banks 'borrow' money from the US Treasury and loan it out.

They make money on the difference between what they borrow it for and what they lend it for.

Now, if you want to complain about how difficult it is for Small Businesses to get loans these past few years... You'd have a point.

But I doubt that even entered your mind.

The government sucks money from the Private Sector, not Banks.... Sheesh.

And oh, Clinton signed Gramm-Leach-Billey into law.

The Fed give credit to the banks for near nothing... Why does the FED-R not offer you or me a loan at .02%? So no, the banks are not p[rivet, they are being massively subsidized by sa privet FED-RE that only exists because the Government allows it illegally print endless amounts of money.

Deregulation occurred under Clinton with massive growth in federal Government housing programs that helped build a bubble. SO once again, the deregulation allowed Government to expand... basically, Government removed the cap for how much they were limited. The deregulation was had nothing to do with creating free markets, in fact it made the markets far less free because of Government involvement in the bubble building.
Ask again, What part did Republicans play in Obamacare and expanding the regulatory state?
I realize that as a narco-libertarian you aren't well versed in politics or economics. But surely you can answer a simple question.

Ok, you win... Obamcare on it's on is the single policy in American history that caused stagflation.

Fuck, I went full retard. All because I accepted that Obamacare is the only policy that stunted growth in the economy over the last 10+ years....

Now I have to find a way to blame Obama for Medicare part D....

Contrary to your beliefs the economy was growing steadily 10 years ago - booming, I would say. Medicare part D is not even close to the disaster of obamacare and was enacted when the economy was flourishing, not in the midst of depression.
You are clearly not better then the libtards :rolleyes:

I'm no better than libtards because I don't approve of policies that were deficit running "liberal lite" under Bush... Fucking crazy. I understand Obama is bad, I understand Obamacare is bad, but trusting Republicans to do better with their track record is LOLOLOLOZ.

Medicare part D is not as big of a disaster.... lol, yeah you fucking owned me right there!
There are times for increased DEregulation and there are times for needed regulation . There are times when social part can be expanded and there are times when it should be scaled back.
Only idiots will lump everything into one pile and scream - they are all the same, what difference does it make ?!

It makes a tremendous difference not to have a crazy spender at the time of depression.
And that is what has happened since 2009 - we have had a crazy spender with absolutely no economic understanding of what to do in this situation in order to improve it not sink it more. Only crazy spender without a clue will make his signature act to be such monstrous strangling rope as is obamacare
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There are times for increased DEregulation and there are times for needed regulation . There are times when social part can be expanded and there are times when it should be scaled back.
Only idiots will lump everything into one pile and scream - they are all the same, what difference does it make ?!

It makes a tremendous difference not to have a crazy spender at the time of depression.
And that is what has happened since 2009 - we have had a crazy spender with absolutely no economic understanding of what to do in this situation in order to improve it not sink it more. Only crazy spender without a clue will make his signature act to be such monstrous strangling rope as is obamacare

I mostly agree. The issue of course is what with the regulations be and will the constitution be followed.
Ok, you win... Obamcare on it's on is the single policy in American history that caused stagflation.

Fuck, I went full retard. All because I accepted that Obamacare is the only policy that stunted growth in the economy over the last 10+ years....

Now I have to find a way to blame Obama for Medicare part D....

Contrary to your beliefs the economy was growing steadily 10 years ago - booming, I would say. Medicare part D is not even close to the disaster of obamacare and was enacted when the economy was flourishing, not in the midst of depression.
You are clearly not better then the libtards :rolleyes:

I'm no better than libtards because I don't approve of policies that were deficit running "liberal lite" under Bush... Fucking crazy. I understand Obama is bad, I understand Obamacare is bad, but trusting Republicans to do better with their track record is LOLOLOLOZ.

Medicare part D is not as big of a disaster.... lol, yeah you fucking owned me right there!
it was enacted when unemployment was 5%!
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This is the only possible outcome when the government props up the private sector.

I distinctly remember the era of Jimmy Carter. This is EXACTLY the same thing with the exception that the feds have stepped in and pumped trillions of dollars of worthless bonds into the market to keep actual inflation at bay.

Soon, the bonds will stop. Then, as John Wayne once said "It will be Katy bar the door".

This is no Chicken Little "The sky is falling" nonsense - this is nothing more than sound economic policy. It is NOT the job of the federal government to "prop" up the private sector. Eventually the feds will have no choice but to stop.....nuclear winter will ensue....

Your memory is a little lapsed.

Because that's not what happened.

When Jimmy Carter was elected, he appointed Paul Volcker to the Fed. Volcker raised interest rates which created a mini-recession and cooled inflation. While painful, it worked out pretty well in the long run.

Another misrepresentation....

The peanut didn't appoint Volcker until August of 1979.

You wrote your post so that people would infer that the peanut appointed Volcker shortly after he was elected.

That is dishonest but.... You're a dim. What else is new.

Seriously you're quibbling about timing?

I guess you didn't find fault with my recollection..:eusa_shhh:
Contrary to your beliefs the economy was growing steadily 10 years ago - booming, I would say. Medicare part D is not even close to the disaster of obamacare and was enacted when the economy was flourishing, not in the midst of depression.
You are clearly not better then the libtards :rolleyes:

I'm no better than libtards because I don't approve of policies that were deficit running "liberal lite" under Bush... Fucking crazy. I understand Obama is bad, I understand Obamacare is bad, but trusting Republicans to do better with their track record is LOLOLOLOZ.

Medicare part D is not as big of a disaster.... lol, yeah you fucking owned me right there!
You idiot, it was enacted when unemployment was 5%!

What's yer point? When Bush left office UE was on its way to 10%.... MedicareD is Obama's Obamacare.
All of our economy's money has been pumped into the financial sector which crashed. That means very little money into developing businesses, which means sluggish growth.

It all comes back to the crash, ladies and gentlemen. We are still feeding the banks at the expense of everyone else. They are bigger than ever, more profitable than ever, and sucking the life out of the entire planet.

You literally have no clue what you're talking about.

The Banks ARE the Private Sector. Banks 'borrow' money from the US Treasury and loan it out.

They make money on the difference between what they borrow it for and what they lend it for.

Now, if you want to complain about how difficult it is for Small Businesses to get loans these past few years... You'd have a point.

But I doubt that even entered your mind.

The government sucks money from the Private Sector, not Banks.... Sheesh.

And oh, Clinton signed Gramm-Leach-Billey into law.

The Fed give credit to the banks for near nothing... Why does the FED-R not offer you or me a loan at .02%? So no, the banks are not p[rivet, they are being massively subsidized by sa privet FED-RE that only exists because the Government allows it illegally print endless amounts of money.

Deregulation occurred under Clinton with massive growth in federal Government housing programs that helped build a bubble. SO once again, the deregulation allowed Government to expand... basically, Government removed the cap for how much they were limited. The deregulation was had nothing to do with creating free markets, in fact it made the markets far less free because of Government involvement in the bubble building.

The Fed doesn't print money, the US Treasury does.

The Fed does, however, buy, hold and sell Bonds to Federal Banks which then distributes the money to Private Banks.

It's complicated and I've forgotten most of what I learned. And you wanna talk about boring? Sheesh, this shit makes 'boring' look like a wet T-Shirt contest in Coconut Grove.

Bush himeself and Bush's policies of themselves had NOTHING to do with the Financial Collapse.

There was the CRA put on steroids by Clinton, Franklin Raines, Jamie Gore-Lick (why is that woman still breathing?) and others.

A good program from the Carter era that was twisted out of shape due to a lawsuit filed by ACORN on which the Stuttering Clusterfukk was a lead Attorney.

And that's as far as I want to go on that part. Otherwise, eyes will start to glaze over. Quick.

Then there were some ill-advised Financial Instruments developed in London which.... BTW, Londin is the Financial Capitol of the World. Not New Yawk.

People who think New Yawk is the Financial Capitol of the world automatically exclude themselves from any serious conversation about Finances.

London is where it begins and London is where it ends.

Then these ill-advised Financial Instruments allowed Banls to star lending money they didn't have. It was fake money. It didn't actually exist.

Then, when the bad CRA Loans started to default and Foreign Investors realized they'd been robbed because Banks and Fannie and Freddie had misrepresented the quality of the Bundled MBS's and....

It all came tumbling down.

The fact that we're talking about a recovery from a Recession that ended five years ago is ABSOLUTE PROOF that obama has badly mismanaged the economy.

You leftards can make all the baseless allegations you want and many will buy it because, a) They are predisposed to believe leftist talking points or, b) They're just stupid.

But those among us who understand the Financial Markets know you're either lying or stupid.
I'm no better than libtards because I don't approve of policies that were deficit running "liberal lite" under Bush... Fucking crazy. I understand Obama is bad, I understand Obamacare is bad, but trusting Republicans to do better with their track record is LOLOLOLOZ.

Medicare part D is not as big of a disaster.... lol, yeah you fucking owned me right there!
You idiot, it was enacted when unemployment was 5%!

What's yer point? When Bush left office UE was on its way to 10%.... MedicareD is Obama's Obamacare.

Do you really think Part D is the equivalent of Obamacare? That's actually two separate questions, separated by a capital P.
You literally have no clue what you're talking about.

The Banks ARE the Private Sector. Banks 'borrow' money from the US Treasury and loan it out.

They make money on the difference between what they borrow it for and what they lend it for.

Now, if you want to complain about how difficult it is for Small Businesses to get loans these past few years... You'd have a point.

But I doubt that even entered your mind.

The government sucks money from the Private Sector, not Banks.... Sheesh.

And oh, Clinton signed Gramm-Leach-Billey into law.

The Fed give credit to the banks for near nothing... Why does the FED-R not offer you or me a loan at .02%? So no, the banks are not p[rivet, they are being massively subsidized by sa privet FED-RE that only exists because the Government allows it illegally print endless amounts of money.

Deregulation occurred under Clinton with massive growth in federal Government housing programs that helped build a bubble. SO once again, the deregulation allowed Government to expand... basically, Government removed the cap for how much they were limited. The deregulation was had nothing to do with creating free markets, in fact it made the markets far less free because of Government involvement in the bubble building.

The Fed doesn't print money, the US Treasury does.

The Fed does, however, buy, hold and sell Bonds to Federal Banks which then distributes the money to Private Banks.

It's complicated and I've forgotten most of what I learned. And you wanna talk about boring? Sheesh, this shit makes 'boring' look like a wet T-Shirt contest in Coconut Grove.

Bush himeself and Bush's policies of themselves had NOTHING to do with the Financial Collapse.

There was the CRA put on steroids by Clinton, Franklin Raines, Jamie Gore-Lick (why is that woman still breathing?) and others.

A good program from the Carter era that was twisted out of shape due to a lawsuit filed by ACORN on which the Stuttering Clusterfukk was a lead Attorney.

And that's as far as I want to go on that part. Otherwise, eyes will start to glaze over. Quick.

Then there were some ill-advised Financial Instruments developed in London which.... BTW, Londin is the Financial Capitol of the World. Not New Yawk.

People who think New Yawk is the Financial Capitol of the world automatically exclude themselves from any serious conversation about Finances.

London is where it begins and London is where it ends.

Then these ill-advised Financial Instruments allowed Banls to star lending money they didn't have. It was fake money. It didn't actually exist.

Then, when the bad CRA Loans started to default and Foreign Investors realized they'd been robbed because Banks and Fannie and Freddie had misrepresented the quality of the Bundled MBS's and....

It all came tumbling down.

The fact that we're talking about a recovery from a Recession that ended five years ago is ABSOLUTE PROOF that obama has badly mismanaged the economy.

You leftards can make all the baseless allegations you want and many will buy it because, a) They are predisposed to believe leftist talking points or, b) They're just stupid.

But those among us who understand the Financial Markets know you're either lying or stupid.

Why the fuck do you people keep calling me a lefty and a Obama supporter?????

I don't agree with almost anything Obama has done, to such a degree that I don;t care if there is something I'd agree with that Obama has done because the negatives massively outweigh the very few good points, if any good points exists.

However, to suggest that Bush and his policies had nothing to do with the meltdown of 2007/8 is ignorant at best. Sure, Bush on his own did not create the mess, but he helped build that bubble as much as he possibly could.
You idiot, it was enacted when unemployment was 5%!

What's yer point? When Bush left office UE was on its way to 10%.... MedicareD is Obama's Obamacare.

Do you really think Part D is the equivalent of Obamacare? That's actually two separate questions, separated by a capital P.

NO, I don't... I already fucking said that.

YOU guys are making this about Bush. I simply don't trust the Republican party because as you demonstrated, you can't hold the Republican party accountable, meaning you will vote for the same problem over and over as long as it does not have D next to it. Did you vote for Mitt, Mr, Romneycare, Mr "I support Romneycare on a federal level??? Mr. Ok I'm not going to repeal Obamacare during the GE? You know, Obamacare, the thing you claim on it;s own created the financial meltdown despite it being passed AFTER Obama was elected.

Obamacare is bad, yes... But it is not the reason for stagflation. Bush helped cause that with an economy build on a bubble that outgrew what people could afford with a job and not massive amounts of borrowed money.
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40 'Frightening' Facts On The Fall Of The US Economy | Zero Hedge

#1 Back in 1980, the U.S. national debt was less than one trillion dollars. Today, it is rapidly approaching 17 trillion dollars...

#2 During Obama's first term, the federal government accumulated more debt than it did under the first 42 U.S presidents combined.

#3 The U.S. national debt is now more than 23 times larger than it was when Jimmy Carter became president.

#4 If you started paying off just the new debt that the U.S. has accumulated during the Obama administration at the rate of one dollar per second, it would take more than 184,000 years to pay it off.

#5 The federal government is stealing more than 100 million dollars from our children and our grandchildren every single hour of every single day.

#6 Back in 1970, the total amount of debt in the United States (government debt + business debt + consumer debt, etc.) was less than 2 trillion dollars. Today it is over 56 trillion dollars...

#7 According to the World Bank, U.S. GDP accounted for 31.8 percent of all global economic activity in 2001. That number dropped to 21.6 percent in 2011.

#8 The United States has fallen in the global economic competitiveness rankings compiled by the World Economic Forum for four years in a row.

#9 According to The Economist, the United States was the best place in the world to be born into back in 1988. Today, the United States is only tied for 16th place.

#10 Incredibly, more than 56,000 manufacturing facilities in the United States have been permanently shut down since 2001.

#11 There are less Americans working in manufacturing today than there was in 1950 even though the population of the country has more than doubled since then.

#12 According to the New York Times, there are now approximately 70,000 abandoned buildings in Detroit.

#13 When NAFTA was pushed through Congress in 1993, the United States had a trade surplus with Mexico of 1.6 billion dollars. By 2010, we had a trade deficit with Mexico of 61.6 billion dollars.

#14 Back in 1985, our trade deficit with China was approximately 6 million dollars (million with a little "m") for the entire year. In 2012, our trade deficit with China was 315 billion dollars. That was the largest trade deficit that one nation has had with another nation in the history of the world.

#15 Overall, the United States has run a trade deficit of more than 8 trillion dollars with the rest of the world since 1975.

#16 According to the Economic Policy Institute, the United States is losing half a million jobs to China every single year.

#17 Back in 1950, more than 80 percent of all men in the United States had jobs. Today, less than 65 percent of all men in the United States have jobs.

#18 At this point, an astounding 53 percent of all American workers make less than $30,000 a year.

#19 Small business is rapidly dying in America. At this point, only about 7 percent of all non-farm workers in the United States are self-employed. That is an all-time record low.

#20 Back in 1983, the bottom 95 percent of all income earners in the United States had 62 cents of debt for every dollar that they earned. By 2007, that figure had soared to $1.48.

#21 In the United States today, the wealthiest one percent of all Americans have a greater net worth than the bottom 90 percent combined.

#22 According to Forbes, the 400 wealthiest Americans have more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans combined.

#23 The six heirs of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton have as much wealth as the bottom one-third of all Americans combined.

#24 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 146 million Americans are either "poor" or "low income".

#25 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 49 percent of all Americans live in a home that receives direct monetary benefits from the federal government. Back in 1983, less than a third of all Americans lived in a home that received direct monetary benefits from the federal government.

#26 Overall, the federal government runs nearly 80 different "means-tested welfare programs", and at this point more than 100 million Americans are enrolled in at least one of them.

#27 Back in 1965, only one out of every 50 Americans was on Medicaid. Today, one out of every 6 Americans is on Medicaid, and things are about to get a whole lot worse. It is being projected that Obamacare will add 16 million more Americans to the Medicaid rolls.

#28 As I wrote recently, it is being projected that the number of Americans on Medicare will grow from 50.7 million in 2012 to 73.2 million in 2025.

#29 At this point, Medicare is facing unfunded liabilities of more than 38 trillion dollars over the next 75 years. That comes to approximately $328,404 for every single household in the United States.

#30 Right now, there are approximately 56 million Americans collecting Social Security benefits. By 2035, that number is projected to soar to an astounding 91 million.

#31 Overall, the Social Security system is facing a 134 trillion dollar shortfall over the next 75 years.

#32 Today, the number of Americans on Social Security Disability now exceeds the entire population of Greece, and the number of Americans on food stamps now exceeds the entire population of Spain.

#33 According to a report recently issued by the Pew Research Center, on average Americans over the age of 65 have 47 times as much wealth as Americans under the age of 35.

#34 U.S. families that have a head of household that is under the age of 30 have a poverty rate of 37 percent.

#35 As I mentioned recently, the homeownership rate in America is now at its lowest level in nearly 18 years.

#36 There are now 20.2 million Americans that spend more than half of their incomes on housing. That represents a 46 percent increase from 2001.

#37 45 percent of all children are living in poverty in Miami, more than 50 percent of all children are living in poverty in Cleveland, and about 60 percent of all children are living in poverty in Detroit.

#38 Today, more than a million public school students in the United States are homeless. This is the first time that has ever happened in our history.

#39 When Barack Obama first entered the White House, about 32 million Americans were on food stamps. Now, more than 47 million Americans are on food stamps.

#40 According to one calculation, the number of Americans on food stamps now exceeds the combined populations of "Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming."

Yeah, we're in GREAT shape!! :lol:
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What's yer point? When Bush left office UE was on its way to 10%.... MedicareD is Obama's Obamacare.

Do you really think Part D is the equivalent of Obamacare? That's actually two separate questions, separated by a capital P.

NO, I don't... I already fucking said that.

YOU guys are making this about Bush. I simply don't trust the Republican party because as you demonstrated, you can't hold the Republican party accountable, meaning you will vote for the same problem over and over as long as it does not have D next to it. Did you vote for Mitt, Mr, Romneycare, Mr "I support Romneycare on a federal level??? Mr. Ok I'm not going to repeal Obamacare during the GE? You know, Obamacare, the thing you claim on it;s own created the financial meltdown despite it being passed AFTER Obama was elected.

Obamacare is bad, yes... But it is not the reason for stagflation. Bush helped cause that with an economy build on a bubble that outgrew what people could afford with a job and not massive amounts of borrowed money.

Actually you made it about Bush since you cannot distinguish Bush from Obama.
Do you really think Part D is the equivalent of Obamacare? That's actually two separate questions, separated by a capital P.

NO, I don't... I already fucking said that.

YOU guys are making this about Bush. I simply don't trust the Republican party because as you demonstrated, you can't hold the Republican party accountable, meaning you will vote for the same problem over and over as long as it does not have D next to it. Did you vote for Mitt, Mr, Romneycare, Mr "I support Romneycare on a federal level??? Mr. Ok I'm not going to repeal Obamacare during the GE? You know, Obamacare, the thing you claim on it;s own created the financial meltdown despite it being passed AFTER Obama was elected.

Obamacare is bad, yes... But it is not the reason for stagflation. Bush helped cause that with an economy build on a bubble that outgrew what people could afford with a job and not massive amounts of borrowed money.

Actually you made it about Bush since you cannot distinguish Bush from Obama.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Can you even bullshit your way though the claim that I can't distinguish the difference between Obama and Bush?>

Didn't think so, keep acting like Rtard, RW and Shaman and rep[eating yourself while not saying anything.
The Fed give credit to the banks for near nothing... Why does the FED-R not offer you or me a loan at .02%? So no, the banks are not p[rivet, they are being massively subsidized by sa privet FED-RE that only exists because the Government allows it illegally print endless amounts of money.

Deregulation occurred under Clinton with massive growth in federal Government housing programs that helped build a bubble. SO once again, the deregulation allowed Government to expand... basically, Government removed the cap for how much they were limited. The deregulation was had nothing to do with creating free markets, in fact it made the markets far less free because of Government involvement in the bubble building.

The Fed doesn't print money, the US Treasury does.

The Fed does, however, buy, hold and sell Bonds to Federal Banks which then distributes the money to Private Banks.

It's complicated and I've forgotten most of what I learned. And you wanna talk about boring? Sheesh, this shit makes 'boring' look like a wet T-Shirt contest in Coconut Grove.

Bush himeself and Bush's policies of themselves had NOTHING to do with the Financial Collapse.

There was the CRA put on steroids by Clinton, Franklin Raines, Jamie Gore-Lick (why is that woman still breathing?) and others.

A good program from the Carter era that was twisted out of shape due to a lawsuit filed by ACORN on which the Stuttering Clusterfukk was a lead Attorney.

And that's as far as I want to go on that part. Otherwise, eyes will start to glaze over. Quick.

Then there were some ill-advised Financial Instruments developed in London which.... BTW, Londin is the Financial Capitol of the World. Not New Yawk.

People who think New Yawk is the Financial Capitol of the world automatically exclude themselves from any serious conversation about Finances.

London is where it begins and London is where it ends.

Then these ill-advised Financial Instruments allowed Banls to star lending money they didn't have. It was fake money. It didn't actually exist.

Then, when the bad CRA Loans started to default and Foreign Investors realized they'd been robbed because Banks and Fannie and Freddie had misrepresented the quality of the Bundled MBS's and....

It all came tumbling down.

The fact that we're talking about a recovery from a Recession that ended five years ago is ABSOLUTE PROOF that obama has badly mismanaged the economy.

You leftards can make all the baseless allegations you want and many will buy it because, a) They are predisposed to believe leftist talking points or, b) They're just stupid.

But those among us who understand the Financial Markets know you're either lying or stupid.

Why the fuck do you people keep calling me a lefty and a Obama supporter?????

I don't agree with almost anything Obama has done, to such a degree that I don;t care if there is something I'd agree with that Obama has done because the negatives massively outweigh the very few good points, if any good points exists.

However, to suggest that Bush and his policies had nothing to do with the meltdown of 2007/8 is ignorant at best. Sure, Bush on his own did not create the mess, but he helped build that bubble as much as he possibly could.

I'm not calling you a lefty.

Sometimes in my posts I start to ramble, so if that happens in the future just understand that they're aimed at the left in general.

Bush had nothing to do with the bubble. He tried to slow down the out-of-control Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac SIX (6) times.

dimocraps in Congress in Congress screamed 'RACISM!!' and slammed the door on it. The CRA was a Carter-era program to help minorites.

But what happened when Clinton and Reno put it on steroids was that Banks had to meet quotas. They could either sell the Mortgages themselves or buy bundled Mortgages with CRA loans in them.

So companies like Countrywide, who weren't subject to FDIC and FSLIC regulations went nuts selling these mortgages, bundling them and selling them to Banks who WERE regulated.

With me so far? Bush tried to stop this -- SIX (6) times and got slammed for it. Mostly by Bawney Fwank and the usual suspects in the CBC.

Like I said, it's complicated.

We ALL knew a meltdown was coming. Everybody in the Industry knew it was coming. What we didn't know was how bad it was going to be.

Had Bush known or had any idea how bad it would be, he could have and, in retrospect, should have taken measure to stop it.

But that would have required a knock-down, drag-out, very public fight with dimocraps screaming "RACISM!!!" the whole time.

It was dimocraps at Fannie and Freddie getting stinking rich on this shit.

Didja know that Bawney Fwank's butthole-buddy, his live-in-lover was a BIG TIME Executive at Fannie?

Sho nuf.

And what was Jamie Gore-Lick (actually Gorelick) of the 'Wall' fame (remember the 'Wall' that Reno erected to prevent the FBI and CIA from sharing information? Yeah, that's her, Jame Gore-Lick was the one doing the actual work).

What was a freaking Lawyer (Gore-Lick) with NO experience in Finance doing on the Board of a HUGE Financial Organization??? Anybody?

Answer: Getting rich. Fannie Mae used to be where old dimocrap operatives went to get rich. Kind of a retirement home, gratis kind of deal

Trust me on this.... The Financial meltdown goes like this for blame

dimocrap scum -- 90%

Dishonest Bankers -- 8%

Bush -- 1%

The American People making those totally and complete stupid mortgages -- 1%

(nobody held a gun to their heads and made them give the Banks those Mortgages -- True fact)

If there's a turd in the Punch Bowl, you can bet your ass there's a dimocrap behind it.

Every time. Every single time.

Republicans can be, and often are, stupid.

dimocraps are criminals
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All of our economy's money has been pumped into the financial sector which crashed. That means very little money into developing businesses, which means sluggish growth.

It all comes back to the crash, ladies and gentlemen. We are still feeding the banks at the expense of everyone else. They are bigger than ever, more profitable than ever, and sucking the life out of the entire planet.

You literally have no clue what you're talking about.

The Banks ARE the Private Sector. Banks 'borrow' money from the US Treasury and loan it out.

Banks borrow money from the Federal Reserve, not the US Treasury.

They make money on the difference between what they borrow it for and what they lend it for.

Now, if you want to complain about how difficult it is for Small Businesses to get loans these past few years... You'd have a point.

But I doubt that even entered your mind.

That is the very point I was making. You have a serious reading comprehension problem. The money channeled to the financial services sector is money being deprived from developing businesses. And that is what is causing slow growth.

And oh, Clinton signed Gramm-Leach-Billey into law.

Yes, and I plainly said Clinton, Bush, and the GOP Congress, now didn't I. Gramm, Leach, and Bliley were all Republicans.

I have discussed the FSMA at length on this board.
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The Fed doesn't print money, the US Treasury does.

The Fed does, however, buy, hold and sell Bonds to Federal Banks which then distributes the money to Private Banks.

It's complicated and I've forgotten most of what I learned. And you wanna talk about boring? Sheesh, this shit makes 'boring' look like a wet T-Shirt contest in Coconut Grove.

Bush himeself and Bush's policies of themselves had NOTHING to do with the Financial Collapse.

There was the CRA put on steroids by Clinton, Franklin Raines, Jamie Gore-Lick (why is that woman still breathing?) and others.

A good program from the Carter era that was twisted out of shape due to a lawsuit filed by ACORN on which the Stuttering Clusterfukk was a lead Attorney.

And that's as far as I want to go on that part. Otherwise, eyes will start to glaze over. Quick.

Then there were some ill-advised Financial Instruments developed in London which.... BTW, Londin is the Financial Capitol of the World. Not New Yawk.

People who think New Yawk is the Financial Capitol of the world automatically exclude themselves from any serious conversation about Finances.

London is where it begins and London is where it ends.

Then these ill-advised Financial Instruments allowed Banls to star lending money they didn't have. It was fake money. It didn't actually exist.

Then, when the bad CRA Loans started to default and Foreign Investors realized they'd been robbed because Banks and Fannie and Freddie had misrepresented the quality of the Bundled MBS's and....

It all came tumbling down.

The fact that we're talking about a recovery from a Recession that ended five years ago is ABSOLUTE PROOF that obama has badly mismanaged the economy.

You leftards can make all the baseless allegations you want and many will buy it because, a) They are predisposed to believe leftist talking points or, b) They're just stupid.

But those among us who understand the Financial Markets know you're either lying or stupid.

Why the fuck do you people keep calling me a lefty and a Obama supporter?????

I don't agree with almost anything Obama has done, to such a degree that I don;t care if there is something I'd agree with that Obama has done because the negatives massively outweigh the very few good points, if any good points exists.

However, to suggest that Bush and his policies had nothing to do with the meltdown of 2007/8 is ignorant at best. Sure, Bush on his own did not create the mess, but he helped build that bubble as much as he possibly could.

I'm not calling you a lefty.

Sometimes in my posts I start to ramble, so if that happens in the future just understand that they're aimed at the left in general.

Bush had nothing to do with the bubble. He tried to slow down the out-of-control Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac SIX (6) times.

dimocraps in Congress in Congress screamed 'RACISM!!' and slammed the door on it. The CRA was a Carter-era program to help minorites.

But what happened when Clinton and Reno put it on steroids was that Banks had to meet quotas. They could either sell the Mortgages themselves or buy bundled Mortgages with CRA loans in them.

So companies like Countrywide, who weren't subject to FDIC and FSLIC regulations went nuts selling these mortgages, bundling them and selling them to Banks who WERE regulated.

With me so far? Bush tried to stop this -- SIX (6) times and got slammed for it. Mostly by Bawney Fwank and the usual suspects in the CBC.

Like I said, it's complicated.

We ALL knew a meltdown was coming. Everybody in the Industry knew it was coming. What we didn't know was how bad it was going to be.

Had Bush known or had any idea how bad it would be, he could have and, in retrospect, should have taken measure to stop it.

But that would have required a knock-down, drag-out, very public fight with dimocraps screaming "RACISM!!!" the whole time.

It was dimocraps at Fannie and Freddie getting stinking rich on this shit.

Didja know that Bawney Fwank's butthole-buddy, his live-in-lover was a BIG TIME Executive at Fannie?

Sho nuf.

And what was Jamie Gore-Lick (actually Gorelick) of the 'Wall' fame (remember the 'Wall' that Reno erected to prevent the FBI and CIA from sharing information? Yeah, that's her, Jame Gore-Lick was the one doing the actual work).

Trust me on this.... The Financial meltdown goes like this for blame

dimocrap scum -- 90%

Dishonest Bankers -- 8%

Bush -- 1%

The American People making those totally and complete stupid mortgages -- 1%

(nobody held a gun to their heads and made them give the Banks those Mortgages -- True fact)

If there's a turd in the Punch Bowl, you can bet your ass there's a dimocrap behind it.

Every time. Every single time.

Republicans can be, and often are, stupid.

dimocraps are criminals

Ok, then well chawlk it up to a misunderstanding =D
NO, I don't... I already fucking said that.

YOU guys are making this about Bush. I simply don't trust the Republican party because as you demonstrated, you can't hold the Republican party accountable, meaning you will vote for the same problem over and over as long as it does not have D next to it. Did you vote for Mitt, Mr, Romneycare, Mr "I support Romneycare on a federal level??? Mr. Ok I'm not going to repeal Obamacare during the GE? You know, Obamacare, the thing you claim on it;s own created the financial meltdown despite it being passed AFTER Obama was elected.

Obamacare is bad, yes... But it is not the reason for stagflation. Bush helped cause that with an economy build on a bubble that outgrew what people could afford with a job and not massive amounts of borrowed money.

Actually you made it about Bush since you cannot distinguish Bush from Obama.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Can you even bullshit your way though the claim that I can't distinguish the difference between Obama and Bush?>

Didn't think so, keep acting like Rtard, RW and Shaman and rep[eating yourself while not saying anything.

From your post #16
You are correct, Republicans played a huge part in all of this. Bush era policy with Republicans and Bush (and dems) are no different than Policies today, under Obama, Dems and Republicans.

Are you ready to admit I was correct?
Because I care, I'm going to explain the following myth to you. It's really simple

#22 According to Forbes, the 400 wealthiest Americans have more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans combined.

Most people in this Country have the vast majority of their wealth tied up in things that are NOT measured in terms of 'net worth' or net wealth or whatever you want to call it.

Like Pensions. You mat have a pension that's worth a Million Dollars. Literally. Fer real.

And that's not reported as Net Worth.

You may own, outright, a $500,000 Home.

And that is not reported as Net Worth. Primary residences are not considered Net Worth.

Many, many people have virtually all their worth tied up in either their Homes or in Pensions.

What else do you need?

If you're dragging down $5,000 a Month in a Pension, Social Security is $1,500 (also excluded from Net Worth) and have a $500,000 Home that is paid for with recurring costs (taxes, insurance, utilities) around $1,500 a Month.....

That's pretty comfortable.

But the way Net Wealth is counted.... You're considered poor.

Go figure
Actually you made it about Bush since you cannot distinguish Bush from Obama.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Can you even bullshit your way though the claim that I can't distinguish the difference between Obama and Bush?>

Didn't think so, keep acting like Rtard, RW and Shaman and rep[eating yourself while not saying anything.

From your post #16
You are correct, Republicans played a huge part in all of this. Bush era policy with Republicans and Bush (and dems) are no different than Policies today, under Obama, Dems and Republicans.

Are you ready to admit I was correct?

Ok fuckwit. Where are Democrats and Republicans under Bush and Obama different.... Now remember, when you list Obamacare and I mention Medicare part D while I understand the programs are different they are the same in being a power grab for Government into our lives involving HC. I understand the difference, but you seem to think Bush's deficits good. Obama deficits bad, Bush HC grab good, Obama HC grab bad... Bush wars Good!!!! OBAMA WARS BAAAAD....

Is Libya different than Iraq? Sure!!! But both were unconstitutional wastes of money and lives that fall under "pointless illegal wars America does."

Stimulus, deficits, education, housing and so on are all relatively the same under Bush and Obama... Grow them, more money, more rules.
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